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数据来源 权大师导语泡妞也用秘笈?在美国有许多脑洞未开的宅男需要泡妞指南,从接近,到调情,再到上手,要一步一步调教,否则他们在面对美女时肯定手足无措。不信你看看美国的网站上有多少自称为“爱情专家”的人----很多,很多。且看Joan Actually有什么高招。一举两得:泡妞技能,纯正美语。看完泡妞秘笈,再看泡男生有什么高招。生活英语不能靠生背单词,最好要能与生活实践中的具体操作相结合,如果做不到,就多看相关视频,模仿真实生活的情景。活动的形象可以使记忆保持长久。听泡妞秘笈之一 - “接近”小贴士break downepisodedeliverapproachcourageperfect pick-up linemovetime limitway too muchinitial conversationtapassumefigure outscoot听The Girl Who Disappeared(8)小贴士touchkilledstationwoodenmurderIt happens all the time.听Another World(5)小贴士smellearstraficshut outthindresswaitressteethpoundnotesbeggarill悦习英语(Yuesia_China)
Yuesia_China向公众推广以英语手机应用为主的跨屏(移动和PC互联网)学习方法和内容。悦习方法是利用单词学习应用软件和网络短视频向英语学习者提供便捷的学习帮助,同时还借助虚拟现实技术的3D情景教学平台向学习者提供生动有趣的在线课程服务。热门文章10.一起去水族馆跨年吧 最新文章Yuesia_China向公众推广以英语手机应用为主的跨屏(移动和PC互联网)学习方法和内容。悦习方法是利用单词学习应用软件和网络短视频向英语学习者提供便捷的学习帮助,同时还借助虚拟现实技术的3D情景教学平台向学习者提供生动有趣的在线课程服务。&&&&违法和不良信息举报***:183-
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京公网安备78导语练习听说是个古老的话题,费了太多的口水。我多说无益,还是你自己多听英语母语吧。我们有童鞋总是在找“方法”。建议:别找太多“方法”。Down with the &Methods& if you think you have been confused by them!不过DB还是有耐心,我把他对部分童鞋的简短回信附在本帖子的下方,你读读他的回信吧。练习听说第三步练习听说第四步用英语谈日期DB's SuggestionsI've been studying English for years, so why can't I understand native speakers? The reason is because the English in textbooks is different from the English in conversations. This is the same in your language, too.In addition to the vocabulary being different, the accents are also less clear, and the speech is much faster.To develop the ability to understand native speakers, you should begin with easy content for native speakers that you understand, like children's TV programming.Begin here, and as your ability to understand improves, start watching and listening to content for older children, then teenagers, etc.How can I improve my writing?To write better, you have to copy good writing by hand, writing down what you read with a pen so you get the feel of it. (Don't use a computer.)This trains you to get a good sense for how good writing flows - and in a slow, steady way that also improves your fluency.Take time to copy good writing and you'll develop your own writing &voice.&I don't live around native speakers, so how am I supposed to practice?(I won't even mention that if you're reading this, you'reconnected to a whole world of native speakers online.)First, there are many non-native speakers who live in English-speaking countries/areas and still don't get fluent, so not living around people is no excuse for not practicing.Native English speakers are everywhere, and I bet it's far easier for a non-native learner like you to find an English speaker to practice with in a given location than it is for me to find a native Japanese speaker to practice speaking with.They may not be easy to find in person, so meeting them may take a bit of creativity. But, native speakers are definitely around.One of my favorite fluency-training missions from Master English Conversation is the &tour technique.& No matter what country you're in, there are probably tours for English speakers you can join. Join a day trip bus tour if you can, and you'll have plenty of listening and speaking opportunities.Plan a whole day of &immersion& right in your own area and you'll see that you don't have to travel very far to get speaking practice opportunities.Why can I talk about work-related topics in English, but struggle when in social situations?Again, this has to do with the kind of English you use. If you only speak in business situations, you won't develop the ability to use English socially.A native English-speaking math teacher knows the English language, but that person will have trouble talking about subjects they know little about.If you work with native speakers, take time in your day to be social, asking questions about life outside of work.How's your family? What did you get up to (do) over the weekend? What do you like to do for fun when you're not working?It's always a great time to practice speaking, and the more you ask others about themselves, the more they will be excited to speak with you.Why do I hesitate and translate in my head before speaking?This is because of how you learned. In typical English classrooms, you learn through your own language. This teaches you to think and translate when speaking.Really, this kind of education is designed to prepare you for tests since you have time to think about responses when writing.If you want to speak without hesitation, though, you need to learn everything in English, and practice using the language in real situations repeatedly.One of the first fluency-training missions I gave myself was to ask people where things were in a grocery store.I learned how to say &Where is X?& in Japanese in Japanese and then practiced using it with people until I could use it without thinking.You have a different challenge than beginning English learners because you can already read and write quite well. Your fluency mission is to replace the bad habits you developed learning English the traditional way with the habits of a fluent speaker.Learn like natives and you will speak automatically like one.How do I stop making grammar mistakes?The three steps to using grammar correctly without hesitation are:1. See the grammar in action, ideally with video2. Review the grammar in different tenses with stories and examples so you get comfortable using it in any situation3. Practice using that grammar point in your writing and conversations repeatedlyI call practice &fluency training& because it's the same thing as an exercise routine. Begin with the right form, then review in different ways until you reach mastery.The key is having the right form first. If you're trying to use translations and grammar tables, you will train yourself to think and translate before you speak.If you see how the grammar works in context, then you'll understand it intuitively, and begin to use it without thinking in conversations.Well, I don't want to give you too much to think about today.Most of the answers given are applicable to other parts of fluency development.However you study, learn things in English, and get creative about how you practice, and you'll begin to see great improvement in your fluency and speaking confidence!“十聋九哑”这一中国民间说法形象地揭示了听对于说话的重要性。听是英语四大技能的基础,难度最大,听力是中国学生公认的拦路虎。本公众号除了帮助你提高听力之外,还助你养成快速阅读的习惯。本公众号的听力材料分绿色、红色、蓝色的标题,顺序由易到难,你可以根据自己的程度或感觉选听。如果你初次接触本公众号,你可以从“查看历史消息”中随意找到过去的帖子,如果听起来困难不大就往Day 187方向翻并选择视频,否则就往Day 1方向翻,直到找到适合你听的视频,对,就从那里开始,逐渐完成300天的听力倍增计划。高考、考研、***等考试的听力训练是不能给你带来地道的英语的。如果你觉得有帮助,就请你分享给朋友。悦习英语听力测试(yuesia01)
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