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【dream scape 梦境逃离】 图文攻略 感谢加亮 哈哈
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相信大家都以上手这一款虚幻引擎的大作 可惜没有中文 而这一游戏却恰恰需要对话来得到情节的发展 所以e文差的同志就很头疼了 接下来我来问大家奉上图文攻略。
开头的动画过场,是一段医院的画面,一张病床另外, 我们可以听到一段男医生和女护士的对话,大意是这个叫wilson在床上躺了十年的男人快不行了,没有家人朋友老婆任何可以联系的人,他的大脑已经不活动了,随之我们就进入了主人公的梦境,来到他童年和青年呆的地方,体会他的快乐痛苦,解开谜底。
一开始我们见到的是一个稻草人,告诉你不要害怕,去寻找真相之类的话。听完后你就开始你的游戏了 。你手中拿到了一本日记本,是的,就是你的日记本,记录了你的过往喜怒哀乐,但是现在是无字天书 ,需要你去解锁发生的故事,第一页是整个游戏的地图。接下来我们分章节讲解(也就是按日记本上每一页的标题)。
Chapter 1: the old cabin;
从地里出来后右转,我们就发现了一栋cabin,小木屋,走近之后发现门是锁的,然后触发剧情:一个女人的声音Young Amelia: “Promise me there will always be a safe place. Promise me we’ll always be together…”
于是我们就可以进屋了,然后那个女人的声音又传出来Young Amelia: “Someday you can fly me away from this place, Wilson. You can fly me away to the Big City in your very own airplane…”那个女人到底是谁?&&
走进木屋会发现对面巷子上有把榔头,但是现在拿不起来,再往里走,会发现书桌等,走进便触发剧情。走出小木屋 翻开我们的日记,发现第一章故事已经出来了:
We discovered it in the fields between our houses. For me it was the ultimate club-house. For Amelia it was a refuge, a safe place. Amelia’s father never found out about it, and neither did my folks. There, I dreamed of becoming an airplane pilot. Amelia dreamed of going to the Big City and becoming a famous ballet dancer. She made me promise to fly her away someday. It was a promise I was happy to make. I was sure it was only a matter of time. Of course, I was just a child then.
出了小木屋沿着路走到岔路口右转,我们就看到了mr. starcher's barn,谷仓,应该就是小时候常来玩的地方了。
走进去后发现有一个坏的梯子,那个女人声音又出现了 Amelia: “Shh! If old man Starcher hears us he’ll chase us down with a pitchfork. Go on up to the loft. I hid a lantern up there, and some sandwiches…” 提示我们需要修这梯子,屋上面还有三明治。
这个时候我们就要返回去拿之前的榔头了,回到小木屋拿到后回来就可以修好梯子,爬上去走到里面触发剧情。Amelia: “It’s you, Wilson. You’re my first kiss. It was always going to be you, wasn’t it?”
到这里还没结束,别忘了还有三明治没拿,下一关要用到,继续转转,走过一段独木 ,就可以拿到三明治了。
Horace Starcher was a legendary figure in our world. I was terrified of him. Amelia was the only one brave enough to sneak into his barn. She convinced me to come along, and it was one of the best thrills of my life. It wasn’t just that the barn was so huge, or the loft so high. It wasn’t even the danger of defying Horace Starcher. It was the simple delight of sharing an adventure with Amelia. For her, danger was like wine. With her, the barn became a magical place. Maybe that’s why I kissed her
走出谷仓后右转,有个小岔路会发现有条狗挡路,不要害怕,刚才的三明治还在手里呢,就让它去砸狗吧。Amelia: “Aww, Sig looks mean. But just remember, he’s a sucker for a few table scraps…”
Amelia's Father: “Amelia! Where do you think you’re gallivantin’ off to with that farm rat? You get in here this minute, daughter, and fix my dinner!”
Amelia:“He drinks his dinner most nights. But if I don’t cook up something anyway he’ll hide me black and blue…”
日记更新:His name was Lawrence. It always struck me as a fancy- sounding name for such a horrible old drunk. Amelia’s mother had died years earlier, and the old man had never gotten over it. To make up for the loss, he hoarded his daughter to himself, refusing to share her with the world. He tried to crush her spirit so she would never leave him. In their house, love turned into slavery. Amelia loved her father. She loved him just as much as she hated him. I never understood it. Lawrence detested me. I think he knew from the beginning that I was going to take his daughter away from him someday.
Amelia: “Bugs bite pretty awful down by the river. Let’s go find my dad’s bug sprayer!” 提示我们找一下杀虫剂。沿着河道走到桥下发现桥下有独木可以走上去,慢慢沿着独木走(小心走 挺难走的)
Amelia (laughing): “No! Don’t you dare push me into the water, Frank Dodd! I can’t swim! Save me, Wilson!”
Frank Dodd: “Oh, that water’s barely two feet deep. You just like playing the damsel in distress for ol’ Wilson.”
Amelia, me and Frank Dodd spent most of our summers down at the Riverbend. That’s where we all became best friends and grew up together. It was on those long Sundays that we planned our future-- Amelia was going to dance on Broadway and Frank and I would race planes in the regional Air Derbies. Frank had enough confidence for the three of us. Even then, he had the airman good-looks and daring buzz-cut. I wanted to be like him, but some things just have to come naturally.
Frank Dodd: “You can pick the graveyard gate with a length of old coat hanger, Wilson. I stashed some up on the bluff… if you know how to climb…”
进入教堂后先走到阶梯那边可以得到一把qiang 后面会用到,木门打不开的,走到墓地解锁剧情
Amelia: “I know you want to do the ‘honorable thing’, Wilson… but you just can’t ask my father. It’s not that he won’t consent to you marrying me. It’s that he might up and shoot you with his rabbit gun. And me, too, likely as not…”
日记:We’d joked about getting married for as long as I could remember. I never dared to hope she really meant it. I teased her that we could just elope. We could run off to the Big City like she’d always dreamed. All she had to pack was her ballet slippers. She said she’d always wanted to be married at the Hilltop Church. I determined to make her hope a reality...
Frank Dodd: “Like Reverend Grant always says, Wilson: some creatures only speak the language of the gunshot…”
刚才教堂拿的qiang 就派上用场了,吓走秃鹫后过桥就到了小镇的繁华地带了,首先去右手边第一家加油站边上的小巷里拿到汽油,后面用到,然后走到左手边第一家礼服店,触发剧情
Amelia: “So what if it’s bad luck? I don’t have any mother to show my wedding dress to. It’s mostly for you, anyway, isn’t it? Oh, let’s do something nice on the last day before we’re married. Let’s have a picnic up at our old place in Mr. Starcher’s barn. I’ll bring the lantern, but this time you bring the picnic basket…”
日记:Everything seemed to happen at once. Frank's dad was an important man in nearby Bastion Falls. He used his pull to get both Frank and I jobs at the local airfield. Frank was a natural-born pilot. I didn't have the money to get flight certified, so in the meantime I worked as a hangar mechanic, fixing up the crop-dusters and Frank's derby planes. Life was good, and I was feeling confident. I asked Amelia to marry me, and she said yes. She told her father that evening, expecting a fight. Strangely, Lawrence didn't say anything at all. He just went out to the field to work. We counted ourselves lucky. I should've known better.
Amelia: “I like that you’re a mechanic, Wilson. There’s just something about a man who knows his way around a garage…”
Frank Dodd: “She’s my friend too, Wilson. We grew up together, didn’t we? You have to face the facts: Amelia is flighty as a bird. She’ll never settle down for long. If you can’t sweep her away to ‘the Big City’, she’ll go along with the first guy that can! She’s gonna break your heart, Wil. I’m friend enough to tell you. End it while you still can…”
日记:Frank always knew there was something between Amelia and I. He sensed it was serious even before we did, and liked to joke about it. Even when Amelia and I dated other people from town, he would insist we were just fooling ourselves. But he didn't approve. Privately, he warned me that Amelia would never settle for a quiet life in Bastion Falls. She was destined for the city, for a ballet dancing career and endless strings of adoring boyfriends. Even when she agreed to marry me, Frank warned me to call it off. I was unfazed by his doubts. After all, I’d get my own pilot’s license soon. Then I would keep my promise to Amelia. I would fly her away with me to the Big City.
Reverend Grant: “I’m sorry, my son. You aren’t the first young man to be left at the altar and you won’t be the last. It isn’t your fault. It just wasn’t meant to be…”
Amelia's Father: “I told ya she’d never marry the likes of you. She up and left ya, didn’t she? She up and left us all, forever, and it’s all your fault. None of this would have happened if not for you!”
日记:I never saw her again. I never heard from her. I never knew where she ended up. Or if she was happy. I always expected she would come back someday. My last memory of her is of that last picnic in Mr. Starcher’s barn, the night before…
Amelia: “That… it’s from Frank. He called me the other day from the hangar. He wanted me to… Wilson, I’m just not sure he should even be at the wedding. What if he does something stupid? You know how brash he can be… I only ever dated him once. He took me out on the lake in that old rowboat of his… thought if I was his captive audience he could work his charms on me. He’s sweet… but he’s just so impulsive…”
Frank Dodd (through the office door): “I saw you and him at the dress shop… Amelia, you can’t go through with it. Yes, we do need to talk about it, but not on the telephone. I know tomorrow is the day of your wedding, but you can still meet me tonight, can’t you? For old time’s sake? All right. Meet me at our special spot… where we had our first date…”
恩 高潮要来了 哈哈
总的来说,这就是一对青梅竹马从小两小无猜,旁边却呆了一个定时zha dan 的朋友。就快结婚的时候朋友把老婆叫走表白,我得不到谁都别想得到然后殉情。狗血的剧情啊
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哈哈 支持楼主 我不算插楼吧。貌似一开始的稻草人就是被害的女猪脚 。
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不了个是吧 还能绕过去
我去试试 ?
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总算写完了 累死啊
感谢加亮 啊哈哈
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Powered by Discuz![转]戚顾:我导了一出千里追杀,却求来个终生难忘
求了一个终生难忘(上)我叫顾惜朝惜朝,惜朝,惜取朝朝我仰知天文 俯察地理 中晓仁和 明阴阳 懂八卦 知奇门 晓盾甲可以 运筹帷幄之中 决胜千里之外可惜, 心比天高,命比纸薄。终于,我明白了,我----顾惜朝,是注定不会流芳百世的。哼,我命由我,不由天!抹杀沧桑天理公道,何惧?一将功 成万骨枯, 何错?乾坤六道,从今以后,我便入它----修罗道!棋亭一夜,惜朝永生难忘。可惜,它却晚了。对的人,出现在错的时间,终究只能是一场悲剧&&&&&&我已是&玉面修罗&不信侠,不信义,信不了他了。但我却又想惜取这份 知音情既然不能与他携手江湖,那就与他血雨腥风更绝烈的方式,让我们刻骨铭心我不要那一夜只是他闲暇时打发时间的回忆,我也不要自己只是他回忆中偶尔出现的人,我要的是一辈子!千里追杀,唇语相激,欲捉又放我屠城,逼他跳崖,杀他兄弟,却又见不得他人对他落井下石。我杀他的的心是真的,我想那种痛会让我们记一辈子。却终是下不了手,而他对我似乎也狠不下心。我们之间,又爱又恨了剪不断理还乱这是我种的因,我要的果。皇城一役,我一败涂地。我跪倒在地,任逆水寒架在我的颈项我抬头深深的望进他的眼里四目相交,我知道,他懂的。嘴角轻扬,给了他一个风情万种的笑,转身离开。我用一转身离开的你我用一辈子来忘记于你亦然,呵呵&&&&&&(下)我是&九现神龙&戚少商天下狭义有千金,我戚少商独挑八百在那天之前,我以为自己会携武林第一美女,笑傲江湖,快意恩仇。然而,那天之后,我的世界只剩下了一抹青,且永不超生。棋亭一夜,少商刻骨铭心。逆水寒低鸣示警,我置之不理。眼里心里只有青影浮动。琴音绕梁,我拔剑起舞,恍如梦境。我给他一片天空,邀他携手江湖,他回我一笑,很美,却如落日残阳般心痛。生杀大帐,一刀入腹。看着他狠得发亮的眼睛,我知道了他的选择你想要的,我就给你是修罗,我便从此成魔!他追杀,我就逃我舍了侠,舍了义,牺牲兄弟,成全他的爱恨纠葛我真的很恨他,恨他得狠,恨他的绝,更恨他的不信任。但我却也爱他,是的,我爱顾惜朝爱他的才,爱他的痴,爱他的狂。孽缘?我不管我是一介草莽,爱得直接,只管兵来将挡,水来土掩。当初对红 泪,也是如此。但他却是惊才绝艳又历经沧桑磨难的书生,心比天高。百转千回,最终他用千万人的血,筑一个修罗场来祭奠我们的情。我懂。如果这样能让他安心,让他觉得抓得住,我成全,我配合。惜朝,你导的戏,我将倾注我的全部&&&&&&皇城一役,他败了。我知道他导的戏曲要曲终人散了。最后那一眼,我看见了满足与了然那倾城一笑,如和煦春风般温暖在他转身离开的那一刻我也笑了惜朝啊,惜朝,这样你就满足了?却忘记了我已是贪婪的魔。你的戏落幕了,那便换我来添酒回灯重开宴,求个生死相随!
文明办网文明上网举报***: 举报邮箱:&&&&&&&&&&&&