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jQuery 1.8.1 Released | Official jQuery Blog
jQuery 1.8.1 Released
It’s been a frantic but productive few weeks, and the jQuery core team is pleased to announce that jQuery 1.8.1 is released! This version fixes the issues reported by the community following the final release of 1.8.0. Here are the files, ready for you to use:
(production, compressed)
(development, uncompressed)
The Google and Microsoft CDNs will also have copies available soon.
The final set of bugs that were fixed are listed below. Don’t forget, folks, we love to hear about bugs in the betas and release candidates too! You don’t have to wait for a final release to test with your code. The earlier we can fix these bugs, the smoother things go for both the team and the jQuery community.
Use jQuery UI 1.8.23 and jQuery Mobile 1.1.1 or later for best compatibility with jQuery core 1.8.1.
Don’t use ! jQuery has never supported Quirks mode and we do not perform any testing in Quirks. This can affect values like $("window").height(), and the jQuery 1.8 Quirks mode results did change in order to support some modern browser features. The majority of problem cases we’ve seen are from developers that wanted to be in Standards mode but had an invalid doctype or extraneous markup before their &html& tag. When in doubt, use the simple and short &!doctype html&.
Sizzle’s custom pseudo-selectors that take arguments have changed, but jQuery 1.8.1 provides a compatibility shim for older code. Neither Sizzle nor jQuery documented how there is now
for Sizzle. Look there for an example of best practice on writing custom pseudo-selectors that work with all versions of jQuery.
Many thanks to the team and community members who contributed patches for this release: Timmy Willison, Mike Sherov,
Elijah Manor, Mike Pennisi, Richard Gibson, Corey Frang, Mathias Bynens, Oleg Gaidarenko, Nikita Govorov, Julian Aubourg, and Rick Waldron.
We’re also very appreciative to those of you who took the time to create
for jQuery 1.8.1. In the highly unlikely event we somehow managed to leave any bugs in this release, please do let us know. First check the
to see if it has already been reported. If not, create a test case using
with the least possible code that it takes to demonstrate the problem.
jQuery 1.8.1 Change Log
: jQuery.post() raises &RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded&
: the .load() method,when params is null, the ajax type will be &POST&, but not be &GET&
: 1.8.0 regression – document ready is fired too early on IE 9/10
: event.js still has a reference to bindReady
: jQuery.trim should remove byte-order-mark (BOM) characters
: jquery android 2.1-update1 problem
: getComputedStyle is used without namespace
: .height() and .width() no longer fall back to CSS if offsetWidth is undefined.
: cssNormalTransform can produce wrong values
: .data method does not return an object if the JSON string contains newlines.
: jQuery 1.8 outerHeight is returning undefined instead of null
: animate fails with 0 duration
: 'change' event handler leaks in IE7/8
: jQuery.on() selector should only apply to descendants of the element
: fn.append not working correctly
: .after fails with table rows in IE9
: .promise(type) not working for non-default queue
: Miscellaneous pseudo selector issues
: Having child selector and multiple :not with :visible does not work any more
: Passing a negative index for :eq throws a syntax error.
: Selector with :not(:first) isn't working since 1.8
: Invalid selectors can cause a subsequent valid selector not to work
: Attribute selector fails if the attribute value contains :first :last
: jQuery 1.8 and .is(&:visible&)
: $.contains fatal error in IE9 when 2nd parameter is null
: 1.8.0 creating invalid tag/attribute when loading the library
: ajax, use find method for read xml
: Selector && li & :first-child,& :not(li):even& fails in old IE
: Back-compat issue with custom pseudo selectors
: Sizzle regression &:not([data-role='list-divider']):not(:hidden)&
: Composite selector fails if id attribute contains dot.
: $.browser.webkit (undefined) -& $.browser.chrome还没有任何记录...
jquery api中文帮助文档chm版本1.8.0
来源:建站素材作者:建站素材jquery特效日期: 14:15人气:次
jquery api中文帮助文档chm版本1.8.0
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