(原标题:[视频]奇葩画风独立游戏《全面战争模拟器》将登陆Steam青睐之光) 摘要:《全面战争模拟器Totally Accurate Battle Simulator》是由Wilnyl制作发行的一款独立游戏,其画风奇葩,玩法独特又是一款独立佳作。目前游戏已经获得Steam社区的青睐之 光,Valve即将在其Steam平台上发行该游戏,登陆PC/Mac和Linux系统的Steam平台。 全面战争模拟器是一款国外玩家精心制作的游戏,玩家可以使用不同的战术进行分派,击溃游戏中其他成员,更好的进行游戏的比拼,关卡式的游戏模式赢得了不少玩家的肯定、保证游戏的完整性,你可以使用不同的兵种迎战每一关卡,战争中合理的搭配将会呈现不一样的效果,活用每一个兵种,可以在攻击距离以及强度中进行调整,赢得整场的搏杀 本文来源:cnbeta网站 责任编辑:王晓易_NE0011 您可能也感兴趣:乐Max2死磕小米5仅1689元大屏机 小米Max仅售1125抢疯了 华为Mate S跌至1531元小新700电竞版仅售4299元开售 小米笔记本Air 12.5售3799入门首选 佳能750D仅售3980元 分享到: 0 个人觉得赞好文章 点个赞您已经赞过了+1当前位置: >
> 手机独立游戏
24.9M推荐理由:地狱边境 LIMBO早在2010就在主机和PC平台推出过,后来登入到iTunes,让大家领略到了黑白风格游戏的魅力。这个游戏所散发出来的虚实,生死,黑白让人在玩游戏的时候不断的思考和解读。已经不能简简单单的用“文艺范”来解释这个特立独行的解谜游戏版本:
20M推荐理由:USTWO团队在上个月就说会发布《纪念碑谷 Monument Valley 》安卓版,编虽然在ios上已经完全体验过游戏的魅力之后,对开发者这游戏的设计佩服的五体投地,这也是编唯一一个愿意花半天时间类通关的游戏,这个游戏太有兴趣玩下去了版本:
58.3M推荐理由:《Minecraft - Pocket Edition(我的世界)》是一款风靡世界的3D第一人称沙盘游戏,简单的说,就是操作一个建筑工人通过各种方块的摆放和破坏,来建造一个自己的世界,现安卓版全新上线版本:
28M推荐理由:模拟山羊 Goat Simulator是新的山羊模拟技术,为您带来新一代的山羊模拟。 您不再需要想象是一只山羊的样子, 您的梦想终于成真了版本:
16.4M推荐理由:未上锁的房间2 The Room Two:作为良好口碑的未上锁的房间续集,未上锁的房间2几乎聚集了所有你能想到的解谜游戏元素,画面制作也非常的精致,智商不够用才是真的版本:
17.5M推荐理由:《怒血回忆》(Ire - Blood Memory) 是一款动作RPG游戏,游戏中玩家将面对众多奇形怪状的怪物,玩家的使命就是将他们全部斩杀。这款游戏被部分外媒成为手游中的“血源诅咒”,至于是否拥有这个品质和实力,需要玩家亲自来评判了版本:
28M推荐理由:《僵尸山羊 Goat Simulator GoatZ》是独立游戏《模拟山羊》堪称游戏史上的另类作品,而制作者貌似觉得这样还不够恶搞,工作室收到了粉丝们大量的要求制作更多的DLC。因此丧尸主题DLC“GoatZ”就出现了版本:
14M推荐理由:《未上锁的房间1 The room》是2012年iOS解谜类游戏大作,精美的画面,动人的音乐,巧妙的关卡设计,《未上锁的房间1 The room》当之无愧的成为2012解谜类游戏之王版本:
21.25G推荐理由:致命框架 FRAMED游戏跟纪念碑谷一样,虽然游戏不断的另玩家感叹游戏的设计精巧,但游戏一般只要两到三个小时就可以刷完全部关卡,游戏独特的思维框架游戏设计理念,让游戏又上了一个新高度版本:
8.8M推荐理由:未上锁的房间中文版未上锁的房间安卓汉化版未上锁的房间安卓汉化版 The Room:《The room》是2012年iOS解谜类游戏大作,精美的画面,动人的音乐,巧妙的关卡设计,《The room》当之无愧的成为2012解谜类游戏之王版本:
9.3M推荐理由:未上锁的房间2汉化版 The Room Two:未上锁的房间2中文版作为良好口碑的未上锁的房间续集,未上锁的房间2几乎聚集了所有你能想到的解谜游戏元素,画面制作也非常的精致,智商不够用才是真的版本:
4.0M推荐理由:破碎大陆完整版 Shardlands:破碎大陆破解版每关都有不同的指标,要达成最高成就需要完成一命通关,搜集所有道具,以数个分身通关等各种指标,所以有追求的话,耐玩性还是不错的版本:
13.8M推荐理由:不机械城 Unmechanical是一款冒险解谜游戏。游戏的主角有点机械迷城中的小机器人影子,游戏整体画面机械感十足展示出一派金属科幻的风格,很有感觉版本:
46.2M推荐理由:Out There就在那里:不得不说这是个相当费脑子的游戏,因为游戏中需要的原料就是个相当大的难题,再加上飞行轨迹,编就在这时挂得很彻底了版本:
7.3M推荐理由:策马入山林A Ride Into The Mountains:像素风格一下子延伸至各个领域了,之前有过一个我的世界跑酷游戏,玩起来也还不错,还是来支持下这个像跑酷像射击像竞技的马赛克游戏版本:
44M推荐理由:里奥的宝藏 Leo's Fortune是一款融入了跑酷与解谜要素的横版卷轴过关游戏, 玩法上虽然没有特别的亮点,本作最大的特点在于游戏画面比较细腻,另外游戏的音乐也会随着场景变化而变化。感兴趣的朋友不妨试试版本:
49.5M推荐理由:《二重奏 Duet Premium》是一款充分考验玩家控制力、反应能力以及手眼协调能力的益智游戏。二重奏Duet里面你要同步控制两个关联的球,它们在节奏和动作上保持着高度的相互依赖性,极具挑战版本:
24M推荐理由:《Pursuit of Light 追光者》游戏应该不是注重玩法的,游戏在抽象的表象风格下,《Pursuit of Light 追光者》游戏画面整体效果看似黑暗,但是中心处又往往出现白亮的台阶,游戏给人的坚定信念意义更大版本:
11.7M推荐理由:《机械迷城 Machinarium》游戏中作为安卓手机解密游戏比较老的游戏,不管从哪个方面都可以看得出游戏的设计用心良苦,游戏画面那是没得说,关键是游戏在情景难度的设计上面恰到好处,这也是游戏为什么会如此受欢迎的原因版本:
20.3M推荐理由:《我们相距十万光年You Are 100k Light Years Away》是国内独立游戏作者小太白的一款手绘风格,玩法简单,有爱的休闲游戏,之前已经发布过《风子》、《你是我的阳光》、《7秒的记忆》版本:
31.2M推荐理由:决战喵星 Naughty Kitties:最近这个游戏决战喵星存档在APP store风头正劲,游戏开始有详细的教程,感觉还是不错的版本:
27M推荐理由:天天过马路 Crossy Road 是一款小巧耐玩的休闲游戏,玩家将控制各种萌宠小怪在拥挤的街道横穿马路,每走一步记作一分,穿过更多的街道获取更高分数。虽然游戏玩法非常简单,但想要取得高分则非常艰难版本:列举各时代的独立游戏经典之作
发布时间: 11:41:25
作者:Damien McFerran
雅达利因其糟糕的商业管理而引发1983年的电子游戏崩溃之时,它还留下了一个由起居室程序员来填补的空白,后者致力于在原本并非为运行游戏而设计的平台上开发游戏。得益于微机时代(游戏邦注:例如Apple II,Commodore 64和ZX Spectrum)的发展,这些天真的年轻人创造了一些行业最为大胆和原创的作品,当时还没有什么行业规则,所以他们定义了这些规则。以下就是其中一些典型例子:
阿卡拉贝斯:末日世界(Apple II)
它由当时还名不见经传的Richard Garriott用BASIC语言所编程,这是一款被公认为最早的RPG游戏代表之一。当时Garriott仍然与父母住在一起,该游戏最初是通过塑料包装出售,之后才在1980年获得更广泛传播。Garriott继续组建了Origin Systems,其著名RPG系列《创世纪》则继承了《阿卡拉贝斯》的精髓。这一系列成功令Garriott后来成了全球首批太空宇航员之一。
波斯王子(Apple II)
Jordan Mechner他其大学时代就发布了自己的首款游戏——武术模拟游戏《Karateka》,但真正令其获得盛名的却是《波斯王子》。原版游戏因其使用了转描机技术式的图像来呈现流动、真实感的移动而引起轰动。Mechner让他的兄弟为角色制作流畅而柔和的动画,尽管该游戏取得了巨大的商业成功(游戏邦注:它几乎移植到了该时代所有的游戏平台上),他在开发1993年的续作之前还是进入了纽约大学电影系——独立游戏开发者显然极富创意自由精神。
prince-of-persia(from redbull)
神秘屋(Apple II)
这是一款由Roberta和Ken Williams(这对夫妇的另一代表作为《Sierra On-Line》)推出的冒险游戏,同时也是史上首批图像冒险游戏之一。与Richard Garriott的《阿卡拉贝斯》一样,《神秘屋》最初也只是通过带有影印游戏指南的塑料盒在小店里出售,于1980年实现1万份零售销量——鉴于其开发者初出茅庐的背景,这在当时是个了不起的成就。
90年代来临时,诸如Atari ST和Commodore Amiga等家庭计算机正处于颓势,而世嘉和任天堂的得势则表明小型开发商更难获得关注了。由于商业推动以及专业人才需要强大的家庭计算机的需求,PC市场的发展为独立编码员开创了新机遇,从而诞生了“共享软件”这一概念。开发者可借此为用户免费提供一部分内容,只有当玩家想体验完整的内容时才需要掏钱。早年的id Software和Epic等公司正是通过这种销售方式成长为今天的巨头。
继《德军司令部3D》获得成功之后,id Software又创造了《毁灭战士》,它是史上公认的最具影响力的第一人称射击游戏。它以共享软件形式发布于1993年,首个章节内容免费——最终销量超过100万份,《毁灭战士》由此成为一款极为成功的热作。
doom(from redbull)
这是首批针对个人电脑开发的动作平台游戏之一,它借鉴了《洛克人》和《刺猬索尼克》等游戏元素,其开发者之一就是后来在Epic Games创造了《战争机器》的Cliff Bleszinski。该游戏划分成多个章节,第一部分内容也是以共享软件形式免费供应。该游戏多数内容是在Bleszinski的母亲家中编码,它的成功将这名年轻的编码员推向了事业的新高峰。
Xbox 360和PlayStation 3降临之后,Xbox Live Arcade和PlayStation Network也接踵而至——这两个数字商店降低了许多中小型软件工作室的准入门槛。微软尤其热衷于推广自己的设备,以《Braid》和《Limbo》等独特作品推动了独立游戏的复兴。这些低成本下载游戏原本被视为玩家消化“真正的”游戏之间的一种调味剂,但它们却播下了当前独立游戏的种子,后来的独立游戏所收获的关注度堪比出自动视和EA等大牌公司之手的AAA热作。
Jonathan Blow这款精美绝伦的平台谜题游戏至今仍是Xbox Live Arcade平台的一大亮点。表面上看它就像是深奥版本的《超级马里奥》,但添加了一个时间转换功能,以及一些令人费解的谜题,这些元素奠定了它现代经典游戏的地位。
braid(from redbull)
这是另一款Xbox Live Arcade独家发布游戏,它是令人恐怖的2D平台游戏,借鉴了黑色电影元素,呈现了一些特别可怕的死亡场景。它赢得了数项大奖,也发布了其他版本,为其开发商Playdead赢得了不少商业回报——其XBLA版本收益就达到了750万美元。
这款2D奇幻游戏将《塞尔达传说》和《暗黑破坏神》元素结合在一起,并将于今年底发布多个版本。其开发者Alex Preston原本只打算融资2.7万美元用于制作游戏,但却凭借其个人愿景的魅力而通过Kickstarter成功融资超过64.5万美元。
这是由英国元老级程序员Julian Gollop最近发起的Kickstarter筹资项目(游戏邦注:他曾开发了《XCOM》原作),《混乱重生》翻新了其最早成功之作《Chaos》。这款基于竞技模式的回合制战略游戏的粉丝还包括《生化奇兵》开发者Ken Levine——他还出现在《混乱重生》的推广视频中声援这个众筹项目。
kingdom-come(from redbull)
Warhorse Studios也许只是一家新公司,但这并不妨碍他们通过Kickstarter为《天国:拯救》融资将近200万美元。该项目可称为“没有巨龙的《权力游戏》”。Warhorse意在将“《天际》的自由精神,《巫师》的故事,《骑马与砍杀》的背景,以及《暗黑之魂》的艰难战斗”融为一体打造这款游戏。(本文为游戏邦/编译,拒绝任何不保留版权的转载,如需转载请联系:游戏邦)
What was the greatest age for indie games?
The mobile era? The dawn of the PC? Have your say here.
Sometimes it seems like indie games by small-scale developers are a new phenomenon, spurred on by the age of smartphones, self-publishing, Kickstarter and encouraging successes like the mighty Minecraft. But that couldn’t be further from the case - video games started out in bedrooms decades ago, and while publishers like EA and Ubisoft have budgets in the tens of millions, a large portion of the development sector has arguably never left the garage. Join us as we chart a course through gaming’s chequered past to show how under-the-radar developers have always been an integral part of the industry - then have your say in the comments!
The 1980s - The Bedroom Era
When Atari brought about the 1983 video game crash with its terrible business management, it left a void which would be filled by bedroom coders working on platforms which weren’t originally intended to run games. Armed with micro computers of the period - such as the Apple II, Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum - these wide-eyed youngsters created some of the most daring and original titles the in there were no rules, so they wrote them. These are just a few of them:
Akalabeth: World of Doom (Apple II)
Programmed in BASIC by fresh-faced Richard Garriott, Akalabeth: World of Doom is recognised as one of the very first RPG titles. Created when Garriott was still living with his parents, the game was originally sold in plastic zip-lock bags before it gained more widespread publication in 1980. Garriott would go on to form Origin Systems and his famous RPG series Ultima is considered to be a spiritual successor to Akalabeth. Such was his success that Garriott later became one of the world’s first space tourists.
Prince of Persia (Apple II)
Jordan Mechner had his first game - the martial arts simulation Karateka - published when he was still an undergraduate, but it is the Prince of Persia series which brought him global fame. The original game was groundbreaking in its use of rotoscoped graphics for fluid, realistic movement. Mechner used his brother to animate the smooth, lithe motions of the titular character, and despite the amazing commercial success of the game (it was ported to practically every gaming platform of the period), he joined New York University’s film department before working on the 1993 sequel - indie developers are clearly creative free spirits.
Mystery House (Apple II)
Mystery House was the debut adventure from Roberta and Ken Williams - the husband and wife team behind Sierra On-Line - and one of the first graphical adventure titles ever made. Like Richard Garriott’s Akalabeth, Mystery House was originally sold via small stores in zip-lock bags with photocopied instructions, but would go on to retail 10,000 copies in 1980 - an incredible feat for the time, given the fledgling nature of its creators.
One man band: The amazing games made by solo devs
The 1990s - Shareware Takes Over
Doom(C) id Software
By the time the ’90s arrived, home computers such as the Atari ST and Commodore Amiga were on the wane, and Sega and Nintendo’s newfound dominance meant that small-scale developers had a harder time getting noticed. The growing PC market - driven forward by business and the need for professionals to have a powerful computer at home - opened up opportunities for indie coders, with the concept of “shareware” coming into being. With this, developers offered the first portion of their game for free, with the full experience coming only when you shelled out your cash. This method of distribution allowed companies such as id Software (of Quake fame) and Epic (Gears of War) to become the giants they are today.
Following on from the success of Wolfenstein 3D, id Software created Doom, arguably the most influential first-person shooter ever made - it even got mentioned in an episode of the popular ’90s sitcom Friends, for crying out loud. Distributed as shareware back in 1993 - with the first act being given away for free - it eventually sold over one million copies, and Doom has since become a wildly successful franchise.
Rise of the Triad (PC)
Released a year after Doom hit the market and turned the first-person shooter into the hottest genre around, Apogee’s Rise of the Triad was seen as the next big step forward for the genre. Levels were larger in vertical terms, and you could carry two handguns for the true “John Woo” experience. The game’s multiplayer mode was notable for pioneering such elements as deathmatches and team-based combat, and like Doom, it was a shareware release.
Jazz Jackrabbit (PC)
One of the first action platform titles to be developed specifically for personal computers, Jazz Jackrabbit was inspired by the likes of Mega Man and Sonic the Hedgehog, and was co-designed by Cliff Bleszinski, who would later create Gears of War at Epic Games. The game was divided into episodes, with the opening segment being freely distributed as shareware. Most of the game was apparently coded in the home of Bleszinski’s mother, but its success would push the young coder onto bigger and better things.
The 2000s - Indie Gaming Comes To Consoles
Braid(C) Number None, Inc.
With the arrival of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 came Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network - two digital storefronts which lowered the barrier of entry for many small to medium-sized software houses. Microsoft in particular was keen to push this aspect of its machine, spearheading an indie revival off the back of unique titles such as Braid and Limbo. These low-cost downloads were initially seen as an appetiser for players to digest in-between “real” games, but they sowed the seeds of the current indie market, which arguably showcases titles which garner as much attention as Triple A blockbusters from the likes of Activision and EA.
Braid (XBLA)
Jonathan Blow’s painfully beautiful platform puzzler remains one of the highlights of Xbox Live Arcade, on which it was until very recently an exclusive release. On the surface it feels like an esoteric Super Mario, but the addition of a time-shifting ability - not to mention some mind-bending puzzles - elevates it to the status of a modern classic.
Minecraft (PC)
Minecraft is an indie hit turned global phenomenon and has been downloaded more than 35 million times since its launch on the PC in 2009. Half sandbox construction sim, half survival epic, Mojang’s game now challenges the likes of Super Mario and Angry Birds when it comes to popularity
this is arguably the biggest indie hit of recent memory.
Limbo (XBLA)
Another Xbox Live Arcade exclusive, Limbo is a surprisingly macabre 2D platformer which takes inspiration from Film Noir and features some particularly gruesome deaths. It won several awards and has since been released on other formats, netting developer Playdead some serious financial rewards - the XBLA version generated $7.5 million in revenue alone.
The 2010s - The Crowdfunded Revolution
Kingdom Come(C) Warhorse Studios
The single biggest event in indie gaming today has to be the advent of crowdfunding. Sites like Kickstarter and IndieGoGo have allowed bedroom coders to once again become an integral part of the industry - just like they were back in the ’80s, when it all began. Indie developers can now fund their ventures not with capital from aggressive and profit-obsessed publishers, but from their own fanbase. Self-publishing was once considered a pipedream, but it now very much a reality - and we’re seeing some amazing results.
Hyper Light Drifter (Various)
Pulling together elements from The Legend of Zelda and Diablo, Hyper Light Drifter is a 2D fantasy experience like no other, and it’s coming to a wide range of formats later this year. Creator Alex Preston only wanted to raise $27,000 in order to begin production, but such was the captivating nature of his vision that the Kickstarter campaign ended at over $645,000.
Chaos Reborn (PC)
Recently Kickstarted by veteran UK coder Julian Gollop - the man behind the original XCOM - Chaos Reborn is a reboot of one of his earliest successes, Chaos. This arena-based take on the turn-based strategy genre can already count Bioshock creator Ken Levine as one of its fans - he lent his support to Gollop’s crowdfunding campaign by appearing in promotional videos.
Kingdom Come (PC)
Warhorse Studios may be a new company, but that didn’t prevent it from raising almost $2 million when it ran a Kickstarter for Kingdom Come: Deliverance, best described as “Game of Thrones without the dragons”. Warhorse aim to mix “the freedom of Skyrim, the storytelling of The Witcher, the setting of Mount and Blade and the tough combat of Dark Souls” into a single package. We can’t wait.(source:)
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