求拳皇mugen5.0完美版 miku的大气?

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Hatsune Miku: Project MUGEN extend Lifebar (640,480)
After so many requests by PMs, emails, being offered with e-cash, etc, the 640,480 version of the extend Lifebars are here.& If you're familiar with my previous lifebars, you should know the traditional 9000,35, plus the additional
portraits that are being used. Normal version is also included!Custom VersionNormal Version[/center]
Last Edit:
by Dissidia
Re: Hatsune Miku: Project MUGEN extend Lifebar (640,480)
Great lifebars, been using your old ones until I can edit my own for 1.0. Can't wait to see yours in action.
Re: Hatsune Miku: Project MUGEN extend Lifebar (640,480)
Good job Diss
Re: Hatsune Miku: Project MUGEN extend Lifebar (640,480)
Swell job good buddy, adding to your legacy. Very impressive stuff right here folks, better get your copy while in-stock.
Re: Hatsune Miku: Project MUGEN extend Lifebar (640,480)
They look great, Diss. Glad to see you're still motivated, I miss seeing work from you as much as I used to.
Re: Hatsune Miku: Project MUGEN extend Lifebar (640,480)
One of the best lifebars ever made
Re: Hatsune Miku: Project MUGEN extend Lifebar (640,480)
They look great, Diss. Glad to see you're still motivated, I miss seeing work from you as much as I used to.We take little short breaks and eventually come back. It happens with Mugen.
Re: Hatsune Miku: Project MUGEN extend Lifebar (640,480)
They look great, Diss. Glad to see you're still motivated, I miss seeing work from you as much as I used to.We take little short breaks and eventually come back. It happens with Mugen.I can't believe after all my bitching and moaning, you actually came through for me. Thanks very much bro
Re: Hatsune Miku: Project MUGEN extend Lifebar (640,480)
It wasn't just for you only, but for everyone else that wanted to see these bars converted.
Re: Hatsune Miku: Project MUGEN extend Lifebar (640,480)
Would converting the whole screenpack be too much of a stretch?
Re: Hatsune Miku: Project MUGEN extend Lifebar (640,480)
Would converting the whole screenpack be too much of a stretch?I would since I'm slowly getting back into 640,480. However, sacrifices will have to be made, such as removing the newly custom portrait version since they're too wide for that resolution. My plan is to make another template and a new style portrait for this version. Classic and default versions can be easily converted.
Re: Hatsune Miku: Project MUGEN extend Lifebar (640,480)
Would converting the whole screenpack be too much of a stretch?I would since I'm slowly getting back into 640,480. However, sacrifices will have to be made, such as removing the newly custom portrait version since they're too wide for that resolution. My plan is to make another template and a new style portrait for this version. Classic and default versions can be easily converted.I'd love the full screen pack. I never planned to use that new select screen with huge ports and character stats anyways.
Re: Hatsune Miku: Project MUGEN extend Lifebar (640,480)
Would converting the whole screenpack be too much of a stretch?I would since I'm slowly getting back into 640,480. However, sacrifices will have to be made, such as removing the newly custom portrait version since they're too wide for that resolution. My plan is to make another template and a new style portrait for this version. Classic and default versions can be easily converted.I'd love the full screen pack. I never planned to use that new select screen with huge ports and character stats anyways.My thoughts exactly. Especially since I quite preferred the classic portraits (they're much easier to make and you don't have to mess with localcoords), but I also love the improved looks of the new screenpack.
Re: Hatsune Miku: Project MUGEN extend Lifebar (640,480)
Would converting the whole screenpack be too much of a stretch?I would since I'm slowly getting back into 640,480. However, sacrifices will have to be made, such as removing the newly custom portrait version since they're too wide for that resolution. My plan is to make another template and a new style portrait for this version. Classic and default versions can be easily converted.I'd love the full screen pack. I never planned to use that new select screen with huge ports and character stats anyways.My thoughts exactly. Especially since I quite preferred the classic portraits (they're much easier to make and you don't have to mess with localcoords), but I also love the improved looks of the new screenpack.Yea that's the main reason I want it honestly. I ven added hidden slots to the old SP to expand it. I have it uploaded if anyone is interested.
Re: Hatsune Miku: Project MUGEN extend Lifebar (640,480)
finally this is the lifebar i wanted to get my paws er i mean hands at 480p
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| Forum time: March 01, :19 AM Europe/Berlin


