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Xbox Live ??The best free games on the Xbox One
on August 8, 2016 at 9:32 am
Considering how much money is being generated by mobile games like Clash Royale and Pokémon Go, it’s no surprise that free-to-play games have begun to proliferate on consoles. While we’ve all done our fair share of groaning about the nickel-and-diming that’s so common on the App Store and Google Play, there’s a lot to like about the free-to-play model when handled properly.The PC has F2P games like Dota 2 and League of Legends, and they’re some of the most popular games in existence. Clearly, this is more than just a passing fad, and console devs are dying to get in on some of that sweet micro-transaction cash. So let’s jump in, and explore what the free-to-play model has to offer the average Xbox One owner.
I’d buy that for a dollarWhile console gamers have grown accustomed to dropping $60 (or more) for a game, it’s fantastic to see more variety in the market. Just like a $60 price tag may not fit a small-scale indie game, the free-to-play model isn’t one-size-fits-all either. F2P is here to stay, but not at the expense of other business models — only in conjunction. Poorly executed free-to-play games can easily leave a bad taste in your mouth, but don’t dismiss the entire concept. After all, we’ve seen numerous free-to-play games
garner massive critical acclaim, and the concept is still relatively new on consoles. Give these games a chance, and you might just find a game that you really love.
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