
玩LOL帧数过低画面卡?这个方法也许有效 - LOL英雄联盟视频 | 攻略 | 出装 - 锐派英雄联盟官网 lol.replays.net
来源: 178
如果查看自己的帧数(FPS),进入游戏后按CTRL+F,右上角绿色就是帧数,一般30勉强可以打,60优秀,30以下画面就开始卡了。I found a really cheap trick to help anyone who's been having FPS issues in League of Legends.I've been told to alt-tab and close the LoL Client when in game. This works but it means I have to restart LoL after every game and can't see my stats. Then I heard that I should change the priority, but when I exit out of league and start it up again the priority is reset. So I changed the default priority.Go to your Play League of Legends shortcut, right click on it, and click on Properties.There should be a target box. Change this from "C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\lol.launcher.exe"to C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start "LoLLauncher" /belownormal "C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\lol.launcher.exe"Then click apply.I know it sounds sketch because of references to system32, but this is what the new target link is doing. C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe: opens command prompt
/c: this is the close command once the task is finished, so cmd doesn't stay open once league is up.
start "LoLLauncher": starts the LoL launcher
/belownormal: sets the priority level of the launcher
"C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\lol.launcher.exe": Is the link to your LoL executable. You might have to change this if you installed League in a location other than default.Your League of Legends game will now take priority over the client that's running in the background. You should find FPS gains of 20 to 30 frames.Edit: I found that the icon changes to the command prompt icon when I change the target. I'm less of a fan of this, so I changed the icon to . This one might even be better than the default LoL icon. Change icon is also in the properties menu of the shortcut. DubiousKing has also pointed out that if you switch the icon location to the lol.launcher.exe then you can continue to enjoy the vanilla LoL icon.Edit #2: I've now tested the priority level of the target being both above and below normal. For some reason both changes have given me desirable results. If this fix isn't helping you, try changing /belownormal to/abovenormal and see if it work any better. I have theories on why this is the case, but I'd rather find out if they are right before posting them and having someone tell me I'm an idiot.5楼的精简翻译,看不懂的同学请跟帖提问:大概意思就是如何更改LOL.exe的启动属性来稳定FPS, 和其他显示问题右键点击 Lol 的快捷方式, 属性把&&"C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\lol.launcher.exe"改成 C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start "LoLLauncher" /belownormal "C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\lol.launcher.exe"然后应用。解释这个命令做什么C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe:& &&&打开cmd.exe/c:& &&&指令完成时,关闭CMD,在lol运行时不会有cmd窗口start "LoLLauncher":& &运行 LoL 登陆器/belownormal: 设定登陆器的优先级"C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\lol.launcher.exe": 这是你lol的 ***路径, 自行更改现在你的lol游戏, 优先级别高于客户端的后台程序,应该能增加20-30的FPSPs1: 这个命令会更改快捷方式的图标。。。你们也知道怎么改回来Ps2: 如果/belownormal 不好用就试试 /abovenormal
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