
& 杀戮空间2
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[color=red]由于本测评所涉及之游戏由NGA论坛[b][你玩游戏我买单][/b]第37期活动提供,如需转载请首先联系[@lian1121]或其他相关人员,在论坛方许可后告知我本人即可。不欢迎未经授权的任何形式的转载。评测不代表论坛立场。[/color]======[align=center][img]./mon_/biQ937s-9ouyZkT3cSjg-8c.jpg[/img][/align][align=center][img]./mon_/biQhgx-2x0zZwT3cSp0-e2.jpg[/img][/align]“Killing Floor”直译成中文就是“屠宰间”,但机翻出来的“杀地板”也毫无违和,随便看一张截图你就知道是怎么回事了:[align=center][img]./mon_/biQhgj-1psvZ1aT3cSp0-e2.jpg[/img][/align][align=center][i]——打个几分钟,真的就是一地血[/i][/align]《杀戮间2》玩起来就像上图给你的感觉一样,突突突、杀杀杀,有着打丧尸游戏该有的元素。游戏方式则是非常典型的“丧尸防守”:玩家要在封闭的地图内成功击退数波丧尸的进攻,最后战胜BOSS——或者团灭,然后再下一局。打倒丧尸后玩家可以获得金钱与经验,前者用于购买每一局的武器、弹药,后者用于解锁玩家的被动技能。就如我们看到所有丧尸游戏之后想到的差不多,《杀戮间2》里的丧尸也是靠数量取胜,大量的垃圾单位辅以特色各异的变种,夹杂少量的强力单位,综合考验玩家的处理能力。而设计师也针对丧尸的各种特点,把对应的高效解决手段排列、组合,设计成了各有专长的10个职业。游戏鼓励团队合作而非单打独斗,合理的职业配置与任务分配才是你在尸海中求生的法宝。[h][size=150%][color=blue]游戏概况[/color][/size][/h][quote][list][*]游戏类型:主视角射击、丧尸、合作、斗兽场[*]游戏人数:1-6人*[*]语言:简体中文、英语、法语、意大利语、德语、西班牙语、波兰语、俄语、葡萄牙语-巴西、捷克语、丹麦语、匈牙利语、土耳其语、乌克兰语、荷兰语、日语、韩语、繁体中文[*]语音:英语、法语、德语、西班牙语、俄语、日语(什么鬼)[*]完全支持控制器[*]STEAM创意工坊[*]内购商城[*]分级参考:贯穿游戏全程的血腥场景,显而易见的暴力表现,尸块及断肢描写[/list]注:官方地图默认最高支持6人同玩,但一些第三方的服务器会把这个值设到32,或者更高。我见过一个人数上限为128人的服务器,不过没有成功联上。[/quote][quote][b]最低配置:[/b]操作系统: Win7 64-bit, Win8/8.1 64-bit 处理器: Core 2 Duo EGHz or Phenom II X2 545 内存: 3 GB RAM 图形: GeForce GTS 250 or Radeon HD 4830 DirectX 版本: 10 网络: 宽带互联网连接 存储空间: 需要 20 GB 可用空间 附注事项: UNSUPPORTED HARDWARE: IntelHD Integrated Graphics Chips, 32-bit Operating Systems, NVIDIA & FleX features require a GeForce & GTX&# or higher (GeForce & GTX&# recommended) [/quote][quote][b]推荐配置:[/b]操作系统: Windows 10 64-bit 处理器: Core 2 Quad QGHz or Phenom II X4 955 内存: 4 GB RAM 图形: GeForce GTX 560 or Radeon HD 6950 DirectX 版本: 11 网络: 宽带互联网连接 存储空间: 需要 50 GB 可用空间 附注事项: For more assistance, click Here, NVIDIA & FleX features require a GeForce & GTX&# or higher (GeForce & GTX&# recommended)[/quote][h][size=150%][color=blue]历史回顾[/color][/size][/h][quote][h][url=/app/1250/?snr=1_7_7_151_150_1]杀戮间[/url](《Killing Floor》,下文简称KF)[/h]“Killing Floor”这个标题并非原创,早在1984年就有一部同名电影上映。虽然作为堪称现代丧尸片鼻祖的《活死人黎明》在当时已经是16年之前的老电影了,但同名电影却是部反映劳工运动中美国黑人的故事片——与丧尸题材无关。而《Killing Floor》作为一个僵尸题材第一人称射击游戏的标题则始于2005年,那时它还是一个基于《虚幻竞技场2004》的MOD。其后,另外一个大家可能并不陌生的小众游戏[url=/app/1200/][b]《红色管风琴:东线》[/b][/url]([color=silver][I]个人译名,原标题为《Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45》[/i][/color])的开发商 Tripwire Interactive 联系到了KF的开发团队,希望可以将KF1移植到自己的游戏里。不过并没有谈妥。几年后,随着KF热度的下降,双方再次就移植一事展开了讨论——有趣的是,这一次KF的开发团队主动联系上了 Tripwire Interactive ——而《红色管风琴》的另一个MOD《地中海行动》([i][color=silver]个人译名,原标题为《Mare Nostrum》[/color][/i])已经在STEAM平台上成功发行了。MOD版本的KF经历了五次更新,日,作为一个完整游戏的零售版KF正式在STEAM平台发行,这时游戏的开发商已经变成了 Tripwire Interactive 。[/quote][quote][h][url=/app/232090/?snr=1_7_7_151_150_1]杀戮间2[/url](《Killing Floor2》,以下简称KF2)[/h]在KF取得玩家认可之后,Tripwire Interactive 于号首次公布了续作KF2的信息。在这9年里,杀戮间系列的开发团队从最初的十个自由设计师变为五十五个在职员工,开发商也换过了一个,世事变迁啊朋友们。这之后的一些重要更新:2015年8月,KF2的早期测试版本正式在STEAM平台上线2015年11月,内购商店上线2016年3月,社区创意工坊上线日,游戏正式发售[/quote][h][size=150%][color=blue]艺术表现[/color][/size][/h][h][color=purple]剧情[/color][/h]玩家若仅是玩《杀戮间2》这款游戏的话,对游戏剧情可以说就很难有什么理解。你只是知道有许多人造怪物肆虐人间,这一切跟一家叫做“HORZINE”的生物技术公司有关,国家和政府陷入瘫痪,少数的幸存者各自为战。大概就这么多。但前作《杀戮间》提供了一个相对完整的剧本可供参考:[collapse=剧透了也无所谓的剧情][quote]杀戮间系列的故事一开始发生在伦敦,一家名为“活儿劲”*(Horzine Biotech)的生物科技公司与军方合作,为了创造出无惧疼痛而且完全服从命令的超级士兵而开展了一系列涉及大规模克隆以及基因工程的研究。随着各项实验的进行,克隆体们开始出现意料之外的异变和畸形,不光如此,还具有高度的攻击性。最终,这些实验体突破了“活儿劲”的安保措施,从地下实验设施里向外界扩散。但这一切都是“活儿劲”创始人及CEO凯文(Kevin)的阴谋。在与军方合作之前,“活儿劲”公司就开始利用动物进行克隆研究,这引发了社会各界反对克隆技术的团体的持续抗议,凯文的儿子也因此遭到极端主义者***击丧命,死在了救护车上。或许是出于对其子的纪念,凯文在后来与军方的合作项目里,将其子的DNA样本也作为了实验材料。随着研究的进行,凯文愈发激进,进一步地使用了其妻子的DNA样本制造克隆体,当其妻子无法接受凯文的所做所为并提出离婚之后,凯文便利用她的克隆体将她杀害了。[align=center][img]./mon_/biQhgj-g4bfZqT3cSbm-fz.png[/img][/align][align=center][i]——疯狂科学家凯文[/i][/align]凯文意识到公司的研究逐渐地变得完全无法被社会允许,而信息泄露又是不可避免的结果——这无疑会导致项目被终止——但疯狂的凯文认为这些实验体不光是他的研究成果,更是他的孩子和家庭,于是一手策划了实验体的“叛变”并利用了一次针对“活儿劲”的大规模抗议集会释放出了这些实验体,集中消灭了地区警力。当事态不断恶化,凯文无法坐视克隆体被军队镇压,他利用了公司最激进的研究成果将自己改造成了一个强大的电子生化人,自称“长老”(The Patriarch),继而直接带领克隆体展开了对人类的攻击。灾难很快升级,无计可施的英国政府只能从部队及***部门的特殊执法单位里网罗了一些幸存者组成小股力量,试图阻止凯文的阴谋,将事态控制在英国本土。本作的故事发生在一个月之后,这时灾难已经扩散到整个欧洲乃至全世界,玩家则需要扮演幸存者为生存而战。[/quote][/collapse]就如同大多数丧尸游戏的剧本那样,这个故事也十分地愚蠢又经不起推敲。硬要说的话,基本上所有丧尸题材的文艺作品在“危机爆发”这个环节都放弃了逻辑,转而专注于表现末日之后人性的救赎或毁灭,又或者只是单纯地满足受众对感官刺激的需求。但《杀戮间2》就连这些也都没得考虑,这就是一个你根本不需要关注剧情的,打丧尸的游戏。从你进入游戏到删除它,游戏本身都没有试图向你解释这一切。甚至在Tripwire Interactive官方Wiki的杀戮间2页面上你都找不到什么剧情方面的信息。开发商的态度就好像在说:“忘了那些蹩脚的剧情吧,这就是个打***杀丧尸怪物的游戏而已,没有那么多前因后果。”总之,剧情对本作几乎毫无影响,喜欢它或者不喜欢它的人都不会因为这个要素产生任何动摇。注:[list][*]很多中文资料包括笔者一开始都把“Horzine”翻成了“地平线”。[*]资料来源:[url]/wiki/Main_Page[/url][/list][quote][h][color=purple]美术设计[/color][/h]在场景方面,《杀戮间2》为玩家提供了12张官方地图、从暗含杀机的古典豪宅到风雪交加的极地设施,甚至还有超现实的地狱场景。虽然地图的主题各不相同,但风格则是统一的冷峻与压抑,和紧张的战斗场面形成鲜明对比。[align=center][img]./mon_/biQv4m9-l7ytZzT3cSp0-9e.jpg[/img][/align][align=center][i]——世界各地都被丧尸攻击啦[/i][/align]当玩家满足一定条件时(比如达到一定数量的爆头),游戏会进入子弹时间(Zed-time),此时玩家和丧尸的动作都会放慢3倍,并且游戏画面会在只有黑白红三色的滤镜下显示,颇有点《罪恶之城》的味道。[align=center][img]./mon_/biQ13a-gwtlZ10T3cSp0-e2.jpg[/img][/align][align=center][i]——我这一刀下去,你可能会死[/i][/align]制作组为了尽可能真实地表现怪物受到不同攻击后的状态,专门开发了一个名为M.E.A.T(Massive Evisceration And Trauma)的系统,使得本作中的丧尸在灼烧、***击、砍杀等攻击作用下会有截然不同的视觉反馈。[align=center][img]./mon_/biQ13a-8guuZzT3cSp0-e2.jpg[/img][/align][align=center][img]./mon_/biQ13a-e61sZpT3cSp0-e2.jpg[/img][/align][align=center][i]——明火和微波是完全不同的加热方式[/i][/align][/quote][quote][h][color=purple]画面[/color][/h][align=center][img]./mon_/biQ7rdd-j7epZ15T3cSp0-fn.jpg[/img][/align][align=center][img]./mon_/biQ7rdd-8ze5Z10T3cSp0-e2.jpg[/img][/align][align=center][i]——1代与2代的截图对比[/i][/align]大体来说,《杀戮间2》在这方面的表现并不特别突出,也没什么很明显的毛病。游戏的建模和贴图较《杀戮间》而言有了很明显的提升,但考虑到游戏本身有着非常快的节奏,所以具体某一项指标上的进步,并不能给人很深刻的印象。需要一提的是,或许是开放商有意去保证多人游戏时的体验,游戏本身对配置的要求可说非常之低,我的丐版960都能够在几乎全高的设置下流畅运行。考虑到游戏实际上呈现出的效果,我认为开发商在这方面上做的优化是值得肯定的——所有官方地图下游戏都运行得非常流畅,但在一些效果要明显较差的第三方地图上,游戏却会出现卡顿。[/quote][quote][h][color=purple]音乐[/color][/h]游戏内的所有音乐皆为工业金属,风格强烈,单纯从音乐来讲,喜欢该类型的人应该会很喜欢,加上游戏本身就有很明显的朋克元素,节奏又快,所以游戏自带的背景音乐跟整体氛围是高度一致的。但就口味比较大众的你你我我来讲,每一首曲目之间的区别真的不是很明显,听久了会给人一种单调的感觉。另外,游戏不支持播放自定义曲目。考虑到音乐这东西萝卜白菜各有所爱,对于那些喜欢在打***的时候听德彪西的朋友,可能这是个小小遗憾。[align=center][img]./mon_/biQ13a-fjfpZlT3cSom-lq.jpg[/img][/align][align=center][i]——据说是最著名的工业金属乐队:德国战车(Rammstein)。乐队成员的扮相让你想到了什么呢?[/i][/align][/quote][h][size=150%][color=blue]游戏机制[/color][/size][/h][quote]封闭的地图内防御从各个位置随机刷出的4/7/10波丧尸,波次之间通过敌人的配置来逐渐提高难度4种难度10种职业11种敌人每5级两个可选天赋,满级25级游戏中切换天赋战法牧的模型[/quote][h][size=150%][color=crimson]个人[del]不负责任[/del]评价[/color][/size][/h][quote][h]“能玩就行,你还想拿个文学奖怎么的?”[/h]通常一个打丧尸的游戏都有一段充话费送的剧情,本作在这个方面并没有什么突破。从严谨的角度出发,你根本无法想象这些大部分都只装备了冷兵器的克隆实验体是怎么占领英国乃至祸害全世界的,难道克隆体的成本比子弹和炸药还低,生产周期还短?别忘了这些玩意只是看起来像丧尸,本质上就只是基因强化版的义和团而已,个别骨干成员装备了现代单兵武器。但考虑到现在英国的将军比坦克还多,其他欧洲国家也差不多就是那个卵样子……总之世界就这么迎来了毁灭日。[align=center][img]./mon_/biQ13a-boyZrT3cSp0-e2.jpg[/img][/align][align=center][i]——作为官方地图里唯一一个真实地点,巴黎人民表示:铁塔依然在[/i][/align]许多优秀的FPS游戏比如2016年下半年的《泰坦降临2》都说明了一件事:一个好的剧本和打***是不冲突的,但也是很多人并不关心的。在此我很愿意分享我自己的一个看法:剧情起到的一个根本作用,是为玩家提供一个比打发时间要更为高大上的堂而皇之的驱动力,你或是要挽救一个风雨飘摇的帝国、或是要拯救一生的挚爱、又或者只是为了赶跑霸占水源的恶霸,总之,必须得是些有意义的事情。本作很贴心地给所有人物编撰了简短的背景故事,[collapse=人物简介][b]Reverend Alberts[/b]Half English, half Scottish, Alberts was always physically tough, tempered by his desire to help others. That tough, solid, no-nonsense approach was perfect for a stint as an Army Chaplain, followed by 20 years working with disaffected youths in South London. Having spent his life trying to steer people away from the “bad” side and over to the “good”, Alberts wasn’t happy when his life’s work was destroyed by a pack of raging monsters at tea-time one afternoon. That afternoon he quickly went from ministering to the dead and dying of bringing down the wrath of Alberts on the heads of all the evil abominations. And on any other body parts he can reach.[b]Tom Banner[/b]Tom Banner had obsessed about the heroics of the Middle Ages since he was a small boy. His fairly stellar career as a Management Consultant actually enabled this obsession to grow as he moved from his native Canada, via Boston, to England. He had already created his own armor and took on his new persona as a re-enactor in Merry Olde England. This move coincided with the release of ‘Chivalry’, which enabled him to act out the fantasy to a degree that most definitely would not be safe as a re-enactor. When the outbreak came, Tom climbed into his armor and went off to save fair maidens from monsters. For real. The fact that he refuses to take off his armor has led to concerns that he is taking the whole medieval thing a touch too far. But who cares?[b]PC Rob Briar[/b]Rob Briar was a Police Constable from the age of 17, until the day he was called out to what seemed, to his superiors, to be some half-witted anarchist riot. We all know it wasn’t, but Briar discovered that the hard way. Luckily, he wasn’t just an old-fashioned “London bobby”, but had spent enough time on counter-terrorism work to be familiar with a broad range of firearms. Underneath the happy-go-lucky, jokey exterior, Briar is as hard as nails. That toughness, along with the toughness of the Kevlar in his riot gear, is about all that got him through those first few days alive. Now he is continuing to do his duty, serving the public by trying to stamp out this menace with any and every weapon that comes to hand.[b]Mr. Foster[/b]Foster had wandered into day trading from a mediocre English private school education, with the classic” you’ll never amount to anything, Foster” ringing in his ears from the school’s careers officer. Not that Foster really cared. But, bizarrely, he found that day trading suited him. He started to generate large sums of money and thoroughly enjoyed it. Not that he would admit to enjoying a job, obviously. He also had a habit of verbally abusing authority figures. This led to Foster being seen as a clever, smart guy, with a sardonic sense of humor and great taste in clothes and cars. Or a jumped-up little tool. You decide.[b]Oisten J&gerhorn[/b]Being a big guy from Sweden who enjoyed beer and getting loud in bars, before the outbreak J&gerhorn tended to fit everyone’s idea of a modern-day Viking. But, after being vaguely involved in the craziness that was the Great Nordic Biker war in the 1990s, he’d decided that insane violence directed at people was far less fun than drinking plenty of beer and playing mediocre lead guitar for ‘Metalbika’
his Metallica tribute band.Once the outbreaks reached Scandinavia on the other hand, insane violence became the order of the day after all. Zed vs. people
not good karma, by J&gerhorn’s standards. Big Swedish Viking J&gerhorn vs. Zeds? Bring it on![b]Ana Larive[/b]She would probably be assigned that group the establishment called “disaffected youth”, except that Ana largely didn’t give enough of a crap about anything except travelling around Europe, indulging her passions for photographing abandoned places, and death metal bands. And now that there isn’t much “establishment” left, Ana cares even less. While there is now a distinct lack of bands on tour, there are ever-more abandoned places. And the sweet part about her current job is that she gets to go into those places and make them look even more abandoned. You see, she’s discovered a new passion
blowing stuff up![b]Lt. Bill Masterson[/b]Bill Masterson had a checkered career in the Army. He wanted heroic soldiering, against bold and evil enemies of Queen and Country, but what he got was a bunch of dirty terrorists. He wanted a good shooting war, but what he got was leading his men through a series of stupid ‘police actions’ in crappy parts of the world. So, he quit. After a couple of worthless jobs, he woke up one morning to the Apocalypse going on in the streets of London. Masterson, now the heroic soldier he wanted to be, let himself in to the local Reserves barracks, tooled himself up, and started his own shooting war. It wasn’t the war he had expected or trained for, but it worked. And he is bloody good at it![b]Donovan Neal[/b]Donovan is big, tough, and can handle himself in almost any situation. But, he is way more than he seems to a careless glance. He wasn’t just one of the guys providing close protection services to
he was the guy who set up, owned, and ran the whole security business. Born in Atlanta, GA, he was smart and well-educated, working in law enforcement before setting up his own business. Not just muscle, he was the brains of the operation too. But now he’s another survivor, stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time. Just say a short prayer for all the Zeds that are standing between this man and what he wants. Or get in there and help him kill them![b]Hayato Tanaka[/b]Tanaka is a conflicted individual with a serious death-wish problem. Born in Okinawa, he was brought up around Americans in the military. Moving to mainland Japan with his family, the Americanized Tanaka failed to fit in and took up drama classes. After college he moved to LA, playing cliched bit-parts in bad movies, before moving on to Europe trying to find more ‘serious’ work. All he got there were bad-guy roles in French gangster films and some tats. Now, in the apocalypse, he seems to be confusing his own reality with some of the movie parts he has played. This seems to involve visions of the Yakuza, demon, and a Hollywood take on bushido.[b]Rae Higgins[/b]Rae Higgins is an Australian import into Europe. Born in Melbourne, she grew up in Darwin and then took time out to explore the world before setting down to work in London. Quiet, mild-mannered data analyst by day, Rae lights up the night in her true Rockabilly form. The low-key, long-sleeved clothes conceal her tats from boring, conservative middle-managers, her makeup and hair appropriate for an inane office environment. Until the weekend. Then all gray is banned and Rae’s world explodes in music, fun, and loud primary colors.Perhaps fortunately for Rae, she was at the High Rockabilly Festival in Calafell, Spain when the original outbreak kicked off, so she missed out as her dull, boring co-workers were chewed to pieces. And now she doesn’t have to hide her light. Rock my world, Zeds![/collapse]从这个角度来看,《杀戮间2》并非是一个很完整的“大作”,他88元的售价也说明了,这其实就是一个威力加强究极进化魔改版的《血腥大地》。[align=center][img]./mon_/biQhgj-4mr4ZnT3cSp0-8c.jpg[/img][/align][align=center][i]——我知道……但还是挑一个吧[/i][/align]子弹时间作为本作游玩体验中的一个重要环节,从天赋的设计上可见一斑——全职业的顶级天赋均是以玩家与子弹时间的互动为基础而进行,或是强化子弹时间内的伤害,或是强化子弹时间内的换弹速度,或是提高触发几率。然而子弹时间的触发却是不透明、不稳定的,玩家无法确切地知道下一个击杀能否激活子弹时间。这就导致虽然玩家可以通过顶级天赋获得在子弹时间内成倍增长的战斗力,得到同样成倍增长的正反馈,但这一切基本是不可控的。常见的情况就是,你随便杀掉一只怪,进入了子弹时间,接下来的3秒慢放里你无事可做,随后被新刷出的一波怪淹没;或者你经过一番苦战,终于打倒一只强力大怪,这时候子弹时间激活,你用3秒时间看着它的尸体缓慢倒地。类似的情况,在我们的生活中也有,分别是阳痿和早泄。而这两者都显著降低了相关患者的幸福感和生活质量。[/quote]


