lol bugsplat splat 问题 游戏无...

lol常见问题解决方法 lol出现未知错误解决方法大全
时间: 9:33:04来源:作者:不详(0)
  随着英雄联盟的越来越火,英雄联盟客户端也经常会出现一些常见问题,小编为大家带来了十分详细的英雄联盟所有常见问题以及常见问题解决方法大全,如果您的英雄联盟客户端出现了一些未知或者不知道如何描述的错误时,可以点击查看这篇常见问题解决方法大全。  游戏中的常见问题  Q:尝试进入匹配模式排队时,提示:“您将不能进入队列,因为你已被分配到已经存在的游戏”  解决办法:  1、可能因为在上局游戏结束时没有等待比赛结果,稍微等一会儿再试试。  2、可能因为网络问题,用户与平台已经丢失连接,重开客户端即可。  3.若持续:建议您先运行英雄联盟以下路径中的程序后重新登录游戏。腾讯游戏/英雄联盟/Game/League of Legends.exe  Q:为什么登录游戏大厅时,提示“服务器正忙,请稍后再试”?  解决办法:可能由于您的游戏时段正值登录高峰期,过多玩家同时涌进服务器,造成服务器暂时的繁忙,请关闭客户端再次尝试登录,或稍后再进游戏。  也有可能是由于您的网络环境不稳,服务器没有收到您的请求,请确认网络畅通。  Q:为什么我的客户端在拉起游戏时,经常出现报错或崩溃?  解决办法:  1、请确认您是否正确***显卡的驱动程序和DirectX9.0以上版本  2、如果您是一个Win7用户,推荐您使用兼容模式进行游戏  3、如果您是一个XP用户,推荐您把系统更新至XP service pack3  Q:为什么我输入账号密码登录后提示“Pointer is Null”?  A:可能由于网络等原因,服务器没有正确获取账号信息,请关闭客户端重新登录,若重复出现该提示,可能由于您的客户端关键文件已损毁,请重新到官网下载***最新的客户端  Q:为什么在拉起游戏时出现如下的乱码提示?  乱码的意思:请保证显卡及驱动支持着色器模式2.0或以上。  解决方法:请正确***显卡驱程。  Q:我更新游戏后,出现了如下截图的报错怎么办?  解决办法:  你可以找到***游戏客户都能路径下:英雄联盟\Air\META-INF\AIR\publisherid文件,并把该文件删除,再重新进入游戏即可。  Q:游戏中,英雄死亡时因为各种原因(断网或主动关闭)退出客户端,重连后英雄到了复活时间也不复活,屏幕一直是黑白。  解决办法:可能因为在重连时没有接收到服务器的复活信息,关闭客户端再次尝试重连可以解决问题。  Q:掉线重连后,身上的装备物品外貌发生了变化,但实际作用还是掉线前的物品装备。  解决办法:  1、这时候外貌已经是浮云了,直接查看物品的描述和数据吧  2、关闭客户端再次重连。  Q:使用win7系统进行游戏,在游戏内无法看到选字框  解决办法:请选择兼容模式windowXPsp3运行LOL  Q:为什么我的客户端在游戏中显示不正常,或者发生贴图错误?  解决办法:  1、请确认您是否正确***显卡的驱动程序;  2、请在游戏菜单中选择最适合您显示器的最佳分辨率,调整菜单设置中的显示效果至合适的配置  Q:为什么我在游戏中经常出现跳帧、卡屏的情况?  解决办法:  1、您可以根据自己电脑的性能选择游戏的显示效果,例如降低显示效果或关闭阴影显示等。  2、您可以到英雄联盟的***目录下找到“英雄联盟\Game\DATA\CFG\game.cfg”这个文件并删除掉,然后重新进行游戏,客户端会根据您的电脑配置自动适应最合适的画面显示效果。  Q:为什么我在游戏中输入中文时,会出现卡屏和卡机的情况?  解决办法:部分输入法可能由于兼容等问题,会导致客户端性能下降或占用较大的网络资源,我们推荐您使用“QQ拼音”和“搜狗拼音”等稳定的输入法软件。  Q:进入游戏为何会出现***验证画面,并且无法登录电信1、2区,只能电信3区?  解决办法:请确认您电脑时间为当前准确的北京时间,重启游戏就可解决。  Q:为什么选择完英雄准备拉起游戏时,出现乱码提示?  乱码意思:无法连接到服务器,需要重新链接吗?  原因可能是网络不稳,可以点击重试或者在任务管理器关闭客户端进程再开,  还可能是由于网络环境较差、防火墙或其他软件限制了网络访问功能,或操作系统网络配置不当。  Q:为什么在尝试开始一场游戏时,出现如下提示?  已经从平台掉线了,重新登录客户端可解决。  Q:在游戏中聊天打字时,选字框为什么全是方块“口口口”  解决办法:您的电脑上缺少雅黑字体,到网上下载一个windows的雅黑字库并***就好了。  Q:自动更新时卡在一个地方很久都没动。  解决办法:可能因为使用过第三方插件修改过客户端(如换肤),导致需要下载整个资源包,进度长时间停留在此,其实更新依然在进行,没有失败。建议玩家不要自行修改客户端资源。  Q:我的客户端完成自动更新后,为什么打开客户端会弹出以下的报错?  我们发现出现该问题的用户绝大部分是:  1、用内测阶段客户端直接升级上外网版本的用户  2、不删档测试后没有卸载内测客户端,直接用不删档阶段的客户端直接覆盖***的用户  3、把桌面的英雄联盟快捷方式删除,在您电脑上的英雄联盟***路径上找到:“英雄联盟\TCLS\Client.exe”这一应用程序生成桌面的快捷方式,使用这个快捷方式进入游戏。  Q:WIN7 64位操作系统下载了游戏客户端后,***出现以下提示  可能客户端在下载中途损坏,请重新下载客户端。如果依然出现此问题,可能是由于操作系统或硬件冲突导致。  Q:为什么我的客户端更新后出现花屏、严重掉帧等的画面问题?  A:你可以到英雄联盟的***目录下找到“英雄联盟\Game\DATA\CFG\game.cfg”这个文件并删除掉,然后重新进行游戏,客户端会根据您的电脑配置自动适应最合适的画面显示效果。  Q:在windows7操作系统下,用户在***客户端时如果遇到下图报错怎么办?  A:请使用管理员身份运行***客户端即可。  Q:选择英雄后,无法进入加载画面,提示BugSplat报错界面  (1)在游戏开局后请您按ESC键或者游戏界面右下角的小齿轮(选项)进入视频选项,在这里您可以设置游戏的画面效果以及是否窗口化。  (2)关于您反馈的情况,建议您尝试将游戏设为无边框模式或者使用TGP无边框启动模式登录游戏,如图:  (3)建议您关闭不需要的电脑进程(注:部分播放器软件进程、下载进程等容易在电脑开机后自动运行,建议暂时先进行关闭),稍后重新登录游戏尝试。后使用我的收藏没有帐号?
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英雄联盟错误14001未找到bugsplat.dll怎么办 ...
轻竞技手游公测预约开启 开黑领好礼!
爱奇艺独家发行 三分钟一局快感体验!Like the ever-evolving Kha'Zix, League of Legends is always adding new Champions, graphic updates, and particle effects. Those additions usually use the latest available software that Graphics Card and Operating System manufacturers have available at the time.Because of this, you may experience the symptoms described below if you software is not up to date.
Common Symptoms
The game crashes to desktop
The screen is black when the game is launched
The game freezes completely without crashing to desktop
The client crashes after the game ends
The client crashes after champion select
The client crashes during champion loading screen
Bugsplat is the bug reporting system used by League of Legends to inform us of emerging issues. Bugsplat issues are typically caused by either your PC's Hardware (the physical parts that make up your PC) or the graphic settings you have applied within League of Legends.
Note: After attempting each solution below, please create a custom game (with bots or by yourself) to test the new settings.
Check the minimum system requirements
You can do so&.
Update Graphics Card Drivers
Why is it important to keep your video drivers up to date?
Video card drivers (software that interfaces with your graphics card) often include vital bug fixes and/or optimizations. Your card is generally shipped with a driver pre-packaged, but this driver is usually out of date by the time it reaches your computer. One of the most important steps you can perform when installing a new video card or using a new computer is installing the most up-to-date driver.
The update process will vary depending on the specific video card you have, but many players will find that they likely own a card from one of three major product lines: NVIDIA, AMD or Intel. Since these are the most common types of graphics cards, we will cover the basic update process for each.
How to identify your graphic cards?
Press&[Windows Key]&+&R (this will open up a &Run& window).
Type&dxdiag&and then hit&Enter.
Select the Display tab.
Note the name and manufacturer of your card in the top left corner of the window.
Most common graphics card manufacturers have a solution that scans your computer and updates drivers automatically. We recommend you to manually download the drivers at the sites below:&
Update DirectX
Updating your DIRECTX
DirectX is a set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) developed by Microsoft. This API allows various applications to interact with hardware on your computer without knowing ahead of time what that hardware is. Many applications use DirectX, however it is most commonly used in running games, because they tend to be hardware intensive.
What does it mean to me?
If you are using an outdated version of DirectX, League of Legends is going to have problems interacting with your hardware (your graphics card, mouse, keyboard, speakers, etc.). This can result in a variety of errors, ranging from driver crashes, keyboard or mouse inputs failing to register, or sound cutting out.
Update Link
Please keep in mind that the highest version of DirectX that you can get depends on your version of Windows, as described in the above Microsoft article.
Note: Windows XP is no longer supported by Microsoft as of April 8, 2014. That means that if you cannot get the appropriate version of DirectX from the above link, you will need to upgrade your Operating System. You can find more info here:&
Update your version of Windows
Make sure your Windows is fully updated
Windows updates often address issues within the Operating System and DirectX, which may lead to application crashes. You can find the relevant instructions from Microsoft here:
Note: Windows XP is no longer supported by Microsoft as of April 8, 2014. That means you will not be able to get automatic updates for this version of Windows and will need to upgrade your Operating System. You can find more info here:&
Install .Net Framework 3.5
Manually install .NET FRAMEWORK 3.5:
.NET Framework is a software library developed by Microsoft that runs primarily on Microsoft Windows. One of the dependencies of League of Legends is .Net Framework 3.5. Even if you have 4.0, you may need to also have the 3.5 version installed to properly play League of Legends. You can download and install it here:
Perform a clean boot on Windows
Clean Boot Guide
Sometimes, other applications, especially software that uses an overlay (i.e. Skype, Teamspeak, Steam), can cause League of Legends to crash. You can exit or disable those applications and see if this resolves the issue with crashing by trying out a custom game in League of Legends.
Alternatively, if you want to be 100% sure that no other application is interfering with League of Legends, you should try performing a clean boot in Windows. To do so, please follow the instructions below:
Disabling all non-essential processes:
Press&[Windows Key] + R
Type&msconfig&into the text bar at the bottom of the menu
Click on the&Services&tab
Check&Hide all Microsoft services&so you don't end up accidentally disabling a key process
Click the&Disable All&button
Click on the&Startup&tab
Click on the&Disable All&button
Click on the&Apply&button
Click on the&OK&button
Restart your computer
Note: For performing a clean boot on Windows 8 and 8.1 please see the following Microsoft article:
Reset your Graphics Card software
Make sure your Graphics Card software isn't interfering with League of Legends
NVIDIA comes with the NVIDIA Control Panel and AMD comes with the Catalyst Control Center. Both of these programs allow users to set up graphics profiles that can override application settings and sometimes interfere with League of Legends as a result. Resetting the software to default values usually gives control of graphics back to the applications. Here's how to do it:
NVIDIA Control Panel
Right-click on your desktop and select NVIDIA Control Panel.
Select Manage 3D Settings.
Click on Restore Defaults.
Catalyst Control Panel
Right-click on your desktop and select Catalyst Control Center (also called VISION center).
Select Preferences.
Click on Restore Factory Defaults.
Change your game settings
Adjusting video settings
Minimizing the video options will reduce the amount of effects on screen and could help you avoid crashing. Playing around with these settings will help you find a sweet spot between performance and quality. As a starting point, try setting each option to its lowest value. You can access them in-game by pressing&ESC&and selectingVIDEO.
Settings: Custom
Resolution: Match desktop resolution
Character Quality: Very Low
Environment Quality: Very Low
Shadows: No Shadow
Effects Quality: Very Low
Frame Rate Cap: 60 FPS
Wait for Vertical Sync: Unchecked
Anti-Aliasing: Unchecked
You can also change some of the interface options to reduce the amount of stress on your hardware. To access these options press&ESC&in-game and select&INTERFACE.
Adjusting interface options
Uncheck Enable HUD animations
Uncheck Show Target Frame on attack
Uncheck Enable line missile display
Uncheck Show Attack Range
Disable the Debug Version of DirectX
What is the DIRECT X debug version?
The Debug version of DirectX is used by developers to solve and troubleshoot a wide variety of issues with games that use DirectX. It is usually not intended for casual use, but some players might turn on this setting on and then forget to turn it off.
If you want to learn more about DirectX Debug and Development, you can read Microsoft's own article here:
How does it affect League of Legends?
Here are common examples of how a debug version of DirectX adversely affects League of Legends:
The entire map will be covered in Fog of War
You will not see any animations (i.e. brush movement)
How do I disable the debug version?
Press the Windows key and type DirectX Control Panel.
Open the DirectX Control Panel (Be sure not to select the 64-Bit one)
Click on the Direct3D 9 Tab
Make sure you select &Use Retail Version of Direct3D 9&
Click Apply and then click Ok to close the Window.
Missing d3dx9_39.dll file
The file is missing from your computer. This can be due to the corrupted file when you are patching or downloading the game by turning on Anti-Virus or Firewall.&
Example of error message
How do I solve this?
Check if you are using 32-bit or 64-bit Operating System
Download the selected file
3. Place the file at C:\Windows\System32
4. Restart League of Legends client
Own Logitech Software or Hardware
The game crashes when champion loading screen is supposed to show up, after champion select. The client would disappear and there was not reconnect button.&
To further claify, if you are running Logitech gaming software, use this fix. If you experience crashing after champion select but are not running Logitech gaming software, try the fix but don't delete the dlls. Just rename them. If it didn't help you, just change their names back. That will ensure that nothing will be broken for you.
Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\GarenaLoL\GameData\Apps\LoL\Game\Config
Open the &game.cfg& with NotePad and ensure you are running is as Administrator Mode
Ctrl + F and type in [General]
Paste the word in the Notepad: LogitechSupport=0
Save the Note Pad
Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\GarenaLoL\GameData\Apps\LoL\Game
Find for LogitechGKey.dll and LogitechLed.dl
Copy the two files and save them at Desktop (just in case you need to reuse it)
Delete or RENAME the two files
Modified components in the game
We do not encourage players to modify any feature in game. If you modify any files in the game before, there might be some corrupted or missing files in your game folder.&
Clean Reinstallation
Uninstall the game
Remove all LoL related files and folders in C or D Drive. By default, please remove the GarenaLoL folder at C:\Program Files (x86)
Remove all manual patches
Install and patch the game
Disable Third Party Software
Third party applications may be causing your League of Legends game client to crash after champion select completes. Instead of entering the loading screen, the game will crash due to a conflict and display the following error message:
Example of error message
Uninstall or Disable third party software
These game crashes are commonly occurring amongst players using&third party programs such as LOL Replay. You can fix this issue by uninstalling or disabling any third party applications that you are using.
Asus ROG Gaming Series Laptop and Desktop users
If you owns a Asus ROG Gaming series laptop or desktop,&and often face client crash issue, please refer to the solution below:&
Open task manager via Ctrl+Shift+Esc key.&
Ensure task manager is in detailed mode (bottom left should show &Fewer details& instead of &More details&
Go to Details tab and right click &AsusGameFirstService.exe& and then end process tree
Other Possible Solutions
Remove inactive friends at buddy list and clear the names in ignore list
Remove friends with weird symbols on the names&OR&ask them to change their Summoner Names
End Garena Talk Talk
Turn off Firewall & Anti Virus&OR&Add League of Legends into the exception list
If the above cannot solve your problem, please do a Clean Reinstallation of LoL Client.
Still having Client Crash Issues?
If none of the above points helped, you can&&to Player Support. In order to help us resolve your issue quickly, please include the following logs in your ticket:
Are you using Wi-Fi or Wired Connection?&
Are you sharing Internet Connection with your friends or family?
Are you having P2P programs such as PPS, QVOD or Torrent running at the background?
What Anti-Virus/Firewall you are using?
Summoner Name:
Internet Service Provider (ISP):
Traceroute: Refer to&
Send us your logs file. (Guide given below)
Guide: How to get your r3d and Network log
They are in the folder here (by default):&
C:\Program Files (x86)\GarenaLoL\GameData\Apps\LoL\Game\Logs
Guide: How to get your AIR logs
They are in the folder here (by default):
C:\Program Files (x86)\GarenaLoL\GameData\Apps\LoL\Air\logs
Zip them up and upload in free server:&&
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