基本信息SA-MP-LOGO软件名称: Samp 侠盗猎车手圣安地列斯联机程序软件大小: 15.5MB最新版本: SA-MP0.3.7软件语言: 英语游戏操作所有服务器都有的指令:/dl 查看车辆数据/timestamp 信息前显示时间/q 和 /quit 退出服务器大多数服务器常见的命令:/askq /report 向管理员寻求帮助/register 注册帐号/login 登陆/help 查看指令以及帮助部分按键(游戏默认按键):F 上车的主驾驶G 上车的其他座位Alt+W/A/S/D 慢走路C 蹲下H(主驾驶) 车辆鸣笛H(车辆上的其他座位) 向窗外看Esc 暂停(RP服务器不建议使用)Shift 跳跃空格:奔跑鼠标左键 攻击鼠标右键 瞄准samp自带管理员脚本(rcon命令)输入 cmdlist 查看命令列表(varlist 查看变量列表), 在游戏中的话利用RCON('/rcon cmdlist')。这些是管理员可以使用的功能:/rcon cmdlist - 显示命令列表./rcon varlist - 显示当前变量列表./rcon exit - 关闭服务器./rcon echo [text] - 在服务端控制台里显示 [text] (不是在游戏里的客户端聊天框)./rcon hostname [name] - 更改服务器名 (例如: /rcon hostname my server)./rcon gamemodetext [name] - 更改游戏模式名 (例如: /rcon gamemodetext my gamemode)./rcon mapname [name] - 更改地图名 (例如: /rcon mapname San Andreas)./rcon exec [filename] - 执行包含服务器配置的cfg文件 (例如: /rcon exec blah.cfg)./rcon kick [ID] - 踢出把给定ID的玩家 (例如: /rcon kick 2)./rcon ban [ID] - 封禁给定ID的玩家 (例如: /rcon ban 2)./rcon changemode [mode] - 该命令会更换当前游戏模式到给定的游戏模式 (例如: 如果你想玩 sftdm: /rcon changemode sftdm)./rcon gmx - 会载入server.cfg中的下一个游戏模式./rcon reloadbans - 重新载入储存被封禁IP地址的samp.ban。/rcon reloadlog - 清空 server_log.txt./rcon say - 在客户端聊天框显示一条消息给玩家。 (例如: /rcon say blah)./rcon players - 显示当前在服务器中的玩家 (包含名字、Ping和IP)./rcon banip [IP] - 封禁给定IP (例如: /rcon banip unbanip [IP] - 解封给定IP (例如: /rcon unbanip gravity - 更改重力 (例如: /rcon gravity 0.008)./rcon weather [ID] - 更改天气 (例如: /rcon weather 1)./rcon loadfs - 载入给定的附加脚本 (例如: /rcon loadfs adminfs)./rcon unloadfs - 卸载给定的附加脚本 (例如: /rcon unloadfs adminfs)./rcon reloadfs - 重新载入给定的附加脚本 (例如: /rcon reloadfs adminfs)./rcon rcon_password [PASSWORD] - 更改RCON密码常见问题1.为什么我进入改车店就会弹出游戏?答:可能是此车辆不支持改装或你装了MOD的问题。2.为什么我进入游戏后还是单机的?答:可能是你拒绝了SAMP的访问,当你打开SAMP杀毒软件会询问你是否需要访问此软件,此时,你只需要点击允许操作即可。如果无效,你可以直接关闭杀毒软件,即可。3. 联机都可以做什么事情?答:这主要是由地图规则决定的,内容分为几类地图:DM服务器(死亡竞技)、TDM服务器(团队死亡竞技)、RP服务器(模拟人生)、RPG服务器(角色扮演)和赛车服务器以及娱乐服务器(娱乐服务器的变化多样,样式甚多)4.我***了MOD,还可以联机吗?答:可以,但是有可能会出现错误。而且其他玩家看不到你的MOD,只有你自己能看到。5.为什么我明明打中人,怎么不掉血答:对方可能使用了CLEO等影响游戏公平的插件或工具,或者你的ping过于高造成的,不过你可以询问服务器在线的管理员,关于这个问题。6.联机游戏中怎么截图啊答: SAMP默认的截图键F8,第一种保存在D:\My Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files\SAMP\screens7.为什么我SA出现了内存不能为Read的错误框?答: 出现这个原因或许是因为你的游戏不完整,或***有 mod Cleo 这样的插件导致的这个问题8.车上怎么开***啊?答:如果你是司机,你得有冲锋***类得武器(TEC9,MIRCO SMG=UZI,SMG=MP5),单个按住E或者Q就可以左右开***了如果你不是司机,你得有能瞄准的且瞄不瞄准都能射的***,按H键就可以开***了9.怎么上车啊?答: 1.如果你想上车辆的主驾驶位置这时你可以在靠近车的附近按下F2.如果你想坐车辆的其他座位这时候你可以在靠近车的附近按下G10.SAMP如何窗口进行游戏?答:按 "Enter + Alt"激活窗口模式11.为什么我输入中文会掉线?答:0.3d的时候服务器如果使用对话框登陆游戏,一定会出现掉线的情况,不过更新0.3e后修复了这个毛病12.进入服务器之后,左上角提示这段please choose another nick between 3-16 characterscontaining only A-Z a-z 0-9 []orUse /quit to exit of press ESC and select Quit Game答: 请使用大写A到Z或小写a到z以及数字0到9和英文半角的[]符号之内的字符,字符保持在3-16个字符中13. 我进不去服务器,提示我 Connection rejected. incorrect version答:跟服务器版本不对.请检查你的SAMP版本。14.为什么无限提示Connection Server答:这个原因在0.3X后是由于你的联机程序的版本与你所进服务器的版本不一致,导致无限提醒当前SAMP的版本已经升级到0.3.7,0.3X已经进行不了游戏。
在游戏内输入中文用记事本打开我的文档/GTA San Andreas User Files/SAMP/sa-mp.cfg,在最后一行添加ime=1,保存后即可在游戏内输入中文。快速添加IP在浏览器地址栏输入"samp://IP地址",比如你要添加192.168.1.1:7777,就在浏览器地址栏输入"samp://"输入完毕后弹出窗口,点击Play进入服务器,点击Add to Favorites添加到收藏夹,点击Cancel取消。
样本 定义 标签表示一段用户应该对其没有什么其他解释的文本字符。要从正常的上下文抽取这些字符时,通常要用到这个标签。用法请看下面的例子:字符序列 ae 可能会被转换为 & 连字字符。 上面的 HTML 代码会显示为:字符序列 ae 可能会被转换为 & 连字字符。 注释:在 HTML 中,用于 "ae" 连字的特殊实体是 "&",大多数浏览器都会将它转换成相应的 "&" 连字字符。 标签并不经常使用。只有在要从正常的上下文中将某些短字符序列提取出来,对它们加以强调的极少情况下,才使用这个标签。
最近更新时间: 20:41:30
贡献光荣榜AdrenalineX Racing - SA-MP Racing Server - play.adrenalinex.co.uk:7777 Server informationClick here to join: . Started in March 2008, AdrenalineX Racing is SA-MP's most popular racing server with over 6000 player-made tracks.NewsSA-MP 0.3.7 released!The server has been updated to the latest version of SA-MP, 0.3.7. Download it at . Most relevant to the community is the long-awaited addition of ghost mode.New serverWe have moved to a more stable server, located in France. If you have our old address saved, add
to your SA-MP favourites.SA-MP 0.3z released!The server has been updated to the latest version of SA-MP, 0.3z. Download it at .New site launchedWelcome to the new AdrenalineX website. In addition to the new design, some long overdue features have been added to the Highscores and Players sections.New server locationDue to the recent DDoS attacks, we have moved the server to another location. We're now hosted in the Netherlands but for most players pings will be almost the same as they were before. Instead of adding an IP to your Favourites, you can now add our address, . If you currently have our IP in your favourites it is recommended you add the address instead as only the address will be updated to point to our new IP if we have to move again.SA-MP 0.3x released!The server has been updated to the latest version of SA-MP, 0.3x. Download it at .SA-MP 0.3e released!Download: .SA-MP 0.3d released!SA-MP 0.3d has been released and is a required update for those wanting to connect to AdrenalineX. Download it at .SA-MP 0.3c released!More info at .SA-MP 0.3b released!More info at .New IPUnfortunately, we've had to change IP due to circumstances beyond our control. We're in the exact same datacentre as before so your ping should stay the same and, apart from the new IP, you won't be able to even tell the difference. To start playing on AdrenalineX again, just add
to your favourites list or find us on the Hosted tab.Update: We are no longer on the Hosted tab.SA-MP 0.3a released!More info at .GTAU:MP serverWe now have a GTAU:MP server at United (GTAU) is a GTA San Andreas mod which replaces the map of San Andreas with the maps of its ancestors Vice City and Liberty City, and GTAU:MP is the SA:MP 0.22 R3-based multiplayer mod that has recently been released for it. for all the information you'll need to install and start playing GTAU:MP.Update: The GTAUMP server is now closed due to lack of players.Server move completeWe've moved to our new server at down due to DDoSServer will be offline for a short period of time. It's believed to be a large scale attack against SA-MP. As soon as we get information on our server's return, we'll be sure to let you know.Server move complete!We've moved to our new server at Unless something goes wrong, we won't be moving again :)Downtime updateOur host has decided to move to another server in the Netherlands because of the recent downtime problems with the previous server. What this means is that we will have a new IP and although we won't be based in the UK anymore, the ping for UK players will only be +4ms and for the rest of Europe, better than before. If there are any problems with the new server we will move to a different UK-based host.Server down due to DDoSAt approximately 8:10AM GMT our host's server was subject to a large and intense Distributed Denial of Service attack. This caused the server to stop responding to requests and as a preventative measure, our IP address has been nullrouted by our host, who tells us they're doing their best on getting the server back online as soon as possible.SA-MP returns... again :)More info at .Closure of SA-MP and LAN mode activatedAs you might have seen the internet list has been taken down but don't worry- you can play on our server by adding the IP above to your favourites. Even if SA-MP is finished, this server will remain open until nobody plays on it anymore.After the bad news, here is something positive that might put you back into a good mood: we've paid for LAN mode to be enabled on the server which will mean better sync but more bandwidth used. There won't be a massive difference in racing but in our deathmatch mode ("/dmx ON" to access it), there is a significant improvement. Enjoy.New site launchedWelcome to the new AdrenalineX website. We now have a forum and a navigation bar at the top as you have probably noticed by now. More features will be coming soon.