
光明卷闸门【海峰实业sell】/&&&&&&& 海峰实业sell/联系人:李先生& ;联系***:0;邮箱:;网址:www.;深圳市海峰机电设备有限公司长期生产松岗卷闸门,福田卷闸门,万江卷闸门等。产品控制系统:格兰德(德国技术)BKJ1.5KW人机交换式控制箱控制电路,实现电机软启动软关闭功能、有效延长电机寿命及减小噪音。若您需要了解寮步卷闸门,中山卷闸门等信息,欢迎来电咨询!
&&&&&&& 快速卷帘门特点:
&&&&&&& 外观:标配不锈钢封箱及不锈钢轨道,激光切割加工无焊接式封箱,不生锈,美观坚固。
&&&&&&& 动力性能:格兰德(德国技术)BKJ0.75KW快速门专用电机及静音刹车电机,功率0.75-1.5KW,电源220V/380V,制动电压220V。电压220V/380V可选,功率0.75/1.5/2.2kw可选
&&&&&&& 控制系统:格兰德(德国技术)BKJ1.5KW人机交换式控制箱控制电路,实现电机软启动软关闭功能、有效延长电机寿命及减小噪音。配全程量绝对值编码器限位设备,使行程位置更为准确,断电手动行程不偏位。
&&&&&&& 控制电压:安全低压 24VDC。
&&&&&&& 开启速度:开启0.8-1.5m/秒& 关闭 0.6-1.2m/秒(变频可调速)。
&&&&&&& 门帘材料:工业高强度0.9厚PVC夹网布,双面聚氯乙烯涂层,多种颜色选择,具有耐寒,自洁,抗老化功能。
&&&&&&& 拉伸强度: N/5cm,撕裂强度900/80N。
&&&&&&& 防火级别:德国标准MZD/NBL难燃。
&&&&&&& 使用温度:-10℃+70℃/超耐寒区域-40℃ 。
&&&&&&& 透明视窗:进口PVC透明水晶软板,厚度1.5mm,长方形或椭圆形。
&&&&&&& 抗风材料:铝合金抗风肋条,分段连接,更换方便。
&&&&&&& 抗风能力:9m/s(50Pa标准3×3) 。
&&&&&&& 密封性能:门帘底部U型气囊布兜可与不平整地面严密贴合,门框双侧密封毛条防尘、防虫。
&&&&&&& 安全配置:标准红外线光电保护,压力气囊,警示灯,防撞柱,停电手动摇杆。李亚峰(lyf) 
海峰实业sell/联系lyf感谢关注我,可以更及时的了解:自动门/车库门/伸缩门/快速卷帘门/防火卷帘门的新资讯及新动态;更全面的认识智能感应开关门系统的新功能。热门文章最新文章lyf感谢关注我,可以更及时的了解:自动门/车库门/伸缩门/快速卷帘门/防火卷帘门的新资讯及新动态;更全面的认识智能感应开关门系统的新功能。法国的一位乡村邮差,一天在送信的途中被一块小石头绊倒了,他顺手捡了起来放在自己的小包里。回到家中,他突然萌发了一个大胆的构想,想让这块小石头发挥它最大的作用,就是用它来做出一个惊世之作!到底是什么想法呢?原来因为他去过的地方很多,同时也见过许多漂亮城堡房子,而自己村庄这边却很偏僻落后,没有条件来建造,于是他就萌发了这个大胆的想法!以后他每天出去都会带一块石头回来,但觉得数量太少了,时间可能不够用。于是他就开始用独轮车送信,每次看到奇怪的石头就把他捡起来放到家门口的空地上!邻居们都嘲笑他,说他像小孩子一样,还玩这种小把戏,不务正业,他却总是默默无闻从不反驳,一直坚持了30多年!偶尔一天,一个报社的记者正好路过这里,看到了这座造型独特的城堡并拍摄下了登到了报纸上。谁都没有想到的是,之后每天来参观的人数不胜数,这座城堡迅速成为人们眼中焦点,就连著名画家毕加索也曾来参观过!这座闻名于世界的城堡就是“邮差薛瓦勒之理想宫”。现在这座城堡已成为当地最著名的旅游景点了!我们在入口处还能看到一小块石头上刻有:“我想知道一块已经承载梦想的石头到底能走多远”,这就是当年绊倒薛瓦勒的那块石头!我们致力于保护作者版权,部分作品来自互联网.无法核实真实出处,如涉及侵权,请直接联系小编ROY.谢谢!品牌策划创意&&?商业空间设计品 o 有道 - 商 o 无界-木茧空间设计-&长按左侧二维码关注成都市青羊区光华东三路中铁西城写字楼3栋1024TEL-028-MOB- & 成都君客木业有限公司联合推广成都木茧空间装饰设计有限公司(CDMJKJSJ) 
我们致力于保护作者版权,部分作品来自互联网.无法核实真实出处,如涉及侵权,请直接联系小编ROY.谢谢!品牌策《夜宴》餐厅以五代十国时南唐画家顾闳中的作品《韩熙载夜宴图》为创作灵感来源,通过“听弹琵琶”,“集体观舞”,现代家居装修越来越流行软装,软装是指通过家具、布艺、灯具等可移动的装饰物进行装修摆放,软装布置应遵循多样与统什么能让破旧的城市焕发新生什么能为老旧的住宅令人一震什么能让重复的生活不再乏味唯有涂鸦PEJAC?PEJAC一代画魂Soul Painting从孤儿到雏妓、小妾,从一个艺术的追求者,到中国高等学府的教授,再到世界艺坛PICK A DELI / Elige saludable 健康熟食店Blue Frog是一个复合态的酒吧,类似于北京798仓库改造出来的空间,在孟买北部也有一个废弃的大工厂,被作为家居软装的重头戏,不同的窗帘纹样能够搭配出不同的家居风格。无论是单色、拼色还是图案印花,都是家居中的一道像家一样的办公室或许,大家印象中的办公室都是正正规规的一个格子一个格子的布局,但是如果你走进乌克兰的这家DI蓝色优雅、尊贵、明朗、清新……它带给人们很多美的享受。当蓝色的纯净气质在客厅中惊艳亮相时,你所感受到的也许不Identity design for a restaurant & cocktail bar in Bad没有什么画面能比动物和孩子在一起更治愈的了,来自加拿大的Elizabeth与丈夫Mike一共育有3个小孩与6我们致力于保护作者版权,部分作品来自互联网.无法核实真实出处,如涉及侵权,请直接联系小编ROY.谢谢!品牌策→ an identity design project for the online
blog call家居整体风格布置家居时,一定要先找出居室的整体装修风格与色调,再依照这个统一的基调来布置才不容易出错。例如简行业:艺术服务内容:VI设计、标志设计企业名称:The Scale Factory TSF是The Scal日本设计的餐饮,设计和灯光超级棒家居装修除了要注重设计外,还应注重色彩,墙纸是家居色彩的主要载体。这里,针对现代居室设计中墙纸色彩花纹的特点有多少人过早地顺从了强悍的命运?只有极少数人默默守着初心,做成了真正的自己。???画痴Crazy6岁他第一次我们致力于保护作者版权,部分作品来自互联网.无法核实真实出处,如涉及侵权,请直接联系小编ROY.谢谢!品牌策软装是一个新兴的概念,把装修更加细分化了,所谓软装饰,是指装修完毕之后,利用那些易更换、易变动位置的饰物如墙这家新的 EAST 餐厅位于基辅历史中心,这里曾经是 Porto Maltese 的鱼餐馆,因为食物质量和来放置一套中式圆桌,呼应餐厅通往休闲空间的圆形门,在厨房门和干区门洞之间放置了配套的餐边柜。并在一边放置了功能QUI TOQUE品牌形象设计我们致力于保护作者版权,部分作品来自互联网.无法核实真实出处,如涉及侵权,请直Otto Pizza & Wine是一家位于圣彼得堡的小餐厅,在这里你可以尝到非常美味的披萨。餐厅内部的设计一般画作的展示和观看,都需要明亮的光源以呈现作品的特性与细节,而来自意大利的艺术家 Cristoforo S我们致力于保护作者版权,部分作品来自互联网.无法核实真实出处,如涉及侵权,请直接联系小编ROY.谢谢!品牌策这是一家日式料理店,进行室内设计时融入了越南传统编织元素,给人营造出一个更丰富的空间体验。考虑到现有的杂乱无9岁的你在跟着父母参加婚礼时是怎样的状况,不是坐在那里只顾着吃,应该就是跟着一群小朋友四处乱跑乱闹吧。而这位前一段时间知乎上有人提问:“女生适不适合做木匠?”各路大神就开始踊跃地分享自己作为一个女生在做木工活时的辛酸很多人喜欢在家居装饰上花一些心思,让自己的家显得更加温馨舒适,“重装饰,轻装修”也是被越来越多的人接受的装修我们致力于保护作者版权,部分作品来自互联网.无法核实真实出处,如涉及侵权,请直接联系小编ROY.谢谢!品牌策这个新办公场所的设计理念,是反映出公司的文化意识,并且营造出一个温暖怡人的工作空间。谨小慎微的设计用心,高端窗帘用来遮挡阳光,房间变成昏暗的私密空间。昏暗的环境隔绝外界的喧嚣,在窗帘遮挡的卧室里感受日色变化,在暮色沉我们致力于保护作者版权,部分作品来自互联网.无法核实真实出处,如涉及侵权,请直接联系小编ROY.谢谢!品牌策品牌策划创意
?商业空间设计品 o 有道 - 商 o 无界-木茧空间设计-微信ID:CDMJKJSJ 长按2016年奥运圣火火炬在里约奥运场馆点燃这个美炸天的主火炬创意来自何处?这是美国艺术家安东尼?豪威(Anth把森林搬进家里,在房间呼吸最清新的空气~相信你也爱远山重叠,凌绝顶而小天下。空谷幽兰,竹林深处有人家。背后是我们致力于保护作者版权,部分作品来自互联网.无法核实真实出处,如涉及侵权,请直接联系小编ROY.谢谢!这届奥运会最拉风的设计之一当属中国队的中国风味的头盔了除了在钟天使和宫金杰两位强将相继刷新奥运和世界纪录后京回忆起童年,仿佛只要有爸爸的支持和陪伴,心里顿时就会觉得格外安全和踏实。艺术家Soosh就有感于这份父爱,用父亲在我们心中一直是不多言却又安心的存在,虽然他们很少口头上直接表达出对我们的爱意和关怀,但一直用行动实践付软装风为什么日益升温,因为它不用在空间里大兴土木也能得到改头换面的效果,即使主人是非专业人士,只要你对美和生我们致力于保护作者版权,部分作品来自互联网.无法核实真实出处,如涉及侵权,请直接联系小编ROY.谢谢!品牌策在家居布置中,对颜色善加使用会使整个房间看上去都精彩纷呈!下面给大家推荐一组图,看看颜色控们是怎么布置自己的Supera是澳大利亚的一个新创的时尚品牌,品牌的主要创意来源于希腊神话的一些元素和英雄人物形象。给SupePORTS(宝姿)由加拿大人LukeTanabe创立于1961年,宝姿上海店今年成功开幕,由UUfie设计的情感分两种,可以用文字表达的、无法用文字表达的。对于后一种我想,绘画的表达方式会不会更好些?于千万人之中,遇我们致力于保护作者版权,部分作品来自互联网.无法核实真实出处,如涉及侵权,请直接联系小编ROY.谢谢!品牌策LOFT风格最显著的是文艺范。类似罗夫斯克这样的办公室非常的流行,尤其是在广告等创意设计行业尤为突出,但是在CDMJKJSJ商业空间设计
品牌包装策划中国与全球化智库(CCG)是国内领先的国际化智库,秉承“国际化、影响力、建设性”宗旨,致力于中国全球化战略研究,关注中国人才国际化与中国企业国际化发展。Hear the word “innovation,” and you might think of an R&D lab, a design group, or a start-up venture. But today innovators are in demand everywhere--from the factory floor to the salesroom, the IT help desk to the HR department, the employee cafeteria to the C-suite. Innovation isn’t a department. It’s a mindset that should permeate your entire enterprise.No matter the venue, the feedstock for innovation is insight--an imaginative understanding of an internal or external opportunity that can be tapped to improve efficiency, generate revenue, or boost engagement. Insights can be about stakeholder needs, market dynamics, or even how your company works.Several Fortune 500 companies have been founded on a single insight about what customers want. Starbucks brought a little bit of Italy to coffee shops. Home Depot gave do-it-yourselfers access to professional supplies. The Body Shop was built on the notion that buyers of beauty products care about humane animal-testing practices. Inside your company, insights can lead to more-efficient operations, simplified processes, or leaner structures.Insights can be powerful, but how do you find them? Should you brainstorm with colleagues? Sift through masses of data? Simply introspect? Or carry on as usual and wait for the proverbial apple to fall on your head?In our combined half-century of working with innovators at start-ups and within large corporations, we’ve found that the best insights tend to come from sources that can be categorized. We recognize that many people arrive at great ideas more or less serendipitously, but we nevertheless believe that it’s possible for individuals to approach innovation in a more systematic way.On the basis of our experiences with and research into entrepreneurial ventures and product-development groups in varied industries around the world, we have outlined seven “insight channels” that can be used by would-be innovators in any function or role. They are listed below. By periodically tuning in to these channels and methodically running through them, you can focus your imagination, organize thinking, spur creativity, and find valuable ideas for growth.Anomalies.Businesses today are awash in data. Innovators pore over this information looking for promising ideas, but often they focus on means and averages, which lead to broad conclusions. Sometimes the real opportunities lie in the results that deviate from business as usual.Consider an anomaly in global e-commerce. One might think that Russia, with more than 100 million middle-class consumers and 75 million internet subscribers, would be an attractive market for online retail. However, e-commerce accounts for a paltry 1.5% of total retail sales in the country. The entrepreneur Niels Tonsen recognized why: The Russian postal system is very unreliable, and few consumers have credit cards. This insight led Tonsen to create an online clothing store, Lamoda, which employs an army of couriers to deliver customers’ purchases to their homes, pick up cash on delivery, and even offer fashion advice. By providing an innovative experience that effectively brings the store, the style consultant, and the cash register to the customer’s front door, Lamoda built a very successful e-commerce business, uniquely suited to the Russian market.The smart innovator knows to notice and then follow up on surprising data. To look for anomalies, ask questions such as: Is your market share or revenue abnormally low or high in a geographical market? Are you having unusual success with a specific customer segment? Are some of your salespeople unusually productive? Are some of your suppliers able to deliver unusually quickly? Then dig deeper. The deviant numbers may be the tip of the iceberg, hiding a valuable insight below.Confluence.When several trends come together, their intersection can be fertile ground for insights. For instance, the confluence of mobile telephony growth, social networking, and increasingly short attention spans has spurred the creation of social media applications including Vine, which allows the sha Tinder, a GPS- and Snapchat, which deletes anything sent through it from the receiver’s phone in a matter of seconds. Evan Spiegel and his Snapchat cofounders built on two more-specific social media trends: the urge to broadcast life as it happens and growing concerns over privacy. People express themselves spontaneously on Snapchat without worrying about self-censorship.New social habits, technologies, and areas of interest are forming all the time across all facets of life. The smart innovator looks at how they fit together. Ask yourself: What are the major economic, demographic, and technological trends affecting my organization, industry, or market? How do those trends intersect? For instance, if you combine an aging population (a demographic trend) with mobile connectivity (a technology trend) and rising health care costs (an economic trend), you can mine the intersection to create services such as remote health care monitoring for seniors. Similarly, if you combine the rising costs and difficulty of sourcing talent with the widespread availability of mobile video, you can see an opportunity to create a video-based recruitment application to screen a large number of candidates at a low cost.Frustrations.Life’s irritations are often a terrific source of ideas. In the late 1990s Mark Vadon, a young consultant, went shopping for an engagement ring and found the experience intimidating and difficult. The system for categorizing and valuing diamonds is complicated, and eager salespeople only add to the pressure. Vadon reasoned that many other men were equally put off--an insight that led him in 1999 to found Blue Nile, an online jewelry dealer that offers useful tutorials and information on gems. Today the company is the largest online retailer of diamonds and sells some $250 million worth of engagement rings a year--more than 4% of total sales in the U.S. market.Many people arrive at great ideas more or less serendipitously--but it’s possible for individuals to approach innovation in a more systematic way.Vadon’s experience shows the value of paying attention to what annoys people and then fixing the problem. Put yourself in the shoes of customers, colleagues, or suppliers and ask: What’s most frustrating about your products, processes, or workplace? What bothers you personally about your business? What work-arounds do people use to get their jobs done? How could they be improved upon? Can you make customers’ lives easier or company meetings less painful? Can you reduce the hassles your suppliers face? If you feel people’s frustrations, you can find valuable innovation opportunities.Orthodoxies.When something has always been done the same way on your team or in your organization or industry, it’s worth asking if there’s an alternative. Traditions often block potential innovations because people are reluctant to abandon the tried-and-true. But when conditions change, so must traditions.In the defense industry, for example, manufacturers have long focused on building expensive and sophisticated missiles, such as Raytheon’s Tomahawk, that sell for more th even the cheapest offerings, such as Lockheed’s Hellfire, cost upward of $100,000. These missiles are developed with customer funding (from the U.S. Department of Defense) and are custom-designed to be smart and powerful so that they can take out tanks and other large targets. But at Raytheon (a company to which Mohanbir Sawhney has provided consulting), the 25-year veteran Steve Ignat and his team recently upended that status quo.Knowing that the United States and its allies needed cheaper, stealthier missiles to effectively target small groups of terrorists on the ground, they created a low-cost manufacturing facility (dubbed the Bike Shop) and, without even courting a single customer, used parts from existing production programs to assemble exactly those sorts of weapons. One of the missiles they built, the Griffin, is now in high demand.Orthodoxies hide in every organization, industry, and market. To uncover them, ask yourself: What beliefs do we all hold sacred? Why do things have to be this way? What if the reverse were true? What opportunities would be opened up if we abandoned those assumptions and beliefs?Extremities.Businesses, appropriately, spend most of their time concerned with their mainstream stakeholders. But sometimes it is the “positive deviants,” as Oxford University’s Richard Pascale calls them, who are a rich source of ideas or insights, teaching us innovative ways to overcome incredible odds or solve seemingly intractable problems.In May 2014 the famous Harvard law professor and activist Larry Lessig created Mayday, a political action committee to address the issue of corporate money in politics. The PAC would use community- and internet-based “crowdfunding” to raise similar amounts of money directly from citizens. As of August 25, 2014, it had raised $7.92 million from more than 55,000 contributors.Positive deviants may be visionary customers who can help you see trends before they become mainstream. They may be manic coworkers who are passionate and don’t take no for an answer. They may be enlightened shareholders who can help shape your company’s strategy. Innovators must look at the fringes of stakeholder groups and ask: What can we learn from those who are most intense in their complaints or enthusiasm that we could apply to our company or our role?Voyages.When business turns stale, innovators get out of their own offices to visit “customers”--whether that means employees they manage, colleagues who rely on their work product, or the people who buy their goods and services. These “voyages” into different worlds are necessary because all behavior takes place within a rich s it’s impossible to understand what others are thinking when you’re sitting alone at your desk. Designers and product developers have long understood how important it is to take this anthropological approach.A few years ago, Jennifer Hargreaves, a manager at the financial software company Intuit, was tasked with creating a new version of the company’s popular QuickBooks product for nonprofit organizations. Her first step was to volunteer at a local charity. After immersing herself in the new context--helping to manage the organization’s accounts for a few months--she noticed sharp differences between for-profit and nonprofit financial management processes. The focus was fundraising, not sales, and donors, not customers. This on-the-ground research helped her brainstorm extra features--such as the ability to track donations, pledges, and grants separately and to allocate expenses to particular initiatives or programs--for the new QuickBooks Premier Nonprofit, which she later launched to positive reviews and sales.Anyone can make similar voyages. Learn how your stakeholders live, work, and behave. Ask yourself: What are the social, cultural, and environmental factors that affect their preferences and behaviors? How can we create solutions that respond to those factors?Analogies.Sometimes other teams, business units, companies, or industries have adopted useful ideas or systems that haven’t crossed the border, so to speak. Can you import innovation--even from a place that seems far removed or exotic?Greg Lambrecht came up with his Coravin Wine Access System by co-opting ideas from the world of surgery. An MIT-trained engineer and an oenophile, he grew tired of uncorking bottles that he didn’t want to finish in one night, only to have the fine wine start to oxidize and deteriorate. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to drink just one glass while leaving the rest perfectly preserved? He knew that surgeons had started using extra-fine needles to ensure minimally invasive surgery and wondered if the same type of needles could be used to draw wine from a bottle. He tested and developed the idea over more than a decade, and despite a few setbacks, Coravin has been well reviewed and is now widely available.We advise innovators to study a wide range of unrelated functional groups and industries to look for analogies that they can adapt to their domains. After all, innovation is not about bringing something new into the world. It’s about usefully applying something that is new to the situation, no matter the purpose for which it was invented.Our list of insight channels has evolved over the years and will no doubt continue to change and grow. Other observers could probably add a few categories of their own. But we’ve consistently found in our research and work that these seven are powerful drivers of innovation. Although they’re most commonly used by entrepreneurs, developers, and designers, they can help you in any role and any context where new thinking is required. Few people find great ideas on a blank canvas. Most of us need our imaginations channeled.AuthorsMohanbir Sawhney is the McCormick Tribune Professor of Technology and the director of the Center for Research in Technology and Innovation at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, in Evanston, Illinois. They are the authors of a book on network-centric innovation (coming in October from Wharton School Publishing).Sanjay Khosla is a senior fellow at Kellogg and was formerly the president of developing markets for Kraft Foods (now Mondelēz International). They are the coauthors of Fewer, Bigger, Bolder: From Mindless Expansion to Focused Growth (Portfolio, 2014).(文章选自Harvard Business Review, 2014年11月)中国与全球化研究(zgyqqhyj) 


