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warrior 勇士
rogue 盗贼
ranger 漫游者
1.翻译中的数字后面的单位不确定,比如攻击+4 不知道是4点还是4%,这个大家自己验证
Bash lock 开锁
Current skill: 1/1 当前技能 1/1
Cast Time:1,Duration:Instant 施法时间:1秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 10 energy 消耗:10 能量
Allows you to open locks of level 75 or less
Dual Wield 双武器
Untrained(0/5) 未训练(0/5)
Duration:Permanent 持续时间:永久(被动)
Cost:none 消耗:无
This ability allows you to wield a second weapon in your offhand. Increases your chance to attack with your secondary weapon by 10%
Warrior Armor 勇士盔甲
Current skill: 1/1 当前技能 1/1
Duration:Permanent 持续时间:永久(被动)
Cost:none 消耗:无
Enables the use of light,medium,and heavy armor.You can also use a shield.
Shield Bash 盾牌猛击
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Cast Time:Instant,Duration:Instant 施法时间:立即,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 80 energy 消耗 80能量
A shield attack that stuns your opponent for 2 seconds.
*Requirement:Must first block an attack.
Parry 闪避
Untrained(0/5) 未训练(0/5)
Duration:Permanent 持续时间:永久(被动)
Cost:none 消耗:无
Grants you a 4% chance to pa
Warrior Weaponry 战士武器
Current skill: 1/1 当前技能 1/1
Duration:Permanent 持续时间:永久(被动)
Cost:none 消耗:无
Enables the use of short bladed weapons,long bladed weapons,and axes
Shield Bash 盾牌猛击 2
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Cast Time:Instant,Duration:Instant 施法时间:立即,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 150 energy 消耗 1500能量
A shield attack that stuns your opponent for 4 seconds.
*Requirement:Must first block an attack.
Riposte 还击
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Duration:Permanent 持续时间:永久(被动)
Cost:10 energy 消耗: 10能量
2 second stun
*Requirement:Must first parry an attack.
Untrained(0/3) 未训练(0/3)
Cast Time:1.5,Duration:40second 施法时间:1.5秒,持续时间:40秒
Cost: 50 energy 消耗: 50能量
Increase your strength by 10 and your melee attack power by 10. Your defense is reduced by 4.
Whirling Blades 旋风剑刃
Untrained(0/3) 未训练(0/3)
Cast Time:0.5,Duration:6 second 施法时间:0.5秒,持续时间:6秒
Cost: 50 energy 消耗: 50能量
A spinning attack that knocks all nearby enemies backwards,stunning them for 2 seconds and causing 20 to 30 damage.
Power Attack 能量打击
Current skill: 1/3 当前技能 1/3
Cast Time:0.5,Duration:6 second 施法时间:0.5秒,持续时间:6秒
Cost: 12 energy 消耗: 12能量
Your next melee attack does 10 to 15 points of bonus damage
Vicious Strike 凶恶打击
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Cast Time:Instant,Duration:4 second 施法时间:立即,持续时间:4秒
Cost: 60 energy 消耗: 60能量
Your next attack does 30 to 45 points of bonus damage
*Requirement:Target must be stunned.
Riposte 2 还击 2
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Cast Time:Instant,Duration:6 second 施法时间:立即,持续时间:6秒
Cost:10 energy 消耗: 10能量
4 second stun
*Requirement:Must first parry an attack.
Berserk 狂怒
Untrained(0/3) 未训练(0/3)
Cast Time:1.5,Duration:40second 施法时间:1.5秒,持续时间:40秒
Cost: 80 energy 消耗: 80能量
Increase your strength by 3 and your melee attack power by 50. Your defense is reduced by 50.
Whirling Blades 2 旋风剑刃2
Untrained(0/3) 未训练(0/3)
Cast Time:0.5,Duration:6 second 施法时间:0.5秒,持续时间:6秒
Cost: 100 energy 消耗: 100能量
A spinning attack that knocks all nearby enemies backwards,stunning them for 2 seconds and causing 100 to 150 damage.
Power Attack 2 能量打击 2
Untrained(0/4) 未训练(0/4)
Minimum Level:10 需要最低等级:10
Cast Time:0.5,Duration:6 second 施法时间:0.5秒,持续时间:6秒
Cost: 30 energy 消耗: 30能量
Your next melee attack does 20 to 30 points of bonus damage
Vicious Strike 2 凶恶打击 2
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Minimum Level:20 需要最低等级:20
Cast Time:Instant,Duration:4 second 施法时间:立即,持续时间:4秒
Cost: 120 energy 消耗: 120能量
Your next attack does 80 to 120 points of bonus damage
*Requirement:Target must be stunned.
Power Attack 3 能量打击 3
Untrained(0/4) 未训练(0/4)
Minimum Level:20 需要最低等级:20
Cast Time:0.5,Duration:6 second 施法时间:0.5秒,持续时间:6秒
Cost: 50 energy 消耗: 50能量
Your next melee attack does 50 to 75 points of bonus damage
Power Attack 4 能量打击 4
Untrained(0/4) 未训练(0/4)
Minimum Level:30 需要最低等级:30
Cast Time:0.5,Duration:6 second 施法时间:0.5秒,持续时间:6秒
Cost: 75 energy 消耗: 75能量
Your next melee attack does 50 to 75 points of bonus damage
Pick Lock 开锁
Current skill: 1/1 当前技能 1/1
Cast Time:2,Duration:Instant 施法时间:2秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: None 消耗: 无
Allows you to open locks of level 75 or less
Dual Wield 双武器
Untrained(0/5) 未训练(0/5)
Duration:Permanent 持续时间:永久(被动)
Cost:none 消耗:无
This ability allows you to wield a second weapon in your offhand. Increases your chance to attack with your secondary weapon by 10%
Rogue Armor 盗贼护甲
Current skill: 1/1 当前技能 1/1
Duration:Permanent 持续时间:永久(被动)
Cost:none 消耗:无
Enables the use of light,medium armor.
Deadly Accurate 致命精准
Untrained(0/5) 未训练(0/5)
Duration:Permanent 持续时间:永久(被动)
Cost:none 消耗:无
All your melee attacks receive a 4% bonus chance of being a critical hit.
Parry Mastery 闪避精通
Untrained(0/5) 未训练(0/5)
Duration:Permanent 持续时间:永久(被动)
Cost:none 消耗:无
Grants you a 8% chance to pa
Pickpocket 偷窃
Untrained(0/3) 未训练(0/3)
Cast Time:2,Duration:Instant 施法时间:2秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 50 energy 消耗: 50能量
Allow you to quickly grab an item or gold coins from a victim's pockets
*requirement:Must be behind target
Rogue Weaponry 盗贼武器
Current skill: 1/1 当前技能 1/1
Duration:Permanent 持续时间:永久(被动)
Cost:none 消耗:无
Enables the use of short bladed weapons and poisons.
Counterattack 还击
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Cast Time:Instant,Duration: 6 second 施法时间:瞬发,持续时间:6秒
Cost:60 energy 消耗: 60能量
2 second stun
*Requirement:Must first parry an attack.
Backstab 背刺
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Cast Time:Instant,Duration: 2 second 施法时间:瞬发,持续时间:2秒
Cost:40 energy 消耗: 40能量
A devastating strike that doubles the damage of your next attack and stuns your oppenent for 4 seconds
*requirement:Must be behind target.
*requirement:Must be stealthed.
Stealth 潜行
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Cast Time:Instant,Duration: 20000 second 施法时间:瞬发,持续时间:20000秒
Cost:none 消耗:无
Makes it difficult for enemies to see you.Your movement speed is reduced by 30% when you are stealthed.
*requirement:Must be out of combat.
Thigh Cut 削骨 (这个名字翻译部准确)
Current skill: 1/3 当前技能 1/3
Cast Time:0.5 ,Duration: 4 second 施法时间:0.5秒 ,持续时间:4秒
Cost:12 energy 消耗: 12能量
Your next attack causes an additional 3 to 6 damage every 2 seconds
Apply Diluted Poison 涂初级毒药
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Cast Time:1,Duration: 6 second 施法时间:1秒 ,持续时间:6秒
Cost:none 消耗:无
Applies a poison to your weapon that inflicts 6 to 9 damage per round.
*requirement:Must be out of combat.
Counterattack 2 还击 2
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Cast Time:Instant,Duration: 4 second 施法时间:瞬发,持续时间:4秒
Cost:120 energy 消耗: 120能量
4 second stun
*Requirement:Must first parry an attack.
Backstab 2 背刺 2
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Minimum Level:10 最低等级:10级
Cast Time:Instant,Duration: 2 second 施法时间:瞬发,持续时间:2秒
Cost:100 energy 消耗: 100能量
A devastating strike that triples the damage of your next attack and stuns your oppenent for 4 seconds
*requirement:Must be behind target.
*requirement:Must be stealthed.
Vicious Strike 凶恶打击
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Cast Time:Instant,Duration:4 second 施法时间:立即,持续时间:4秒
Cost: 60 energy 消耗: 60能量
Your next attack does 30 to 45 points of bonus damage
*Requirement:Target must be stunned.
Thigh Cut 2 削骨 2 (这个名字翻译部准确)
Untrained(0/3) 未训练(0/3)
Cast Time:0.5 ,Duration: 4 second 施法时间:0.5秒 ,持续时间:4秒
Cost:40 energy 消耗: 40能量
Your next attack causes an additional 20 to 30 damage every 2 seconds
Apply Weak Poison 涂弱效毒药
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Cast Time:1,Duration: 6 second 施法时间:1秒 ,持续时间:6秒
Cost:none 消耗:无
Applies a poison to your weapon that inflicts 20 to 30 damage per round.
*requirement:Must be out of combat.
Backstab 3 背刺 3
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Minimum Level:20 最低等级:20级
Cast Time:Instant,Duration: 2 second 施法时间:瞬发,持续时间:2秒
Cost:200 energy 消耗: 200能量
A devastating strike that quadruples the damage of your next attack and stuns your oppenent for 4 seconds
*requirement:Must be behind target.
*requirement:Must be stealthed.
Vicious Strike 2 凶恶打击 2
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Minimum Level:20 最低等级:20级
Cast Time:Instant,Duration:4 second 施法时间:立即,持续时间:4秒
Cost: 120 energy 消耗: 120能量
Your next attack does 80 to 120 points of bonus damage
*Requirement:Target must be stunned.
Thigh Cut 3 削骨 3 (这个名字翻译部准确)
Untrained(0/3) 未训练(0/3)
Cast Time:0.5 ,Duration: 4 second 施法时间:0.5秒 ,持续时间:4秒
Cost:75 energy 消耗: 40能量
Your next attack causes an additional 30 to 45 damage every 2 seconds
Apply Quality Poison 涂速效毒药
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Cast Time:1,Duration: 6 second 施法时间:1秒 ,持续时间:6秒
Cost:none 消耗:无
Applies a poison to your weapon that inflicts 30 to 45 damage per round.
*requirement:Must be out of combat.
Apply Quality Toxin 涂速效药膏
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Cast Time:1,Duration: 10 second 施法时间:1秒 ,持续时间:10秒
Cost:none 消耗:无
Infects your enemy with a draining toxin that decreases his attack power by 15 points.
*requirement:Must be out of combat.
Apply Strong Poison 涂强效毒药
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Cast Time:1,Duration: 6 second 施法时间:1秒 ,持续时间:6秒
Cost:none 消耗:无
Applies a poison to your weapon that inflicts 40 to 60 damage per round.
*requirement:Must be out of combat.
Apply Quality Toxin 涂强效药膏
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Cast Time:1,Duration: 10 second 施法时间:1秒 ,持续时间:10秒
Cost:none 消耗:无
Infects your enemy with a draining toxin that decreases his attack power by 30 points.
*requirement:Must be out of combat.
Apply Superb Poison 涂极效毒药
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Cast Time:1,Duration: 6 second 施法时间:1秒 ,持续时间:6秒
Cost:none 消耗:无
Applies a poison to your weapon that inflicts 50 to 75 damage per round.
*requirement:Must be out of combat.
Bash lock 开锁
Current skill: 1/1 当前技能 1/1
Cast Time:1,Duration:Instant 施法时间:1秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 10 energy 消耗:10 能量
Allows you to open locks of level 75 or less
Stealth 潜行
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Cast Time:Instant,Duration: 20000 second 施法时间:瞬发,持续时间:20000秒
Cost:none 消耗:无
Makes it difficult for enemies to see you.Your movement speed is reduced by 30% when you are stealthed.
*requirement:Must be out of combat.
Rogue Armor 漫游者护甲
Current skill: 1/1 当前技能 1/1
Duration:Permanent 持续时间:永久(被动)
Cost:none 消耗:无
Enables the use of light,medium armor.
Battle Cry 战争呐喊
Untrained(0/5) 未训练(0/5)
Cast Time:1.5,Duration:30 second 施法时间:1.5秒,持续时间:30秒
Cost: 40 energy 消耗:40 能量
Increases your strength and agility by 1
Parry 闪避
Untrained(0/5) 未训练(0/5)
Duration:Permanent 持续时间:永久(被动)
Cost:none 消耗:无
Grants you a 4% chance to pa
Poison Spike Trap 毒刺陷阱
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Cast Time:3,Duration:30 second 施法时间:3秒,持续时间:60秒
Cost: 10 energy 消耗:10 能量
Creates a poison spike trap.
*requirement:Must be out of combat.
Ambush 伏击
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Cast Time:1,Duration:6 second 施法时间:1秒,持续时间:6秒
Cost: 20 energy 消耗:20 能量
A surprise attack that stuns a target for 4 seconds. You must be stealthed and must use a ranged weapon.
*requirement:Must be stealthed.
Ranger Weaponry 漫游者武器
Current skill: 1/1 当前技能 1/1
Duration:Permanent 持续时间:永久(被动)
Cost:none 消耗:无
Enables the use of short blades,long blades,and bows
Arrow of fire 火之箭
Untrained(0/3) 未训练(0/3)
Cast Time:1.5,Duration:6 second 施法时间:1.5秒,持续时间:6秒
Cost:none 消耗:无
Your next attack ranged attack will do 6 to 9 additional fire damage.
Power Attack 1 能量打击 1
Untrained(1/3) 未训练(1/3)
Cast Time:0.5,Duration:6 second 施法时间:0.5秒,持续时间:6秒
Cost: 12 energy 消耗: 12能量
Your next melee attack does 10 to 15 points of bonus damage
Tangleroot 缠绕根须
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Cast Time:1,Duration:8 second 施法时间:1秒,持续时间:8秒
Cost: 50 energy 消耗: 50能量
Magical roots grip your enemy,Stopping all movement for the duration of the spell
Lightning Strike 1 闪电袭击 1
Untrained(0/3) 未训练(0/3)
Cast Time:1,Duration:Instant 施法时间:1秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 40 energy 消耗: 40能量
Calls down Lightning on your enemy,Striking for 40 to 60 damage.Your enemy is also stunned for 4 seconds.
Arrow of fire 2 火之箭 2
Untrained(0/3) 未训练(0/3)
Cast Time:1.5,Duration:6 second 施法时间:1.5秒,持续时间:6秒
Cost:none 消耗:无
Your next attack ranged attack will do 30 to 45 additional fire damage.
Power Attack 2 能量打击 2
Untrained(0/4) 未训练(0/4)
Cast Time:0.5,Duration:6 second 施法时间:0.5秒,持续时间:6秒
Cost: 30 energy 消耗: 30能量
Your next melee attack does 20 to 30 points of bonus damage
Skin of Brambles 荆棘皮肤
Untrained(0/3) 未训练(0/3)
Cast Time:1,Duration:30 second 施法时间:1秒,持续时间:30秒
Cost: 40 energy 消耗: 40能量
Creates a barrier of sharp brambles around you.Each time an enemy hits you,it will receive 10 to 15 points of damage
Lightning Strike 2 闪电袭击 2
Untrained(0/3) 未训练(0/3)
Cast Time:1,Duration:Instant 施法时间:1秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 100 energy 消耗: 100能量
Calls down Lightning on your enemy,Striking for 100 to 150 damage.Your enemy is also stunned for 4 seconds.
Arrow of fire 3 火之箭 3
Untrained(0/3) 未训练(0/3)
Cast Time:1.5,Duration:6 second 施法时间:1.5秒,持续时间:6秒
Cost:none 消耗:无
Your next attack ranged attack will do 90 to 135 additional fire damage.
Power Attack 3 能量打击 3
Untrained(0/4) 未训练(0/4)
Cast Time:0.5,Duration:6 second 施法时间:0.5秒,持续时间:6秒
Cost: 50 energy 消耗: 50能量
Your next melee attack does 50 to 75 points of bonus damage
Skin of Brambles 2 荆棘皮肤 2
Untrained(0/3) 未训练(0/3)
Cast Time:1,Duration:30 second 施法时间:1秒,持续时间:30秒
Cost: 80 energy 消耗: 80能量
Creates a barrier of sharp brambles around you.Each time an enemy hits you,it will receive 40 to 60 points of damage
Summon Fire Elemental 1 召唤火元素 1
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Minimum Level:5 需要最低等级:5级
Cost Time 3,Duration:Instant 施法时间:3秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 60 energy 消耗: 60能量
Summons a fire elemental to aid you in battle.
open lock 开锁
Current skill: 1/1 当前技能 1/1
Cast Time:1.5,Duration:Instant 施法时间:1.5秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 20 energy 消耗:20 能量
Allows you to open locks of level 75 or less
Wizard Armor 巫师护甲
Current skill: 1/1 当前技能 1/1
Duration:Permanent 持续时间:永久(被动)
Cost:none 消耗:无
Enables the use of light armor.
Armor of air 空气护甲
Untrained(0/3) 未训练(0/3)
Cast Time:1,Duration:120 seconds 施法时间:1秒,持续时间:120秒
Cost: 60 energy 消耗:60 能量
Creates a barrier of air that increases your defense by 12.
Dazzle 光辉
Untrained(0/5) 未训练(0/5)
Cast Time:1,Duration:20 seconds 施法时间:1秒,持续时间:20秒
Cost: 60 energy 消耗:60 能量
Confuses your enemy,reducing their attack power by 10 and their defense by 10.
Summon Fire Elemental 2 召唤火元素 2
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Minimum Level:12 需要最低等级:12级
Cost Time 3,Duration:Instant 施法时间:3秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 125 energy 消耗: 125能量
Wizard weaponry 巫师武器
Current skill: 1/1 当前技能 1/1
Duration:Permanent 持续时间:永久(被动)
Cost:none 消耗:无
Enables the use of short blades,long blades,and bows
Shockwave 冲击波
Untrained(0/3) 未训练(0/3)
Cost Time 1.1,Duration:Instant 施法时间:1.1秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 100 energy 消耗: 100能量
A wave of air knocks all nearby enemies backwards,stunning them and doing 100 to 150 damage
Summon Fire Elemental 3 召唤火元素 3
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Minimum Level:12 需要最低等级:12级
Cost Time 3,Duration:Instant 施法时间:3秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 250 energy 消耗: 250能量
Summons a fire elemental to aid you in battle.
Firestorm 1 风暴 1
Untrained(0/4) 未训练(0/4)
Cost Time 1,Duration:Instant 施法时间:1秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 100 energy 消耗: 100能量
Rains fire down on all enemies within an 8 meter radius,causing 20 to 30 points of damage.
Fast Blast 1 火焰冲击1
Current skill: 1/3 当前技能 1/3
Cost Time 1,Duration:Instant 施法时间:1秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 10 energy 消耗: 10能量
Blasts an enemy with a ball of flame,inflicting 10 to 15 damage.
Ice Bolt 寒冰箭
Untrained(0/3) 未训练(0/3)
Cost Time 1,Duration:Instant 施法时间:1秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 30 energy 消耗: 30能量
Create a bolt of ice that does 20 to 30 damage
Fist of ice 冰拳
Untrained(0/3) 未训练(0/3)
Cost Time 1,Duration:Instant 施法时间:1秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 40 energy 消耗: 40能量
An icy force pushes your enemy 3 to 5 meters away from you.Also causes 50 to 75 points of ice damage.
Summon Fire Elemental 4 召唤火元素 4
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Minimum Level:26 需要最低等级:26级
Cost Time 3,Duration:Instant 施法时间:3秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 500 energy 消耗: 500能量
Summons a fire elemental to aid you in battle.
Firestorm 2 风暴 2
Untrained(0/4) 未训练(0/4)
Minimum Level:20 需要最低等级:20级
Cost Time 1,Duration:Instant 施法时间:1秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 250 energy 消耗: 250能量
Rains fire down on all enemies within an 8 meter radius,causing 20 to 30 points of damage.
Fast Blast 2 火焰冲击2
Untrained(0/4) 未训练(0/4)
Minimum Level:8 需要最低等级:8级
Cost Time 1,Duration:Instant 施法时间:1秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 40 energy 消耗: 40能量
Blasts an enemy with a ball of flame,inflicting 30 to 45 damage.
Ice Shield 冰盾
Untrained(0/3) 未训练(0/3)
Cast Time:1,Duration:120 seconds 施法时间:1秒,持续时间:120秒
Cost: 120 energy 消耗: 120能量
Creates a shield of ice that absorbs 50 to 75 points of physical damage.Once the shield has absorbed its total damage potential,it is destroyed.
Summon Fire Elemental 5 召唤火元素 5
Untrained(0/1) 未训练(0/1)
Minimum Level:33 需要最低等级:33级
Cost Time 3,Duration:Instant 施法时间:3秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 750 energy 消耗: 750能量
Summons a fire elemental to aid you in battle.
Fast Blast 3 火焰冲击3
Untrained(0/4) 未训练(0/4)
Minimum Level:18 需要最低等级:18级
Cost Time 1,Duration:Instant 施法时间:1秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 70 energy 消耗: 70能量
Blasts an enemy with a ball of flame,inflicting 60 to 90 damage.
Ice Bolt 2 寒冰箭 2
Untrained(0/3) 未训练(0/3)
Cost Time 1,Duration:Instant 施法时间:1秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 60 energy 消耗: 60能量
Create a bolt of ice that does 80 to 120 damage
Fast Blast 4 火焰冲击4
Untrained(0/4) 未训练(0/4)
Minimum Level:30 需要最低等级:30级
Cost Time 1,Duration:Instant 施法时间:1秒,持续时间:瞬间
Cost: 100 energy 消耗: 100能量
Blasts an enemy with a ball of flame,inflicting 100 to 150 damage.
Ice Shield 2 冰盾 2
Untrained(0/3) 未训练(0/3)
Cast Time:1,Duration:120 seconds 施法时间:1秒,持续时间:120秒
Cost: 250 energy 消耗: 250能量
Creates a shield of ice that absorbs 150 to 225 points of physical damage.Once the shield has absorbed its total damage potential,it is destroyed.

在线时间627 小时经验值1662 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限80UID5095675
研究生, 积分 1662, 距离下一级还需 38 积分
G币158 最后登录注册时间
在线时间380 小时经验值840 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限70UID7932191
学士, 积分 840, 距离下一级还需 260 积分
G币691 最后登录注册时间
在线时间2084 小时经验值3126 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限100UID2877649
博士, 积分 3126, 距离下一级还需 374 积分
TA的每日心情难过 11:23签到天数: 65 天[LV.6]常住居民II
G币32 最后登录注册时间
在线时间2084 小时经验值3126 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限100UID2877649
博士, 积分 3126, 距离下一级还需 374 积分
TA的每日心情难过 11:23签到天数: 65 天[LV.6]常住居民II
G币32 最后登录注册时间
在线时间441 小时经验值653 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限60UID4906765
大学本科, 积分 653, 距离下一级还需 47 积分
TA的每日心情无聊 19:54签到天数: 6 天[LV.2]偶尔看看I
G币1205 最后登录注册时间
trouble maker
在线时间23 小时经验值64 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限30UID8652498
初中生, 积分 64, 距离下一级还需 36 积分
G币164 最后登录注册时间
在线时间306 小时经验值944 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限70UID6342145
学士, 积分 944, 距离下一级还需 156 积分
G币178 最后登录注册时间
在线时间306 小时经验值944 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限70UID6342145
学士, 积分 944, 距离下一级还需 156 积分
G币178 最后登录注册时间
在线时间554 小时经验值1774 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限90UID2769053
硕士, 积分 1774, 距离下一级还需 726 积分
TA的每日心情慵懒 06:38签到天数: 122 天[LV.7]常住居民III
G币1402 最后登录注册时间
你写了这么多很感谢你,可是有谁能记得住呢?& & 如果是游戏汉化了就好了。
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