
近日,游戏圈最高人气的UP主敖厂长微博发布了一组图片,盛赞参与极限游戏开发的少年们:“有想法、有内涵“,还表示自己”生不逢时”。而微博提及的“游戏极限开发“,指的是腾讯NEXT IDEA高校游戏创意制作大赛系列活动之一,72小时游戏制作夏令营现场。现场来自全国各地的数十名大学生分为不同小组,在72小时内进行封闭式头脑风暴和游戏开发,最终制作出一款可玩的游戏DEMO并展示。
??7月25日,《饭局的诱惑》节目官方正版授权、腾讯首款狼人杀APP《饭局狼人杀》全量上线,所有玩家都可前往微信、手Q、应用宝、腾讯视频及各大应用商店下载。和朋友异地连麦,随时开局,相爱相杀就在《饭局狼人杀》。更值得期待的是,7月26日至28日期间,还有马东携众葩们在游戏里上演陪玩活动,和喜爱的明星一起偶遇吧!《饭局狼人杀》开饭了!腾讯合作版今日上线腾讯代理《饭局狼人杀》 7.25开饭了7月12 ...
扫描二维码Overthinked DooM^3 mod
This mod turns DooM^3 into Ultra-Violent Thinking Man's Shooter
Wikipedia states that:
Doom 3 (stylized as D00M^3) is a science fiction survival horror first-person shooter video game
With this mod, the above statement is true.
Overthinked DooM^3 is single-player exclusive and it requires 1.3.1 version of the PC retail game to work.
So, what this mod is all about?
1) This mod fully embraces how much DooM^3 is different from the other entries in the series.
It does not try to make it similar to other DooM games. It stands on its own. It enhances things that make third DooM entry a good game, and it cuts off everything that does not belong to its apocryphic world. It addresses the criticism that DooM^3 received upon release back in 2004, doing everything that&s humanly possible to get rid of the game&s shortcomings.
Its gameplay is exactly opposite to 2016 DooM's. In the best way possible. It's slow, tense and full of adrenaline. If you like tactical shooters, you'll enjoy this one too. If you hate them, don't waste time on this one.
2) This mod is all about tactics.
Whole game has been completely rebalanced. It&s challenging, but fair. You can survive everything as long as your strategy is sound. Your reflexes are as important as your planning. From resource management, through spacial awareness, up to capacity of your memory and ability to do logical thinking & this mod makes use of all of your gaming skills.
3) This mod is all about immersion.
It makes you sink in its world. It changes and enhances hundreds of simple, yet often overlooked game mechanics. It pulls DooM^3 away from the b-movie zone into hard sci-fi realm while retaining its original atmosphere. It extends survival horror elements of the game, making you just another Marine stuck on the shores of hell.
4) This mod is faithful to original iD&s design.
More than that: it makes countless small decisions on the game flow that iD either would not, or could not made back in 2004, unlocking potential that&s been hidden in the game for all those years. It takes great emphasis on finding secrets and exploration, on the overall level design, and on making Mars Base environment believable.
5) This mod is all about balance.
Every weapon serves its unique purpose. There are no weak or strong weapons. Some are more versatile than the others, some are more specialist, but using either one in a wrong scenario means certain death, while using the right one in the right scenario means winning the battle without taking a scratch.
There are no weak or strong monsters. Some are more threatening than the others, but meeting the wrong one in the wrong place means certain death. Learning the patterns of their behaviour and prioritizing them is an essence of a successful gameplay. Never trifle with them.
Overthinked DooM^3 will give you a window of opportunity to learn all this, but it&ll cut you slack only once. There&s no hand holding here. You are the one performing all the takedowns, you are the one surviving all this. No scripted sequence, no pre-programmed event. It&s you and only you. Everything is in your hands.
If you're having trouble with certain situations, or you just find this mod to be too difficult, you may read through this basic survival guide:
. Maybe you'll find something helpful in there.
6) This mod is all about tech.
It uses fusion of Denton's Enhanced Doom3 (v2.02) (
) Sikkmod 1.2 (
) CED2011's Assets Pack (
) and Perfected Doom 3 (
) as a base.
While primarily an immersion mod and not a graphical one, it uses Redux&s (
) textures and audiologs, Phrozo's (
) particle effects, HD characters and assets, etc... You should not be disappointed with its looks.Installation:
Extract zip archive to your Doom3 folder, and then either launch the game with
doom3.exe +set fs_game overthinked
or choose it from "Mods" submenu in main menu. Note that it needs 1.3.1 version of the game.
------------------------Happy surviving! _________________
Note for folks having trouble with wide-screen monitors:
In the mod folder there's a file called autoexec.cfgIn this file you need to add following lines, edited accordingly to your configuration:
seta r_mode -1
seta r_aspectRatio 1 // (0 = 4:3, 1 = 16:9, 2 = 16:10)
seta r_customHeight 768 // (Your screen height)
seta r_customWidth 1360 // (Your screen width)
If you have distorted camera view, rename Doom3.exe to something else
First you have to understand one thing. I'ts the very fact that Doom 3 is over an decade (10 years) old and was made with Windows 98/Me/XP compatibility in mind .
Issues on newer systems are inevitable and in the end some are indeed present.
Mostly for ATI/AMD graphic card users. Some will notice graphical glitches other won't be able to run Doom 3 at all.
Below in few simple steps i will introduce you to a simple solution on how to fix those issues.
Go to Doom 3 main directory by either right clicking on the desktop icon and selecting find location/go to location, or by My Computer/This Computer.
There find file named "Doom3.exe" and rename it to "Doom 3.exe".
Create new shortcut to the desktop by right clicking modified file and selecting: Sent to & Desktop.
Or edit all paths in existing shortcut to reflect changes made to the executable file. Add spaces between Doom and 3 in both path boxes. Or just go with the easier first method :P
That's all. Adding one space into a file name fixes most of the issues for ATI/AMD GPU users.
I decided to upgrade to Win10. New official (retail, not internal build) build was released. Works flawlessly. So I wanted to confirm that this method and overall Doom3 runs on Windows 10 without issues.
Basic hints towards tactical approach in Overthinked DooM 3
Overthinked DooM^3 features list. Moved here from main page.
Quick guide on using Denton's Enhanced DooM 3 light-attachment system, with Machinegun example.
Get started with your mod! Overthinked DooM^3 SDK compilation instructions.
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A pack to make Overthinked look like a NextGen game. Most features have been improved, like GUI, models, textures, shaders,... in order to greatly enhance...
Patch made by MCGONN ( /members/mcgonn ), fixes language errors in modified PDAs and adds some quality to found emails contents. Installation...
Version 2 of the Overthinked DooM^3 mod. Have fun and good luck!
Overthinked DooM^3 SDK pack, based on GPL release of the game, SikkMod 1.2 and DentonMod 2.02
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Release date
Released Feb 2015
16 votes submitted.
Ratings closed.
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Highest Rated (2 agree)
Overthinked Doom^3 is a brilliant mod. It slightly shifts some of the mechanics of normal gameplay--for instance, if you reload, any remaining ammunition in the magazine you just dropped stays in that magazine. It's gone. Already, you have to start thinking about your reloads--when do I drop this mag? Can I still use it? Is it worth losing half a magazine to put a full one in for this next firefight? Oh, and you have to load the shells into the shotgun, one by one. As in, you hit R eight times…
Apr 19 2015 by Nicognition
Link to Overthinked DooM^3 by selecting a button and using the embed code provided
Last Update
1 year ago


