
00:00:00 来源:新东方在线
Questions 1-10In the lobby of the library George saw a group playing music. a display of instruments. a video about the festival. George wants to sit at the back so they can see well. hear clearly. pay less. George O'Neill3 &&&&&&&&&&, Westsea 4 &&&&&&&&&5&&&&&&&&&6&&&&&&&&in218 Children / Students / Senior Citizens have 10&&&&&&&&discount on all tickets. C B 48 North Avenue WS6 2YH (free) drink(s)/refreshment(s)(the/a) pianist/piano player 10. 50450%n. n. n. n. n. v. n. n. n. adj. adj. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. Questions 11-20Community groups are mainly concerned about pedestrian safety. traffic jams. increased pollution. It has been decided that the overhead power lines will be extended. buried. repaired. The expenses related to the power lines will be paid for by the council. the power company. local businesses. &&wider footpaths&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&coloured road surface&&&&& &&&&&new sign&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& && traffic lights&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&artwork&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& && children's playground&&&&&& &&&&A B B C D G B F A E n. n. adj. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. v. n. n. n. n. n. adj. n. n. Hi, George! Glad you're back. Loads of people have phoned you. Really? I felt just like your secretary!Sorry! I went into the library this afternoon to have a look at a newspaper What? A book? NO, a brochure(Example) from a summer festival - mainly Spanish music. Look, I've Spanish music? I really love the guitar. Let's have a look. So what's this They're really good. They had a video(Q1) with all the highlights of the festival at a stand in the lobby to the library, so I heard them. They play fantastic instruments - drums and flutes and old kinds of guitars. I've never heard anything like it before. Sounds great. Okay. Shall we go then? Spoil ourselves? Yes, let's. The only problem is there aren't any cheap seats. . . it's all one price. Well, in that case we could sit right at the front - we'd have a really good view. Yeah, though I think that if you sit at the back you can actually hear the whole thing better. (Q2)Yes. Anyway we can decide when we get there. So will you fill in the form or shall I? I'll do it. Name: George O'Neill. Address: 48 North Avenue (Q3), Westsea. Do&& Just'a minute - I've got it written down here. WS6 2YH(Q4). Do you need the phone too? Please. I'm really bad at numbers. (Q5). SO, let's book two tickets for Guitarrini.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Okay. If you're sure I haven't quite decided. But I've noticed something on the booking form What's that then? Free refreshments!Really? Yes, look here. Sunday 17th of June. Singer, ticket Sounds like a bargain to me!Yes, let's book two tickets for that. So, what else? I'm feeling quite keen Anna Ventura? I've just remembered that's my evening class night. That's okay. I'll just have to go on my own - but we can go to the Spanish Yes - I'm sure Tom and Kieran would enjoy that too. Good heavens&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Q8) a ticket! I can see we're going to have to go without food for the rest of the week - we'll need to book four(Q9)!&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Wish we were students - look! Children, Students and Senior Citizens get If only!4Good morning and welcome again to Your City Today. With me today is Graham Campbell, a councillor from the city council. He will be telling us about the plan to improve the fast-growing suburb of Red Hill. Good morning Graham and welcome to the show. Good morning, Carol. NOW, Graham, I understand that there has been a lot of community consultation for the new plan? Yes, we've tried to address some of the concerns that local groups told us about. People we've heard from are mainly worried about traffic in the area, and, in particular, the increasing speed of cars near schools. They feel that it is only a matter of time before there is an accident as a lot of the children walk to the school. So we're trying to do something about that. (Q11)Another area of concern is the overhead power lines. These are very old and a lot of people we spoke to asked if something could be done about them. Well, I'm happy to report that the power company have agreed to move the power lines underground (Q12)at a cost of $800, 000. I think that will really improve the look of the area, as well as being safer. That's good to know, but will that mean an increase in rates for the local businesses in that area? Well, the power company have agreed to bear the cost of this(Q13) themselves after a lot of discussion with the council. This is wonderful news as the council now has some extra funds for us to put into other things like tree planting and art work. NOW, we've also put together a map which we've sent out to all the residents in the area. And on the map we've marked the proposed changes. Firstly, we'll plant mature pine trees to provide shelter and shade just to the right of the supermarket in Days Road(Q14). In order to address the traffic problems, the pavements on the corner of Carberry and Thomas Street will be widened(Q15). This will help to reduce the speed of vehicles entering Thomas Street. We think it's very important to separate the local residential streets from the main road. So the roadway at the entry to Thomas Street from Days Road will be painted red. (Q16)This should mark it more clearly and act as a signal for traffic to slow down. One way of making sure that the pedestrians are safe is to increase signage at the intersections. A 'keep clear' sign will be erected at the junction of Evelyn Street and Hill Street(Q17), to enable traffic to exit at all times. Something we're planning to do to help control the flow of traffic in the area is to install traffic lights half way down Hill Street where it crosses Days Road(Q18). Now, we haven't only thought about the cars and traffic, of course, there's also something for the children. We're going to get school children in the area to research a local story, the life of a local sports hero perhaps, and an artist will incorporate that story into paintings on the wall of a building on the other side of Hill Street from the supermarket(Q19). And finally, we've agreed to build a new children's playground which will be at the other end of Hill Street close to the intersection with Carberry Street(Q20). Wonderful, now, what's the next stage? Well, the final plan. . .
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