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Now, the international financial crisis has spread from parts of the world to the entire globe, from the developed countries to the emerging markets, and from the financial sector to the real economy, which has exerted a big impact on the economic development and people's life worldwide. At such a crucial moment, it is of great significance for us to convene here to discuss measures on maintaining the international financial stability and promoting world's economic growth. //
The ongoing international financial crisis has spread to encompass such a large area and has exerted such a deep anti intense impact that is unprecedented since the 30s of the last century. There are various reasons behind this financial crisis, involving both improper macroeconomic policies and insufficient financial regulation. Without correct understanding of those reasons, we will hardly be able to draw lessons from it and avoid similar crisis in the future. // Upon the occurrence of this financial crisis, the international society took prompt actions and adopted some countermeasures at different levels. We wish these measures would enable us to attain the results expected as soon as possible. To effectively cope with the financial crisis, countries in the world should enhance confidence, increase coordination and intensify cooperation. //
The top priority of the international community is to take all the necessary measures to restore market confidence as soon as possible and curb the spread of the financial crisis. The major developed economies should undertake their due responsibilities and obligations, implement macroeconomic policies that are conducive to the economic and financial stability and growth both domestically and internationally, take active steps to stabilize their own and the international financial markets and safeguard investors' interests. Meanwhile, they should enhance macroeconomic policy coordination, expand economic and financial information sharing, and deepen cooperation in international financial regulation so as to create necessary conditions for stability in both the domestic and international financial markets. //
At present, the slowdown of world's economic growth and the increase of uncertain and unstable factors aggravate and complicate the situation. To maintain economic growth is the cornerstone of addressing the financial crisis. Countries should readjust their macroeconomic policies, take necessary financial and monetary measures to actively promote economic development and avoid a global economic recession. Joint efforts should be made to stabilize the international energy and food markets, curb speculation and build an enabling environment for the growth of the world economy. The international community should pay special attention to preventing various forms of trade and investment protectionism and pushing for early progress of the Doha round of negotiations. //
The international community should earnestly draw lessons from the financial crisis and make necessary reform of the international financial system based on full consultations among all stakeholders. Reform of the international financial system should aim at establishing a new international financial order that is fair, just, inclusive and orderly and fostering an institutional environment conducive to sound global economic development. //The reform should be conducted in a comprehensive, balanced, incremental and pragmatic manner. A comprehensive reform needs a general design which should not only focus on improving the international financial system, monetary system and financial institutions and international financial rules and procedures but also take into account the development stages and characteristics of different economies. // A balanced reform is based on overall consideration, seeks a balance among the interests of all parties and builds a decision-making and management mechanism with wider and more effective participation. An incremental reform is one that seeks gradual progress and should proceed in a phased manner, starting with the easier issues, and achieve the final objectives of reform through sustained efforts under the precondition of maintaining stability of the international financial market. A pragmatic reform is one that stresses practical results. All reform measures should contribute to the international financial stability, the global economic growth and the welfare of people in all countries. //
Based on those considerations, China proposes implementing the following reform measures: 1) stepping up international cooperation in financial regulation and improving the internation 2) advancing reform of the international financial organizations and increasing the representative ness and say of the developing countries i 3) encouraging regional financial cooperation and making best use of the regional fund a 4) improving the international currency system and steadily promoting the diversity of the international monetary system. //
(Excerpt from the speech delivered by Hu Jintao at the G20 Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy in Washington, Nov. 16th, 2008)
1.双方贸易增幅大,中国海关统计数据显示,1978年,中国与东盟贸易额仅为8.59亿美元。至1991年增长为79.6亿美元,十三年间增长了8倍。而近十五年间,从1991年至 2005年,中国与东盟贸易额从79.6亿美元增长到1303.7亿美元,增长了15倍,年均增长率高达20%,这一增长率超过了同期中国和东盟各自的对外贸易增长率。2006年上半年较上年同期,中国与东盟贸易额增长了21.68%,达727亿美元。//
2.中国由贸易顺差转为贸易逆差,贸易结构不断优化。1991年,中国与东盟贸易额占中国对外贸易额的5.9%。近十多年,中国对外贸易额从1991年的1357亿美元增长到2005年的14221亿美元,增长了9倍,中国与东盟贸易额占中国对外贸易额的比重上升为2005年的9.2% //
2005年,在东盟的对外贸易中,中国排第四位;在中国的对外贸易中,东盟处第五位按国别来看,中国是越南的第一大贸易伙伴,是缅甸的第二大贸易伙伴,是新加坡、泰国、菲律宾的第三大贸易伙伴,是马来西亚、印尼、柬埔寨的第四大贸易伙伴,是老挝的第五大贸易伙伴 在中国对外贸易中的前十大贸易伙伴中,新加坡是中国第七大贸易伙伴,马来西亚是中国第八大贸易伙伴。//
1991年,中国自东盟进口38.2亿美元,而2005年则高达750亿美元,增长了近19倍,东盟成为中国第三大进口来源地。1991年,中国向东盟出口41.4亿美元,而2005年则高达 553.7亿美元,增长了12倍。1991年,中国与东盟贸易额中,中国顺差3.2亿美元,而 2005年中国逆差196.3亿美元。1991年,中国与东盟贸易产品中,以初级产品、轻纺产品为主,发展到2005年则以工业制成品为主,其中机电产品名列榜首。//


