have words with sbFriends 有...

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Unleash your vocabulary and play Words With Friends, the world’s favorite crosswords puzzle game! PLAY the word-building puzzle game you know and love USE your wits and strategize to make the best moves CONNECT with your friends through in-game chat DISCOVER new friends instantly with random opponent matchmaking UNLOCK your win/loss record and other STATS to see how you compare against your opponents* ACCESS your game across your iPhone, iPad and/or iPod Touch * Requires in-game purchase to unlock________________________________________PRAISE FOR WORDSo "Delightfully addictive." - GeekSugaro "Social gaming at its finest." - Fox Newso "Everyone who owns an iPhone or iPod Touch should have this game on their device." - Touch Arcade________________________________________If you like Words With Friends, try Hanging With Friends. And iPad users, check out Words With Friends HD.Already a fan of the game?Like us on Facebook: /WordsWithFriendsFollow us on Twitter: /WordsWFriendsUse of this application requires a Facebook or Games With Friends account and is governed by the Zynga Terms of Service. Collection and use of personal data are subject to Zynga's Privacy Policy. Both policies are available in the Application License Agreement below as well as at . Social Networking Service terms may also apply.
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Hi Wordies!In this release we've made additional enhancements to improve your Words With Friends experience.Thanks for playing and keep the feedback coming!
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所属类别 : 其他游戏相关
Words And Friends是开发的一款休闲小游戏,先在应用商店上线,在今年2月份亦在Andriod应用商店推出,是一款休闲小游戏。
游戏平台 Andriod
游戏类型 休闲小游戏
服务器会随机给你7个字母,每个字母有一定分值,我们要做的就是用这7个字母创造一个单词,全用到最好,最少两个字母(最短的单词两个字母),你该回合所得到的分数就是你所创造的单词所拥有的分值。(第一回合必须从中间的五角星开始)分值表A=9 D=5 G=3 J=1 M=2 P=2 S=5 V=2 Y=2B=2 E=13 H=4 K=1 N=5 Q=1 T=7 W=2 Z=1C=2 F=2 I=8 L=4 O=8 R=6 U=4 X=1DL=Double Letter表示放在这个格子上面的字母的分值乘以2TL=Triple Letter表示放在这个格子上面的字母的分值乘以3DW=Double Word只要所拼写的单词任何一个字母占据该格子,你所拼写单词的总分值乘以2TW=Triple Word只要所拼写的单词任何一个字母占据该格子,你所拼写单词的总分值乘以3注意,被用过的格子,无法再加倍.
左下角:双方的分值和剩下的字母数右下角:1)pass/play键 如果你无法拼出字母,你可以pass让对方继续放置,如果你放好了就按下play来执行,如果没有会提示你&unacceptable word&,意思就是单词拼写不正确。2)recall 就是把你放下的棋子归位,重新放置3)swap 就是你可以申请换字母,但是换了之后,你就等于你pass 了这一回合的,让对方继续,和pass还是有不同的4)resign 就是你认输,退出游戏
当一方玩家下玩了自己所有的棋子,游戏就结束了。不管最后玩家手中还有什么棋子,棋子的分值将会加到对方的总分中,你的总分则会减去相应的分值。例如,当你的对手丝毫不给你喘息的机会,在你还有C A T三个棋子的时候就下完了自己的棋子,C的分值是4分,A是1分,T是1分,那么你的总分将减去6分,而对方加上6分。当三个回合内没有得到分,游戏也将宣布结束。
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{{if list && list.length}}


