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  a lot of people complained about odd models in World of Tanks, so I decided to have a look at some. Other sreenshots were made by Russian players (Zozzoua and Andrey Bazyakin) and EU player Am3r1knu, thanks :)
  很多人都抱怨说,WOT里很多模型很诡异,所以我决定找一些出来。其他的截图都来自俄服玩家Zozzoua 和 Andrey Bazyakin,以及欧服玩家Am3r1knu,感谢他们的支持。
  It didn’t take too hard looking to do that, because some of these issues are quite old. They were never fixed however.
  IS-8 has this 50mm hole at the back of both turrets (stock and elite). There is no real reason for it (there is no hatch or anything) - yep, it’s a bug.
  -8在两个炮塔的后面都有个50mm的洞(白板也是精英也是),原因不明(也不是什么舱盖之类的) - 对头,这玩意就是个bug。
  Waffentr?ger has a hole on top of the hull in its armor. There is no real reason for it - there is a hatch, but it’s not like it’s immaterial. Considering the fact that the vehicle’s armor is very thin, it hardly matter, but it’s still a bug (a HE shell can enter the tank directly, bypassing the “usual” mechanics)
  莱茵武器运载车在车体装甲的顶部也有个洞。依旧原因不明 - 这回这是个舱盖,但是不像是无形的。考虑到这车的装甲跟没有差不多,所以不很影响,但是依旧是个不过(HE可以绕过装甲直接 打进车体)。
  Waffentr?ger auf PzIV armor is really odd as well. First and foremost, crewmen are modelled as armor for some reason, a thing few other tanks have (some do, most don’t). Well, okay, but look carefully at the gun shield. When you look at it from the front, it’s there, when you look at it from the back, it’s not there - that’s right, when firing from the back, the shield does not exist. No other vehicle has this kind of mechanism, so it’s most likely a bug.
  IV号武器运载车的装甲很诡异,首先,也是最重要的,不知为何成员也被做成了装甲(真&外挂成员),其他的坦克几乎没有这个待遇(有些有,大多数还是没有的)。嘛,这个且不说,看看炮盾的问题。当你从前面看他的时候,还是存在的,当你从后面看的时候,他又不在了 - 没错,当你从后面射击的时候,炮盾是不存在的。其他的车貌似没有这个机制所以估计这也是个bug。
  SU-14-2 has wrong side armor. While the spaced armor plate is correct on the right side of the vehicle, the left side has it shifted over the tracks.
  For some strange reason, the rear plates of most of artilleries (and Object 263) are just “floating in space” (while others have their holders modelled).
  Batchat 155 55 has its gun clipping through the hull for some reason during high elevation angles.
  渣渣155 55在高仰角的时候火炮会插进车体。
  ISU-152 uses lowres textures on the gun for some strange reason, while the rest of the tank is okay.
  And Chaffee tracks are missing pins, but that’s an old bug.
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