
莎拉·简大冒险 第四季
英文片名:The Sarah Jane Adventures Season 4
电视台: BBC
莎拉·简大冒险 第四季分集剧情
莎拉·简大冒险 第四季
“茫茫宇宙,我见过各种奇异的事,其实,奇异之事就在你转身之间,地球生活也能成为大冒险,只要你知道到哪去找。”——莎拉?简?史密斯莎拉?简大冒险讲述了老版神秘博士第三、四任博士搭档莎拉?简?史密斯的故事。Elisabeth Sladen重新演绎莎拉?简一角,不断发现企图侵略地球的外星人,帮助迷途的外星人回家。与她年轻的新朋友玛丽亚?杰克逊(Yasmin Paige饰演)和她收养的儿子卢克?史密斯(Tommy Knight饰演),莎拉?简没什么不能解决的挑战。即衍生剧《火炬木小组》(Torchwood)之后,《神秘博士》(Doctor Who)2005版第二部衍生剧《莎拉?简大冒险》(The Sarah Jane Adventures)日播出了60分钟特别版《苦艾的入侵》(Invasion of the Bane),九月24日起在CBBC播出了第一季,共10集,每集25分钟,分为5个故事。早在2006年,BBC儿童频道就有意向制作一部《神秘博士》(Doctor Who)衍生剧。最初的构想是“一部基于博士儿时的剧集”,但是被Russell T. Davies否决,其认为,“讲一个14岁的博士在Gallifrey发明音速起子的故事,会减少对于博士是谁,从何而来的神秘感”。他表露了,用博士以往搭档莎拉?简?史密斯(Sarah Jane Smith)代替。莎拉?简(Sarah Jane),Elisabeth Sladen饰演,是老版本《神秘博士》(Doctor Who)中的角色,1973年至1976年,与Jon Pertwee饰演的第三任博士和Tom Baker饰演的第四任博士的搭档。另一部《神秘博士》(Doctor Who)衍生剧前导剧,K-9 and Company,于1981年制作,莎拉?简(Sarah Jane)和机器狗K-9为主角;但是并未拍摄成系列剧。莎拉?简(Sarah Jane)和K-9在神秘博士多部特别剧中有所回归出现,最明显的是1983年在《神秘博士》(Doctor Who)20周年纪念特别版The Five Doctors,及2006年School Reunion(《神秘博士》(Doctor Who)2005版第二季第三集)中的出现。The Sarah Jane Adventures features Sarah Jane Smith, a companion of the Third and Fouth incarnations of Doctor Who from the Doctor"s original series. Elisabeth Sladen reprises her role and is back in action, discovering alien plots to take over the world, or simply helping lost extraterrestrials get home.Aided by her new young friend, Maria Jackson (Yasmin Paige), and her newly (and genetically engineered) adopted son Luke Smith (Tommy Knight), Sarah Jane has no problem taking on any challenge!The Sarah Jane Adventures is a British television series, produced by BBC Wales for CBBC, created by Russell T. Davies and starring Elisabeth Sladen. The programme is a spin-off of the long-running BBC science fiction programme Doctor Who and focuses on the adventures of investigative journalist Sarah Jane Smith. The series debuted on BBC One with a 60-minute special, entitled &Invasion of the Bane&, on 1 January 2007. A full series of ten 25-minute episodes followed, beginning on 24 September 2007. The series consists of five two-part stories and is set in Ealing, London.In 2006, Children"s BBC expressed an interest in producing a Doctor Who spin-off. Their initial idea was &a drama based on the idea of a young Doctor Who&, but Russell T. Davies vetoed this. &Somehow, the idea of a fourteen-year-old Doctor, on Gallifrey inventing sonic screwdrivers, takes away from the mystery and intrigue of who he is and where he came from,& said Davies. He suggested instead a series based on the Doctor"s former companion Sarah Jane Smith.The character of Sarah Jane, played by Sladen, appeared in Doctor Who from 1973 to 1976, alongside Jon Pertwee as the Third Doctor and later Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor. A pilot for another Doctor Who spin-off series, K-9 and Company, made in 1981, featured Sarah Jane and the robot dog K-9; however, the option to make a series was not picked up. Sarah Jane and K-9 returned to Doctor Who in various media many times over the years, most notably in the 20th anniversary special The Five Doctors (1983) and in the 2006 episode &School Reunion&.New Year"s Day specialThe Sarah Jane Adventures was first seen by its original British audience in the form of a 60-minute New Year"s Day special, titled &Invasion of the Bane&, which was co-written by Russell T. Davies and Gareth Roberts.
莎拉·简大冒险 第四季精彩剧照
45集全7,232欧美电视剧 卢克·凯奇剧情介绍,影音先锋卢克·凯奇西瓜,吉吉-欧美电视剧
欢迎继续点播你喜欢的电影、电视剧!历史观看记录热门搜索:&您现在的位置:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&卢克·凯奇电视剧卢克·凯奇推荐卢克·凯奇迅雷种子下载地址(复制地址到迅雷卢克·凯奇下载新建任务即可)电视剧卢克·凯奇剧情介绍剧集《卢克·凯奇》中,这位天赋异禀的角色在纽约市黑人聚集地哈莱姆区重拾生活的过程中,被迫与他所在城市的核心人物,也就是马赫莎拉哈什巴兹·阿里饰演的Cornell Stokes展开斗争,而这一切都迫使他再度面对他想埋葬的过去。卢克·凯奇这个角色首次出现在《杰西卡·琼斯》之中,他是杰西卡·琼斯的爱人。在剧集中,卢克受重伤在被杰西卡送到医院时,遇到罗莎里奥·道森饰演的Claire Temple,Claire负责照顾卢克直到他清醒。而在《卢克·凯奇》中,观众将继续看到罗莎里奥·道森的身影,而饰演杰西卡·琼斯的克里斯滕·里特将不会参演。...喜欢看“电视剧卢克·凯奇”的人也喜欢:版权声明:2080k电影网所有电影均为非赢利性免费为网民提供,本站提供影音先锋电影和先锋影音电影均来源于互联网自动搜索采集,如侵犯您的版权请联系我们。免责声明:本网站将逐步删除和规避程序自动搜索采集到的不提供分享的版权影视。本站仅供学习交流,请大家支持各种电影正版信息。Copyright &
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