
Brandteknisk riskv?rdering av V?rdavdelning 043, Barn & Ungdom, p? Centralsjukhuset i Kristianstad
This report aims to present a fire safety evaluation of Ward 043, Children & Youth, at Centralsjukhuset in Kristianstad. Based upon information acquired during a visit to the hospital on February the 8th, 2010, a number of analyses were carried out to assess the current fire safety. Fire- and evacuation simulations, along-side an index-method were the most important tools used in the evaluation. This report focuses on personal safety.
The simulated time for evacuation is compared with the time, according to the fire simulations, when critical conditions are reached. The results show that in two out of three scenarios, there is a present risk that not a single person had time to evacuate before critical conditions occurred. In the last...
This report aims to present a fire safety evaluation of Ward 043, Children & Youth, at Centralsjukhuset in Kristianstad. Based upon information acquired during a visit to the hospital on February the 8th, 2010, a number of analyses were carried out to assess the current fire safety. Fire- and evacuation simulations, along-side an index-method were the most important tools used in the evaluation. This report focuses on personal safety.
The simulated time for evacuation is compared with the time, according to the fire simulations, when critical conditions are reached. The results show that in two out of three scenarios, there is a present risk that not a single person had time to evacuate before critical conditions occurred. In the last scenario, however, it was concluded that while there is a risk of exposure to critical conditions, there is a good possibility that all persons are successfully evacuated from the ward.
The results of the analyses were then used to establish measures to improve the fire safety in order to reach an acceptable level.
In revision of the initial analyses results, taking into consideration the recommended measures to be implemented, the simulations were completed once more. The results showed that, if these measures are implemented, the evacuations are likely to be carried out without anybody sustaining significant health repercussions.
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= {This report aims to present a fire safety evaluation of Ward 043, Children & Youth, at Centralsjukhuset in Kristianstad. Based upon information acquired during a visit to the hospital on February the 8th, 2010, a number of analyses were carried out to assess the current fire safety. Fire- and evacuation simulations, along-side an index-method were the most important tools used in the evaluation. This report focuses on personal safety.
The simulated time for evacuation is compared with the time, according to the fire simulations, when critical conditions are reached. The results show that in two out of three scenarios, there is a present risk that not a single person had time to evacuate before critical conditions occurred. In the last scenario, however, it was concluded that while there is a risk of exposure to critical conditions, there is a good possibility that all persons are successfully evacuated from the ward.
The results of the analyses were then used to establish measures to improve the fire safety in order to reach an acceptable level.
In revision of the initial analyses results, taking into consideration the recommended measures to be implemented, the simulations were completed once more. The results showed that, if these measures are implemented, the evacuations are likely to be carried out without anybody sustaining significant health repercussions.},
= {Imskog, Robin and Jelvinger, Martina and Jonsson, Anders and Jonsson, Martin},
= {Brandteknisk riskv?rdering,CFAST,effektutveckling,kritiska f?rh?llanden,persons?kerhet,Simulex,utrymning,ERM,BSV-v?rd,CFD.},
= {Student Paper},
= {Brandteknisk riskv?rdering av V?rdavdelning 043, Barn & Ungdom, p? Centralsjukhuset i Kristianstad},Rückfragen & Kontakt
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speichern & schliessenBibliographic record number: 627645
Bukvi?, Nenad
DLM Forum Triennial Conference. Interoperability&MoReq2010: Making intelligent information control a reality in Europe, Bruxelles, Belgija, 12-14. prosinca 2011( DLM Forum Triennial Conference. Interoperability&MoReq2010: Making intelligent information control a reality in Europe, Bruxelles, Belgium, 12th-14th of December 2011. )
Arhivski vjesnik () 55 (2012); 299-302
Paper type:
DLM F MoReq2010; elektroni? me?unarodna konferencija( DLM F MoReq2010; Electronic R International Conference )
?esta po redu Trogodi?nja konferencija DLM Foruma odr?ana je u Bruxellesu od 12. do 14. prosinca 2011. godine, u godini koja ozna?ava petnaestu godi?njicu odr?avanja prve Trogodi?nje konferencije DLM Foruma i desetu godi?njicu objavljivanja prve MoReq specifikacije. ?esta konferencija DLM Foruma odvijala se u znaku rasprave o pitanjima primjene postoje?ih normi na podru?ju upravljanja dokumentima, arhiviranja i dugoro?ne za?tite, interoperabilnosti dokumentacijskih sustava, razmjenjivanja dokumenata i drugim pitanjima vezanim uz upravljanje elektroni?kim dokumentima, a u kontekstu objavljivanja nove specifikacije MoReq2010 . Rije? je o specifikaciji koja u svojem posljednjem izdanju definira cjeloviti skup zahtjeva za dokumentacijski sustav, prilagodljiv i primjenjiv na razli?ite informacije i poslovne aktivnosti, gospodarske grane i vrste organizacija, a ne isklju?ivo za sustav upravljanja dokumentima u tradicionalnim podru?jima, obi?no u uredskom i slu?beni?kom okru?enju. Sa specifikacijom MoReq2010 koncept oglednih zahtjeva mijenja se konceptom modularnih zahtjeva, uz pove?ani naglasak na interoperabilnosti. Uspostavlja se op?i skup osnovnih usluga koje dijele razli?ite vrste dokumentacijskih sustava, koje su ujedno modularne i prilagodljive na na?in da dopu?taju da ih se ugradi u visoko specijalizirane i namjenske aplikacije, a koje se ranije mo?da i nije smatralo dokumentacijskim sustavima. Rad konferencije odvijao se kroz sedam plenarnih sjednica, ?est paralelnih sjednica i jednu radionicu. Uz konferenciju je organiziran i sajam na kojem se predstavilo nekoliko tvrtki iz podru?ja softverske industrije.
Original language:
Research fields:
Information and communication sciences
URL cjelovitog rada:
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Contrib. to CROSBI by:
Nenad Bukvic (nbukvic@arhiv.hr),
2. Svi. 2013. u 16:38 sati


