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中文翻译vt.(-tt-)1.适合。2.使适合,使适应使(服装等)合身使合格,使胜任〔美国〕使准备(投考)。3.为…提供设备,供给 (with)。4.耕(地)。 This coat does not fit me. 这件上衣我穿着不合身。 fit a coat on sb. 给某人试上衣样子。 fit the dress to the figure 量体裁衣。 fit students for college 训练学生使能升入大学。vi.1.适合;调和,配合;(服装等)合身,合适;适应。2.〔美国〕准备(投考)。短语和例子Her clothes fit well. 她的衣服很合身。 The window fits badly. 这窗户关不上。 fit in 1. 使适合,使顺应。 2. 适合;调和(fit in with its surroundings 适应环境)。 fit into 顺应,调和。 fit like a glove 完全合适。 fit on 1. 装上;把…置于原处(fit the lid on 把盖子盖上)。 2. 试穿(have one's new coat fitted on 试穿新上衣)。 fit oneself for 作好…的准备。 fit out 1. 使装备齐全,准备好。 2. 办妥(fit out a ship for a voyage 把船装备好以便远航)。 fit the cap on 认为所指的是自己。 fit up 准备,装备,设备(fit up the house with electric light 给房子***电灯)。adj.1.适当的,相称的,合适的,适宜的(for to)。2.胜任的,合格的;有准备的。3.〔口语〕几乎要…的。4.〔俚语〕健康的,结实的。短语和例子be not fit to be seen 样子见不得人。 the survival of the fittest 适者生存。 I walked till I was fit to drop. 我走到快累倒才停。 laugh fit to burst oneself 捧腹大笑。 Is he fit for work yet 他还能工作[旅行]吗? as fit as a fiddle [flea] 很健康,神采奕奕。 be fit for 适于,适合。 feel fit 精神极好。 fit to be tied 大发脾气(She looked fit to be tied. 她看上去气得要命)。 fit to kill 极度地,大大地(The girl was dressed up fit to kill. 这女孩浓妆艳抹)。 keep fit 保持健康。adv.适合地,恰当地;适时地〔仅用于下列成语〕: see [think] fit to (do)...认为应当(做…)。n.1.适当,妥当;合身。2.〔俚语〕(投考)准备 (for)。3.【机械工程】配合;密接部。短语和例子force fit 压入配合。 shrink fit 冷缩配合。 This coat is an easy [a bad, a poor] fit. 这件衣服合身[不合身]。n.1.(病的)发作,惊厥,(婴儿的)惊风。2.(感情的)激发;一时高兴。短语和例子a fit of epilepsy 癫痫发作。 have fits of coughing 一阵阵咳嗽。 fall down in a fit 昏倒。 a fit of fury 勃然大怒。 a fit of industry 一时的勤勉。 beat [knock] sb. into fits 彻底打败某人。 by fits (and starts) 凭一时高兴,忽冷忽热地,一阵阵地。 give sb. fits [a fit] 〔口语〕使某人大吃一惊;使某人大发脾气。 go into fits (因癫痫等)昏过去。 have [throw] a fit 〔口语〕大发脾气,大为不安。 in a fit of rage [anger] 一时气愤。 scream oneself into fits 狂叫,拼命叫。 when the fit is on sb. 当某人一时高兴时。短语和例子fit3n.〔古语〕1. 诗歌;故事。2.(诗歌的)一节。&&&&突发一阵阵发... &&&&&&对…合适; 适合,胜任; 适合于... &&&&&&合适; 适合...,能胜任.; 适合的,恰当的; 适合于; 适于... &&&&&&安排合适的时间,地点; 内配合; 使适合; 使顺应; 装配好... &&&&&&合适,相配,一致; 使…相适应,与…相协调; 适合, 适应, 与...一致; 适合,符合; 适合于... &&&&&&放进; 刚好放入; 适合,符合... &&&&&&外配合; 装上, 试穿... &&&&&&调整到; 适合的,恰当的... &&&&&&配备有..... &&&&&&嵌入,进入... &&&&&&处于不良的状况... &&&&&&合适大小; 最适... &&&&&&胜任;适合于... &&&&&&slim chances... &&&&&&动配合... &&&&&&一顿脾气; 一阵发怒... &&&&&&一阵眩晕... &&&&&&癫痫发作... &&&&&&疟疾发作... &&&&&&一阵脾气... &&&&&&奔驰性发作... &&&&&&配合精确度... &&&&&&实际配合... &&&&&&拟合适当... &&&&&&配合(曲线)... &&&&&&菲斯特... &&
例句与用法Fit the tail assembly to the fuselage .把装配好的机尾***到机身上。Am i really fitted for the role of director ?我真能胜任董事一职吗?The location fits all our requirement .这一位置符合我们的所有要求。Ordinarily he enjoyed these fits of irish .他通常很欣赏爱尔兰情调。Youth only recognizes age by fits and starts .青春只是偶尔认识老年。Fit the pieces of a model kit together把模型的各个部件组装在一起。All the facts certainly fit your theory .所有的事实当然符合你的理论。Herbert almost went into a fit with joy .赫伯特高兴得简直要发疯。Her little shoes now fitted her smartly .她的小鞋子穿来恰到好处。Fit smoked plastic lenses in spectacles .把烟色的塑料镜片安在眼镜上。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释physically and menta "felt relaxed and fit after their holiday"; "keeps fit with diet and exercise"meeting adequate sta "a fit subject for discussion"; "it is fit and proper that you be there"; "water fit to drink"; "fit for duty"; "do as you see fit to"(usually followed by `to'' or `for'') on the point of
"in no fit state to continue"; "fit to drop"; "laughing fit to burst"; "she was fit to scream"; "primed for a fight"; "we are set to go at any time"同义词:, , insert or adjust sever "Can you fit the toy into the box?"; "This man can''t fit himself into our work environment" "fit a dress"; "He fitted other pieces of paper to his cut-out"make cor "Match my sweater"同义词:, provide with (something) usually fo "The expedition was equipped with proper clothing, food, and other necessities"同义词:, , , be compatible, s coincide in t "The two stories don''t agree in many details"; "The handwriting checks with the signature on the check"; "The suspect''s fingerprints don''t match those on the gun"同义词:, , , , , , , be the fit cor "This piece won''t fit into the puzzle"同义词:, satisfy a cond "Does this paper meet the requirements for the degree?"同义词:, , be agreea "This suits my needs"同义词:, , conform t "How does this shirt fit?"a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason); "a burst of applause"; "a fit of housecleaning"同义词:, the manner in
"I admired the fit of her coat"a sudden u "a paroxysm of giggling"; "a fit of coughing"; "convulsions of laughter"同义词:, , a d "he had a fit"; "she threw a tantrum"; "he made a scene"同义词:, , ,
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