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作者:多多妹 来源:多多网游加速器 发布时间:
  坦克世界美服超测服金币车描述。  Straight from the Insider and the supertest client.  直接来自内部人员和超测客户端  Japanese Tiger I (doesn't have limited MM, a Japanese heavy tank
premium)  日本虎I(无分房保护,日系金币重型,6级,短88炮)   &In 1943, the Japanese ambassador to Germany attended the Tiger field
trials in Henschel. After that, the company was ordered to transfer all tank
documentation to Japan. One disassembled vehicle was sent to Bordeaux on 14
October 1943 to be delivered to Japan by submarine. However, the eastern ally of
the Wehrmacht was never able to establish its own production of Tigers. The
vehicle was never delivered and this adventure cost 645,000 Reichsmarks to
Japan, while the original cost was 300,000 Reichsmarks.&  “在1943年,日本驻德大使参加了亨舍尔的虎式现场试验。之后,亨舍尔公司被命令将所有坦克文件转移给日本。有一辆被拆解的战车于日被送往波尔多,准备由潜艇运往日本。但是,这位德国的东方盟友并没有能够建造自行生产的虎式。战车没有被成功交付,尽管原始成本为30万德国马克,这趟送往日本的旅途花费了645000德国马克。”  Kanonenjagdpanzer (replacement of the Jagdtiger 88 in stores it seems,
unlimited MM)  Kanonenjagdpanzer(中文暂无官译,沿用之前的简称jpz4-5;可能作为88虎在商店位置的替换者,无分房保护)&  &The first Kanonenjagdpanzer prototypes were produced in 1960 by the
Hanomag-Henschel company for Germany. The production continued until 1967. A
total of 770 vehicles for Bundeswehr and 80 for the Belgian Armed Forces were
built. However, since 1983, this model was deemed outdated. Some of these tank
destroyers were converted into artillery observation vehicles, some others were
refitted into anti-tank guided missile carriers. However, some
Kanonenjagdpanzer, also known as the Jagdpanzer Kanone 90mm, remained in service
until 1990.&  “首辆jpz4-5原型车由哈诺玛格-亨舍尔公司于1960年为德国制造。生产持续到1967年,总共有770辆交付联邦德国,80辆交付比利时武装力量。但是,从1983年后,这个模型看起来过时了,一部分坦克歼击车被改装成了炮兵观察车,另一部分被改装成反坦克火箭运载车。仍有一些jpz4-5,也被称作90mm加农猎豹,一直服役至1990年。”  VK 45.02 (P) Ausf.B7 (mini-Maus on tier 7)  VK 45.02 (P) Ausf.B7(降成7级后的“小老鼠”)&  &Variants with forward-mounted turret and rear-mounted turret were designed
by Ferdinand Porsche. The tank never saw mass production.&  “由斐迪南-波舍尔公司设计,分为前置炮塔和后置炮塔型号。该坦克从未量产。”  Cromwell &Berlin&  克伦威尔“柏林”  数据跟普通克伦威尔没啥两样,长相略不同  &The Cromwell was developed in
by BRC&W. A total of 1070
vehicles were mass-produced from late 1943 through 1945. They were extensively
used by the British army in the Northwest Europe Campaign of .&  “克伦威尔由BRC&W(伯明翰铁路客货车厢公司)于年间开发。1943年末至1945年共量产了1070辆克伦威尔战车。英军于年在欧洲西北部战役中广泛使用该战车。”  BT-7A   &In
the design bureau in Kharkiv Locomotive Factory developed
the artillery modification of the BT-7. The new elliptical turret was equipped
with the 76.2-mm CT-28 gun. In addition, some vehicles received new radio
stations. A total of 155 artillery BT-7s were manufactured. The vehicles saw
combat on the Karelian Isthmus, in Manchuria, and during the first period of the
Great Patriotic War.&  “年间,哈尔科夫机车设计局开发了火炮改进版BT-7,新式椭圆柱形炮塔上装备76.2mm
CT-28炮。除此之外,有些战车还更换了新电台。共生产了155辆火炮版BT-7。这些战车参加了卡累利阿地峡、满洲的战斗,也参与了伟大卫国战争的第一阶段。”  IS-3 with Autoloader  带自动装弹机的IS-3  超测信息点我  &In , the Military Armored Forces Academy developed a thesis
project of loading system on the IS-3 and T-10 heavy tanks. The IS-3 variant
provided double-row ammo rack with automatic loading system. The crew was
reduced to three members: commander, gunner, and driver. The turret was
redesigned in order to allow the arrangement of loading mechanism. The vehicle
existed only in blueprints.&  “在年间,军事装甲部队学院开发了在IS-3和T-10重型坦克上的装填系统论题项目。在IS-3上改装两列带有自动装填装置的弹药架。车组削减至3人:车长,炮手和驾驶员。炮塔为了安置装填系统而重新设计。战车只存在于蓝图阶段。”(话说-3首下有这么大么?)  Very oddly enough, the supertest files contain traces of two interesting
vehicles:  很奇(you)怪(qu)的是,超测文件中包括了以下两辆车的信息  -Strv 103 A(被标记为&HeavyTank_EU_TECH_Tier_X&(欧洲联合线10级重坦))(可是这不是TD么。。)  -IKV 91 with following description: &Designed and manufactured by H?gglund
and S?ner, the LKV 91 was originally designated as a light tank, and later into
a tank destroyer by Sweden Armed Forces. The first prototypes of the LKV 91 were
completed in 1969 with production running from 1975 until 1978 with a total of
212 vehicles produced.&  -IKV 91及如下描述:“LKV 91由赫格隆和索纳公司设计制造,起初设计为轻型坦克(当时称IKV
91),之后被瑞典军队改为坦克歼击车。首辆LKV 91原型车于1969年完工,年间一共生产了212辆该战车。”  即日起,多多网游加速器论坛推出【免费国际VIP会员抢不停~】的活动。周一至周五每天上午10:00,多多将会在论坛会发布【每日抢楼帖】。只要参与回复就有机会获得由多多免费提供的国际VIP会员充值卡~更多优惠消息请关注&更多有关坦克世界美服的资讯请多多关注多多网游加速器  在这里,小编要建议玩外服的玩家们下载多多网游加速器,以解决游戏中遇到的高延迟、卡屏、掉线等问题,为玩家们提供一个稳定流畅的网络环境,赶快下载体验吧!希望能帮助到玩家,祝玩家游戏愉快!


