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再发新马里奥兄弟改版金手指 Another Super Mario Brothers Wii
在线时间339 小时
猥风八面 Lv.8, 积分 21443, 距离下一级还需 8557 积分
Another Super Mario Brothers Wii: PDUE01
如需要其他几个改版马里奥金手指,请到: 查看
New Super Mario Bros
Mario runs Fast/instant Sprint [Sharkbyte]
283A1ACA FFF70008
283A1ACA FFFB0004
283A1ACA FFFE0001
Press down to stop instantly
Mario can throw more fireballs on screen [Sharkbyte]
Mario can throw more iceballs on screen [Sharkbyte]
Full Invincibility All Players [Thomas83Lin]
Transformation Asmv.2 [Thomas83Lin]
*Single Player Only*
*Press- Change Suit*
Get Yoshiv.2 [Thomas83Lin]
Hold B While entering Level or Tube*
Turn Star Power On\Off [Thomas83Lin]
28C69D02 FBFF0400
*Press B on Wiimote*
*Star Adress Found by SirPalax*
Turn Star Power On\Off [Thomas83Lin]
28C69D02 F7FF0800
*Press C on NunChuck*
*Star Adress Found by SirPalax*
All Worlds & Levels\Secret Routes Unlocked\All Stars\All hint movies [Thomas83Lin]
08C7FECC 000000FF
04C7FE60 0E00FE00
*Only Save Slot 1*
All Worlds Unlocked [Thomas83Lin]
*Only Save Slot 1*
All Hint Movies Bought [Thomas83Lin]
*Only Save Slot1*
Exit on Unfinished Level [Thomas83Lin]
040CE3D0 3800006C
level stays black after you beat it but lets you move on to the next level, and once you save then later start the game again without the code the levels go to there normal blue color
Change Quick Save to Regular Save Option [Thomas83Lin]
Change Green Yoshi's Color [Thomas83Lin]
XXXXXxxx 00003BE0
Blue 3FB79FB0 Red 3FB781C0 Yellow 3FB790B8
Moon jump Press B [Thomas83Lin]
283A1ACA FBFF0400
*WiiMote Only*
*Recommend Single Player Works with Yoshi Also*
*Partial Credit to Mdmwii*
Inf. powerups [schooluser]
*only tested with save slot 1*
*sets each item to 99 but display*
*of inventory messes up if you use*
*too many, still works though*
always have item all 4 ppl all codes needed on multiplayer [12201]
0554CCE4 0000000x
01549FCF 0000000x
first line belongs to hetoan 3 parts of this code are mine the first line is hetoans
0554CCE4 0000000X
2 =??+?色?子和白色?衣
3 =??+迷你
4 =??+螺旋?
6 =??+?色和?色?衫?子
Always Star Affect
All Worlds & Levels Unlocked\All Stars
在线时间1 小时
猥风扫地 Lv.0, 积分 -3, 距离下一级还需 3 积分
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