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大大大战争(Great Big War Game)评测:回合制战棋游戏佳作
Great Big War Game(大大大战争)是一款有趣的3D回合制战略游戏,来自于开发商Rubicon Mobile,也是Great Little War Game(小小战争)的续作,Great Little War Game(小小战争)在iOS平台上获得了很高的赞誉,甚至已经推出了PC版,那么这款新作能否再创辉煌呢?Great Big War Game(大大大战争)依然采用了3D俯视角,这样玩家可以更好地观察全局,和更多的塔防、战略游戏相似,在操作方面还是大屏幕的iPad手感会更好一些。本作拥有丰富的游戏模式,分为Campaign、Skirmish、Pass&Play、Play Online四大模式。其中Campaign(战役)模式共有50个任务,比起前作仅20多个任务要丰富得多,也是游戏的主体内容;Skirmish(前哨战)模式就是人机对战,玩家的任务就是摧毁AI控制的敌军;Pass&Play模式是单机多人对战,玩家可以和朋友们选择好地图进行对战;Play Online顾名思义就是在线对战模式,玩家可以注册一个账号邀请全球玩家一起对战。游戏的操作方式容易上手,点击我方一个战斗单位(士兵),在地图上会显示绿色的多边形,这就是这个士兵可以移动的范围,不同的兵种有着不同的移动范围和速度;如果在移动之后有敌军在你的攻击范围内,那么敌军就会以红色闪烁,如果敌军士兵显示骷髅头,表示你的一次攻击即可杀死对方,此时点击敌方所在的方格便会发动攻击。既然是“回合制”的游戏,本作中士兵的移动是有限制的,当你发现你手下的士兵点击之后都显示红色,表示已经不能移动,这时就轮到对方行动了。再说说游戏的画面,3D的画面不仅是为了好看,其实不管你是在丛林、沙漠还是冰川中都是要考虑地形的因素,像有些地形隆起的地方就是战略高地,如果我方士兵在此攻击敌方士兵敌方士兵是无法反击的,如何利用好地形和兵种的特点就是这款游戏值得研究的地方。在士兵短兵相接之后,画面会给一个特写,近距离的画面效果也很震撼,这些士兵如果杀死敌方还会振臂欢呼,如果一个士兵杀死很多的敌军,其军衔和能力也会得到提升。初期的兵种主要有5个:侦查兵、步***兵、炮兵、工程师和狙击手,侦察兵没有攻击力,但某些区域如果没有侦察兵的话会看不到路;工程师也没有攻击力,但工程师的作用就是占据敌方的建筑和生产单位;步***兵、炮兵和狙击手都是进攻兵种,每种兵种的攻击范围和破坏力都有所不同,本作中还有兵种相克的设定,如步***兵就很容易杀死炮兵。如果只有士兵的话那就太单调了,本作中还有后期大本营和补给的设定。在敌我双方的后方都有一些建筑,这些建筑有些是生产用,可以一回合一回合地提供金钱,有些是兵营(商店),玩家可以用生产用的单位产生的钱去购买作战单位,我们还可以派遣工程师去占据敌方的生产单位来为我方“生钱”。在游戏中还有各种车辆和作战机械,如吉普车、坦克、飞机等,要注意的是这些机械和士兵的弹药都是有限制的,因此保证汽油和弹药的补给是很重要的,安排补给车(supply truck)停靠在需要补给的单位旁边,就可以同时为很多个单位提供补给了。另外地图上也有一些物品补给箱,要移动到附近才能得到,可以给步兵单位补充弹药。在50个战役模式中有各种各样的任务,如杀死敌方的将军、占据对方的大本营或者是保护本方的大本营等等,由于是回合制的类型,又有很多要考虑的地方,所以玩起来耗时还是比较多的,不要太沉迷了哦。Great Big War Game(大大大战争)中的音乐是类似进行曲的欢快类型,所以玩起来很是轻松振奋,在游戏中士兵会回应你的命令,整体的感觉很不错。Great Big War Game的自由度是其最大的特色之一,每个玩家都能体会到运筹帷幄的战争气氛和策略。但综合来说,这款游戏相对Great Little War Game(小小战争)的进化不算很明显,基本就是内容更丰富和增加联机对战的内容,对于喜欢SLG类型游戏的朋友来说,依然是iOS上最好的之一,要是后期能加入中文那就更好了(综合评分:8.4分/总分10分)
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大大大战争 - Great Big War Game v1.4.0
15:22:25 条下载次数:0
  Great Big War Game是一款3D回合制战略游戏,有着非常特别的幽默风格。游戏的这种独特风格使其有着轻松愉快的氛围,并且无处不在鼓励玩家要&传播混乱和破坏&。游戏的控制依然简单,主要依靠点击和划动完成。
  在Great Big War Game中玩家可以体验到更大型的单人战役,包括多达50个关卡,以及新的在线多人游戏功能。有着250万玩家基础,相信找到一个对手一起游戏不是难题。
限时免费及打折应用的价格均存在时效性,在下载的时候,请仔细确认App Store内显示的具体价格,防止误操作。
友情链接:Great Big War Game Review: I Love The Smell Of Well-Balanced Strategy In The Morning
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Article Contents
As mobile gaming starts to mature, new developers and properties have had a chance to shine. While Rubicon's Great Little War Game hasn't reached the lofty heights of some of the more mainstream titles, its mix of cartoonish humor and solid turn-based strategy has made it one of the most popular games on Android. The sequel, , brings elements from both new and old strategy games to make a more cohesive whole. Is it worth three bucks? Well, even with the new editions the core gameplay remains the same -the visuals and feel haven't gotten as big a shift as the change from "Little" to "Big" might imply. To put it simply: if you played the original and had fun, there's even more to love in Great Big War Game. If you came away from the first game unimpressed, there's nothing here that will change your mind.
If you never got a chance to play Great Little War Game, imagine a somewhat refreshed and simplified version of Civilization or Nintendo's Advance Wars. A standard game has two opponents facing off, starting with minimal units and growing their armies by gathering money and producing infantry, vehicles and support units. Movement and combat is turn-based, meaning you won't have to worry about the efficacy of touch controls for twitch-based gameplay. This makes multiplayer (either online or in person, using a hot-potato style passing system) a surprisingly mellow experience. I imagine this would be a great way to pass a long plane ride, even without an Internet connection. That said, playing in the limited campaign mode or in an AI skirmish can sometimes slow to crawl.
Tiny Tactics
Since strategy is the name of the game, it's a good thing that so much time has been spent on balancing the types of units available. Unlike some modern strategy games, you can't just load up on one type of unit and spam your way to victory. Playing against a skilled opponent or even the computer at higher levels will require a mix of the correct types of soldiers and equipment deployed against their counterparts. Load up on too many of one kind, even the more powerful units like the sniper and cruiser, and you'll soon find yourself countered and cornered. The new fog of war (a concept borrowed from PC real-time strategy games) makes exploration at least as vital as resource management.
Good Enough For Government Work
For a turn-based game that's relying on finger control, the interface in-game is surprisingly smooth. Tap on a unit to see where it can move or attack, and take a look at the color-coded rings around it to see what actions it has left in this turn. Different terrain will affect your tactics: infantry and vehicles move faster on roads, and slow to a crawl across water or swamp. Place infantry on high ground to gain a range advantage - a couple of snipers or commandos up high can make infantry quake in their tiny polygonal boots for miles around. That said, Great Big War Game could benefit from looking at the real-time genre. There's no way to select multiple units, and no way to train or build more than one at a time. If there's already something standing on the spawn point, you have to move it before you can train something new - very cumbersome. The Battle Points system, which awards spendable points after every campaign victory, can make the following levels a little too easy.
Second Verse, Same As The First
Graphics won't blow you away, but they suffice. The game engine hasn't been given much of an overhaul since the original game, at least on Android - if it weren't for a few extra decals and the real-time and extremely stiff cut scenes, you'd hardly know it was a new game to look at it. Even so, Great Big War Game treats hardware resources like a Defense Department budget. On a Tegra 2 tablet with plenty of juice the game often stuttered and crashed. These issues might be resolved in future updates, but for now, anyone with hardware under Tegra 3 or Snapdragon S4 levels will be getting a somewhat choppy experience. From the placement of navigation elements and a lack of menu options, it's clear that Rubicon copied pretty much everything from the iOS version, which may have contributed to a lack of smooth operation.
The humor on display is barely above late night talk show caliber, but it combines with the whimsical character design to produce an effect that will have you chuckling. The infantry have "hut hut hut" dialogue that often made me smile, and while the "America, !@#$ YEAH" attitude isn't particularly original or inspiring, the military caricatures are entertaining. Jenkins, sort of the Kif Kroker straight man to the Generalissimo's Zap Brannigan, is a definite highlight. The music, on the other hand, is pretty grating - I turned it off and listened to my Google Music playlist after a while.
All in all, Great Big War Game is a lot of strategy tied up in a small package. It won't set the world on fire (much to the Generalissimo's disgust), but it's a pretty good way to kill time if you're into turn-based strategy. If you've got some friends who are like-minded, local (single-device) multiplayer is a hoot, and there's plenty of online opponents once you outgrow the constraints of the feeble AI.
If you cut your teeth on Red Alert and Age of Empires like me, the action may seem a little slow, but those with patience and an analytical disposition will find Great Little War Game well worth the $2.99 asking price. There's an impressive selection of maps, but you can only access the full list via in-app purchases - boo. Bargain hunters, take note: Rubicon often participates in sales and promotions, so it might pay to wait a month or two before picking this one up.
When is the last time you bought an Android tablet? (Excluding the Kindle Fire)
This year (2016).


