holding his rightleg leg应...

He his right leg when he football. A.played B.was playing ——精英家教网——
He his right leg when he football. A.played B.was playing C.was playing D.had played 【】
完成句子1.& The magnificent museum is said________about a hundred years ago.(build)&& 据说,那座宏伟的博物馆建成于大约一百年以前。2. ________was the friendliness and warmth of the local people.(impress)&& 给游客印象最深的是当地人的友好和热情。 3. They requested that I________the library by next Friday.(return)&& 他们要求我下星期五之前把书还回图书馆。4. I have been dreaming of climbing that mountain,________an old temple.(stand)&& 我一直梦想能爬上那座山顶上有座古庙的高山。5. Since my childhood I have found that________to me than reading.(attractive)&& 我自儿时起就觉得没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力的了。6. ________did he realize that he was seriously ill.(finish)&& 直到他完成任务时,他才意识到他已病重。7. The development of technology________for people to get in touch with each other more easily.(it)&& 技术的发展已经使人们彼此更轻松联系成为可能。8. If you want to do the experiment again, you'd better be more careful________.(where)&& 如果你想再次做实验,你最好在犯错的地方更加细心。9. If he had been able to afford an operation, he________his right leg.(lose)&& 如果有钱做手术,他就不会失去右腿了。10. With________,the soldiers who withdrew from the front couldn't wait to get home in no time.(pack)&& 一切打好包后,从前线撤下来的战士们归心似箭。
He&&_____ his right hand and then he was asked to&&&______& from his chairA. riseB. raiseC. raiseD. rise
He&&_____ his right hand and then he was asked to&&&______& from his chair .
&A. rise &B. raise &C. raise &D. rise
If he had been able to afford an operation, he ________ his right leg.(lose)
&In every language, there are words orphrases that have some interesting stories behind them. The word “sandwich”,for example, is very common in English. If we want to know the story behind it,we must know something about an English nobleman (贵族) called Sandwich.Sandwich lived in the 18th century. Heliked to play cards for money. He often played for twenty four hours, and noteven stop to have his meal. He ordered his servants to bring some meat andbread, and he played while eating. He put the meat between two pieces of bread,and he held the food in his left hand while he played with his right hand.People liked Sandwich’s idea and began to eat bread and meat in this way.From the name of the man Sandwich, we havethe word “sandwich” today.1 Sandwich is very popular food today,which comes from ____ .&&&&&&&& A.a man’s name&&&&& B. people’s idea&&&&&&& C.a servant’s name&&&&&&&& D. anobleman’s play2 What did Sandwich play cards for?&&&&&&&& A.Pleasure.&&&& B. Living.& C. Food.&& D.Pounds.3Which of the following can best explainthe reason why Sandwich did not stop to have his meals?&&&&&&&& A.He played cards with his right hand.&&&&&&&& B.He put the meat between two pieces of bread.&&&&&&&& C.He played cards for twenty four hours.&&&&&&&& D.He played cards while eating.4 The best title for the passage should be“____”.&&&&&&&& A.How Sandwich Played Cards&&&&&&&& B.How the Word “Sandwich” Came into Use&&&&&&&& C.A Bright Idea&&&&&&&& D.An Interesting Story&


