
时间:日04:24 来源:大河网
雷沃阿波斯公司在博洛尼亚举行成立揭牌仪式,王军民发言。当地时间15日中午12时,福田阿波斯公司在意大利城市博洛尼亚剪彩,正式成立。  齐鲁网米兰9月15日讯  当地时间15日11时30分,雷沃阿波斯公司在博洛尼亚举行成立揭牌仪式。  驻意大利大使馆大使李瑞宇代表中国政府对雷沃阿波斯公司的成立表示热烈祝贺。他说,新公司的成立是中意关系快速发展的一个缩影,双边合作已经进入高端引领、强强联合、合作共赢的新阶段。  福田雷沃重工是山东省最大的农业装备制造企业,位居中国企业500强前300位,2014年实现销售收入220亿元。  王军民在雷沃阿波斯公司揭牌仪式上发表讲话,对公司成立表示祝贺。王军民指出,在米兰世博会山东周期间举行雷沃阿波斯公司成立挂牌仪式,对促进山东与意大利企业的友好合作将发挥示范作用,对于实施“一带一路”战略和“中国制造2025”都有非常重要的意义。  同时,其表示,希望雷沃阿波斯公司发展成为中意合作的成功典范,为山东经济社会发展做出新的更大贡献,为中意经贸合作增光添彩。  当地时间15日中午12时,福田阿波斯公司在意大利城市博洛尼亚剪彩,正式成立。点击进入米兰世博会山东活动周齐鲁网专题点击进入米兰世博会山东活动周齐鲁网融媒体直播  想爆料?请登录《阳光连线》(/)、拨打新闻***0,或登录齐鲁网官方微博(@齐鲁网)提供新闻线索。来源齐鲁网)This item has been banned because it violates the Steam Terms of Service. It is only visible to you. If you believe your item has been banned mistakenly, please contact .
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Axe Bow and Staff
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28 May, 2015 @ 12:11am
29 Sep @ 7:44am
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Clewcat Games
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Release notes:
* Added speed line effe
* Added animation for unlocking new le
* The heroes asked for delicious food so we replaced the &heart& potions with i
* The poisoning effect wil
* Fixed bug: Throwing Axe doesn't show up some
* Re-did hit and damage points. Now HP is displayed as red bars and number will pop out when a u
* Optimized difficulty curve for level 2-1 and 2-2;
* Added a tuto
* Added a new ability to the Goblin King so he can command the spikes on h
* Added more dynamics to the scenes, l
* Added a in-game tool for editing save data (only available in closed-beta version);
* Now you can switch control to the last hero alive if he is controlled by AI;
* The control setting will be remained after restarti
* The wizard gained more wisdom from playtesting so he is now easier to level up!
* Optimized the tutorial levels
* Optimized the goblin and skeleton boss fights. Now it's possible to win
* When taking the lead of a line, moving forward will no longe
* Changed initial duration of Block from 1 second to 0.5, and cooldown from 3 to 1.5;
* Added GFX fo
* Upgradable skills are now flicking so you won'
* Fixed the bug that the item you picked up were not reset when you died before
* Fixed the sorting issue
It's a major version in which we bring in tons of content update, optimization and bug fixes. Important items:
* Added levels for Stage 4;
* Added all dialo
* Implemented World M
* Optimized control for single player: mouse-focus
* Fixed bugs of playing wi
Axe Bow and Staff is an innovative, action-packed sidescroller that combines the humor and storytelling of classic ARPGs with the fast-pace of running game mechanics.
Control up to 3 different heroes at the same time or team up with friends for co-op game play! Swap your characters in the lane to grab loot drops, obliterate obstacles, and crush your enemies.
Rockin' pixel art from Bo and cheerful tunes with original soundtrack by Naturo.
Awesomely laughable dialogue. No, really, it's funny!
20+ skill upgrades and 30+ items enable you to customize your heroes.
Procedurally generated arena levels -- can someone say &multiple playthroughs&? How about &more bang for your buck&?
Local co-op supporting up to 3 gamepads.
Online multiplayer co-op COMING SOON.
Download the demo:
Follow the development:
13 Dec, 2015 @ 7:04pm
30 May, 2015 @ 10:42pm
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