poshytip api插件怎么设置浮动条的位...

Poshy Tip jQuery Plugin Demo Page
Usage Examples
The default browser tooltip that displays the value of the title attribute is replaced with a "poshier" version:
Styles (Classes)
Using different tooltip classes is easy. Here are some examples that are included in the download package (in the "src" folder).
className: 'tip-violet',
bgImageFrameSize: 9
className: 'tip-darkgray',
bgImageFrameSize: 11,
offsetX: -25
className: 'tip-skyblue',
bgImageFrameSize: 9,
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 20
(no background-image used for the tooltip body)
className: 'tip-yellowsimple',
showTimeout: 1,
alignTo: 'target',
alignX: 'center',
offsetY: 5,
allowTipHover: false
(ala Twitter)
className: 'tip-twitter',
showTimeout: 1,
alignTo: 'target',
alignX: 'center',
offsetY: 5,
allowTipHover: false,
fade: false,
slide: false
className: 'tip-green',
offsetX: -7,
offsetY: 16,
allowTipHover: false
Form Tooltips (with varying positioning)
Adding form input field tooltips is simple. You just have to make sure they are triggered on focus/blur (i.e. showOn: 'focus') and positioned relatively to the target element (i.e. alignTo: 'target'). The script also updates the position of such tooltips if the window is resized (e.g. show some of the tips below and resize your browser window for a demo).
className: 'tip-yellowsimple',
showOn: 'focus',
alignTo: 'target',
alignX: 'right',
alignY: 'center',
offsetX: 5
className: 'tip-yellowsimple',
showOn: 'focus',
alignTo: 'target',
alignX: 'left',
alignY: 'center',
offsetX: 5
className: 'tip-yellowsimple',
showOn: 'focus',
alignTo: 'target',
alignX: 'inner-left',
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 5
className: 'tip-yellowsimple',
showOn: 'focus',
alignTo: 'target',
alignX: 'center',
alignY: 'bottom',
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 5
Asynchronous Loading of the Content
Poshy Tip supports using a function for returning the tooltip content and the script also passes an update callback function as an argument to this function. By using this callback, you can easily update asynchronously the content of the tooltip after it has been displayed. The script also recalculates and updates the position of the tooltip when its content is updated.
Simple Example
content: function(updateCallback) {
window.setTimeout(function() {
updateCallback('Tooltip content updated!');
return 'Loading...';
Loading Flickr Feeds
A more complicated example of loading some Flickr images by tags:
var flickrFeedsCache = {};
$('#demo-async-flickr & a').poshytip({
className: 'tip-darkgray',
bgImageFrameSize: 11,
alignY: 'bottom',
content: function(updateCallback) {
var rel = $(this).attr('rel');
if (flickrFeedsCache[rel] && flickrFeedsCache[rel].container)
return flickrFeedsCache[rel].
if (!flickrFeedsCache[rel]) {
flickrFeedsCache[rel] = { container: null };
var tagsComma = rel.substring(4).replace('-', ',');
$.getJSON('/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?tags=' + tagsComma + '&tagmode=all&format=json&jsoncallback=?',
function(data) {
var container = $('&div/&').addClass('flickr-thumbs');
$.each(data.items, function(i, item) {
.attr('href', item.link)
.append($('&img/&').attr('src', item.media.m))
.data('tip', '&strong&' + (item.title || '(no title)') + '&/strong&&br /&by: ' + item.author.match(/\((.*)\)/)[1]);
if (i == 4)
// add tips for the images inside the main tip
content: function(){return $(this).data('tip');},
className: 'tip-yellowsimple',
showTimeout: 100,
alignTo: 'target',
alignX: 'center',
alignY: 'bottom',
offsetY: 5,
allowTipHover: false,
hideAniDuration: 0
// store the content in the cache
// and call updateCallback() to update the content in the main tooltip
updateCallback(flickrFeedsCache[rel].container = container);
return 'Loading images...';
Following the Mouse Cursor
If using the followCursor: true option, it's better to make sure the the slide animation effect is disabled (i.e. slide: false) so that it doesn't conflict with the code that moves the tooltip with the cursor.
followCursor: true,
slide: false
Triggering the Tooltip Manually
If you like, you can add a tooltip to some element(s) and configure it to not be triggered automatically on hover or focus/blur by using the showOn: 'none' option. You can then control the tooltip manually via the available methods.
Show Hide Disable Enable Destroy
content: 'Hey, there! This is a tooltip.',
showOn: 'none',
alignTo: 'target',
alignX: 'inner-left',
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 5
$('#button-show').click(function() { $('#demo-manual-trigger').poshytip('show'); });
$('#button-hide').click(function() { $('#demo-manual-trigger').poshytip('hide'); });
$('#button-disable').click(function() { $('#demo-manual-trigger').poshytip('disable'); });
$('#button-enable').click(function() { $('#demo-manual-trigger').poshytip('enable'); });
$('#button-destroy').click(function() { $('#demo-manual-trigger').poshytip('destroy'); });
content String, DOM element, Function, jQuery
Possible Values: '[title]', 'string', element, function(updateCallback){...}, jQueryContent to display.
className String
Class for the tips.
bgImageFrameSize Number
Size in pixels for the background-image (if set in CSS) frame around the inner content of the tip.
showTimeout Number
Timeout before showing the tip (in milliseconds 1000 == 1 second).
hideTimeout Number
Timeout before hiding the tip.
showOn String
Possible Values: 'hover', 'focus', 'none'Handler for showing the tip. Use 'none' if you would like to trigger the tooltip just manually (i.e. by calling the 'show' and 'hide' methods).
alignTo String
Possible Values: 'cursor', 'target'Align/position the tip relative to
alignX String
Possible Values: 'right', 'center', 'left', 'inner-left', 'inner-right'Horizontal alignment for the tip relative to the mouse cursor or the target element - values 'inner-*' matter if alignTo:'target'
alignY String
Possible Values: 'bottom', 'center', 'top', 'inner-bottom', 'inner-top'Vertical alignment for the tip relative to the mouse cursor or the target element - values 'inner-*' matter if alignTo:'target'
offsetX Number
Offset X pixels from the default position - doesn't matter if alignX:'center'
offsetY Number
Offset Y pixels from the default position - doesn't matter if alignY:'center'
allowTipHover Boolean
Allow hovering the tip without hiding it onmouseout of the target - matters only if showOn:'hover'
followCursor Boolean
If the tip should follow the cursor - matters only if showOn:'hover' and alignTo:'cursor'
fade Boolean
Use fade animation.
slide Boolean
Use slide animation.
slideOffset Number
Slide animation offset.
showAniDuration Number
Show animation duration.
hideAniDuration Number
Hide animation duration.
.poshytip('show')Manually show the tooltip. Make sure the alignTo option is set to 'target' in order the tooltip to be properly positioned when you trigger it.
.poshytip('hide')Manually hide the tooltip.
.poshytip('disable')Disable the tooltip.
.poshytip('enable')Enable the tooltip.
.poshytip('destroy')Destroy completely the tooltip functionality.
Requires jQuery 1.4+
Works in IE6+, FF 2+, Opera 9+, Safari 3+, Chrome
In IE6 min/max-width are supported (only px values) for the tooltip container DIV so you can use them in your CSS without worrying for IE6 (if you still care about it)
When a background-image is set for the tooltip container DIV, the script will neglect the background-color/padding/border declarations set for it and will use the background image to create a scalable frame around the tooltip inner DIV (for an explanation how this works, please take a look at the )
In IE6 PNG background images are not supported (only GIF). If a PNG is set as a background-image for the tooltip container, in IE6 the script will fallback and use the background-color/padding/border declarations instead.
Like jQuery, Poshy Tip is dual licensed under the
Download link:
The Poshy Tip source code is also available at GitHub:
git clone git:///vadikom/poshytip.git
Post your questions/suggestions in the .
If you appreciate this script, you can support me by
through PayPal or just by
about it. Your support is highly appreciated!
来源: 代码整理: 感谢:
转载请注明出处,此代码仅供学习交流,请勿用于商业用途。为什么poshytip这个插件jquery用1.9版本会有问题? - 开源中国社区
当前访客身份:游客 [


