
etravalent Immunization against Dengue Efficacy Study (TIDES) trial evaluates the efficacy of two doses of vaccine candidate TAK-003, administered three months apart, to protect against all four strains of dengue virus, regardless of previous dengue expos&&&&
OSAKA, Japan--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited [TSE: 4502], (&Takeda&) today announced&that it has completed enrollment of 20,100 children and adolescents ages 4 through 16in its global, pivotal Phase 3 Tetravalent Immunization against Dengue Efficacy Study (TIDES) trial, a double-blind, randomized and placebo-controlled study designed to evaluate the efficacy, safety and immunogenicity of its live-attenuated tetravalent dengue vaccine candidate (TAK-003).1&Takeda initiated the TIDES trial, the largest vaccine clinical trial for Takeda to date, in September 2016 and completed enrollment in less than seven months.1&The successful enrollment of more than 20,000 children and adolescents in this Phase 3 trial, across several continents, and on an ambitious timeline, while maintaining a clear focus on quality and subject safety, reflects Takeda&s prioritization of dengue and the substantial capabilities of our global organization,& said Rajeev Venkayya, MD, President of the Global Vaccine Business Unit at Takeda.
The study is taking place in eight dengue-endemic countries in Latin America and Asia: Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Philippines, Thailand and Sri Lanka.1&While dengue can affect people of all ages, it is a leading cause of serious illness among children in some countries in Latin America and Asia.2&The enrollment of children and adolescents between the ages of 4 and 16 years underscores the significant burden of dengue disease across the entire pediatric age range. Initial results of the TIDES trial are expected in 2018.1
TIDES will build on previous studies which have assessed the tolerability, safety and immunogenicity of the vaccine against all four dengue serotypes in multiple age groups to determine whether the vaccine helps prevent symptomatic dengue.3,4,5,6,7&In Phase 1 and Phase 2 studies, Takeda&s vaccine candidate induced neutralizing antibody responses against all four dengue virus serotypes across age groups and in both seropositive and seronegative individuals with no observed safety concerns.3,4,5,6,7&Interim results of one Phase 2 study (DEN-203) showed the vaccine to be generally safe and well tolerated.3,5Results also showed that adults vaccinated with two doses had a sustained immune response against all four serotypes of the dengue virus, even after two years.5&Interim results of another Phase 2 study (DEN-204) showed an acceptable safety profile in endemic pediatric populations, as well as antibody responses against the four dengue serotypes in dengue seropositive and seronegative participants, with a sustained immune response through 180 days.6,7
&This enrollment milestone demonstrates our commitment to a thorough evaluation of the safety and efficacy of our vaccine candidates and, subject to licensure, ensuring that they are available to all populations at risk. It follows Takeda&s recent decision to&invest more than 100 million euros to build a new plant for the manufacturing of TAK-003,& said Venkayya. &Beyond dengue, Takeda is pursuing a number of vaccine programs to address high-priority infectious diseases including our Zika programfunded by the U.S. Government&s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA)and our polio program&supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.&
About the Phase 3 TIDES Study1
TIDES is investigating the efficacy, safety and immunogenicity of two doses of TAK-003 administered three months apart. TIDES participants were randomized to receive a two-dose regimen of either TAK-003 or placebo by subcutaneous injection at Day 1 and Day 90. A subset of these participants was randomly selected and stratified by region and age to be included in the safety and immunogenicity subsets.&Efficacy assessments will take place once 120 cases of virologically confirmed dengue have accrued and after a minimum subject follow-up period of 12 months, post second vaccination.
The primary outcome measure is vaccine protection against virologically-confirmed dengue of any severity, caused by any of the four dengue virus serotypes, regardless of whether a subject has been previously exposed to dengue.&Secondary endpoints include vaccine efficacy in preventing dengue induced by each dengue serotype, vaccine efficacy in preventing hospitalization due to dengue induced by any serotype, vaccine efficacy in preventing severe dengue induced by any serotype, frequency and severity of&Adverse Events (AEs) or Serious Adverse Events (SAEs), and seropositivity rate and geometric mean titers (GMTs) of neutralizing antibodies in the immunogenicity subset.
About TAK-003
Takeda&s tetravalent dengue vaccine candidate (TAK-003) is based on a live-attenuated dengue serotype 2 virus (DENV-2), which provides the genetic &backbone& for all four vaccine viruses.8&Phase 1 and 2 data have supported progression into Phase 3 study, suggesting that TAK-003 is safe and well-tolerated in children and adolescents (no vaccine-related SAEs occurred and reactogenicity was limited) and induced immunogenicity against all four dengue serotypes, even in seronegative participants.4,5,6,7
About Dengue
Dengue is the fastest spreading mosquito-borne viral disease.2&Dengue is spread by&Aedes aegypti&and&Aedes albopictus&mosquitoes and is caused by four dengue virus serotypes, each of which can cause dengue fever or severe dengue.9,10&The serotypes vary across different geographies, countries, regions, seasons and over time.11,12
Dengue outbreaks are observed in tropical and sub-tropical areas and have recently caused outbreaks in parts of mainland U.S. and Europe.9,13,14&Forty percent of the world now lives under the threat of dengue, which is responsible for approximately 390 million infections and 20,000 deaths globally each year.9,10&Dengue virus can infect people of all ages and is a leading cause of serious illness among children in some countries in Latin America and Asia.2
Takeda&s Commitment to Vaccines
Vaccines prevent more than two million deaths each year and have transformed global public health.15For 70 years, Takeda has supplied vaccines to protect the health of people in Japan. Today, Takeda&s global vaccine business is applying innovation to tackle some of the world&s most challenging infectious diseases, such as dengue, Zika, norovirus and polio. Our team brings an outstanding track record and a wealth of knowledge in vaccine development, manufacturing and global access to advance a pipeline of vaccines to address some of the world&s most pressing public health needs.
About Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (TSE: 4502) is a global, R&D-driven pharmaceutical company committed to bringing better health and a brighter future to patients by translating science into life-changing medicines. Takeda focuses its research efforts on oncology, gastroenterology and central nervous system therapeutic areas. It also has specific development programs in specialty cardiovascular diseases as well as late-stage candidates for vaccines. Takeda conducts R&D both internally and with partners to stay at the leading edge of innovation. New innovative products, especially in oncology and gastroenterology, as well as its presence in emerging markets, fuel the growth of Takeda. More than 30,000 Takeda employees are committed to improving quality of life for patients, working with our partners in health care in more than 70 countries. For more information, visit&/news.
1&, Safety and Immunogenicity of Takeda's Tetravalent Dengue Vaccine (TDV) in Healthy Children (TIDES). 2016. Retrieved March 2017.
2&World Health Organization.&Vector-borne Diseases: Dengue. 2015. Retrieved January 2017.
3&Osorio, J.E., et al.&Development of a Recombinant, Chimeric Tetravalent Dengue Vaccine Candidate.&Vaccine. 2015. Retrieved March 2017.
4&Osorio, J.E., et al.&Safety and immunogenicity of a recombinant live attenuated tetravalent dengue vaccine (DENVax) in flavivirus-naive healthy adults in Colombia: a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 1 study.&The Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2014. Retrieved May 2016.
5&Wallace, D. Persistence of neutralizing antibodies one year after two doses of a candidate recombinant tetravalent dengue vaccine in subjects aged from 1.5 to 45 years. Presented at 6th Annual Meeting, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2015.
6&Saez-Llorens X., et al. Phase II, double-blind, controlled trial to assess the safety and immunogenicity of different schedules of Takeda&s Tetravalent Dengue Vaccine Candidate (TDV) in healthy subjects aged between 2 and &18 years and living in dengue endemic countries in Asia and Latin America. Presented at 5th Pan-American Dengue Research Network Meeting. 2016.
7&S&ez-Llorens, X., et al.&Safety and immunogenicity of one versus two doses of Takeda's tetravalent dengue vaccine: Interim results of a long-term phase 2, randomized, placebo-controlled pediatric trial in Asia and Latin America.&The Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2017. Retrieved March 2017.
8&Huang, C. Y.-H., et al.&Genetic and Phenotypic Characterization of Manufacturing Seeds for Tetravalent Dengue Vaccine (DENVax).&PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2013. Retrieved May 2016.
9&World Health Organization.&Dengue and Severe Dengue. 2016. Retrieved January 2017.
10&Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.&Clinical Guidance Dengue Virus.&2014. Retrieved January 2017.
11&Bravo, L., et al.&Epidemiology of Dengue Disease in the Philippines (): A Systematic Literature Review.&PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2014. Retrieved January 2017.
12&Guzman, M.G., et al.&Dengue: a continuing global threat.&Nature reviews Microbiology. 2010. Retrieved May 2016.
13&Knowlton, K., et al. NRDC Issue Paper:&Mosquito-Borne Dengue Fever Threat Spreading in the Americas. 2009. Retrieved May 2016.
14&Chan E., et al.&Using Web Search Query Data to Monitor Dengue Epidemics: A New Model for Neglected Tropical Disease Surveillance.&PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2011. Retrieved January 2017.
15&UNICEF.&Immunization Facts and Figures. 2013. Retrieved January 2017.
Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
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在我国的西南地区有很多的少数民族,这些少数民族有着和我们不一样的各种生活的习俗和方式,这些方式是他们祖祖辈辈传承下来的东西。 比如说接下来的这个,在贵州甲定生活着很多的苗族的部落,这里的人的墓葬的方式是传统的洞葬方式,而...
银行信息港财经:江苏***考试网将同步江苏人事考试网发布2017年江苏省考成绩查询入口 、成绩排名、面试流程;2017江苏省***笔试成绩查询入口和合格分数线已经开通查询,确定各类职位最低合格分数线。 2017年江苏省考成绩查询入口...
上海房屋贷款纯公积金贷款 需要注意什么?上海房屋贷款纯公积金贷款攻略 住房公积金个人购房贷款是指当履行住房公积金缴存义务的职工购买具有所有权的自住住房时,以所购本市城镇自住住房作为抵押物的贷款方式,可以按规定申请住房公积...
买房贷款注意事项: 公积金贷款一定比商业贷款便宜吗 ? 买房对于许多家庭来说是人生中的大事,在贷款买房的时候,很多人都产生了误区,不了解的话很容易影响贷款办理,甚至会对生活造成影响。 误区一:公积金贷款一定比商贷省钱 都说公...
离职后住房公积金怎么提取 ?公积转转移流程介绍 职工因工作变动调出单位或与原单位终止劳动关系的,单位应自劳动关系终止之日起30日内到住房公积金管理中心办理变更登记,单位需填写《住房公积金变更清册》和《住房公积金转移凭证》,...
目前,乌鲁木齐住房公积金管理中心对老弱病残孕、单位集体等开通了***绿色通道。为方便市民提前预约,该中心公布了各管理部预约***。 2月23日,记者从乌鲁木齐住房公积金管理中心了解到,近期,该中心召开在两学一做学习教育中开...
每个月发工资的时候,真是又兴奋又心累啊,兴奋的原因自不必说,每个月上班不就盼着这一天早点到来吗?心累的原因嫌工资这点就不说了,而是本来就不高的工资还要交那么多的五险一金。 大白就常常听到一些职场小朋友对此事愤懑不已,其实...
上海公积金自助机具查询服务又添新成员工商银行也加入了大家庭 为方便广大缴存职工了解个人住房公积金账户信息,市公积金中心在已与多家银行开展合作开通了建设银行、农商银行、浦发银行、上海银行、交通银行、农业银行携手推出自助机具...
住房公积金应尽量取出来 公积金存在账户上并不划算,因为当年缴纳的部分只能获得活期存款利率,而往年缴纳的则只能获得三个月的定期存款利率。可如果取出来投资医界贷理财产品,就能获得8%-10.5%的预期年化收益哦~比躺在银行收益高多啦...
社保满15年但仍未到退休年龄的人员,在退休前死亡是能有丧葬费的。 丧葬费怎么领取: 丧葬费是指侵害自然人的生命权致使受害人死亡的,受害人的亲属对死亡的受害人进行安葬所产生的丧葬费用的支出。一般用于逝者服装、整容、遗体存放、...
阜康市社保局:做足经办服务文章 积极打造 三个社保 2017年以来,新疆阜康市社保局紧紧围绕标准化建设、综合柜员制工作,结合 两学一做 、 学转促 等学教活动,以为参保群众提供精细化服务为工作标准,不断创新服务模式、优化经办服务、...
最新消息! 东莞市社保局宣布 东莞妈妈生孩子补贴标准要提高啦 两种情况产假有增加 新调整的内容主要包含 参保人享受生育津贴的产假天数 与 产前检查结算标准 两块。 参保人享受生育津贴的产假天数方面,其中,参保人怀孕未满4个月终止...
3月30日,社保局以深入贯彻落实 公民道德建设月 活动为契机,成功举办了2017年首期以 爱国、团结、奋斗、感恩 为主题的道德讲堂活动。全局干部职工集聚一堂,共同接受道德讲堂的洗礼。 近年来,社保局始终把 道德讲堂 作为推进精神文明...
4月1日,每周一期的社会保险 业务大讲堂 如期开讲了,这是阜康市社保局多年来形成的惯例,以各科室轮流讲课的方式,讲政策、讲方法、讲经验,使全局干部职工系统了解各科室的基本职能、政策法规和业务经办程序,提高工作人员政策知晓率...
甘肃临泽县社保局打通服务群众最后一公里 近年来,临泽县社保局不守旧、不畏难,在服务群众上不停步,通过创新工作方式方法、简化办事程序、运用科技手段等方式,坚决打通服务群众最后一公里,为群众提供高效、便捷、优质服务。 一、以...


