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所属类别 :
点 兼容性非常好
持 Vista,Win7,MAC OS等
支持 64位系统,支持Xp,Vista,Win7,MAC OS ,支持socks4,socks5,http代理协议,支持TCP,UDP协议,可以指定端口,指定IP,指定域名,指定程序等运行模式,兼容性非常好。有点类似SOCKSCAP。
有许多网络不支持通过代理服务器工作,因此不能用于局域网或防火墙后面。这些会损害公司的隐私和导致很多限制。Proxifier解决了这些问题和所有限制,让您有机会不受任何限制使用你喜爱的软件。 此外,它让你获得了额外的网络安全控制,创建代理隧道,并添加使用更多网络功能的权力。
1、添加代理:运行软件,打开软件主界面。选择option-&proxy setting,点击右侧的Add添加代理,在弹出的窗口中添加你的代理。如果你的代理需要验证,在setting部分填入用户名和密码。添加完成后可以检查代理的可用性。2、设置代理规则运行软件,打开软件主界面。选择option-&proxification Rules,在打开的窗口中选择哪些软件使用该代理访问网络,默认是全部软件都通过该代理访问网络,对于本机localhost的访问除外。3.利用交叉和网络游戏代理!
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360百科致力于成为最为用户所信赖的专业性百科网站。人人可编辑,让求知更简单。Proxifier下载|Proxifier(socks5客户端)3.21 汉化***版-东坡下载
→ Proxifier(socks5客户端) 3.21 汉化***版
  Proxifier 是一款功能非常强大的socks5客户端,可以让不支持通过代理服务器工作的网络程序能通过https或socks代理或代理链。支持socks4,socks5,http代理协议,支持tcp,udp协议,可以指定端口,指定ip,指定程序等运行模式,兼容性非常好。让你获得了额外的网络安全控制,创建代理隧道,并添加使用更多网络功能的权力。软件功能:  1、通过代理服务器运行任何网络应用程序。对于软件不需要有什么特殊配置;整个过程是完全透明的。  2、通过代理服务器网关访问受限制的网络。  3、绕过防火墙的限制。  4、“隧道”整个系统 (强制所有网络连接,包括系统工作都通过代理服务器连接)。  5、通过代理服务器解析 DNS 名称。  6、灵活的代理规则,对于主机名和应用程序名称可使用通配符。  7、通过隐藏您的 IP 地址的获得安全隐私。  8、通过代理服务器链来工作,可使用不同的协议。  9、查看当前网络活动的实时信息(连接,主机,时间,带宽使用等)。  10、维护日志文件和流量转储。  11、获得详细的网络错误报告。使用方法:  1、添加代理:运行软件,打开软件主界面。选择配置文件–&代理服务器,点击右侧的Add添加代理,在弹出的窗口中添加你的代理。如果你的代理需要验证,在setting部分填入用户名和密码。添加完成后可以检查代理的可用性。  2、设置代理规则:运行软件,打开软件主界面。选择配置文件–&代理规则,在打开的窗口中选择哪些软件使用该代理访问网络,默认是全部软件都通过该代理访问网络,对于本机localhost的访问除外。
Proxifier(socks5客户端) 3.21 汉化***版
38.0M / 07-20 / 官网最新版
4.7M / 11-30 / 1.0 独家版
1.3M / 11-29 / 3.0 综合最新版
2.9M / 11-01 / v1.9.0 官方最新版
1.6M / 03-13 / 1.0 官方免费版【2015小啊工作室】
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Proxifier 3.21
Proxifier 3.21
Proxifier is a program that allows network applications that do not support working through proxy servers to operate through a HTTP or SOCKS proxy server or a chain of proxy servers.
Last update
4 Apr. 2016
Free to try
OS Support
Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
Total: 193,415 | Last week: 122
Users rating:
(164 ratings)
Editor's rating:
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Proxifier Editor's Review
Make internet apps run, even through your office network, with this must have multiplatform utility.
Don't you hate it when your employer blocks certain kinds of applications simply based on file or traffic types? I know I do. I find it very frustrating when I am used to working a specific way and then have to change how I do what I do simply because an application I need has been blocked.
If you find yourself in a situation like this, then you might want to take a quick look at Proxifier. It&s a multiplatform network utility.
Proxifier allows network applications that do not support working through proxy servers to operate through a SOCKS or HTTPS proxy and chains. With it, you can work with any Internet client through a proxy. You can improve network performance and ensure privacy.
The app uses a flexible rule system, and has an easy to use yet powerful UI with live data.
Pros: Supports most proxy types as well as direct connections, supports proxy chains for added security and anonymity
&Cons: Unclear where a list of usable, public proxies can be found and implemented, can't be used to over-ride existing proxy settings
Conclusion: Proxifier is a cool program that can help you route internet traffic through a single or chain of proxy servers to protect your privacy or to help you get key apps running when they might be blocked on specific networks. The biggest issue that I initially saw with the software was that it cannot be installed or used on a network that is already using proxies to govern network traffic. Those proxy settings have to be disabled before Proxifier can be installed and configured.
Caution should therefore be used if you're going to use this application at the office, as you could find yourself without any network or internet access if Proxifier conflicts with configuration scripts used in your enterprise.
Proxifier Publisher's Description
Proxifier is a program that allows network applications that do not support working through proxy servers to operate through a HTTP or SOCKS proxy server or a chain of proxy servers.
There are many network applications that do not support working through proxy servers and thus cannot be used from LAN or with firewalls. These can compromise corporate...
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