CS1.6 very good_good~~~~~...

49. 有很少的人口 have a small population 50. 一个人口众多,历史悠久的国家
a country with a large population and a long history 51. 有50万人口的一个城市
a city with a population of 500 thousand 52. 一半的人口 half of the population 53. 四分之三 three quarters 54. 中国的首都 the capital of China 55. 海南省的省会 the capital of Hainan Province 56. 大写字母 capital latters 57. 中国的第二大岛 the second largest
58. 在世界上人口位居第二
have the second largest population in the world 59. 在岛的东北方向 in the northeast of the island 60. 拥有一个有趣的花卉市场的美丽城市
a pretty city with an interesting flower market 61. 有白白的,长长的沙滩可供散步
long white beaches to walk along 62. 值得去的地方 the place to be
63. 无论是夏天还是冬天 whether it’s summer or winter 64. 无论是否下雨
whether it will rain or not/ whether or not it will rain 65. 是去还是留 whether to go or stay 66. 一段令人放松的音乐 a piece of relaxing music 67. 感到放松 feel relaxed 68. 温泉 hot springs
69. 海瑞墓 Hairui Tomb 70. 东山岭 Dongshan Ridge 71, 单行道 a one-way street
72. 售票处 booking office 73. 一张单程票的价格 the price of a one-way ticket 74. 等一下 just a minute 75. 在十二月26日上午 in the morning on December 26th on the morning of December 26th
76. 在十二月8号 on the 8th of December
on December 8th 78. 查看电脑 check the computer 79. 往返票 round-trip tickets 80. 史密斯家离开北京的航班号 the number of the Smiths’ flight out of/ leaving BJ 81. 旅行说明 the instruction for the trip 82. 在机场需要帮助 need help at the airport 83. 出示我们的票 show our tickets 84. 从这儿一直往前走 go straight along here 85. 去12号门 go to Gate 12 86. 画一道直线 draw a straight line 87. 返回北京的票 the ticket returning to BJ
6 88. 和你核对一下*** check my answers with yours 89. 价格太高买不起cost too much to afford 90. 生活费用 the cost of living 91. 不惜一切代价 at all costs 92. 去度假 go on holiday 93. 有机会去 get a chance to go 94. 抓住机会 take a chance 95. 没有机会赢 have no chance of winning 96. 错过机会 miss the chance 97. 碰巧做某事 do sth by chance/accident 98. 珊瑚礁 the coral reefs 99. 上潜水课 have scuba diving lessons 100. 听起来相当酷 sound really cool 101. 到达时间 time arriving / arrival time 102. 离开时间 time leaving 103. 在旅行社 at a travel office 104. 看下面的两个小册子 look at the following two brochures 105. 把你待在其中一个旅馆的事写个简短的故事
write a short story about your stay at one of the hotels 106. 在市中心附近 near the downtown 107. 游泳池 swimming pool 108. 只是放松身心的户外运动 outdoor sports of just resting 109. 通过小册子上的号码给旅馆打***
call the hotel by the number on the brochure 110. 在西林路156号 at 156 Xilin Road 打***订个双人房 book a double room by telephone come on
快点;快来;加油;得啦 have a family meeting
开家庭会议 go for a / one’s holiday
去度假 go to s.p. for a holiday
去……度假 decide to do sth.
决定做某事 go somewhere warm = go to some warm place 去个暖和的地方 go scuba diving / fishing/ shopping/ swimming / skating / skiing
/ boating / running / dancing / sight-seeing
去潜水 be away
( from s.p.) ( for some time )
离开…(一段时间 ) be out of s.p.
look for / find some information about sth. on the Internet
some / a little / much / a lot of / a piece of / little / no information
一些/一点/许多/许多/一个/没有 信息
search the Internet
search s.p./ sb. for sth.
look at the Internet
do sth. by
double left click on the Internet icon 用左键双击因特网图标
left click on sth.
type in sth.
press the enter button
at the top of …
( opp. At the foot / bottom of …) 在……的顶上 on Hainan Island
the capital of Hainan Island
海南岛首府 in the northeast of the island
在这个岛的东北部 the second largest island in China
中国的第二大岛屿 have a population of …
有……的人口 have a
large / small
人口多 / 少 What is the population of ……?
……的人口有多少? Hainan is the place to be.
海南是 要去/值得去 的地方。
= Hainan is the place where we will go. whether … or …
whether … or not
no matter if ……
be famous for … = be known for …
因 ……而著名 = be well known for …
Tianya Haijiao = the edge of the sky and the rim of the sea 天涯海角 * sign contracts
have a business meeting
learn a trade
enter a college
进入大学 fly to s.p.
飞往…… fly to s.p. in a plane = go to s.p. by plane
乘飞机去…… a ticket from … to …
一张从……去……的票 a ticket on November 26th
一张十一月二十六日的车票 a ticket returning from … to …
一张从……返回……的车票 a one-way ticket
一张单程车票 a round-trip ticket
一张返程车票 check the computer
电脑上查一下 book four tickets
the instructions for …
0700 hours = 7 a.m. = seven o’clock in the morning
at the airport
show one’s ticket
检票 *take No.201 flight
the flight out of Beijing
飞离北京的航班 think about sth.
考虑;回想;想起;认为 think about doing sth.
打算做…… Our family is going on holiday soon.
我们家很快要起度假。 get a chance to do sth.
获得一个机会做…… take a chance to do sth.
抓住机会做…… have scuba diving lessons
培训用水肺潜水 That sounds really cool !
那听起来真棒! a fast / slow train
快车 / 慢车 call s.p./sb. by the number on the brochure
7 * book a room / a table by telephone
a single room / a double room
单人房 / 双人房 What’s the price of sth. ? = How much is … ?
the coming weekend
type out sth. on the computer
give sb. the chance to do sth.
hold the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008
non-stop flight from … to …
tourists from home and abroad
Mainly revision 2. allow sb. to do sth.
allow doing sth. 3. make
make telephone calls (to sb.)
make a contribution to
make a mistake
make friends
make a journey (to…)
make a reply
make a trip (to…)
make a visit to
make the bed
make a noise
make one's way to …
make room for 4. be amaze at 6. litter
litter sth. swh / litter swh. 7. sometime 辨析:sometimes, sometime, some time, some times 8. feed
feed sth, to sb.
feed on 9. warn
warn sb. of (about) sth.
warn sb. to do
call the police
have an accident 去冲浪
go surfing
ride a horse 拜访某人
allow sb to do sth 使它成为可能
make it possible
the scuba machine 对……感兴趣
be interested in
make videos 制作电视节目
make a TV show
对……感到惊讶 be amazed /surprised at 保护环境 save /protect the environment
keep sth clean 清理、打扫
encourage sb to do sth 参加……活动 take part in sth /doing sth
as long as… 在世界上
on earth / in the world
feed on… 在沙滩上
on the beaches
warn sb to do sth 去看望、拜访某人go to visit sb
get out of 1. 严重受伤 be badly hurt 2. 某人出了某事 Sth happen toSb 3. 碰巧做某事 happen to dosth 4. 编一些相同的问题 make up some similar questions 5. 不是太久以前 not too long ago 6. 允许人在水底呼吸很长时间 allow a person to breathe under the sea for a long time 7. 发明水下呼吸器使这成为可能 make it possible by inventing the scuba machine 8. 对深海潜水很感兴趣 be very interested in diving deep into the sea 9. 想成为一名探险家 want to be an explorer 10. 用它探索海底世界(2) use it to explore under the sea explore under the sea with it 11. 拍录像 make videos 12. 拍了许多东西的照片和录像
take pictures and videos of many things 13. 人们以前从未见过的东西
the things that people have never seen before 14. 制作了一部连续播放八年的电视节目
make a TV show which runs for eight years 15. 海底世界 the Undersea World 16. 让许多人看看海底的生活
let many people see what life is like under the sea 17. 爱上他家附近海里的珊瑚礁love the coral reefs in the sea by his home 18. 对所有美丽的鱼感到惊奇 be amazed at all the beautiful fish 19. 多彩的珊瑚礁 the colourful coral reefs 20. 决定做某事 decide to do sth 21. 挽救海底环境 save the environment under the sea 22. 创建库斯托协会 start the Cousteau Society 23. 帮助保护海底生命 help protect life in the sea 24. 全世界 all over the world 25. 覆盖了地球的大部分地区 cover most of the earth 26. 保持海洋清洁 keep the seas clean 27. 向海洋扔杂物 litter the seas 28. 清理脏水区域 clean up the dirty parts 29. 对我们的环境重要 be important to our environment
8 30. 鼓励大家都来参与保护我们的海洋 encourage everyone to take part in protecting our oceans 31. 污染河流湖泊 pollute lakes and rivers 32. 被污染的空气 polluted air 33. 环境污染 the environment pollution 34. 被雪覆盖着 be covered with snow 35. 一排树 a group of trees 36. 使某人惊讶的是 to one’s amazement 37. 以令人惊讶的速度 at an amazing speed
39.被深深地感动 be moved deeply 38. 令人兴奋的探险 the excited exploration
40.允许出去玩 allow going out to play 41.究竟是谁 who on earthg… 42.以惊人的波浪而闻名 be famous for the terrific waves 43.多棒的一次旅行啊! What a terrific trip! 44.长达100米 as long as 100 metres 45.宽达两米 as wide as 2metres 46.明年的某时 sometime next year 47.相识一段时间了 know each other for some time 48.和某人做交易 do a deal with … 49.处理 deal with (dealt, dealt) 49.得到好的待遇 get a good deal 50.向他学到很多 learn a great deal from him 51.花费很大 cost a great deal 52.许多的食物 a great deal of food 53.鲨鱼袭击 shark attacks 54.在地球上 on the earth/on earth 55.在世界上on earth/in the world 56.攻击那座古城 attack the old city/ make an attack on the old city 57.被一群陌生人袭击 be attacked by a group of strangers 58.患了重感冒 have /catch a bad cold , be attacked with a bad cold
59.南非 South Africa 60.警告他危险 warn him of danger
被警告危险 be warned of danger 61.警告他提防小偷 warn him about the thief
被警告提防小偷 be warned about the thief 62.警告我别出去 warn me not to go out / warn me against going out 63.在世界上出现 appear in the world 64.就这么定了 That’s the deal! 65.有关各种鲨鱼的信息 some information about all kinds of sharks 66.去询问处 go to the information desk 67.(男)(女)洗手间 Men’s / Women’s Restroom 68.生存至今 have been around / have been on earth 69.数千年 thousands of years 70.与…很不同 be very different from… / have many differences from… 71.比如 for one thing 72.变化很少 change very little 73.不是所有的鲨鱼 not all sharks 74.不同尺码 in different sizes 75.海洋植物 plants from the sea 76.以海洋动物为食 feed on sea animals 77.据说… It is said that… 78.美国近海岸 off the beaches of America
80.许多人 a number of people 79.响铃去告知人们从水里出来 ring to tell people to get out of the water sth. happen to sb.
某人发生了/出了…事 call the police
报警 * send a letter to sb.
寄给某人一封信 hear from sb.
收到某人的音信 get a letter from sb.
收到某人的一封信 enjoy one’s trip
旅途愉快 this is because ……
这是因为…… allow doing sth.
允许做某事 allow sb. to do sth.
允许某人做某事 sb. make it possible by doing sth.
某人通过做某事使得它成为可能 be interested in sth. / doing sth.
对某物/某事感兴趣 use sth. to do sth.
用某物做某事 make a video
制作电视节目 / 拍电视 take pictures of ……
把……拍成照片 take videos of ……
make a TV show
run for 8 years = last/ go on for 8 years 持续八年
be amazed at ……
save the environment
all over the world
encourage sb. to do sth.
take ( an active ) part in sth./ doing sth. (积极)参加……
make a list of ……
列出… as long as two hours
长达两个小时 That’s / It’s
好, 就这样说定了! *go on a business trip
出差 live a
quiet / happy
过着平静 / 幸福的生活 have been around = have been living
生存至今 have many differences from sth.
与……有很多不同 for one thing
举个例说;首先;例如 Not all sharks are alike.
不是所有的鲨鱼是一样的。 come in different sizes
9 feed on sth.
以……为食 It is said that …
据说 …… warn sb. of / about
提醒某人注意/当心 …… warn sb. not to do sth.
警告某人不要做某事 * pass the math exam
考数学及格 / 通过数学考试
deal with sth.
have other choices
A man who never gave up try
try to do sth.
try one's best
have a try (n.) 辨析:try to do sth.和manage to do sth.
come up with
need 辨析:need to do sth.和need do sth. Keep keep sb doing sth.
keep …away
辨析:keep doing sth. 和keep on doing sth. work on
have nothing to do with sb. / sth. = don't have anything to do with sb. / sth. have something to do with sb. / sth. be (become) interested in
take (show, have) interest in 辨析:interesting 和interested at the age of
start doing sth. see sb doing sth. 辨析:see sb doing sth.和see sb do sth.
feel like doing
be worth + 名词
be worth doing sth. have confidence in sb.
be full of confidence
lose one's confidence
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. would like to give up learning computer try to do sth fix my pen write fast make a pen that has a machine in it a funny idea come up with an answer need to keep working on------ would like to own … most what kind of spirit / the spirit of generosity become an inventor 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. try out new ideas have so many strange ideas have nothing to do with his lessons teach him to read and write be interested in science find him to be a very good pupil send messages by telegraph with the money he made ask him to speak a little louder at the age of 22 make a strange noise remember clearly sing beautifully eat healthily have confidence in you turn the radio down a little be able to improve myself leave home to work in different cities feel frustrated ride safely do sth 计划做某事
plan to do sth 1. 把我的笔修一下 have my pen fixed 2. 修理我的笔fix my pen 3. 一个固执的老人 a fixed old man 4. 一种固定的颜色 a fixed colour 5. 让他写得更快点 get it to write more quickly 6. 造一只里面有机芯的笔 make a pen that has a machine in it 7. 将能写得更快 will be able to write faster 8. 一个有趣的念头 a funny idea 9. 喜欢有想法的人 like people who have ideas 10. 已能写得工整 have been able to write neatly 11. 想出*** come up with an answer 12. 笔写得快。/ 书卖得好。/衣服好洗。 The pen write fast. / The book sells well. / The coat washes well. 努力用它写得快而工整
try to use it to write quickly and neatly 13. 需要一直从事它 need to keep working on it 14. 一个永不放弃的人 a man who never gives up 15. 已经比其他的更多地改造了世界 have changed the world more than others 16. 第二最有用的发明 the second most useful invention 17. 最想做某事 would most like to do sth 18. 拥有一座带花园房子的人 the man who owns the house with a garden 19. 时代精神 the spirit of the times/age 20. 在精神上 in spirit 21. 情绪高/低/好/坏 in high/low/good/bad spirits 22. 试验新想法 try out new ideas 23. 实地试验它 try it out in practice 24. 一个伟大的美国发明家 a great American inventor 25. 发现他是一个很好的学生 find him (to be) a very good pupil 希望能造一个自己的房子
hope to be able to build a own house 26. 在八岁时 at the age of eight 27. 每分钟印60页 print 60 pages every minute 28. 一只受惊的小鸟 a frightened bird 29. 害怕他 be frightened of him 30. 不敢出去 be frightened to go out 31. 被那只狗吓了 be frightened by the dog 32. 在铁轨上 on the railway tracks 33. 把他抱到安全地点 carry him to safety 34. 开设他自己的实验室 open up his own lab
37.在他的一生中 during his lifetime 38. 对他评价很高 think a lot / much of him
40. 以写作为生 live by writing 39. 对。。。比对。。。评价更高/想得更多 think more of sb than … 41. 从学校毕业之后 after graduating from school 10 能
be able to
keep doing sth 让某人持续做某事 keep sb doing sth
操作、从事、致力于…… work on sth 改变世界
change the world
试验新的想法(创新)try out new ideas 在校上学
be in school
与……无/有关 have nothing / something to do with… 对……感兴趣 be interested in
at the age of 12 铁轨
railway tracks
rush out 把孩子抱到安全地带carry the boy to safety
如此……以致…… so… that… 对……评价高,看重 think a lot of
think of 开发
graduate from… 值得做
be worth doing
keep busy 把某人带回家 take sb home
生活的一个新开端 a new start in life 某人大半生
most of one’s lifetime
对某人充满信心 have confidence in sb 想要做某事
feel like doing sth / would like to do sth / want to
 全中国 11. 立刻 12.想出 13.在野外 14. 保持健康 15.保持健康 16. 成...语言类短语 15页 4下载券 词组 中文2 暂无评价 1页 1下载券©...  全短语_英语_初中教育_教育专区。初三英语词组短语复习纲要 Unit 1 过去常常做某事 习惯做某事 有…… 激光唱机 输入 想出、提供 拾起某物 向某人借某物 带给...  全短语 暂无评价 16页 免费 初二重点短语全册归纳 6页 4下载券 全册短语 暂无评价 29页 3下载券 初一下短语(全) 9页 3下载券 喜欢此文档的还喜欢 中考英语...  9年级短语 (英语)9年级短语 (英语)隐藏&& 9 全短语 Chapter 1 1.What’s up, Simon? =What’s the matter with you, Simon? =What’s wrong with you...  全​部​重​点​短​语 暂无评价|0人阅读|0次下载|举报文档七年级下重点短语 Unit 1 1. a pen pal 一位笔友 2. be from=come from 来自于 3...  u4全短语_英语_初中教育_教育专区。九年级4单元短语,自己总结,全面高效。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18...  18页 免费 九年级的英语全部短语 21页 20财富值喜欢此文档的还喜欢 中考英语作文...相同,与…相似 对…敏感,觉察,关心 全神贯注地倾听着 到尽头,达限度 处于...  中职英语基础模块上下册全部短语,语文出版社中职英语基础模块上下册全部短语,语文出版社隐藏&& 基础模块上下册重要短语 1.为---做准备 3. 聚会,集合 5. 是否 ...503: Service Unavailable
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