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分享至好友和朋友圈PuppetShow (TM): Souls of the Innocent Walkthrough, Guide, & Tips | Big Fish
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Return to the PuppetShow in this spooky sequel!
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
This document contains a complete PuppetShow (TM): Souls of the Innocent game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!
We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.
Remember to visit the
if you find you need more help. Have fun!
This walkthrough was created by Margie B.
Walkthrough Menu
General Tips
Choose Regular Mode or Expert Mode at the beginning of the game.
All scenes will have an area in which one, or more, sparkles appear.
A single sparkle indicates an interactive area in the game. This area may allow you to move to a different scene, exit a scene, or indicate an area you need to investigate further.
Several sparkles in a cluster indicate a Hidden Object Scene. These scenes contain inventory items needed to complete your journey.
Certain Hidden Object Scenes will require you to click on a part of the scene to uncover a hidden area.
You can skip a mini-game once the Skip button is full. The skip button only appears in the mini-game sections and is located in the lower left corner.
When the cursor turns into a magnifying glass you can zoom in on an area in the scene. You can sometimes find inventory items in these areas. In other instances, a magnifying glass will allow you to read helpful clues, or open a mini-game.
If a door is open you can travel to that location by clicking on the area in which your cursor turns into a globe icon.
When your cursor changes into a hand icon, click on that area to interact with it. The hand icon allows you to pick up inventory items or explore certain areas.
When you can’t find an item in one of the Hidden Object Scenes, you can use a hint in the lower left.
When you use a hint, a circle will appear around a random item from your list.
You can only use the hints for the Hidden Object Scenes. The Hint button will not ap it will be replaced by the Tools or Skip button.
You have unlimited hints in the game, but you have to wait for hints to recharge between uses.
You will find one inventory (A) item in each Hidden Object Scene. You will not know which item goes into inventory until all the items have been cleared from the list.
You can also find inventory items in areas which have a magnifying glass icon.
The inventory items will go into the Tools tab in the lower left corner.
Click on the Tools button (B) in the lower left to see all available items. If your inventory is full, use the arrows on each end of the Tools section to scroll through your items.
To use an item click on the Tools button and select an inventory item. Drag the selected item to the appropriate area and click on it.
Chapter 1: Girl’s Bedroom
Zoom into the newspap pick up the PLANET 1/3 (A).
Click on the door on the right for a closer look.
Zoom into the lower rig pick up the PIN (B).
Take a closer look at the window (C); open it with the PIN in your Tools section.
Go in through the window.
Zoom into the LARGE PORTRAIT pick up the LIZARD ORNAMENT (A) in the lower right side of the frame.
Note the PATTERN (B) you will need that solution for a puzzle.
Z then the little girl. Pick up the MECHANICAL DOLL PART (C) on the headless doll.
Pick up the BIRD ORNAMENT (D) on the dresser.
Note the JESTER PUPPET (E) on the dresser, when you click on it you will see it is missing an eye. Close the pop-up window.
Click on the click again to trigger a Hidden Object Scene.
Open the middle drawer to look for objects.
The KEY will be added to inventory once your search has been completed.
Take a closer look above the wardrobe to find a music box.
Place the KEY on the s click on the KEY 3 times to make it play.
Pick up the FISH ORNAMENT (A) inside the music box once it opens.
Take a closer look at the dresser and place the FISH ORNAMENT (B), LIZARD ORNAMENT (C), and BIRD ORNAMENT (D) as shown in the screenshot to unlock the drawer.
Z pick up the POWDER COMPACT (E) inside.
Chapter 2: Puppet Shop
Click down twice, forward and right towards the Guard’s Hut.
Click on the door twice to trigger a Hidden Object Scene.
The CROWBAR will be added to inventory.
Note the oil-dripping lamp (A) on the side of the hut.
Go down and then forward.
Zoom into the dripping pipe on
pick up the RED BUTTON (A) in the lower right.
Take a clo eliminate the boards with the CROWBAR, always pulling the board on top first.
Zoom into the buttons on the door.
Place the RED BUTTON on the panel.
Place the COMPACT POWDER on the buttons to see which ones to press.
Click on the buttons according to order in screenshot and click on the handle to open door.
Enter the Puppet Maker’s Shop.
Loosen the FLOORBOARD in the lower left side of the ground with the CROWBAR; pick up the HANDLE (A).
Zoom into the SKETCH on the ground. Click on the papers several times and pick up the MECHANICAL WING (B).
Click on the Hidden Object Scene (C) on the left.
Pick up all the items on the list.
The PARROT HEAD will be added to inventory.
Take a closer look at the shelves on the right.
Pick up the GLASS SHARD (A) in the lower left.
Place the DOLL PART (B) in the head socket of the MECHANICAL BIRD.
The Bird projects a film on the wall. Note the numbers “749261” (E) projected on the right side of the wall.
Exit out of that view.
Zoom into the CASH REGISTER (A) on the counter.
Pick up the PUPPET EYE (B) on the counter.
Place the HANDLE (C) on the side of the cash register.
Enter the correct combination to open the cash register.
If you make a mistake, click on the HANDLE (C) to reset the numbers.
Enter the numbers “749261” on the cash register keys. Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
Pick up the KEY (D) inside the cash register.
Take a closer look at the back door (E).
Place the KEY (F) in the lock. The lock needs oil.
Go back to the Girl’s Bedroom.
Click on the wardrobe to trigger a Hidden Object Scene.
The SUN will be added to inventory.
Zoom into click on the JESTER DOLL (A) and place the PUPPET EYE (B) in the eye sockets.
Pick up the PLANET 2/3 (C) in the jester’s mouth.
Go back to the Guard’s Hut.
Click on the Hidden Object Scene.
The EMPTY OIL CAN will be added to inventory.
Zoom into the LAMP in the upper right side of the hut and fill up the OIL CAN with the oil dripping from the lamp.
Go back to the Puppet Shop.
Click on the Hidden Object Scene.
The BROOM will be added to inventory.
Take a clo place the full OILCAN in the lock. Click on the key to unlock the door.
Go through the door to reach the Workshop.
Chapter 3: The Workshop
Use the CROWBAR to defend yourself against the MECHANICAL CRAB (A) in the lower center.
pick up the SCREWDRIVER (B).
Take a closer look at the broken mechanical crab.
Use the SCREWDRIVER to loosen the screw on the VALVE (C). Pick up the VALVE to add it to inventory.
Click on the Hidden Object Scene on the left.
Open the left drawer and look for items on the list.
The VICE HANDLE will be added to inventory.
Zoom into the workbench in the back of the scene.
Place the VICE HANDLE (A) on the VICE.
Place the GLASS SHARD (B) on the VICE and it will tighten around the glass shard.
Pick up the PLANET 3/3 (C) on the right side of the vice.
Go outside and head towards the house on the left.
Chapter 4: Fortune Teller’s House
Take a closer look at the poster on the right.
Click twice on the poster to tear it.
Use the BROOM on the cobwebs three times (Fig A).
Place the SUN and the 3 PLANETS on the galaxy (Fig A).
Click on the galaxy to trigger a puzzle.Click the Large Blue Planet towards th then click the Green and Small Blue Planets into their swirls (Fig B).
Fig. C shows you the final solution. Go through the door.
Click on the Hidden Object Scene on the left.
The LEATHER BELT will be added to inventory.
Go back to the Workshop in the Puppet Shop.
Click on the Hidden Object Scene in the Workshop.
The BURNER OF DRIED PITCH is added to inventory.
Go back to the Fortuneteller’s House.
Click on the Hidden Object Scene.
The MATCHES will be added to inventory.
Go outside of the Puppet Shop.
Zoom into the dripping PIPE (A); place the BURNER OF DRIED PITCH under the pipe to acquire the PITCH MIXTURE.
Go back inside the Fortuneteller’s House.
Zoom into the fortune teller.
Click on the center CANDLE place the PITCH MIXTURE on the flame to create GLUE.
Go back to the Workshop inside the Puppet Shop.
Zoo place the LEATHER BELT and the STRING on the GLASS SHARD.
Pick up the GLASS KNIFE (C).
Leave the shop and go right.
Zoom into the upper part of the hot air balloon.
Place the GLUE on the broken HOSE (A) to patch it up.
Place the VALVE on the BURNER (B); turn the VALVE to start the gas flowing.
Place the MATCHES on the BURNER (C).
Take a closer look at th cut the ROPE (D) three times with the GLASS KNIFE.
Chapter 5: Castle Gates
The MATCHES and the CROWBAR will still be in your inventory at the beginning of this chapter.
pick up the SANDBAG (A) and the SPIDER PUPPET’S BADGE (B).
Go forward.
The Giant Puppet is blocking the door.
Zoom into the lower left and use the CROWBAR on the POLE (C) three times to loosen it.
Pick up the POLE.
Return to the crash site.
Remove the large STONE in the lower left with the POLE (D) to trigger a Hidden Object Scene.
Look for all the items on the list.
KINDLING will be added to inventory.
Go back to the gate.
Give the Giant Puppet the SPIDER PUPPET’S BADGE (A) after one of the puppet’s passes by him and it will start to open the gate.
Open the back of the Giant Puppet (B); place the KINDLING and the MATCHES on the coal.
The Giant Puppet will fin go through it.
Zoom into the NOTE (A) pick up the RUNE 1/4 (B).
Go ba play the Hidden Object Scene.
The AXE will be added to inventory.
Go back to the elevator.
Zoom into the lower right (C).
Cut the ROOTS three times with the AXE to trigger a Hidden Object Scene.
Click on the SWITCH (D) to turn the lights on and off.
The LEVER will be added to inventory.
Click on the MECHANISM (A) on the back wall for a closer look.
Place the LEVER (B) in the upper left.
Pull the LEVER to activate the mechanism.
Connect the gears with the belts.
Remove a belt and all possible connections will light up. Choose a connection.
Please look at the screenshot for the solution (Fig. C).
The elevator will come down after the puzzle has been solved. Click on the elevator to go upstairs.
Chapter 6: First Tower
Zoom into the HOLE (A)
place the SANDBAG in the hole.
Go to the far left (B) after the puppet on a bicycle enters that section.
Zoom into the GLASS (C); pick up the CLAY TABLET (D).
Exit and go through the RIGHT STEPS (E).
Click on the puzzle on the door.
Place the CLAY TABLET on the door.
Drag the puzzle pieces around until you form three figures of different colors. The bars can slide up and down, or left to right.
Once a color is in the right spot, the light below it will light up.
Please look at the screenshot for the final solution.
Go through the door to access the Gallery.
Click on the Hidden Object Scene on the right.
The DOMINOES will be added to inventory.
Go forward.
Click on the left door to trigger a puzzle.
The levers on both sides of the puzzle go up or down.
The goal is to place all the balls adjacent to one another, in the corner.
The ARROWS have been labeled A, B, C, and D.
Click on the arrows in the following manner to solve the puzzle:D-D-B-B-B-D-D-B
Here is an alternate solution:A-A-C-C-B-D-D-B
Go through the door to access the factory.
Chapter 7: Factory
Take a closer look at the DOOR (A) on the right.
Place the DOMINOES on the board.
The dominoes must be placed on the board so the sum of their rows or columns adds up to the total in the center of the box.
The domino you have to use the vertical or horizontal ones in the right spots.
The correct boxes will light up green.
Please look at the screenshot (B) for the solution.
Go left (C) to reach the Conveyor Area.
Click on the Hidden Object Scene.
The HANDLE will be added to inventory.
Click in the lower right and then click down.
Zoom into the DOOR (A) on the right, place the HANDLE on the lock and turn the lever to open the door.
Zoom into the BICYCLE (B); pick up the CRANE HOOK (C) on the ground.
Look at the DIAGRAM (D) on the left side of the wall, it shows you the three
two are connected by a drawbridge.
Pick up the WRENCH (E) in the upper right side of the drawing.
Return to the Conveyor Area by clicking down, through the left door and left.
Open the Hidden Object Scene on the right.
The BICYCLE CHAIN will be added to inventory.
Go back to the Balcony area with the BICYCLE.
Place the BICYCLE CHAIN on the BICYCLE; the bridge will appear as the puppet pedals.
Cross the bridge by clicking on the Second Tower in the back of the scene.
Chapter 8: Second Tower
To unlock the grid, place the colors on the floor so that no like colors touch each other.
Click on two sets of tiles to swap their positions.
Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
Click on the far right corner to reach the stairway.
Zoom into th pick up the ARROW BUTTON (A).
Zoom into the small DOOR (B) remove the PLANKS with the CROWBAR in the order shown on the screenshot.
Click on the Hidden Object Scene that appears at the door in the lower right.
The AWL will be added to inventory.
Click down three times, through the left door and left to return to the Conveyor Area.
Zoom into the CRANE place the CRANE HOOK there (A).
Exit this locatio enter the Control Room on the right.
Place the ARROW BUTTON on the panel.
Use the buttons to lift the bridge with the crane.
The buttons have been labeled in the screenshot: L=Left, R= Right, U=Up, D= Down and B = Lever.
To solve the puzzle, press the buttons in the following order:Lever (B) 1 Time
Right 5 Times
Up 2 Times
Left 1 Time
Return to the Conveyor A zoom into the mechanism on the lower left.
Remove the NUTS (A) circled in red with the WRENCH.
Go back to the Gallery (B), the area that houses the large fish tank.
Zoom into the fish tank.
Place the NUTS in the SLOT (C) on the lower left.
Click on the RED BUTTON (D) to drop the nuts as the fish moves forward. Time it so that you click the button as you hear the bell ring.
The fish will catch the nuts as they fall down from the PIPE (E) in the upper center.
Each time the fish swallows a nut, the balloon on the right will rise.
After the fish eats four nuts, the balloon will rise to the OPENING (F) pierce the balloon with the AWL.
The KEY will be added to inventory.
Go forward three times and click on the far right corner of the Trapdoor.
Zoom into the DOOR (G) at the place the KEY on the LOCK (H). Click on the key to unlock it. Go through the door to enter the Arsenal.
Chapter 9: Arsenal
Play the Hidden Object Scene on the right.
The MASK will be added to inventory.
Zoom into the board on the lower left side of the ground.
Place the MASK on the board to begin the puzzle.
Move the masks around so they are on top of their matching silhouettes.
The masks can only move through the grooved lines on the board.
The mask eyes will glow green when placed correctly.
The masks have been marked with numbers in the screenshot (Fig. A). Move Masks 1, 3, 2, 4, and 1 (in that order) to solve the puzzle.
Please look at Fig. B for the image of the final solution.
Zoom into t pick up the SIGN (C) in the lower right.
Exit that view, click in the lower left (D) to access the Candle R then go right to the Library.
Click on the Hidden Object Scene in the lower right.
The PAPER will be added to inventory.
Click down.
Zoom into the spider pup burn the cobwebs with the MATCHES.
Go into the room.
Place the PAPER click on the doll to start it typing.
Click on the PRINTED PAPER; make note of the symbols at the bottom of the page.
Exit, go right and zoom into the desk.
Click on the drawer to begin the puzzle.
Click and change the symbols to reflect the images on the paper from the typewriter.
The scratches on the wood show the order of the symbols.
Please look at the screenshot (A) for the correct order.
Click on the book in the drawer and it w click it again to open it.
Turn all the pages and pick up RUNE 2/4 (B) on the last page.
Note the book has a torn page you must go find two pages and place them back in the book.
Exit, return to the Arsenal by clicking down three times.
Click on the Hidden Object Scene on the right.
The FILE will be added to inventory.
Click down to exit.
Play the Hidden Object Scene.
The BOLTS will be added to inventory.
Click down three times, through the left door, left again, and zoom into the left door.
Chapter 10: Puppet Storage
Place the SIGN on the door to enter the Puppet Storage.
Zoom into the mechanism place the BOLTS to fix it.
Click on the Hidden Object Scene in the back.
The PUPPET KEY will be added to inventory.
Go back to the Lobby (A) f go forward after the cut scene ends.
Zoom into the CHAINS (B) cut them with the FILE (C) three times.
Take a close pick up the SCRAP IRON (D).
Zoom into the stairs (E); pick up the TORN PAGE (F).
Go down to the E open the Hidden Object Scene.
The BEAM will be added to inventory.
Return to the Arsenal in the Second Tower.
Zoom into the back of the scene.
Zoom into the BUCKET (A) on the left and place the SCRAP IRON (B) inside.
Zoom into the PUPPET (C); place the PUPPET KEY (D) on the lock and click on the KEY three times to animate it.
Pick up the CANNON (E) on the right after the puppet’s animation stops.
Go to the Gallery (fish tank area); click on the Hidden Object Scene.
The SCISSORS will be added to inventory.
Return to the Puppet Storage by the Conveyor Area.
Zoom into the thir cut a piece of ROPE with the SCISSORS to obtain a WICK.
Play the Hidden Object Scene in the back.
The DOOR HANDLE will be added to inventory.
Chapter 11: Third Tower
Return to the Lobby and go forward.
Zoom into the STAIRS (A); repair them with the BEAM and go up the stairs.
Take a closer look at the GUN CARRIAGE (B) place the CANNON (C) and the WICK (D) on it.
Light the WICK (D) with the MATCHES.
Zoom into the DOOR (E) in t pick up the RUNE 3/4 (F) in the upper left side of the door.
Go through the door.
Take a closer loo place the DOOR HANDLE on it and click on the handle to unlock the door. Go through the door.
Take a closer look at the painti pick up the TORN PAGE (A).
Play the Hidden Object Scene in the back.
The OWL HEAD will be added to inventory.
Return to the Library in the second Tower, to the right of the Candle Room.
Play the Hidden Object Scene.
The COMBINATION LOCK will be added to inventory.
Z open the BOOK (A).
Place the TORN PAGES (B) on the right side of the book. The pages show that you need to find a Crystal and the symbols represent the solution for a puzzle.
Exit and zoom into the left side of the bookcase.
Take a closer look at the center (C) of the bookcase.
Place the OWL HEAD (D) on the body to trigger a puzzle. Click on the symbols in the order shown on the screenshot to solve the puzzle. Pick up RUNE 4/4 (E) at the base of the statue.
Go through the door, which was just revealed, to the Lobby. Go forward, up stairs, forward three times.
Take a closer look at the SAFE in the lower left.
Place the COMBINATION LOCK click on it and pick up the FINGER (A) inside the safe.
Play the Hidden Object Scene in the back.
The PICKAXE will be added to inventory.
Chapter 12: Laboratory
Click downwards until you reach the balloon crash site.
Zoom into the small do place the RUNES at the bottom of the door.
Use the PICKAXE to retrieve the CRYSTAL.
From this location go go up the stairs to reach the Observatory door in the upper left.
Z place the FINGER on the door to trigger a puzzle.
You must click on the fingers in the correct order so that all the fingers remain open.
Click on the 3 fingers in the order shown in the screenshot.
Go through the door to enter the Laboratory.
Zoom into the devic use the CROWBAR on the SPIDER PUPPET to destroy it, then place the CRYSTAL in the device.
Congratulations! You have completed PuppetShow: Souls of the Innocent!
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