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英文翻译equestrian&&&& be on horsebac ...... &&&&&&4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...... &&&&&&gp mounted soldiers cavalry... &&&&&&woman rider on horseback esa skilled one... &&&&&&horseman... &&&&&&estafette... &&&&&&toreador... &&&&&&sin way in which sb sits on a horse... &&&&&&have a good seat... &&&&&&the horse threw its rider... &&&&&&stockrider... &&&&&& ride on a horse
上星期他们骑马来探 ...... &&&&&&the rider pulled on the reins and the horse stopped... &&&&&&conquistador... &&&&&& of the horse... &&&&&&saddle horse... &&&&&&ride for a fall... &&&&&&horseback riding... &&&&&&rotten row... &&&&&& staple... &&&&&&[印刷] saddle stitching◇骑马订联动机 saddle stitching machine... &&&&&&horse block... &&&&&&song of riding a horse... &&&&&&jodhpurs... &&&&&&ride over... &&
例句与用法He kept his love of horsemanship .他保留着骑马的癖好。The horse threw its rider .马把骑马的人掀翻下来。The men on horseback advertised the route, but could provide no protection at all .骑马的卫兵是在指示路线,却不能提供任何保卫措施。There comes a gentleman on horseback, and lights at the door, wanting to go into the tavern .来了一位骑马的绅士,在门口下马,要到酒店里去。Fortunately for me , as i was wondering what to do next , there appeared on the horizon a man on horseback , riding in my direction .对我来说幸运的是,正当我不知道下一步该怎么办时,视线的尽头出现了一个骑马的人,正向我走来。And all gazed eagerly at the little group of horsemen大家都贪婪地望那一群骑马的人。 I also have to be ladylike while riding sidesaddle . hah在骑马的时候,我要表现的很高雅A man who cannot ride a horse is seen as having no honour不能骑马的男人是没有荣誉的。 There are two men comingan officer and a cossack“有两个骑马的人一个军官,一个哥萨克。 A solitary rider was seen in the distance远处有个孤零零的骑马的人。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
Copyright &
All rights reserved我们下楼,我父亲对我说:上车走“,我教你骑自行车!”我上自行车,然后我父亲说:“你后面的汽车护送,我可以坐了。”说后,我父亲陪同下汽车的回来,我就开始骑马。骑骑马,而我的父亲突然举起手可我没有看到。过了一段时间的孩子,我回头一看爸爸,没有看到我的父亲陪同下,一个孩子倒在了。雪出红血白脚。本人对我的父亲皱起了眉头,说:“爸爸,我不骑。长大了,我想赚取很多很多钱,然后买一辆汽车开,所以我不会骑。”但是她的父亲是认真的,他认真地对我说:“孩子,你长大了,又回到面临更困难的一些事情。如果你不能忍受这种艰苦甚至是的话,你如何走向成功的移动? “我似乎明白,然后站起来,继续学习骑自行车。虽然我摔倒的次数很多,但我知道, 的翻译是: 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
我们下楼,我父亲对我说:上车走“,我教你骑自行车!”我上自行车,然后我父亲说:“你后面的汽车护送,我可以坐了。”说后,我父亲陪同下汽车的回来,我就开始骑马。骑骑马,而我的父亲突然举起手可我没有看到。过了一段时间的孩子,我回头一看爸爸,没有看到我的父亲陪同下,一个孩子倒在了。雪出红血白脚。本人对我的父亲皱起了眉头,说:“爸爸,我不骑。长大了,我想赚取很多很多钱,然后买一辆汽车开,所以我不会骑。”但是她的父亲是认真的,他认真地对我说:“孩子,你长大了,又回到面临更困难的一些事情。如果你不能忍受这种艰苦甚至是的话,你如何走向成功的移动? “我似乎明白,然后站起来,继续学习骑自行车。虽然我摔倒的次数很多,但我知道,
相关内容&a取压装置 Takes presses the installment & a“悠闲式奢侈(relaxed luxury)”设计理念正在印度大行其道  Good Earth是印度最大的高端家居零售店。CEO希暮兰-拉尔(Simran Lal)在谈到顾客到商店物色餐具时最常发生的一种窘况时,禁不住笑了。“顾客总是急匆匆地来到店里说,‘明天家里要招待35人吃晚饭,急需新餐具,’这种情况已经不知道发生过多少次了,” 拉尔说。“一到这种时候,我们就得去拼命寻找货源。”
& a谢谢,我也是一样 Thanks, I also am same & aTrueMove-H Call Center 1331 ??? (To receive future messages in English, call 9304.) TrueMove-H呼叫中心1331年??? (收到未来消息用英语,***9304。) & a缅怀 Cherishing the memory of & a不仅内容齐全,涵盖了基本知识、政策法规、安全争论等多个方面的内容,而且方式多样,网站、博客、社区和即时通信等方式交互渗透,大大拓宽了转基因信息的传播渠道。 Not only the content was complete, has covered the elementary knowledge, the policy laws and regulations, the safe argument and so on many aspect content, moreover the way was diverse, ways and so on website, abundant guest, community and immediate correspondence seeped alternately, opened up greatl & a我去厕所 I go to the restroom & a同志帮忙看看 Comrade helps to have a look & a他正在国外学习 His overseas study & a练习读英语 Practices to read English & ait is crucial to accurately delineate the regions where neural activities are not observable in normal cognitive or physiological conditions. 准确地描述地区,神经系统的活动不是可测的在正常认知或生理情况是关键的。 & a因为它是美好的 正在翻译,请等待... & a他不知道该选择什么工作 正在翻译,请等待... & acreditors and outside investors,for example,are not part of the day-to-day management of a business,likewise,goverment agencies and the general public are external users of a firm's accounting information. 债权人和外部投资者,例如,不作为事务的每日管理的部分,同样,政府机构和公众是公司的帐户信息的外在用户。 & aPang, dun be a pangster, Pang, dun be a pangster, & aIt's not that animals are walking, hopping or winging their way north, 不是动物是走,跳跃或者飞过他们的方式北部, & aTray back 盘子后面 & a国家出入境检验检疫局是国务院的一个下属部门,其主要职责是:   (一)研究拟定有关出入境卫生检疫、动植物检疫及进出口商品检验法律、法规和政策规定的实施细则、办法及工作规程,督促检查出入境检验检疫机构贯彻执行。 正在翻译,请等待... & a前几天我们刚见面 We just met couple days ago & a(五)依法监督管理资本项目下的交易和外汇的汇入、汇出及兑付。
& aCollect and formation of the news 紧急的事 & a国际商会(The International Chamber of Commerce,ICC)成立于1919年,发展至今已拥有来自130多个国家的成员公司和协会,是全球唯一的代表所有企业的权威代言机构。 正在翻译,请等待... & aSeems like we won't have time to explore Nanjing this time.
We will be back to China again because you guys were so great last night~ xie xie Ni men!! Wo ai wo de Zhong guo de fen si men xia ci jian~~ 正在翻译,请等待... & acounductor counductor & a因此安娜是一位很有个性的女人,她会不顾一切去追求爱情的自由,然而在泰国这个封建主义国家里,一个女人最基本的道德就是忠诚,不允许背叛, 所以她遭遇了人生中的因文化差异带来的障碍! Therefore Anna is one has the individuality woman very much, she can reckless pursue love the freedom, however in the Thailand this feudalism country, woman most basic morals is loyal, does not permit the betrayal, therefore she has encountered the barrier which because in the life the cultural diff & ait has not adopted a specific target through the EU’s NREAP framework 它未通过欧共体的NREAP框架采取一个具体目标 & a渔民集体购买配额 Fisherman collective purchase quota & a翻译:
& a我们下楼,我父亲对我说:上车走“,我教你骑自行车!”我上自行车,然后我父亲说:“你后面的汽车护送,我可以坐了。”说后,我父亲陪同下汽车的回来,我就开始骑马。骑骑马,而我的父亲突然举起手可我没有看到。过了一段时间的孩子,我回头一看爸爸,没有看到我的父亲陪同下,一个孩子倒在了。雪出红血白脚。本人对我的父亲皱起了眉头,说:“爸爸,我不骑。长大了,我想赚取很多很多钱,然后买一辆汽车开,所以我不会骑。”但是她的父亲是认真的,他认真地对我说:“孩子,你长大了,又回到面临更困难的一些事情。如果你不能忍受这种艰苦甚至是的话,你如何走向成功的移动? “我似乎明白,然后站起来,继续学习骑自行车。虽然我摔倒的次数很多,但我知道,楼主发言:1次 发图:0张 | 更多
  experess way   
  顶2楼,express way ,high way 绝对不是高速的意思,就指普通的公路,一些主干道,楼上不要误人子弟啊
  British:motorway  AM
  highway road
  不清楚不要误人 子弟啊
!!!!!!!11   谢谢
  cyberdarkwind 对的,high way 绝对不对,偶们老师都强调过好多次了
  我还是认同hihg way .
  there are many different ways to say this:    1. free way  2. motorway  3. highway    depending on which country or even which part of a country you are.
  turnpike interstate
  顶express way!
  express way !  high way 就相当与中文里的主干道的意思  
  i myself employ &free way& a lot
  Definition found online.    an expressway is a limited access, divided highway. Limited access means that there are no driveways or minor streets that intersect the highway, but access may be achieved at spaced traffic lights, interchanges, or stop signs. In some cities, such as Chicago, &expressway& is used synonymously with a road built to full freeway standards.    /glossary.html
  speedway 好象也可以叫高速公路
    作者:cyberdarkwind 回复日期: 12:42:13   
    British:motorway    AM :freeway    right
  expressway or express highway
  the correct answer is :express way!I am sure of that!
  express way is right
  EXPRESS WAY,ding!!!
  金山词霸在线翻译是motorway...  原来听《It's my life》的时候一直以为highway是高速公路...汗一个...
  well, living in the US for six years. And you know what, it is always called highway.
  这个帖子怎么总是在眼前晃???    气死我了!    谁再回谁就是白痴!!!
  express way  
  highway freeway expressway
  作者:独立审判官 回复日期: 17:51:20 
    这个帖子怎么总是在眼前晃???        气死我了!        谁再回谁就是白痴!!!  _____________________________________________________________  这个算你回的!!
  freeway is ok!
  high way.
  白痴也要骂人爽一下.哦说楼上的所有大叔大婶 有这个必要吗?一个高速公路你们就这样了?
    作者:二十年后 回复日期: 20:41:23 
    白痴也要骂人爽一下.哦说楼上的所有大叔大婶 有这个必要吗?一个高速公路你们就这样了?  讨论,可以,不要伤人。  向各位学习了。英语也博大精深。  我还的努力哦    
  expressway or
super highway
  &highway& means &公路& originally but these days when people in North America say &highway& it means &高速公路&.
  作者:dl 回复日期: 21:11:10 
    我想问一下,不是大专生,可不可以考英语级别呢  ---------------------------------------------------  
  翻译也要因地制宜!    在伊朗,EXPRESSWAY就是高速公路,
  On a dark desert highway   黑暗的沙漠高速公路上    节选自英文歌曲<Hotel California >      
  I suggest you all to find the word's meaning by using English-English dictionary.
n.公路,大路  highwayman
n. 路劫, 拦路强盗   
  在不同的国家用的不一样,express way 和highway都有高速公路的意思
  同意楼上。 没有对和不对的,引用当地用法,不就得了吗?    既然要知道中文的高速公路,应该是想知道中国的高速公路叫什么吧?    读读一下的:      The National Trunk Highway System (NTHS or &7918 Network&) is a system of freeways currently under construction in the People's Republic of China. It is similar in scope to the Interstate highway system in the United States.    History  Originally, China had been carrying out an ambitious plan to build up a 35,000 kilometer national trunk highway system before 2010. The main objective of the NTHS was to construct 12 high standards trunk roads, which comprise of 5 longitudinal roads and 7 latitudinal roads.    However, by January 1, 2005 China had already built 34,300 km of expressways and 1.5 million km of highways. On January 13, 2005, it was announced by Zhang Chunxian, minister of communications, that China will build a network of 85,000 km expressways over the next three decades, connecting cities with a population of over 200,000. Of this total length, 68,000 km are trunk roads and 17,000 km are 5 regional ring roads. There are also 2 parallel routes and more than 30 connecting links. 32,000 km of expressway are to be built in central and western regions.    Construction of expressways began in 1990 and it is scheduled to be complete in 2020. The scale of the project can be seen by the fact that on January 1, 1989, the PRC had 147 km of freeways, but by January 1, 2006, it had 42,000 km of freeway, 5,700 km of which were built in 2005.    The express highway system is to expand to 55,000 km by
km by 0 km by 2030 & 175,000 km by 2050.    [edit]  Network  Formed by 7 radiating lines from Beijing, 9 lines from north to south and 18 from east to west, the network, known in short as &7918 Network&, will cover a region with a population of one billion. According to the plan, the 7 radiating expressways are    Beijing-Shanghai, see also Jinghu Expressway.   Beijing-Taipei, see also Jingtai Expressway.   Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao, see also Jingzhu Expressway.   Beijing-Kunming, see also Jingkun Expressway.   Beijing-Urumqi   Beijing-Harbin, see also Jingha Expressway.   and also: Jinggang'ao Expressway, Jingla Expressway and Jingwu Expressway.    The network will include bridges in the Pearl River Delta between Macao SAR and Hongkong SAR (30-km Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge) and a 31-km bridge or tunnel (pending a 5 to 10-year feasibility study) from Leizhou Peninsula (Guangdong) to Hainan Island spanning the 22.5-km Qiongzhou Strait. Also, the 36-km Hangzhou Bay Bridge is being constructed over the Hangzhou Bay (2003 to 2008), reducing the distance between Shanghai and Hong Kong by 120 km. The 18-km Zhongnanshan tunnel is expected to be the longest tunnel in China linking Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi, with Zuoshui county by 2009.    It is also planned to include an expressway from Beijing to Taipei, either connected by bridge or tunnel, across the Taiwan Strait over a distance of more than 200 km.      
  帮帮忙!谁知道&八股文&怎么说?不会就是Eight-legged essay?
  “八股文”是eight-part essay
  TURNPIKE是高档的高速公路,一般都是贷款未收回的收费公路,服务设施好。    INTERSTATE字面叫州际公路,因为美国所有州际公路都是全封闭,所以它也是高速公路的一种说法。    最常用的顺序依次为HIGHWAY,EXPRESSWAY,INTERSTATE,TURNPIKE
  前几天在报纸上看到一个在美国10多年的学者回国  在报纸上发了篇文章说有很多地方的英文都是错的  提到了这个高速公路,他说在美国叫beltway,  《扬子晚报》登的,大家可以看一下。
  express way
  就这么个小问题,还纠缠不休了.ain't it funny?
    气死我了!      谁再回谁就是白痴!!!      
  作者:印象大象 回复日期: 03:37:21 
    前几天在报纸上看到一个在美国10多年的学者回国    在报纸上发了篇文章说有很多地方的英文都是错的    提到了这个高速公路,他说在美国叫beltway,    《扬子晚报》登的,大家可以看一下。      BELTWAY是绕城公路,只是高速公路的一种
thruway =throughway
There is no end to learning ... ---)))))))
   . a high- a motorway 应该都是指高速公路的意思吧~
  这么好的贴,怎么还不加精??版主都离岗喝老爸茶去了??     There is no end to learning ... ---)))))))  -------------------------    一个再简单不过的问题,也能东拉西扯这么多,中国的闲人是不是太多了?!
  autobahn 德语国家  autoroute 法语国家  freeway  speedway  thruway  
   a high- a motorway     都是高速公路
  Support &highway&,you can see this word at the entrance of any one highway in China.
  motorway  freeway  autoroute  speedway  这些都是高速公路的意思
   What does lowway mean? haha...
  如果是穿越城市的高速公路,即类似高架一样的快速通道,可以说成是expressway 和 freeway。  表示连接一个城市和另一个城市,需要穿越大片野外空旷地段的高速公路,英国人说 motorway,  美国人在表达长途高速公路的时候还是喜欢用 highway,toll highway,turnpike 等这几个词语。
  高速公路.   [南] [西] autopista
  autobahn  n. superhighway, expressway (German)  German autobahns  The German autobahns (, plural ) form the nationally coordinated motorway system in Germany. Each of them is officially referred to as a (plural , abbreviated BAB), which translates as "federal expressway". German autobahns have no federally mandated blanket speed limit,--although limits are posted and enforced in areas that are urbanized, substandard, accident-prone, or under construction or bad weather conditions. On speed-unrestricted stretches, an advisory speed limit () of applies. In 2008, the State of Bremen, geographically smallest of the sixteen States, imposed a general speed limit, although this applied to only 11 kilometers (6.8 miles) of Autobahn 27 connecting the cities of Bremen and Bremerhaven.  autobahn  Noun  1. an expressway in a German-speaking country  (hypernym) expressway, freeway, motorway, pike, state highway, superhighway, throughway, thruway  Babylon German-English
  Autobahn (die)  nf. express highway, expressway, freeway, highway designed for high-speed traffic, superhighway, autostrada  expressway  n. highway designed for high-speed traffic, superhighway  Expressway  Expressway may refer to:  Controlled-access highway, the highest-grade type of highway with access ramps, lane dividers, etc., for high-speed traffic  Limited-access road, a lower grade of highway or arterial road  Expressway, the fictional slidewalk transport system in Isaac Asimov's Robot series  expressway  Noun  1. a broad highway designed for high-speed traffic  (synonym) freeway, motorway, pike, state highway, superhighway, throughway, thruway  (hypernym) highway, main road  (hyponym) autobahn  (part-meronym) carriageway  BTS Transportation Expressions
  Expressway  (See also Freeway, Freeways and Expressways, Highway, Interstate Highway (Freeway or Expressway), Road). A divided highway for through traffic with full or partial access control and including grade separations at all or most major intersections. (FHWA2)  Interstate Highway (Freeway or Expressway)  (See also Expressway, Freeway, Freeways and Expressways, Highway) A divided arterial highway for through traffic with full or partial control of access and grade separations at major intersections. (FHWA3)


