
& 到处都是坑,大家注意啊-来自领英的骗子 ...
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金币31 功勋币0 听众数注册时间最后登录在线时间18 小时帖子积分18UID379211
实习生, 积分 18, 距离下一级还需 182 积分
金币31 功勋币0 听众数注册时间最后登录在线时间18 小时帖子
17:03 上传
Managing Director at Barclays Bank Dubai
Hello Mr. Wang,
Nice to meet you here on Linkedin, It's my urgent need for a foreign partner that made me to contact you for this transaction.
I am Cedric Lizin, Managing Director of Barclays Bank in United Arab Emirates . I write you this proposal in good faith hoping that I will rely on you in a business transaction that require absolute confidentiality and of great interest and benefit to our both families.
In 2007,one Mr. Weimin Wang, an Emirati Citizen from Asia whose surname is same as yours and has your country in his file as his place of origin, made a fixed deposit for 36 months, valued at $26,700,000.00 with my bank. I was his account officer before I rose to the position of Managing Director. The maturity date for this deposit contract was 27th of September 2010.Sadly Mr. Weimin was among the death victims in the September 2009 earthquake in Indonesia that left over 1,200 people dead while he was there on business trip.
Since the last quarter of 2010 until today, the management of my bank has been finding means to reach him so as ascertain if he will roll over the Deposit or have the contract sum withdrawn. When I discovered that this will happen, I have tried to think up a procedure to preserve this fund and use the proceeds for business.
Some directors here have been trying to find out from me the information about this account and the owner, but I have kept it closed because, I know that if they become aware that Mr. Weimin is late, they will corner the funds for themselves. Therefore, am seeking your co-operation to present you as the one to benefit from his fund at his death since you have the same name, so that my bank headquarters will pay the funds to you. I have done enough inside bank arrangement and you only have to put in your details into the information network in the bank computers and reflect you as his next of kin.
If you concur with this proposal, I intend for you to retain 50% of the funds while 50% shall be for me. Kindly forward your response to me strictly through my email address
for me to furnish you with moe details, direction and and proof of fund.
Best Regards
Mr. Cedric Lizin
Managing Director (Head of Barclays Wealth and Investment Management)
金币35 功勋币0 听众数注册时间最后登录在线时间2 小时帖子积分15UID380114
实习生, 积分 15, 距离下一级还需 185 积分
金币35 功勋币0 听众数注册时间最后登录在线时间2 小时帖子
金币235 功勋币0 听众数注册时间最后登录在线时间64 小时帖子积分224UID373650
外贸专员, 积分 224, 距离下一级还需 276 积分
金币235 功勋币0 听众数注册时间最后登录在线时间64 小时帖子
金币413 功勋币0 居住地广东省 广州市听众数注册时间最后登录在线时间121 小时帖子积分750UID418188
外贸经理, 积分 750, 距离下一级还需 250 积分
金币413 功勋币0 居住地广东省 广州市听众数注册时间最后登录在线时间121 小时帖子
金币1547 功勋币0 听众数注册时间最后登录在线时间67 小时帖子积分322UID419993
外贸专员, 积分 322, 距离下一级还需 178 积分
金币1547 功勋币0 听众数注册时间最后登录在线时间67 小时帖子
金币132875 功勋币2291 听众数注册时间最后登录在线时间800 小时帖子积分127899UID439824
论坛元老, 积分 127899, 距离下一级还需
金币132875 功勋币2291 听众数注册时间最后登录在线时间800 小时帖子
& 到处都是坑,大家注意啊-来自领英的骗子 ...
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