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龙腾 基本解释龙腾[lóng téng]词典:龙腾。词典:鲈鱼;龙腾。龙腾 汉英大词典龙腾[lóng téng]{动} weever手机查看龙腾的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 龙腾的翻译 即可龙腾 网络解释1. vive n.f:vivant ,e adj. 活的,生气勃勃的,活泼的 | vive n.f. 龙腾 | vivement adv. 十分,急速地,强烈的2. Dragon celebration:铃儿响叮当Jingle jangle | 龙腾Dragon celebration | 舞动的北京Dancing Beijing3. 3. vive n:vivant ,e adj. 活的,生气勃勃的,活泼的 | vive n../. 龙腾 | vivement adv. 十分,急速地,强烈的龙腾 双语例句1. 十恶当地茅斯-我镑忘记品种犹太b readstuffs和龙腾的熏鱼。&&&&Wicked Local Plymouth - I ll never forget the variety of Jewish breadstuffs and the extravaganza of smoked fish.2. 911查询?英语单词2. 身价不菲的沙丁鱼们昏昏欲睡,而肉食者鲶鱼的到来,使它们为逃生而龙腾虎跃、生机勃勃。&&&&The pilchard that social status does not poor people drowsy, and carnivorous person the arrival of catfish, make them to flee for one's life a scene of bustling activity, vibrant.3. 龙腾镖局也思量着这事可能并不简单,而且陆家和如意庄君家又是。。。&&&&Dragon bodyguard also pondered this may not simple, and Lu Chong jun family home and fortunes is...4. 我年轻,我骄傲年轻如乳虎啸谷,年轻如鹰隼试翼,年轻如潜龙腾渊。&&&&If young milk Tigers Valley, such as young Yingsun test wing, such as young unspoken Dragon edge.5. 5. 仿真验证和综合的结果表明,该存储管理单元的设计满足龙腾C2微处理器的功能和性能要求。&&&&The result of verification shows that MMU could achieve the function and performance of longtium C2 processor.6. 北京益龙腾经贸有限责任公司库房位置在交通方便的东四环大郊亭两公里处,库房面积2000多平方米,备有上万种型号配件,库存价值达到6000多万元。&&&&The store house of Beijing Elongtom Trading Co., Ltd lies in the position two kilometers to Dajiaoting bridge, East fourth-Ring, Beijing, covering an area of more than 2000 square meters, and possessing thousands of components and spare parts, which worth about sixty million.7. 龙腾盛世网络服务短信通本软件是目前功能最强大,操作最简便的网关客户端短信营销软件,是您企业的客户关系管理、企业形象宣传的最佳选择;感谢您选择本软件,欢迎测试!&&&&Dragon pass the message network service software are currently the most powerful and easiest gateway operator client software marketing message is your business, customer relationship management, corporate image adverti Thank you for choosing this software are welcome to test!8. 龙腾盛世短信报价单1。&&&&Dragon quotations one message.9. 它的经典小说,完成与维多利亚的主题,在现代匹配龙腾灯耀庆!&&&&It's the classic novel, complete with Victorian theme, in a modern matching extravaganza!10. 911查询·英语单词10. 也就是说,龙腾世纪:起源-觉醒命中3月16日,一个星期前质量效应2的Firewalker包。&&&&To wit, Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening hit March 16, a week before Mass Effect 2's Firewalker pack.11. 旅游方面,承担着全县旅游景点的管理,旅游业务指导,旅游市场开发等工作,同时,去年依托龙腾旅游开发中心并作为开发业主,对石龙景区进行了初步建设,并带动了我县旅游业的整体发展,全县主要景点有:古石龙、月爱寺、广济宫、圣井岗、吕祖墓、紫山、九龙湖等。&&&&&&Tourism, the county to assume the management of tourist attractions, tourism guide, tourism, market development, etc.12. 十分有意思的是,与回龙观文化社区相邻的几个商品房项目,龙腾园的起价2680元/平方米、龙泽苑均价3000元/平方米??比经济适用房的价位还低。&&&&&&Very interesting, and inspected several cultural communities adjacent commercial housing projects, Dragon Park charges 2, 680 yuan/m2, Longzeyuan fold 3, 000 yuan/m2-than the price of housing also low.13. 为了纪念我们在内测这段时间内的合作,我们将在10月8日举办龙腾军团阅兵仪式和内测纪念大型晚会。&&&&&&To commemorate this time, we Neice cooperation, we will be held October 8 Dragon Corps Memorial Neice large-scale military parade and party.14. 曾通常认为,部队的生活龙腾虎跃,战士们的心灵则如阳光映照下的小溪,澄彻、明朗。&&&&&&They revealed the complexity and richness of the military life, and their way of narration is traditional.15. 15. 杭州富阳龙腾机械电器有限公司位于风景秀丽的浙江?富阳沿江公路东洲街道华墅村口,环境优美,交通便利。&&&&&&Located in the scenic highway along the Yangtze River in Fuyang, Zhejiang Dongzhou village streets Shu-hua, a beautiful environment, convenient transportation.16. 详细论述了龙腾C2 Cache的实现和优化。&&&&&&The implementation and optimization of the Cache are discussed in detail.17. 在设计《龙腾世纪:起源》的同时,我们试图创造一个有其历史渊源和真实世界。&&&&&&We designed Dragon Age: Origins with the goal of creating of a world with weight and history.18. 首先让我们先为我们能够相约在龙腾热烈的鼓掌。&&&&&&First, let us first for us to Meet at the Dragon warm applause.19. 龙腾的意思19. 目的:龙腾胶囊的有效提取物在炎症动物模型水平的抗炎和抑制免疫反应的作用。&&&&&&AIM: To study the therapeutic effects of the effective extractive of Longteng Capsule on inflammation and immune reaction in rats.20. 锅炉电厂近年来,公司先后参与了国内外近200家电厂电站的建设,包括深圳妈湾电厂、大亚湾核电站、岭澳核电站、内蒙古达拉特旗电厂、山西王曲电厂、浙江嘉兴电厂、浙江北仑电厂、湖北阳逻电厂、江苏常州电厂、江苏利港电厂、江苏沙州电厂、苏太仓电厂、山东邹县电厂、山东黄岛电厂、浙江玉环电厂、广东台山电厂、浙江宁海电厂、广东汕头电厂、广东汕尾电厂、天津盘山电厂、内蒙古托克托电厂、内蒙古上都电厂、内蒙古岱海电厂、云南滇东电厂、河南首阳山电厂、广东潮州电厂、河北黄骅电厂、陕西锦界电厂、福建可门电厂、内蒙古京隆电厂、贵州盘南电厂、华能环球电厂、华兴电厂、电门电厂、漕泾电厂、鹤岗电厂、西北坡电厂、金竹山电厂、鸭溪电厂、镇江高资电厂、岳阳电厂、石洞口电厂、阜新电厂、龙腾电厂、费县电厂、宜都电厂、乌沙电厂、池州电厂、钦州电厂、郑州禹州电厂、湖南益阳电厂、七台河电厂、来宾电厂、山东鲁能电厂、辽宁双辽电厂、武汉青山电厂、广东珠江电厂、厦门嵩屿电厂、安徽田家庵电厂、井冈山电厂、莱城电厂、徐塘电厂、里彦电厂、济宁电厂、纳雍电厂、江西分宜电厂、贵州纳雍电厂、甘肃酒钢电厂、山东淄博南定电厂、白杨河电厂、山西古交电厂、辽宁抚顺电厂、渝林电厂、鄂尔多斯电厂&&&&&&In recent years, there are more than 200 power stations we supplied assemblies for. And our company is the first one to supply for Wind Power Generate Electricity ----Green Energy Project. There are some projects as follow:Shenzhen Mawan Electric P Neimenggu Dalate Banner Electric P Neimenggu Tuoketuo Electric P Shanxi Wangqu Electric P Ningbo Beilun Harbor Electric P Tianjin Yangliuqing Electric P Guangxi Laibin Electric P Neimeng Datang Tuoketuo Electric P Shandong Luneng ElectricP Liaoning Shuangliao Electric P Wuhan Qingshan Electric P Guangdong Zhuhan Electric P Guangdong Shantou Electric P Qitaihe Electric P Laibin Electric P Tianjin Panshan Electric P Zhengzhou Yuzhou Electric P Hunan Yiyang Electric P Jiangxi Fenyi ElectricP Guizhou Nayong Electric P Gansu Jiugang Electric P Shandong Zibo Nanding Electric P Baiyanhe Electric P Malaysia Kuching Electric P Shanxi Gujiao Electric P Liaoning Fushun Electric P Yulin Electric P E`erduosi Electric P Xinhua Electric P HejinElectric P India Electric P Vietnam Gaoan Electric P Jiangsu Changshu Electric P Wuhan Yangluo Electric P Xiamen Songyu Electric P Qinghuangdao Electric P Anhui Tianjiaan Electric P Pakistan Electric P Indonesia Electric P Wujing Electric P JinggangshanElectric P Laicheng Electric P Xutang Electric P Liyan Electric P Jining Electric P Nayong Electric P Jiaxiing Electric P Taicang Electric P Taishan Electric P Ninhai Electric P Dingzhou Electric P Hebei Shachenzi Electric P Henan Sanmen Electric龙腾是什么意思,龙腾在线翻译,龙腾什么意思,龙腾的意思,龙腾的翻译,龙腾的解释,龙腾的发音,龙腾的同义词,龙腾的反义词,龙腾的例句,龙腾的相关词组,龙腾意思是什么,龙腾怎么翻译,单词龙腾是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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