
首先呢DELL 14VR-6106
款原配也2G硬盘也 320G 5400转SATA应付般日常工作没问题了性价比也高而联想B490-BEI得显卡对比之前款好了多其配置几乎和上面差多而华硕呢屏幕较小11.6英寸过款性价比稍微好了点哈也202年12月全能学生本三款我推荐联想B490-BEI错
Copyright (C) 1999-, All Rights Reserved 版权所有 天极网络高分悬赏,帮我做做这个题,拜托了!!_百度知道求教英语高手帮我翻译一下,高分悬赏!
楼下用金山快译的吗?完全没有语法的- -
Maybe god that doomed fate of everyone, so would have ups and downs of the road of life, except for his efforts, powerless should is fate, again how hard struggle.Long life, will face many setbacks and helpless, people already very tired, why live are lack of trust, why not precious thoughts, why does 21a and never feel the feelings of others, never consider the consequences of things, why the man again to the abyss of disappointment, why?Heart be very painful. Very stuffy chest.... .New injury old pain lingered continuously, increasingly fierce, the life of the absence of pain and suffering with confidence, will really know what call what name, collapse, what...Happiness and confidence is not huge disaster or negligence can kill off, but continue to be repeated small fault and annoyance off a little decomposition, as the saying goes: li DAMS. Some small things as time passes can ruin you happiness, your confidence.Never want to believe in fate, only experience just understand.Called serendipity, on time to meet wrong people sigh life, In the wrong time to meet the person's lifetime regret, The right peoson at the right talent life happiness.Beautiful life, but life...
也许上天瞑瞑中注定了每个人的命运,所以才会有起起落落的人生之路,除了自己努力争取的,无能为力的应该是命运的安排,再怎么挣扎都难以逃脱。- Maybe it is just fated for everyone to live a life of ups and downs, no matter how hard one would struggle to live without.漫漫人生,要面对好多挫折和无奈,人活着已很累,为何偏偏缺少珍贵的信任,为何不思长进且一意孤行,为何从不感受别人的感受,为何从不考虑事情的后果,为何一次次把人推向失望的深渊,为什么?
心很痛….胸很闷…. - In this long and arduous life we are living, we already encounter lots of difficulties and helpless situations, wearing us off to our limit. And yet, we still face the lack of precious trust among people. I just can't help it but to feel despaired about the selfishness & inconsiderateness reflected on some people.新伤旧痛缠绵不断,思念愈演愈烈,人生离别的痛楚折磨着人的意志和信心,此时才会真正懂得什么叫崩溃,什么叫煎熬,什么叫放弃… - The separation from our loved ones challenges our courage to live on. Inevitably, we feel moments of despair, helplessness, cracked under pressure. 幸福和信心不是巨大的灾难或是过失能扼杀掉的,而是被不断重复出现的小错和烦恼一点点***掉的,俗话说:千里堤坝溃于蚁穴。一些不起眼的事情久而久之可以毁掉你幸福,你的信心。 - Happiness and courage are often not defeated by catastrophic events, but often intangibly dissolved, bit by bit, by continuous subtle mistakes and troubles, just like how a wall can collapse if infested by a nest of ants/termites.
以前不曾想相信命运,唯有经历才明白。- I did not believe in fate at first, but it proves through experience.缘分天注定,在对的时间遇上错的人注定一生叹息;在错的时间遇上对的人是一生遗憾;在对的时间遇上对的人才一生幸福。- Relationships are predestined by God. Either meeting the wrong person at the right time, or the right person at the wrong time, will both leave you with regrets. Only meeting the right person a......
Perhaps Heaven has in a state of confusion determined our fate. That's why our life is full of ups and downs.
Apart from the things we strive hard for, the things we feel we have no control over are most likely
determined by fate, which is difficult to avoid, no matter how one struggles.During our long life, we face many setbacks and situations where all options seem to have run out.
Life in itself is hard enough, why should we lack in why don't we think of a way forward, but instead stubborn why do we never take other people's feeli why don't we think of the consequ why are we time and again pushed to the aby why?My heart aches, I feel depressed.New injuries and old pains are constantly aching, thoughts are inc the anguish of having to part this life saps the will and confidence. At such a time, one really understands what collapse means, what torment means, what abandonment means ...Happiness and confidence can't be stifled by great calamities or
mistakes, but are bit by bit dissolved by small mistakes and worries. As a proverb says: Long dikes and dams burst at the ant's nest. What seem trivialities may in the course of time destroy your happiness and confidence.I didn't
believe in fate before, only after experiencing it did it
become all clear to me.The fate that brings people together is determined by......
版式: | 炫彩版 | 09-16 07:33


