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stay in the country
bengbuwins the&&female&&war&&tracing&&the&&kneeling&&,juicy couture purses,let&&her&&heart&&to&&choose to stay&&home&&.-&&father&&,mother&&tears&&away&&in a large number of&&readers and users&&of&&heat and&&sound,&&xiao hui&&hui&&parents&&in&&20 also&&came to huaiyuan again&&.
on the afternoon of the same day&&,they went to the&&hui hui&&school&&to find her&&,which know&&hui hui&&see&&parents,& & and&&kneel down&&,i don&&younger siblings&&,grow up i&&will&&honor&&you&&.the&&kneeling&&,let&&mother&&ms.
zhang&&heart&&in pain&&.yesterday&&morning,&&she&&once again came to the&&foster&&home&&,but&&hui hui&&to leave&&,she only&&tears&&left&&,back to shanghai&&.journalist zhang huowang&&wang xudong wen&&hui hui&&said&&,brother is too young&&to&&stay and take care&&of her&&20 days afternoon&&,ms.
zhang&&hui hui& & and&&husband&&,arrived in&&huaiyuan county&&,too late to&&stop for a minute&&,then&&rushed to the&&hui hui&&school&&shuangqiao town&¢er&&primary school&&.during the break&&,ms. zhang and&&her husband&&came to the classroom&&,see&&parents&&,hui hui&&attitude&&was not very&&enthusiastic&&,simply&&say hello&&:mom and dad&&,you come&&.
in order not to&&affect the&&students&&,then&&,ms. zhang&&hui hui&&to&&get in the car&&,said this&&,is&&to take her away,&&back to&&shanghai to accept the&&good&&education&&,juicy couture sunglasses,parents&&hope that she will&&succeed&&.
&&only you have&&better&&future in order to better&&returns&&,father&&,your&&work&&,your salary,&&as well as&&part of your property&&,your&&father&&all the&&gift&&,we would not interfere&&,it is your freedom&&.
conversely&&,if&&you&&stay in the country,&&what do you&&your&&father&&?but let&&a&&woman&&and her husband,&&the unexpected&&is&&,hui hui&&did not make any&&thought&&,suddenly&&in a car,&&kneeling&&in front of them&&.
hui hui&&said&&:little brother,sunglasses hut,&&i want to stay here to&&take care of his younger brother&&.i can&&go with you&&,when i grow up&&,i&&go to&&honor&&you&&.look at&&his own daughter&&to kneel&&in front of their own&&,the&&to this&&have been&&adopted&&daughter heart&&guilty&&of&&ms.
zhang&&,aching&&seem to&&tear&&,she told reporters that&&,at that moment,&&a broken heart&&.but&&ms. zhang still&&did not&&give up&&hope&&,her&&commitment&&to&&her daughter&&,brother and sister&&go to shanghai together&&with&&her&&younger brother and sister&&,responsible for&&a good&&life and education&&.
but&&this idea of hers&&,and can not get the&&adoptive father& & .yesterday morning&&,mother of&&ms. zhang&&tears&&back to shanghai&&20 in the evening,&&reporters once again&&came to bengbu&&,and&&she&&made contact&&,and in huaiyuan county&&of yu&&hotel&&.
the&&country has more than one hundred thousand&&readers and users&&concern in the&&hui hui&&selection&&,and&&nine&&opinion&&is supported by&&hui hui&&back to shanghai to study&&,would grow up to&&become&&father&&after the&&return&&,the mood&&is very&&depressed&&ms.
zhang&&seems to see the&&hope&&.her&&appointment&&with&&the reporter&&,the very next day&&go together to&&visit&&hui hui&&,and&&about&&yesterday morning 9 when&&starting&&.but&&yesterday at six&&points&&,a&&woman&&can scarcely wait&&alone&&leave&&.
see&&hui hui&&,she said&&,the whole nation has 90%&&readers&&support&&hui hui&&to shanghai&&,hope&&hui&&hui&&went with her&&.she argued&&for a long time&&,but&&hui hui&&still&&adhere to their own ideas&&.
helpless,&&ms. zhang&&only&&tears&&left&&.before leaving,&&she&&slipped&&hui hui&&600 yuan of money&&,to&&hui hui&&for&&telephone charges&&,if which day&&to her mother,&&give me a call&&,i&&always come and pick you&&,juicy couture outlet,shanghai&&will&&have&&another one of your&&family&&.
&&i&&go back to shanghai&&.yesterday morning 10 when make&&,ms. zhang&&dialed&&calls from reporters&&,she explains&&,just&&so&&early in the morning&&to see&&her daughter&&alone&&,because of&&can&&.since the daughter&&after leaving shanghai,&&she&&always&&insomnia&&,sometimes&&rely on&&large dose of&&sleeping pills to fall asleep&&.
but&&ms zhang&&said&&,and after a period of time&&,let the daughter&&to think calmly&&,and&&her&&opinion&&,if&&she insists on&&leaving&&,will consider to give&&at her local&&buying a house&&,then&&hire a nanny&&to take care of her&&life&&.
the local people&&,support the&&hui hui&&to study in shanghai&&in addition to&&many enthusiastic&&readers and users&&have been concerned about the&&hui hui&&choice&&,in&&shuangqiao town&&local&&,shanghai&&billionaire&&and&&the&&poor&&peasants&&for the&&adopted daughter&&of events,&&also became&&the&&talk of the&&people&&at one&&.
nine into&&the reader&&support&&hui hui&&to shanghai&&,and&&a reporter on a local&&interview,&&almost all the villagers&&are encouraged&&to&&study in shanghai&&hui hui&&,hui hui&&school&&teachers&&and teacher&&guo said the teacher&&,they also do&&a lot of&&work&&to mobilize&&hui hui&&,she follows the&&mother&&leave together&&,after all,&&a rural teaching&&conditions&&and the field of vision,&&and shanghai&&compared to,&&simply can not&&put together a more&&.
at noon yesterday&&,reporters once again came to the&&hui hui& & father li chang&&cui&&family&&,told&&reporters&&,in no time,&&the door&&will&&gather&&a lot of&&adjacent village&&,everybody&&all sorts of gossip&&to tell&&reporter&&,hui hui& & early in the morning came&&,all joined&&together&&to shanghai&&to persuade&&hui hui&&hui hui&&,but&&does not agree with the&&.
&&this child&&is not sensible,&&was brought up in the future&&will certainly&®ret&&.neighbor&&uncle li&&said&&.&&i said&&never&®ret&&.one side of the&&hui hui&&said&&immediately&&interface&&.because of his mother& & hui hui&&didn&&school&&,her&&mother&&suddenly&&forced&&him away&&.
in the&&press that&&his mother&&has gone back to&&shanghai,&&hui hui&&said&&the very next day&&will go to school&&.hui hui&&would not&&excessive&&expression&&,in li chang&&cui& & living room&&,full of&&hui hui&&and&&sister&&lee&&new&&awards&&,two&&people in the school&&achievement and&&performance&&are very good&&.
dialogue&&parties&&:mother:&&what&&?reporter&&:you&&on&&hui hui&&today&&choose&&surprised&&?miss zhang:&&very surprised&&,i did not think she would&&make this decision&&,i&&to take her back to&&school&&,the school&&is a&&boarding&&school&&,in&&addition to learning&&and cultural knowledge&&,but also&&to learn music&&and the arts,&&you can get a very good&&education&&,only a year& & tuition is&&paid&&more than 6&&.
while in&&shuangqiao town&¢er&&primary school&&,children&&,three people&&in a position&&.never thought that she&&would give up&&shanghai&&.reporter&&:to&&deal with such a matter,&&you think you have&&what place&&of practice is inappropriate&&?zhang&&:i may be&&a&&little&&impatient&&,how could i&&be&&?i hate&&all of a sudden&&she&&previously&&missing&&are&&back&&,so in shanghai&&,replica louis vuitton,not only learning&&to give her&&to create the best&&environment&&,said&&to eat&&,my house downstairs&&in the trash&&,are&&parcels of food and&&chocolate&&,but she&&could not finish eating&&after a period of&&.
but&&i,&&as a mother&&,i am&&so&&wrong&&in where&&?father&&:my pressure&&to bear&&the reporter&&:now&&hui hui&&chose&&to stay with you&&,you should&&feel happy&&?li chang&&cui:&&now i really&&happy,&&too much pressure&&.
i also&&watch&&your&&news&&,almost everyone&&comments made&&hui hui&&to shanghai&&,if&¬ go to shanghai&&,will&&miss&&her future&&.this virtually,&&hui hui&&to stay&&,i&&,i really can not afford&&such a&&social comment&&.
in addition&&,i heard&&the&&two days&&all over the reporter&&to&&interview me&&,i was also&&afraid&&,afraid&&of what&&one&&is&&,will affect my&&feelings&&and&&hui hui&&biological parents&&,moncler coats,two is&&afraid of&&hui hui&&normal learning&&and life&&interference&&,so please&&help me&&in the newspaper to&&say&&,let reporters&&do not come back&&,thank&&them&&.
reporter&&:you&&think&&hui hui&&to remain in rural areas,&&will affect&&her future&&,now you&&see how?&&li chang choi&&: and i&&figured,&&also agree with&&your views,&&despite the&&deep feelings,&&i&&decided to let go&&,also&&advised her&&to go to shanghai&&.
but now&&she&&agreed to&&go&&,stay,&&i will&&as usual,&&take care of her&&.one day&&she is willing to&&leave,&&and i am glad&&.hui hui&&:love&&in the desert&&run free&&reporter:&&you finally&&choose&&to&&stay,&&is reluctant to leave&&thirteen years&&to raise your&&father&&?hui hui&&:yes&&,i also&&like&&brother and&&sister together&&.
brother&&a few months old&&,her mother&&left&&,i&&hold him&&in&&,i can not do without him&&.every day he&&is behind me&&,call me sister&&,i am very happy&&.reporter: in addition to&&this,&&you give up&&the big&&shanghai so&&advantageous condition&&,there are other factors&&?hui hui&&:in shanghai,&&every day at home,&&even those who do not speak&&,can the nest&&in the house&&.
while&&in the home,&&border&&is&&open&&,have&&friends&&,i&&like&&with them in the&&wilderness of&&running free&&.to share:&&welcome to comment i want to comment&µ-blog&&recommended& & today&µ-blog
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