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龙庙镇****年度村级一事一议筹资筹劳项目(二次) 招标公告 项目编号: E(略) (略)拟建龙庙镇****年度村级一事一议筹资筹劳项目(二次)已经批准建设,资金来源已落实。项目已具备招标条件,现对龙庙镇****年度村级一事一议筹资筹劳项目(二次)进行公开招标,邀请有兴趣的潜在投标人(以下简称申请人)提出公开招标申请。 一、工程概况: 1、工程地点:(略) 2、工程规模:(略) 3、工 期:(略) 4、质量要求:(略) 5、承包方式:(略) 6、本工程的预算价为39.83万元,发包价为38万元,开标现场以此价格摇号确定中标人。 二、本招标工程共分 1 个标段。标段划分及相应招标内容如下: 标段名称:龙庙镇****年度村级一事一议筹资筹劳项目(二次) 每位申请人(略) 1个标段的投标报名。 三、申请人应当具备的主要资格条件: (1)投标申请人资质类别和等级:具有独立法人资格和公路工程(略)三级及以上或市政公用工程(略)三级及以上企业资质; (2)拟选派项目负责人资格:小型项目管理师或二级及以上注册建造师(公路资质企业提供公路工程专业,市政资质企业提供市政工程专业),本人必须具有行业主管部门颁发的企业项目负责人安全生产考核(略)***(B类证,公路资质提供交通部门颁发的,市政资质提供住建部门颁发的); (3) 企业应具有经沭阳县社会信用体系建设工作办公室备案的第三方信用服务机构出具的企业信用报告,信用报告在有效期内且得分不低于65分。根据宿迁市社会信用体系建设领导小组办公室“关于移交第三方信用评价报告审核备案工作的通知”文件要求,(略)第三方信用服务机构出具的综合性信用评估报告需经宿迁市信用报告服务行业协会审核备案,且信用报告得分不低于65分。(咨询***:刘丰宇,***:(略))。注:开标现场提供信用报告原件或复印件加盖公章供评标委员会审查。 (4)企业具备安全生产条件,并取得安全生产许可证; (5)本工程不接受联合体、中标后不得转包、分包。 (6)项目负责人必须满足下列条件之一: 6.1项目负责人非变更后无在建工程的。 6.2项目负责人变更后无在建工程的,并且:原合同工期已满且变更备案之日已满6个月;或者因非承包方原因致使工程项目停工超过120天,且经建设单位同意并已经办理项目负责人变更手续的。 6.3项目负责人有在建工程,(略)工的情况。 (7)投标人参与(略),请自行勘察现场。 说明:本次公开招标(略),在整个招标过程中,评标委员会将(略),若发现投标单位资格条件不符合要求,可随时取消其投标或中标资格。
四、工程付款方式: 施工单位进场,完成工程量50%,付工程合同价款总额的30%;工程量完成80%,付工程合同价款总额的20%;工程完工,经验收(略)后,付工程合同价款总额的30%;审计决算后再拨付工程合同价款总额的15%,预留5%的质量保证金一年后拨付。 五、招标文件发售 (1)招标文件提供时间:(略):30至(略)17:30。 (2)投标人应在招标文件提供的时间内,使用CA锁通过宿迁市公共资源交易电子服务平台( http://(略)/ )登录投标人业务系统"采购文件获取"获取招标文件。未按要求获取招标文件导致无法投标的,后果自负。 招标(略):每套人民币200元整,使用网上银行购买,售后不退。(招标文件请于报名截止时间前下载,未按要求获取招标文件的,其投标文件不予接受)。 (3)投标人上获取招标文件需申领CA锁,具体办理详见宿迁市公共资源交易电子服务平台《政府采购投标指引》。因供应商未及(略),相关责任由供应商自行承担。 (4)潜在投标人在获取招标文件后,除不可抗力情况外,必须按招标文件要求按时参加开标会议,否则,沭阳县公共资源交易中心将在网上予以公告3个月。公告期间,其它政府投资项目的招标人可以据此不接受其投标。 (5)各投标人注意:投标人必(略)。凡提供虚(略),将视情节轻重暂停六个月至三年不得参加我县招投标活动的处罚,同时其投标保证金不予退还,并将不良行为通报省行业主管部门。 六、开标时间及地点: 开标时间:(略)4时30分(北京时间) 开标地点:江苏省沭阳县公共资源交易中心二楼开标2室。 七、投标保证金: 开标前交纳投标保证金 (人民币****元),投标人必须以企业法人的名义提交投标保证金,投标保证金必(略)(转)入保证金专户。以个人、企业的办事处、分公司、子公司名义或从他人帐户、投标人企业的其他账户缴纳的投标保证金无效。在投标文件接收截止时间前到沭阳建行迎宾分理处保证金柜台进行核对确认保证金到帐。(账号见附件) 在开标现场将已经银行确认的投标保证金单据递交至招标代理处以供评委会审核,未递交或递(略)。 附:(略) 账户名称:(略) 开户银行:(略) 账 号:(略) 汇款行号:(略) 联系***: 沭阳建行迎宾分理处:(略) 注:(略) 八、本次招标联系事项 代理机构:(略) 联系人:(略) 联系***:(略) 传真***:/ 联系地址:(略) 邮政编码:(略) 采购人:(略) 联系人: (略)
财政部门监督***:(略) 九、本采购文件公告(采购公告)期限,为采购文件公告(采购公告)发布之日起(略)。采购公告发布媒体:宿迁市政府采购网、宿迁市公共资源交易(略) 十、以上邀请(略),将在相关媒体上另行通知。
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Mianchi County village relocation project four Dragon Temple, mid Guan, Duan village Resettlement ProjectOne tender (two times) bidding announcementBid No.: [2017] Mian kinsuke014NumberApproved by the relevant departments, Henan Haina Construction Management Co., Ltd.Mianchi County village people's GovernmentThe entrustment is now trueMianchi County village relocation project four Dragon Temple, mid Guan, Duan village Resettlement Project一标段The two public bidding is hereby announced as follows:General situation of the project:1、项目名称:Mianchi County village relocation project four Dragon Temple, mid Guan, Duan village Resettlement Project一标段(二次)2, project location: Chen Village village fish pond, Mianchi County3. Quality standard: qualified4, worker
period: 50 calendar day5, the source of funds: financial funds6, budget funds: **.787, tender scope: the bill of quantities is the standardTwo. The conditions for applicants to participate in the bidding of this project:1, in line with the provisions of the twenty-second law of the People's Republic of China on go1.1 have independent legal person qualification, can effectively fulfill the contract, have good1.2 within three years before purchasing activities, there is no major illegal record in the business activities, and there is a good record of paying tax and social security funds in acc1.3 have three the construction of housing construction general contracting and above qualifications, has a valid safet the proposed project manager must have the housing construction engineering construction qualification or above level registration, and is within the validity period of safety assessment certificate, and in the construction of (a certificate issued by the bidder with the official seal of the enterprise)."The bidding law thirty-first = = two or more legal persons or other organizations may form a consortium, to a bidder to bid jointly. Source: Ten = = ring bidding = = "2, must be issued by the procuratorial organs of "inquiry bribery crime results inform letter"."Bidding for loans and aid funds use tender bidding law sixty-seventh = = international organizations or foreign governments, loans or fund provider specific conditions and procedures of tendering and bidding has different provisions, such provisions may be applied, except against the social and public interests of People's Republic of China. Source: Ten = = ring bidding = = "Note: must be within the validity period.Query 3, business registration certificate issued by the administrative department of industry and Commerce of commercial bribery and unfair competition behavior (if the local administrative department for Industry and Commerce shall not handle this business, and unfair competition acts issued by the enterprise without a commercial bribery commitment letter).4, bidders have not been included in the list of dishonest debtor (to provide "credit China" website query information printing page, query object includes enterprise, enterprise legal representative, project manager)5, the tender after the qualification examination, qualification requirements of the specific requirements of the tender documents.Three, registration time, place and requirements:1, those who wish to participate in the bidding, please from October 26, 2017 to November 1, 2017, the provisions of the state in the center of work time, the transaction of public resources in Mianchi county (the road Unicom six floor) registration.2 bidding enterprises, applicants should bring corporate business license copy, copy of organization code certificate, tax registration certificate (or business license of the three certificates), qualification certificate (duplicate), safety production license (copy), project manager of construction division registration certificate, safety assessment certificate, no project manager in the construction of the legal representative certificate, authorization, ID card of the authorized person, was the principal business sector and the labor contract, social security certificate issued by the commercial bribery and unfair competition that query (such as local business sector does not apply for this business, undertaking the bidding enterprises should and unfair competition acts issued by the no enterprise of commercial bribery), prosecutors issued no bribery file query results to the letter of credit, China website, network information query print page The successful registration screenshot (the above registration materials on-site inspection original, leaving two copies, copies of the official seal affixed units).This project pilot project for electronic, online registration and on-site registration at the same time, the supplier (potential bidders) must be in Sanmenxia City Public Resources Trading Center website (**) on registration, registration and online registration manual operation manual, please view this appendix. Online and on-site registration success at the same time, as the effective registration. Note: the bidder does not need to transact CA digital certificate during the bidding stage. Site registration should provide online registration successful screenshot.Four. Acquisition of bidding documents applicants who pass the above, please from October 26, 2017 to November 2, 2017 (national time), in Mianchi public resources trading center ( the road Unicom six floor) to purchase the tender documents, bill of quantities and other related information. Tender document price 500 yuan \/ set \/ bid, after sale does not retreat.Five, bid bond payment投标保证金:叁万元整(¥:30000.00元),投标单位购买招标文件后三个工作日内,以非现金**至**公共资源**,开户银行:**仰韶街分理处,账Number:**0039Six. Submission of tender documents1, the deadline for submission of tender documents: before November 23, 2017, 9 a.m., 00 minutes, the deadline for bid submission is the time of bid opening.2, receiving location: Mianchi public resources trading center (the six floor Road branch).3. The tender documents which have been served or not delivered to the designated place are not accepted.Seven. Media for announcement:The tender notice at the same time in the "China procurement and bidding", "China bidding network", "Henan province government procurement network", "Sanmenxia city public resources trading center network", "Mianchi County Public Resources Trading Center" and Mianchi TV released.Eight, contact: Tel: ** (Mianchi public resource trading center) **(Mianchi County village people's Government **)
** (Henan Haina Construction Management Co., Ltd. Yan Gong)Mianchi County village people's GovernmentOctober 26, 2017


