我把你们当哥们 快穿,把那个cchack发给我一下可以么,给...

我是怎样克服对 React 的恐惧,然后爱上 React 的 - 开源中国社区
我是怎样克服对 React 的恐惧,然后爱上 React 的
If you asked me what I thought of
two months ago, I would probably say...Where are my templates? What's that crazy HTML doing in my JavaScript? JSX looks weird! Hurry! Kill it with fire!That was because I didn't get it.But I swear: React is definitely on the right track... Please, hear me out.Good old MVCThe Root of All Evil in an interactive application is managing state. The "traditional" approach is the MVC architecture, or some variation thereof.MVC proposes that your Model is the single source of truth - all state lives there. Views are derived from the Model, and must be kept in sync. When the Model changes, so does the View.Finally, user interactions are captured by the Controller, which updates the Model. So far, so good.
如果你在两个月前问我对React的看法,我很可能这样说:我的模板在哪里?javascript中的HTML在做些什么疯狂的事情?JSX开起来非常奇怪!快向它开火,消灭它吧!那是因为我没有理解它.我发誓,React 无疑是在正确的轨道上, 请听我道来.Good old MVC在一个交互式应用程序一切罪恶的根源是管理状态。&“传统”的方式是MVC架构,或者一些变体。MVC提出你的模型是检验真理的唯一来源 - 所有的状态住在那里。视图是源自模型,并且必须保持同步。当模式的转变,所以没有查看。最后,用户交互是由控制器,它更新模型抓获。到目前为止,一切都很好。
Render the view when the model changesThis looks quite simple. First, we need to describe our View - how it
transforms the model state into DOM. Then, whenever the user acts we update the Model and re-render the entire thing... right? Not so fast. Unfortunately, this is not very straight forward for 2 reasons:The DOM actually has some state, like the content of a text input.
If you re-render disregarding your DOM completely, this content will be
lost.DOM operations (like removing and inserting nodes) are really slow. Constantly rendering everything will lead to terrible performance.So how do we keep the Model and View in sync avoiding these problems?Data bindingFor the past 3 years, the most common framework feature introduced to solve this problem was data binding.Data binding is the ability to keep your model and view in sync automatically. Usually, in JavaScript, that means your Objects and your DOM.It achieves that by letting you declare the dependencies between the pieces of data in your app. Changes in the state are propagated throughout your application and all depending pieces are automagically updated.Let's see how that works in practice with some famous frameworks.
模型发生变化时就要对视图进行渲染这看起来相当简单。首先,我们需要描述视图----它是如何将模型状态转换到DOM上去的。然后,用户一发生了什么操作我们就要对模型进行更新,并且要对整个页面进行重新渲染... 对不? 没这么快哦. 不幸的事,这其实并没有这么直接,因为如下两个原因:DOM实际上有某种状态,就比如一个文本输入框中的内容. 如果你完全作废你的DOM来进行重新渲染,这样的内容会丢失掉.DOM 操作 (像删除和插入节点) 真的慢. 频繁的渲染会导致严重的性能问题.那么我们如果在避免这些问题的前提下保持模型和视图同步呢?数据绑定过去三年,被引进用来解决这个问题最常用多框架功能就是数据绑定.数据绑定能自动地保持模型和视图的同步. 通常在JavaScript中就代表了对象和DOM.它会通过让你声明应用中各个块之间的依赖来对这一同步进行打包。状态的变化会在整个应用程序中蔓延,然后所有的依赖块都会被自动更新.让我们来看看一些有名的框架中它实际是如何运作的吧.
KnockoutKnockout argues for the
and helps you implement the "View" parts://&View&(a&template)
};And, voilà. Changing the value of either input will provoke a change
in the span. You never wrote code to wire it up. How cool is that, huh?But wait, what about the Model being the single source of truth? Where should this ViewModel get its state from? How does it know that the Model changed? Interesting questions.
KnockoutKnockout 主张使用的是&,并且帮你实现了“视图”的部分://&View&(a&template)
};而这就是了. 不管改变那边的输入值都在让span中发生变化。你从来都不需要写代码将其进行绑定。这多酷啊,呵?但是等等,模型不是真相的来源么? 这里的视图模型从来获得它的状态呢? 它是怎么知道模型发生了变化的呢? 有趣的问题啊.
AngularAngular describes data binding in terms of keeping the Model and View in sync. From the docs:But... should the View communicate with the Model directly? Are they that tightly coupled?Anyway, let's look at the obligatory hello world example://&View&(a&template)&
});From this example, it looks like the Controller has state and is behaving like a Model - or perhaps a ViewModel? Assuming the Model is elsewhere, how is it kept in sync with the Controller?My head is starting to hurt a little.The problems with data bindingData binding works wonderfully for small examples. However, as your app grows you'll probably face some of these problems.
AngularAngular 采用保持模型和视图同步的方式描述了数据绑定. 文档时这么描述的:但是... 视图应该直接通模型打交道么? 这样它们不久紧紧的耦合起来了么?不管怎么样,我们还是来义务地看看hello world示例吧://&View&(a&template)&
});从这个示例中,看起来像是控制器有了状态,并且有类似模型的行为&- 或者也许是一个视图模型? 假设模型在其它的地方, 那它是如何保持与控制器的同步的呢?我的头开始有点儿疼了.数据绑定的问题数据绑定在小的例子中运行起来很不错。不过,随着你的应用规模变大,你可能会遇到下面这些问题.
Declaring dependencies can quickly introduce loopsThe most common problem is having to cope with the side effects of changes in your state. This image from the
explains quite clearly how dependency hell starts to creep in:In this scenario, can you predict what changes will happen when one change happens to a single Model? It is very hard to reason about code that can be executed in a completely arbitrary order when any dependency changes.Template and display logic are artificially separatedWhat's the role of a View? To present the data to the user. What's
the role of a ViewModel? To present the data to the user. What's the
difference? None!Templates separate technologies, not concerns
&~ Pete HuntIn the end, a View component should be able to manipulate its data and present it
in the desired format. However, all template languages are inherently
crippled: they can never achieve the same expressiveness and power as code.Quite simply, {{# each}}, ng-repeat and databind="foreach" are all poor replacements for something that is native and trivial in JavaScript: a for loop. And they can't go any step further. So no filter or map for you.
声明的依赖会很快引入循环最经常要处理的问题就是对付状态中变化的副作用。这张图来自 ,它解释了依赖是如何开始挖坑的:在这个场景中,你能预计到当一个模型发生变化时跟着会发生什么改变么? 当依赖发生变化时,对于可以任意次序执行的代码你很难推理出问题的起因。模板和展示逻辑被人为的分离视图扮演了什么角色呢? 它扮演的就是向用户展示数据的角色。视图模型扮演的角色又是什么呢? 它扮演的也是向用户展示数据的角色?有啥不同?完全没有!毫无疑问,模板割裂了计数 &~ Pete Hunt最后,视图组件应该能操作其数据并以需要的格式对数据进行展示。然后,所有的模板语言本质上都是有缺陷的:它们从来都不能达到跟代码一样的表现力和功能。很简单, {{# each}},&ng-repeat&和&databind="foreach" 这些都是针对 JavaScript 中某些原生和琐碎事务的拙劣替代物。而它们不会更进一步走得更远。因此它们不会为你提供过滤器或者映射。
Data binding is a hack around re-renderingThe Holy Grail of simplicity is not in discussion. What everyone always wanted was to re-render our entire app when state changes. This way, we could stop having to deal with Root of All Evil problem: state changing over time - we could simply describe what our app looks like given any particular state.So, the problem is clear. Man, I wish some giant company could spare a team of genius developers to really nail the solution to this problem...Enter Facebook's ReactTurns out they did. React implements a virtual DOM which kind of delivers us the Holy Grail.What is virtual DOM anyway?I'm glad you asked! Let's look at a trivial React example.var&Hello&=&React.createClass({&&
React.render(&Hello&name="World"&/&,&document.getElementById('container'));That's all of the required API for a React component. You must have a render method. Complex, huh?OK, but what about that &div&? That's not JavaScript! It sure isn't.
React.render(&Hello&name="World"&/&,&document.getElementById('container'));这就是一个React组件的所有API。你必须要有一个渲染方法。复杂吧,呵呵?OK, 但是 &div& 是什么意思? 那不是 JavaScript 啊! 对了,它就不是.
Your new friend, JSXThis code is actually written in ,
a super-set of Javascript which includes that brackets syntax for
defining components. The code above, when compiled into JavaScript, will
actually become:var&Hello&=&React.createClass({displayName:&"Hello",&&
React.render(React.createElement(Hello,&{name:&"World"}),&document.getElementById('container'));Did you notice the calls to createElement? These objects compose the virtual DOM implementation.Quite simply: React first assembles the entire structure of your app in-memory, using those objects. Then, it converts that structure into actual DOM nodes and inserts them in your browser's DOM.OK, but what's the point of writing our HTML with those strange createElement functions?
你的新伙伴,JSX这段代码实际上是用&&写的,它是 JavaScript 的一个超集,包含了用于定义组件的语法。上面的代码会被编译成 JavaScript,因此实际上会变成:var&Hello&=&React.createClass({displayName:&"Hello",&&
React.render(React.createElement(Hello,&{name:&"World"}),&document.getElementById('container'));你明白这段对 createElement 调用的代码么? 这些对象组成了虚拟 DOM 的实现。很简单 : React 首先在内存中对应用的整个结构进行了组装。然后它会把这个结构装换成实际的 DOM 节点并将其插入浏览器的 DOM 中。OK,但是用这些奇怪的 createElement 函数编写 HTML 的目的是什么呢?
Virtual DOM is FASTAs we already discussed, manipulating the DOM is ridiculously expensive, so it must be done as few times as possible.React's virtual DOM, however, makes it really fast to compare two trees and find exactly what changed between them. That way, React is able to compute the minimum set of changes necessary to update the DOM.Practically speaking, React can diff two DOM trees and discover the minimum set of operations it needs to perform. This means two things:If an input with text is re-rendered and React expects it to have that content, it won't touch the input. No more state loss!Diffing the virtual DOM is not expensive at all, so we can diff it
as much as we like. When it's ready to actually alter the DOM, it will
only perform the least possible number of operations. No more slow layout thrashing!Remember the two problems with re-rendering our entire app when state changes?Gone.
虚拟的DOM就是快我们已经讨论过, 操作 DOM 消耗大得离谱,因此它必须以尽可能少的时间完成。React 的虚拟 DOM 使得两棵 DOM 结构的比对真正快起来,并且能确切的找到它们之间有什么变化. 如此,React 就能计算出更新 DOM 所需要做出的最小变更。实话说,React 能比对两棵 DOM 树,找出它所要执行的最小操作集。这有两个意义:如果一个带有文本的输入框被重新渲染,React 会知道它有的内容, 它不会碰那个碰那个输入框。不会有状态发生丢失的!比对虚拟 DOM 开销一点也不昂贵,因此我们想怎么比对都可以。当其准备好要对 DOM 进行实际的修改时,它只会进行最少量的操作。没有额外的拖慢布局之虞!那我们还要在状态发生变化时记住这两个对整个 app 进行重新渲染的问题么?这都是过去式了。
React maps state to DOMVirtual DOM rendering and diffing is the only magical part about React. Its excellent performance, however, is what fundamentally enables us to have a much simpler architecture overall. How simple?React components are idempotent functions. They describe your UI at any point in time, just like a server-rendered app.
&~ Pete Hunt, Idempotent-function-simple.That's all a React component should be, really. It maps the current app state to DOM. And you have the full power of JavaScript to describe your UI - loops, functions, scope, composition, modules - not a crippled template language.var&CommentList&=&React.createClass({&&
);Start using React todayReact can be a little daunting at first. It proposes a
really large paradigm shift, which is always uncomfortable. However, the
advantages become clear when you start using it.The
is excellent. You should give it a try and follow the tutorial. I'm sure you'll love it if you give it a chance.Happy coding!
React 将状态映射到 DOMReact 中只有虚拟 DOM 的渲染和比对是神奇的部分。其优秀性能是使得我们拥有简化了许多的整理架构的基础。有多简单呢?&React 组件都是幂等(一个幂等操作的特点是其任意多次执行所产生的影响均与一次执行的影响相同)的函数。它们能在任意一个实时的点来描述你的UI。~ Pete Hunt,&简单的幂等函数。React 组件整个就是这么一个东西,真的。它将当前的应用状态映射到了 DOM。并且你也拥有JavaScript的全部能力去描述你的 UI----循环,函数,作用域,组合,模块&- 不是一个蹩脚的模板语言哦.var&CommentList&=&React.createClass({&&
);今天就开始使用 ReactReact 一开始会有点令人生畏。它提出了一个实在是太大了点的模式转变,这总有点令人不舒服。不过,当你开始使用它时其优势会变得清楚起来。很优秀. 你应该照着教程对其进行一下尝试。我确信如果你给它一个机会,你肯定会爱上她。编码快乐!


