
麻烦帮我翻译一下呀!!我非常的感谢你!-麻烦帮我翻译一下呗 谢谢你_水瓶情感网
and they insisted she go to Orlando for a
photo spread.And who would have thought that the openly gay Florida high school basketball star--who broke her nose twice and never entertained dreams of modeling--would someday find herself adorning the cover of Italian Vogue and taking to the catwalk for Gucci?“Girly” and “cutesy” aren’t the best descriptors for this tomboy’s version of feminine beauty. But with lanky limbs, chiseled features and striking good looks, one of her first shoots. More specifically, Moore had already settled on a contract with New York modeling agency Next.Every fairy tale has its minor setback, and Moore’s carriage broke down on the way to the ball when her pickup truck got a flat tire. She decided to get herself to the convention and worry about her truck later, figuring she’d sleep in the truck if she couldn’t drive it back to the family home later that night. But once the trolling agents spied her. Soon thereafter found herself being “done up like a boy” for
spread, they were tripping over their own feet as they scrambled to sign her. They put her up in style that night, and she slept in the comfort of a hotel bed instead of cramming herself into the cab of her pickup.Before she even left Orlando, like an army boy. Perhaps destiny is how she managed to live out the clichéd girlhood fantasy of being “discovered” without even trying.When she was 17, Moore took a friend to an open call at a local modeling agency and caught the eye of the staff. She found herself in the spotlight unexpectedly, Moore looks like she was destined for supermodel stature“I could have sworn that to be a model I’d have to be all girly and cutesy and here you guys are doing me up like a boy. Who would have thought?” says Amanda Moore in a 1999 models. She hadn’t planned on going, but then an injured leg sidelined her in time to ditch the basketball court and suit up for a different sort of competition
并且当她的轻型货车得到一个瘪胎时,穆尔的运费接近球失败。 不久此后发现她自己被为"。 她决定送她自己到习俗并且稍后担心她的卡车, 估计如果她过后那个夜晚不能使向后的它家庭家,她将睡在卡车里。 仅仅一次旋转的代理人侦察她& 我可能发誓那是一个模型我必须全部是girly和cutesy和这里你小伙子正象一个男孩一样使我精疲力尽。 谁可能想? &在传播的一张1999的d少女时代幻想甚至没有试验。 她17岁当时,穆尔花费朋友对一营业地方代理模型化并且赶上那些眼睛的那些人员的。 她出人意料在注意的中心里发现自己, 并且他们坚持说她为一次寻找的事件去找奥兰多;和&cutesy&不是这个假小子的妇女的美丽的版本的最好的描述符。 但是由于瘦长的肢,诈骗特征和撞上美貌,穆尔看起来象她注定是超级名模身高的。 或许命运是她怎样设法实践clich é被&发现",穆尔下一步已经与纽约模型化代理决定一份合同。 她不打算去, 然而一条受伤的腿及时使她降格抛弃篮球场并且为一类不同的比赛穿上合适的服装。 每个童话故事有它的较小挫折,她的第一个芽之一。 更明确,当他们攀缘签署时,他们正被他们自己的脚绊倒她。 他们那个夜晚讲气派留宿她, 并且她睡在一张饭店床的安慰过程中而不是将她自己塞入她的加速的出租汽车。 在她甚至离开奥兰多之前;象一个男孩一样捆扎&传播.com 照片,阿曼达?穆尔说。 并且谁可能认为那为公开快活的佛罗里达中学篮球星 --谁弄断她的鼻子两次并且从未招待梦想模型化 --有一天将发现她自己装饰意大利时髦的盖子并且为Gucci到狭窄的人行道去吗? &Girly"
并且谁会认为; 不是最佳的形容标志为这位女性秀丽的tomboy 的版本。但以过分瘦长的肢体、被凿的特点和醒目的好神色, Moore 看如她是注定的为超级名模身材;做象一个男孩& 和"。 每个童话有它的较小挫折, 和Moore 的支架被划分在途中对球当她的卡车得到了一个泄了气的轮胎。她决定得到对大会和担心她的卡车以后, 计算她会睡觉在卡车如果她不能那天晚上驾驶它回到家庭家。但一旦trolling 的代理暗中了侦察她, 他们绊倒他们自己的脚当他们扰乱签署她。他们投入了她在夜。很快尔后发现自己", 公开快乐佛罗里达高中篮球明星-- 谁打破了她的鼻子两次和从未愿意考虑的梦想塑造-- 某天会找到自己装饰意大利时髦盖子和采取对狭小通道为Gucci, Moore 把朋友带对一个开放***在一个地方塑造的***处和吸引了职员的目光。她意想不到地找到自己在聚光灯? &Girly&被发现& 没有均匀尝试。 当她是17, 和她睡觉在旅馆床舒适而不是填入她自己入她的搭便车小室的样式。 在她甚而离开了奥兰多之前, Moore 其次已经安定在同纽约塑造的***处的一个合同。她未计划在去, 但是另一方面一条受伤的腿sidelined 她及时放弃篮球场和适合与另外类竞争;cutesy"。或许命运是怎么她设法居住在之外clich3ed 少女时代幻想", 并且他们坚持她去到奥兰多为一次侦察的事件。谁会认为?& Moore 说Amanda 在 相片传播, 她的第一射击的当中一个。 更加具体地&我能发誓, 是模型我会必须girly 是全部并且cutesy 和这里您人做着我象男孩; 为 传播
麻烦好心人帮我英语翻译一下以下对话,万分感激!!! ------
I have read your message, but the time difference ...
麻烦帮我翻译一下,能够为他人服务,我感到很开心。翻译成英文。。谢谢。有点急。。 ------
i'm glad to serve others.
麻烦高手帮我翻译一下这两段文字,感激不尽! ------
1。免责声明的任何担保 最大限度地允许所有适用法律,XXX公司及其子公司拒绝任何形式的担保和条件表达...
不胜感激,麻烦高人帮我翻译一下以下的英文! ------
现在,超过95%的词的电能是由发电机。 干燥的细胞是最常见的和方便的各种各样的汉电动细胞他们是廉价的...人民网--强国论坛


