
怎么在IOS上玩汉化版开罗游戏 IOS未越狱怎么玩开罗游戏的汉化版
开罗游戏是一个专注于像素风的策略经营游戏厂商,但是产品多为安卓而且未汉化,所以不少换了IOS的开罗玩家都很苦恼,那么IOS真的就玩不到汉化的开罗游戏了么? 就算是没有越狱的IOS玩家也是可以玩到汉化版的开罗游戏的 你需要下载一些手机助手类似于兔兔手机助手,或者PP手机助手之类的IOS助手 在这些手机助手中可以搜索***汉化版的开罗游戏
Pokemon GO专区
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开罗 游戏合集
开罗 游戏合集
开罗游戏公司(Kairosoft Co.,LTD)是日本近几年意外崛起、并迅速走红的像素模拟经营类游戏开发及发行公司,仅有9人的小团队创造出了令人意外的游戏价值。以《游戏发展国》为代表作的他们在最初便锁定了“像素、迷你、模拟经营”的方向,更提出“没必要去做出几百万人都支持的游戏,而是牢牢抓住10万人的心灵,然后,希望能将这种游戏的乐趣传导到下一个世代”的雄心大志……
更多游戏请搜索“Kairosoft”哦。 http://kairopark.jp
蓝天飞行队 蓝天飞行队物语
纵情翱翔于蓝天之上的飞机。 这里是负责探索大地和击退怪物的猎人协会的据点。 今天,也有大批飞行员聚集而来。如果在探险途中遭遇怪物,则选取卡片来攻击!回复卡片、攻击卡片要在哪里使用呢……好好构思战略,去大战一场吧! 怪物有风、水、雷或土等属性,建议您选择属性适合的武器去攻击想要打倒的怪物。当然,飞行员的能力也十分重要。可以通过“挖白薯”或是“瀑布修行”等训练,学习到“机体修理”或“空中加油”等技能以获得成长!在传说中的新大陆的土地上,可以和其他玩家一起合作探索。因为这里强敌云集,一个人游戏可能会很快坠机。请大家一边互相帮助,一边展开冒险吧!那么,你能给这片还未开垦的大地带来和平吗!?祝你好运!----※游戏资料被保存在您的终端设备中。当您删除并再次***应用时,数据将无法恢复。※当终端机种变更时,可以进行数据的转移。请您用“Kairosoft”搜索我们的其它游戏。 http://kairopark.jp会有很多您可能玩过的免费游戏或是一次性消费的游戏应用哦!这里是2D点阵制图的Kairosoft游戏系列。请您关注推特来获取最新情报。/kairokun2010
棒球物语部 野球部ものがたり
あなたの指示で、逆?のチャンスが?れる部活???シミュレ?ション超高校?の野球部をつくろう?手?を?え上げて全国??を目指せ!?立したばかりの野球部を、夏の全国??まで?きましょう。?手たちは、あなたが?めた??量と??方?に?ってトレ?ニングを行います。??内容は基?トレ?ニングはもちろん、????????重?や守?重?、?手に?整を任せることも可能です。??グラウンドの周りには????????????やシャワ?室などを建?して野球の??を充?させましょう。野球の?境が整えば、その分??の?果も上がります。スポ?ツだけでなく、勉?の施?も建?できます。学校全体のバランスも?て建?していきましょう。?手を寮に住ませれば、通学??を短?することができ、食事も管理してあげられます。?くなった?手は?成に?み?んでどんどんチ?ムを?化しましょう。※「野球部ものがたり」は横画面のみの??になります。画面の回?はできません。--他のゲ?ムは「カイロソフト」で?索してね。 http://kaipa.jp?んだことがあるかもしれないような?料ゲ?ムや?り切りアプリが盛りだくさん!2Dドット?のカイロソフトゲ?ムシリ?ズだよ。最新情?はツイッタ?をフォロ?してね。/kairokun2010
开园像素牧场 ??ピクセル牧?
?の牧???シミュレ?ションゲ?ム!自分だけの牧?をつくっちゃおう!最初は??前の小さな牧?ですが、少しずつ?物や花や野菜果物を育て、スタッフを雇いお店を?やし、お客さんを呼び?みましょう。牧?の魅力が高まってくるとコンテストに参加できるようになります。育てているもののレベルや、?置している施?の配置を工夫てスポットを??し、??を目指しましょう。コンテストで良い成?を残せばお客さんがたくさん来てくれますよ!写真はお客さんや??から入手ができます。写真を使いふれあいショップで?い物をしてよりバラエティ?かな牧?にしていきましょう!また、アイテムショップでも写真を使い便利な道具を?うことができます。中には天候を?えるような特殊なものもあるとか…大会では育てている?物や花、作物を使い『?引き』や『玉?がし』『パズル』などのミニゲ?ムに挑?することができます。?事好成?を残せれば、?金に加えてスタッフをおしゃれに?身させられる帽子がもらえるんだとか!年末にはドキドキのランキング?表があります。『?り上げ』『来?者数』『?足』『人材』各部?で上位を目指しましょう。--※ゲ?ムデ?タは端末内に保存されます。アプリ削除、再インスト?ル?、???更のデ?タ移行は未??です。他のゲ?ムは「カイロソフト」で?索してね。 http://kairopark.jp?んだことがあるかもしれないような?料ゲ?ムや?り切りアプリが盛りだくさん!2Dドット?のカイロソフトゲ?ムシリ?ズだよ。最新情?はツイッタ?をフォロ?してね。/kairokun2010
漫画工作室 The Manga Works
It's the manga artist experience you've been waiting for!Create a manga masterpiece and draw your way into the nation's heart.Start out as a fledgling manga artist in a small and empty room... Armed with only a single pen, draw the best manga you can and march proudly to the publishers to show off your work.Ideas are the lifeblood of a manga artist. Go out in search of inspiration and gather plot points, then stuff your manga full of creativity.Accumulate experience points and use them to train up your drawing, storytelling, and other skills.When you think you've created a great one-shot, take it to a publisher! If you manage to make the "editor from hell" smile, it might just be the start of a fruitful relationship.Produce the best manga the world has ever seen, and write your name down in history!* All game progress is stored on your device. Save data cannot be transferred between devices, nor can it be restored after deleting or reinstalling the app.Try searching for "Kairosoft" to see all of our games, or visit us at http://kaipa.jp. Be sure to check out both our free-to-play and our paid games!Kairosoft's pixel art game series continues!Follow kairokun2010 on Twitter for the latest Kairosoft news and information./kairokun2010
冠军足球物语2 Pocket League Story 2
Jersey up and take to the field in this brand new sequel to hit soccer sim Pocket League Story! Scout out promising players and coaches, decide tactics and formations, and lead your dream team from local league to international soccer stardom!A plethora of new features brings the stadium action to life in greater detail than ever before: Expect rain, snow, penalty shootouts, and more to keep your palms sweaty and the adrenaline pumping!What's more, you can now go head-to-head with players from around the world in multiplayer mode (currently in beta testing)! Challenge your friends online and you might earn some nifty bonuses...Build your team and fan base, land corporate sponsors, and take on the best teams in the world--including your friends'! Whether you're new to soccer or a veteran sportsman, Pocket League Story 2 has something for everyone!Try searching for "Kairosoft" to see all of our games, or visit us at http://kaipa.jp. Be sure to check out both our free-to-play and our paid games
创意糕点部 Bonbon Cakery
Have your cake and eat it too in this latest and greatest of cakery simulators, fresh from the Kairosoft oven!Improve your prowess as a p?tissier by pioneering a bountiful catalogue of high-ranking recipes. For example, combine a sponge cake with strawberries and cream--and presto! You'll have whipped together a supple shortcake! Even grace your creations with toppings for added effect. And once you think you're ready, test your confectionary capacity by pitting these pastries in grand competitions!Pleasing the palates of your beloved customers will aid your culinary crusade by earning cash rewards and tasty ingredients. These delectables hail from specific regions--which you'd do well to take note of. Once you've pooled sufficient funds, invest to break ground in new markets!Persevere in the path of the p?tissier to eventually unlock secret features like the "Hall of Fame Challenge," in which you'll need to fill a flurry of fast orders, and "Recipe Lab," allowing you to step up the quality of your sweets.But wait, there's more! Cherries on top include an online feature allowing friends from across the country to visit your personal cakery, as well as a "Truck Sales" mode allowing the pastry peddling to continue in real time--even while you sleep!With a pinch of time and a dash of TLC, you'll agree... success was never so sweet!--Try searching for "Kairosoft" to see all of our games, or visit us at http://kaipa.jp. Be sure to check out the wildly popular Game Dev Story for your mobile device or PC as well as our collection of FREE games!
网球俱乐部物语 Tennis Club Story
Aim for the ace position of tennis club prestige in this simulation! Your leadership decides if players make it to the big time or bust! Customize your training menu to focus on power or technique, molding players as you please for competitions, fame, and snazzy sponsors!Sponsors will fund hard-working athletes with big bucks, in addition to providing top-notch gear, items, and more. Some corporations might even build you a hot springs spa or restaurant! Sign with a variety of sponsors and live the good life!Oh--and don't forget to beef up service for patrons of your tennis school! Hosting barbecues, training camps, and other fun events will stoke motivation. Make your tennis club a fun one to bring customers clambering!So who will it be that commands the court? From singles and doubles to team competitions, serve up your rivals to win the Grand Slam and stock that trophy shelf!--Try searching for "Kairosoft" to see all of our games, or visit us at http://kaipa.jp. Be sure to check out the wildly popular Game Dev Story for your mobile device or PC as well as our collection of FREE games!
The Ramen Sensei
Build your ramen rep by fashioning the ultimate bowl from a vast assortment of noodles, soup, and toppings.From roast pork to miso, mackerel, and more--the only limit is your imagination, meaning you'll need to use your noodle to nail the right recipes and bring hungry customers in by the crowd!Enter contests and see how you size up against rivals, thus cementing your standing as superlative sensei of the savory!Succeed--and one day you might even have your own ramen theme park!--Try searching for "Kairosoft" to see all of our games, or visit us at http://kaipa.jp. Be sure to check out the wildly popular Game Dev Story for your mobile device or PC as well as our collection of FREE games!
Fish Pond Park
Nurture an idyllic slice of tourist's heaven into the top nature spot of the nation, furnishing it with a variety of services like inns, tours, and more!Mix and match areas of your wooded wonderland to concoct exciting outdoor attractions that appeal to sightseers' sweet spots. Which combinations make what? Energize that outdoorsman's spirit and experiment for yourself!Any pond or river also doubles as an aquatic habitat for fry--which you can raise for later fishing excursions in the all-new fishing mode! Do you have what it takes to land the big one? Come on down to Fish Pond Park and find out!--Try searching for "Kairosoft" to see all of our games, or visit us at http://kaipa.jp. Be sure to check out the wildly popular Game Dev Story for your mobile device or PC as well as our collection of FREE games!
World Cruise Story Lite
Get ready to take the helm of history's grandest, most over-the-top luxury cruise liner for an unforgettably addictive excursion at sea!Deck your own ship with everything from lavish suites and first-class restaurants to casinos and hot tubs! You call the shots as you travel the world, visiting every country on the map--even entertaining royalty with tours truly fit for kings!Put the right facilities next to each other and you'll score big points with passengers and reviewers. Amass enough fame and even celebrities will come flocking when you're in port!Can you turn your sea buggy into a 5-star floating paradise? Put on your captain's hat and find out in World Cruise Story!--In the free Lite Version of the game, you can play for 2 full in-game years.--
这是一款模拟运营理想中的社区杂志编辑部的游戏!制定主题和切入口,做出能牢牢吸引读者的精彩特辑吧。外出取材的话说不定还会有惊人发现呢。随着游戏的进行还会受到市长的提拔,参与到当地的城镇建设中。不仅可以参与到“打招呼运动”和“乘凉浴衣选美”等公众事业中,还能为“家庭餐厅”和“健康乐园”等店铺的宣传提供建议,城镇的进一步发展真是叫人期待啊。那么你的社区杂志究竟能卖出多少数量呢?--其它游戏请通过“Kairosoft”来进行搜索。 http://kairopark.jp还有许多您可能曾经玩过的免费游戏和售罄的应用哦!使用2D像素画的开罗游戏系列来袭。想了解最新消息请关注推特。/kairokun2010
口袋农场 Pocket Harvest Lite
Leave the rat race behind and reap the joys of life on your very own farm in Pocket Harvest!Cultivate crops with love, ranging from crisp lettuce to succulent strawberries, and refine them into prizewinning produce to bring orders from the local grocers flooding in. Adorable animal friends will lend a helping hoof too, providing milk, wool, eggs, and more!Feeling more ambitious? Boost your income and your image through tourism! From hot air balloons to sports facilities, you can build attractions in countless combinations to draw in high-spending city slickers.In Pocket Harvest, you wear the overalls, so you call the shots! Grow your farm from the ground up into a flourishing cornucopia of fun!--In the free Lite Version of the game, you can play for 2 full in-game years.--
游戏开发物语 精简版
Pocket Academy Lite
School got you down? Wish you could change a few things? Well, now's your chance to create the ultimate dream school in this simulation smash-hit!Tailor your personal academy as you see fit, erecting classrooms, making clubs--even deciding this week's hot couple!How will you expand your hallowed halls of learning? Sponsor athletic meets, art shows, and other events to attract as many students as you can and elevate your school's prestige!Will your students make it college or land their dream job? Find out with Pocket Academy!--In the free Lite Version of the game, you can play for one full in-game year.--Turn your device to rotate the screen, touch to scroll, and pinch to zoom in and out. Supports iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Note: Screen rotation and zoom are only available on iPhone 3GS and later, iPod touch 2nd generation and later, and iPad. The game now lets you switch between English and Japanese.
Mega Mall Story Lite
Design a towering mall of mega proportions! Attract droves of customers and elevate yourself to 5-star status in this mall management simulation game!Add anything from fast food joints to sushi restaurants, stairs and elevators--even a heliport--all with a touch of the finger!When your establishment's popularity reaches a certain point, a "Fever" is triggered in which customers swamp your mall! You can then exercise your newfound affluence by investing in the surrounding area--bringing in even more customers and being a good citizen at the same time! Oh yeah!Keep your eyes on the mega-prize--only you can build the ultimate mall!--Play up to 2 game years of this mall management simulation game.-- Turn your device to rotate the screen, touch to scroll, and pinch to zoom in and out. Supports iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Note: Screen rotation and zoom are only available on iPhone 3GS and later, iPod touch 2nd generation and later, and iPad. The game now lets you switch between English and Japanese.
Grand Prix Story Lite
Try your hand at managing an auto racing team!Become the boss of your own team, training drivers and acquiring sponsors before conquering the Grand Prix!Develop new vehicles and parts, and customize them any way you like! Do you have what it takes to make it to the winner's circle?No knowledge of motorsports is required to play!--In the free Lite Version of the game, you can play for one full in-game year.-- Supports iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Note: Screen rotation and zoom are only available on iPhone 3GS and later, iPod touch 2nd generation and later, and iPad. The game now lets you switch between English and Japanese.
Venture Towns Lite
Assume the reins of a mega-conglomerate to build your very own metropolitan utopia!Stores, houses, mansions--towers! The sky's the limit as you fashion your humble burg into the world's most powerful fiscal force! Place compatible structures near each other to craft specialty districts or "combos," adding flavor to your town while reaping big bonuses and boosting Land Price!Your beloved residents will live their lives on the map of your choice, working to earn their daily dough to buy cars, houses, and even pets! Some might even hit the lottery jackpot...Spearhead the most daring economic venture to date! Craft the urban dreamland of your fantasies!--In the free Lite Version of the game, you can play for one full in-game year.-- Turn your device to rotate the screen, touch to scroll, and pinch to zoom in and out. Supports iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Note: Screen rotation and zoom are only available on iPhone 3GS and later, iPod touch 2nd generation and later, and iPad. The game now lets you switch between English and Japanese.
这是一款城镇开发模拟类游戏。培养居民,努力成为大都市吧!!自由设置店铺和住宅,扩大城镇规模。将契合度良好的店铺设置在一起,就会被指定为“美食街”“电器街”等“特色街道”,令土地价格大幅上涨!!居民们会在地图上进行生活、勤奋工作并建造自己的豪华家园。说不定还会购买宠物和代步工具呢。也有可能抽中彩票大奖一夜致富……打造属于自己的最想居住的城市吧。 --※***失败时,请前往开发者网站查阅位于网页下方的“常见问题”专区。想要了解有关开罗公司游戏的信息就请前往开罗公园吧。http://kaipa.jp还有支持移动设备/电脑设备的游戏发展途上国和其它免费游戏哦。
Pocket League Story Lite
Handpick players, train, and battle your way to the top of every league in this sensational soccer team simulation!Sell merch, erect a gym--even a stadium! Your fanbase will grow as you conquer your rivals and snag the hottest sponsors! The sky's the limit in your quest for ultimate soccer stardom!As the crowd erupts in jubilation and the screams of "Goal!" echo throughout the stadium, will your team stand victorious? Try your hand at being a soccer team manager and find out!--In the free Lite Version of the game, you can play for one full in-game year.--Supports iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Note: Screen rotation and zoom are only available on iPhone 3GS and later, iPod touch 2nd generation and later, and iPad. The game now lets you switch between English and Japanese.
Epic Astro Story
Ready to test your mettle against the final frontier?Pioneer an untamed planet, building roads and houses for your fellow denizens of the future. Cultivate your quaint colony into a stellar space citadel, and you'll pull alien tourists from everywhere this side of Alpha Centauri!Careful though, not all intelligent life seeks souvenirs. Prepare to engage in heated battle with all manner of cosmic creatures! Win--and you just might be rewarded...Strap into your spacecraft, all systems are go for an epic astro adventure that'll warp you to light speed and beyond!Turn your device to rotate the screen, touch to scroll, and pinch to zoom in and out. Supports iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Note: Screen rotation and zoom are only available on iPhone 3GS and later, iPod touch 2nd generation and later, and iPad. The game now lets you switch between English and Japanese.
Dungeon Village Lite
There are currently some issues related to iOS 9.We plan to address these in the near future, and ask that you wait until then.Welcome to an epic RPG world in which the town you build can grow from humble hamlet into a mecca for the land's most ambitious adventurers!The enterprising warriors that stop by your blossoming burg will defeat monsters and earn you money. Conquering dungeons and clearing out hordes of monsters will bag you loot to stock your shops. And if your hamlet flourishes, adventurers will want to set up house and settle down!Build training facilities like Combat Schools and Magic Labs to hone your heroic denizens' skills and boost your village's Popularity. The more faces that flock to your cause, the bigger the baddies you can beat!An all-new "Cauldron" feature also allows you to test your alchemic expertise. Toss items obtained from quests or shops into the Cauldron and your armory might receive a rare addition.No dungeon is too deep! Make your village the crown estate of this bold RPG narrative!--In the free Lite Version of the game, you can play for 2 full in-game years.------ The game now lets you switch between English and Japanese.
Cafeteria Nipponica Lite
Don your chef's hat and hit the kitchen! You're the chef de cuisine in this scrumptious simulation that'll have you coming back for seconds... and more! Run your own restaurant, find ingredients, research recipes and spice up your culinary repertoire! Only you can bring your establishment sweet success!Decide every detail of the floor from tables to TVs and do whatever it takes to make your customers happy! After all, their ratings determine whether you're chef...or sap. Score enough points and you'll be able to host a variety of fun events from eating contests to cooking classes, further boosting your popularity!But of course, what's a cook without a crew? Recruit eager faces to build your own five-star team. Play your cards right and you might find yourself running multiple restaurants at once!The sky's the limit in this sizzling new take on restaurant management, incorporating a uniquely Japanese spread that will train your brain and tantalize your taste buds!--In the free Lite Version of the game, you can play for 2 full in-game years.--
更多游戏请搜索“Kairosoft”哦。 http://kairopark.jp
开拓神秘岛 Beastie Bay
Washed ashore a desolate island and surrounded by savage beasts, can you thrive...or merely survive?Blaze trails into unknown territory...and then make it your own! Plant crops, build housing and power sources, and transform the island into your own personal paradise. As you progress, you'll be able to develop new gear and technology to take your adventure to the next level, including ways to travel to unexplored islands nearby!The native fauna eyeing you as their next meal? Capture the critters, trade them with friends, and train them to fight for you! Most have elemental strengths and weaknesses, so use these to your advantage in battle.Venture far enough afield and you may find signs of civilization. If you make the right friends, your humble isle could grow into an economic powerhouse, complete with hot springs, hotels, and heliport. The possibilities are as limitless as the horizon!Survival of the fittest was never so fun! You call the shots as you develop your primitive isle into a luxurious slice of paradise!* Game data is stored on your device. Save data cannot be transferred between devices, nor can it be restored after deleting or reinstalling the app.* Certain features (e.g., removing ads) require in-app purchases and become available once you reach a certain point in the game.
The Sushi Spinnery Lite
Revolutionize the revolving sushi bar in this fresh new sim!Expand your menu along with your conveyor belt by designing original creations to complement more classic fare.But it takes more than fine food to win customers over. Show your creative flair not only in sushi but in your business model by offering amenities ranging from salad bars to sumo rings. Make enough fans and you'll unlock all new ingredients and amenities--and fresh possibilities with them!As your reputation grows, you'll also become eligible for competitions around the country. Hone your expertise along with your fish knives and aim for #1 in the national rankings!--In the free Lite Version of the game, you can play for 2 full in-game years.--
Pocket Clothier Lite
Ever wanted to run your own clothing store? Now you can! Let your inner fashionista flower as you cultivate a quaint corner shop into a world-class super brand!Position mannequins, run promotions, even set up an in-store crepe stand. Dream up other ways to stand out so that shoppers can't stay away!Patrons will also rely on your fashion sense to coordinate ensembles for big occasions. Elevating their style level will unlock new career paths for them--meaning more revenue for you!Are you ready to try your hand at the trade of trend?--In the free Lite Version of the game, you can play for 2 full in-game years.--
Oh! Edo Towns Lite
Plunge into the past for a rousing romp through Edo period Japan! Your ideal samurai town awaits you!Erect houses, castles, and all manner of medieval marvels with a touch of the finger--rewriting the pages of history as you see fit!Strategically place compatible buildings to make "combos," boosting your Yield to become the best castle town in all the land!Play a full in-game year in this Lite Version--totally free! You'll be saying "Oh! Edo!" before you know it!---- Turn your device to rotate the screen, touch to scroll, and pinch to zoom in and out. Supports iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Note: Screen rotation and zoom are only available on iPhone 3GS and later, iPod touch 2nd generation and later, and iPad. The game now lets you switch between English and Japanese.
培育名马,在知名赛事上争夺冠军!!这是一款比拼纯种马的赛马游戏。在自然资源丰富的牧场中,布置沙土场和泳池,为饲育做好准备。牧场成名后,游客会前来光顾冰淇淋店和特产店。一起来寻找拥有体力、爆发力等特殊品种的马匹,对它进行训练吧。在比赛上获得优胜后,奖金会不断升高,还可以参加国际赛事。退役后的赛马将接受作为种马的新任务。通过组合不同的血统,也许能够期待能力的大幅上升哦。向着三冠骏马的目标,加油吧!----更多游戏请搜索“Kairosoft”哦。 http://kairopark.jp还有许多可能您也熟悉的免费游戏和单次收费的应用程序哦!请记住2D点阵图的Kairosoft游戏系列哦。最新信息请关注我们的推特吧。/kairokun2010
Pocket Stables Lite
Manage your very own ranch while training your racehorses to win big in exciting races! Build training facilities like dirt courses and pools amidst the beautiful natural surroundings of your ranch. Increase your ranch's fame and entice visitors to spend some dough at your ranch's amenities, like ice cream stands and gift shops.Find horses with the right combination of stamina and speed and intensity and train them to race. Keep winning races to earn bigger and better prizes, as well as the ability to compete in even bigger and more exciting races on an international scale.Send once-great racehorses out to stud. Find effective pedigree combinations and breed a new generation of talented colts.Can you train a Triple Crown winner and bring fame and glory to your ranch?--In the free Lite Version of the game, you can play for 2 full in-game years.--
Hot Springs Story Lite
Build and manage the ultimate Japanese hot springs inn in this one-of-a-kind simulation from Kairosoft.Rooms, restaurants, arcades, and baths--position each facility to lull your guests into hot spring Nirvana and skyrocket your establishment to fame!Craft the perfect Japanese garden from lanterns, pine trees, azaleas, and more--you'll need it all if you want to attract VIPs like pop stars and novelists.There can only be one #1! Do you have what it takes?--In the free Lite Version of the game, you can play for one full in-game year.--Turn your device to rotate the screen, touch to scroll, and pinch to zoom in and out.The game now lets you switch between English and Japanese.Try searching for "Kairosoft" to see all of our games.
住宅梦物语 Dream House Days
The house of your dreams is a dream no more!You play both architect and landlord in this fanciful new sim, and it's up to you to furnish your ideal abode with anything from arcade games to saunas to convenience stores. Certain combinations can power up your rooms...and their rent. Put an HDTV and game console together to make a game room, or a grand piano and painting together to make a fine arts room!Rise up the rankings of real estate fame and you might reel in some celebrity tenants, ranging from hit singers to soccer stars!But there's more than just business at stake. Tenants will look to you for guidance on everything from romance to career choices. With your help, they just might tie the knot or land that dream job!Build a dream home where dreams come true! And play with friends for special bonuses.* Game data is stored on your device. Save data cannot be transferred between devices, nor can it be restored after deleting or reinstalling the app.* Certain features (e.g., removing ads) require in-app purchases and become available once you reach a certain point in the game.
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