blood seeker是什么意思r

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Strygwyr the Bloodseeker is a ritually sanctioned hunter, Hound of the Flayed Twins, sent down from the mist-shrouded peaks of Xhacatocatl in search of blood. The Flayed Ones require oceanic amounts of blood to keep them sated and placated, and would soon drain their mountain empire of its populace if the priests of the high plateaus did not appease them. Strygwyr therefore goes out in search of carnage. The vital energy of any blood he lets, flows immediately to the Twins through the sacred markings on his weapons and armor. Over the years, he has come to embody the energ in battle he is savage as a jackal. Beneath the Mask of the Bloodseeker, in the rush of bloody quenching, it is said that you can sometime see the features of the Flayers taking direct possession of their Hound.
BloodrageQDTargetingAffectsUnitsAmplifies all damage taken and dealt, including spells. A hero affected by the Bloodrage buff will be healed when killing an enemy. If the hero affected by the buff is killed, they will heal their killer instead.Maximum HP Heal19% / 21% / 23% / 25%Half HP Heal Radius300Buff Duration9 / 10 / 11 / 12Cast Range800Cast Point0.2 9 / 8 / 7 / 6
Blocked by Linken's Sphere and echoed by Lotus Orb.Dispellable.Strygwyr shares his animalistic thirst for bloodshed.Notes
Heal amount is based on maximum enemy hp.
Heals for half the value when near a dying hero:
9.5% / 10.5% / 11.5% / 12.5%
Damage amplifies for half the value if damage dealer and target are over 2200 range apart:
12.5% / 15% / 17.5% / 20%
Amplifies all three .
Does not amplify outgoing damage that is flagged as .
Blood RiteWBTargetingAffectsEnemy UnitsDamage TypeTargets an area. An effect that is visible to enemies appears on the ground. After a few seconds, enemies in the area are damaged and silenced.Silence Duration3 / 4 / 5 / 6Activation Delay2.6Radius600Cast Range1500Cast Point0.3 18 / 16 / 14 / 12      6
Does not pierce Spell Immunity.Dispellable.The Flayed Twins are ever willing to aid those who spill blood upon the field of battle.Notes
The ritual area has 600
that lingers for 6 seconds.
ThirstETTargetingAffectsSelfEnables Bloodseeker to sense enemy heroes with low health, giving him vision of that hero along with increased movement speed and damage. Bloodseeker gains
of enemy heroes that are sensed. When Thirst is active, the movement speed cap is removed.Bonus Movement Speed Per Hero16% / 24% / 32% / 40% 58% Max HP Thirst Bonus Threshold75% ? 25%Max HP Reveal Threshold25%RadiusGlobalLinger Time4Disabled by break.Strygwyr becomes frenzied when blood is spilled.Notes
Thirst movement and damage bonuses are proportional to how low enemy max health is. Bloodseeker gains movement speed and attack damage for every 1% hp missing per enemy hero. Scaling starts when they drop to 75% hp and ends at 25% hp, when the max values are reached.
Bonus speed and damage stack per enemy hero, including additional .
Thirst's bonuses linger for a few seconds after a target dies.
Reveals low HP heroes in the . Provides no vision, but their body is visible and allows the targeting of skills.
Revealed enemies gain a debuff and effect visible to them, showing that they are being seen by this ability.
RuptureRRTargetingAffectsEnemy UnitsDamage TypeCauses an enemy unit's skin to rupture, dealing massive damage. If the unit moves while under the effect of Rupture, it takes a percentage of the distance traveled as damage.Duration12Cast Range800Cast Point0.4Charges2Charge Replenish Time40 60
200 / 225 / 250
Removes the cooldown and uses charges instead.Blocked by Linken's Sphere and echoed by Lotus Orb.When the Bloodseeker hunts you, injuries become fatalities.Notes
If the target moves more than 1300 distance in 0.25 seconds, it will not take any damage.
Talent Tree
25% Lifesteal
+275 Health
+25 Attack Speed
Starting Items
Early Game
Bloodseeker forces difficult decisions on his enemies. Able to drive his foes to a retreat by bathing a large area with a damaging ritual, his gruesome ultimate asks his opponents to hold still, or die.Bloodseeker (In-Game Description)
Skill Build
Early Game
Balance Changes
Level 25 Talent reduced from +20% Max Thirst and Damage to +18%
Thirst bonus rescaled from 16/24/32/40 to 7/18/29/40
Level 10 Talent reduced from +8 Armor to +6
Level 15 Talent reduced from +300 Health to +275
Level 10 Talent increased from +4 Armor to +8 Armor
Level 20 Talent increased from +14% Rupture Damage to +18%
Blood Rite ground vision now increased to match the AoE of the spell (from 400 to 600)
Bloodrage cooldown reduced from 12/10/8/6 to 9/8/7/6
Thirst linger bonus duration increased from 2 to 4
Bloodrage now heals you for 50% of its value if you do not get the last hit but are within 300 AoE of a dying hero
Base movement speed reduced from 290 to 285
Rupture cast range reduced from 1000 to 800
Reworked Talent Tree
Rupture mana cost increased from 150/200/250 to 200/225/250
Base damage increased from 32 to 36
Blood Rite cooldown from 25/21/17/13 to 18/16/14/12
Blood Rite cast point reduced from 0.4 to 0.3
Level 10 Talent increased from +200 Health to +225
Level 10 Talent from +5 Armor to +200 Health
Level 15 Talent from +250 Health to +75 Blood Rite Damage
Level 20 Talent from -30s Respawn Time to +14% Rupture Damage
Thirst now lingers for 2 seconds after a target dies
Added Talent Tree
Rupture damage increased from 26/42/60% to 30/45/60%
Thirst bonus rescaled from 10/20/30/40% to 16/24/32/40%
Rupture damage increased from 20/40/60% to 26/42/60%
Blood Rite cooldown reduced from 30/25/20/15 to 25/21/17/13
Added Scepter to Bloodseeker
Rupture cast point improved from 0.6 to 0.4
Strength gain increased from 2 to 2.4
Blood Rite cooldown rescaled from 29/26/23/20 to 30/25/20/15
Thirst scaling changed from 100%?25% to 75%?25%
Bloodrage heal reduced from 25% to 19/21/23/25%
Thirst bonuses scale from 100 to 25% HP instead of 100 to 0%
Thirst vision threshold from 30% health to 25%
Added to Captains Mode
Bloodrage no longer amplifies outgoing damage if the damage has the no-reflection flag
Bloodrage now only amplifies for half of the value when the dealer and the receiver are over 2200 range apart
Removed from Captains Mode
Reworked Bloodrage
Replaced Blood Bath with a new active ability, Blood Rite
Thirst visibility and true sight are granted only when the target is at or below 30% HP (instead of 50/25% for vision/true sight)
Thirst now shows a debuff and a visible effect to the enemy when they are revealed
Thirst movement and damage bonuses are now proportional to how low the enemy's health is
Thirst movement speed and damage bonus increased from 5/15/25/35 to 10/20/30/40
Rupture no longer deals initial damage
Rupture duration increased from 7/8/9 to 12
Rupture cooldown reduced from 70/60/50 to 60
Bloodrage cast point improved from 0.6 to 0.4
Bloodrage can no longer be dispelled
Thirst Bonus Speed and damage rescaled from 7/14/21/28 to 5/15/25/35
Bloodbath now gives the full hero kill benefit (instead of only half) if he is within the 325 AoE when a hero dies
Base movement speed reduced from 305 to 300
Thirst is now global instead of 6000 range
Thirst bonus now stacks for each unit that is low HP
Thirst HP threshold increased from 20/30/40/50% to 50%
Thirst movement speed bonus reduced from 15/25/35/45% to 7/14/21/28%
When Thirst is active, movement speed cap is removed on your hero
Thirst no longer provides armor bonus
Thirst provides bonus 7/14/21/28 damage
Thirst no longer grants full hero vision around low HP targets, it only shows their model
Thirst no longer lasts for an extra 3 seconds when the target is dead
Strygwyr's Thirst now gives you bonus 3/4/5/6 armor when active
Bloodrage dispels the target before applying its buff (This would cause it to remove things like Ethereal)
Rupture damage is now HP loss (This causes it to go through Magic Immunity now)
Blood Bath death detection AoE for enemy heroes increased from 225 to 325
Bloodrage bonus base damage from 20/40/60/80% to 30/60/90/120%
Thirst AOE from 00/6000 to 6000
Thirst MS bonus from 11/22/33/44% to 15/25/35/45%
Thirst HP percentage detection rescaled from constant 40% to 20/30/40/50% HP (invis is half that)
Rupture cooldown now scales from 70 to 70/60/50
Rupture duration improved from 5/7/9 to 7/8/9
Thirst no longer partially reveals invisible heroes below 40% health, Thirst now fully reveals invisible heroes below 20% health
Bloodbath assist AoE increased from 200 to 225
Bloodbath now gives 50% of its normal regeneration if he doesn't kill the target but is near it
Agility gain increased from 2.6 to 3
Bloodrage rebalanced from 6/9/12/15 duration and 10 cd to 6/7/8/9 duration and 12/10/8/6 cd
HP loss at a constant 20 hp per sec
Base armor reduced by 2 points
Bloodbath no longer regenerates from images
Improved base strength from 18 to 23
Reduced Rupture's cooldown from 100 to 70 seconds
Minor improvement to early levels of Bloodbath
Improved Bloodrage a little
Rescaled Bloodrage self damage per second from 2/4/6/8 to 20/15/10/5
Reduced Thirst visibility health threshold from 50% to 40%
Increased base armor from 0 to 2
Reworked Thirst
Rupture duration from 7/10/13 to 5/7/9
Slight increased Rupture's initial damage from 100/200/300 to 150/250/350
Remade Bloodseeker
Removed Bloodseeker, pending proper hero remaking
Bleed reduced from 10/20/30/40% slow to 10/15/20/25%
Gave Bleed a cooldown, 16 seconds
Bleed mana cost from 120 to 110/120/130/140
Fixed Strygwyr's color changing in Demon Fury
(replaced) ?
Bleed (removed)
Demon Fury (removed)
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