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软件简介:小霸王点读机官网教材下载,免费英语网英语新闻推荐阅读:UPS has set its sites on the Chinese domestic market, hoping to make headway into a sector dominated by local firms, according to a Financial Times report Tuesday.According to the report, Dan Brutto, president of USInternational, said that the Chinese market could be as large as five million packages a day."The opportunities are tremendous," the Financial Times quoted Brutto as saying."In the future the domestic market is going to be worth billions."A representative for USdid not give specific details on the American firm's plans.But analysts said USwould not easily gain a foothold in the market, as local players still have the upper hand."Domestic delivery companies have extensive networks throughout the country. It will take years for foreign firms to compete with that," Cai Jin, vice president of the China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing, told the Global Times Tuesday.Currently, around 5,000 firms compete for the domestic delivery market, leading USs Brutto to say, "[T]he market is just ripe for consolidation," according to the Financial Times.But it remains uncertain as to whether foreign firms will be the beneficiaries of the likely consolidation."USs entry into the market could be helpful to the industry because right now there are too many firms," Cai said."In the face of foreign competition, the domestic companies might become more efficient and there could be consolidation within the industry in the near future."下载地址:&& &&&&&&*&为了达到最快的下载速度,推荐使用网际快车下载本站软件。 *&如果您发现不能下载,请通知管理员,谢谢! *&未经本站明确许可,任何网站不得非法盗链及抄袭本站资源;*&如引用页面,请注明来自免费英语网,谢谢您的支持! *&如果您对本站有建议,请联系管理员!& ::相关软件::&&&&
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