
before 1000; Middle English wonder werk, Old English wundorweorc. See ,
UnabridgedBased on the Random House Dictionary, (C) Random House, Inc. 2017.
Examples from the Web for
Historical Examples
It is full of home-sickness, and the accompaniment (not used in the production) is a wonderwork of color.
Rupert Hughes
It is a wonderwork of feeling and deep richness of harmony, of absolute sincerity and inspiration.
Rupert Hughes
British Dictionary definitions for
something done or made miracle or wonder
wonder-worker, nounwonder-working, noun, adjective
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition (C) William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd.
(C) HarperCollinsPublishers , , ,
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herd mentality (从众心理)这个词正好可以用来形容这种盲目跟风的行为。继续冲浪,探寻冰桶挑战。
Ice Bucket Challenge
From Wikipedia, the
free encyclopedia
冰桶挑战(ice bucket challenge)风靡全球。本来是为了引起人们对“渐冻人症”(肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症)Amyotrophic lateral
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Why Malaysia Airlines jet might have
陕西相声带火宝鸡方言 “nia nia”成时尚语
西安晚报 [微博] 徐雯 10:16我要分享 24
本报宝鸡讯(记者 徐雯) 《满腹经纶》和《学富五车》让全国观众记住了青年相声演员苗阜和王声,其中一句“nia
nia,风浪太大 lia”用上了宝鸡方言,包袱一抖出来让人捧腹不已。
nia”重叠加强了感叹语气,和英文'oh,my god'、普通话‘哇塞’一个意思。”王教授说,关于它的由来,“nia”
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By Xin Dingding in Beijing/China
Daily | Asia News
Beijing (China Daily/ANN) - More than 60 million students and
teachers at China's 80,000 middle schools will experi23:04 提问
Word-Search Wonder
The Pyrates Restaurant was starting to fill up as Valentine McKee walked in. She scanned the crowd for her sister, brother-in-law, and nephew. Seeing her sister waving from the far end of the restaurant, she made her way back to their booth. Hi, Valentine,'' her sister and brother-in-law, Niki and Dennis Chapman, greeted her. Hi, guys,'' she replied. ``What are you doing, Wade?'' she asked her nephew. He was busy working on one of the restaurant's activity sheets with a crayon.
I'm doing a word search game,'' Wade explained.I have to find all of these words in this big mess of letters. This is really hard.'' Wade looked intently at the paper in front of him.
``Can I help?'' asked Valentine, looking across the table at the activity sheet.
``Sure. These are the words we're looking for. They're the names of different kinds of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.''
The first line of input will specify the length (in characters) of the sides of the letter matrix (the matrix of letters will be square). The length, l, will be in the range 1 &= l &= 100. The next l lines of input will be the matrix itself, each line will contain l uppercase letters.
A list of words will follow. Each word will be there will be 100 or fewer words. Each word will be 100 or fewer characters long, and will only contain uppercase letters.
The final line of input will contain a single zero character.
Your program should attempt to find each word from the word list in the puzzle. A word is found'' if all the characters in the word can be traced in a single (unidirectional) horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line in the letter matrix. Words may notwrap around'' rows or columns, but horizontal and diagonal words may proceed from right to left (``backwards''). For each word that is found, your program should print the coordinates of its first and last letters in the matrix on a single line, separated by a single space. Coordinates are pairs of comma-separated integers (indexed from 1), where the first integer specifies the row number and the second integer specifies the column number.
If a word is not found, the string ``Not found'' should be output instead of a pair of coordinates.
Each word from the input can be ``found'' at most once in the puzzle.
Sample Input
Sample Output


