使命召唤14fastfile4序章错误fastfile f...

使命召唤是需要免CD补丁才能玩的 你不是没装免CD补丁就是装完了没调试 你装完游戏后应该提醒你***免CD补丁的 如果你装了免CD补丁 你的左面上是不是除了使命召唤的快洁图标以外还有一个白色的圆形的中间有个像闪电标志的图标 如果没有 你在看看你的***盘上面是不是除了游戏的***文件夹还有一个***文件 免CD补丁有点麻烦 而且不是装完就可以直接玩的 还要调挺繁琐的设置才能开始游戏
----- Initializing Renderer --------- Client Initialization Complete -----Attempting 22 kHz 16 bit [Windows default] soundERROR: Couldn't initialize digital driver: DirectSoundCreate() failed in get_system_speaker_configuration()Error during initialization:Miles sound system initialization failed.Make sure you have your sound card's latest drivers and DirectX installed.
----- Initializing Renderer --------- Client Initialization Complete -----Attempting 22 kHz 16 bit [Windows default] soundERROR: Couldn't initialize digital driver: DirectSoundCreate() failed in get_system_speaker_configuration()Error during initialization:Miles sound system initialization failed.Make sure you have your sound card's latest drivers and DirectX installed. 我***左但系玩5到.边个帮帮我?区域“普通”出现损坏或无法读取fastfile 求解决TAT【使命召唤4吧】_百度贴吧
区域“普通”出现损坏或无法读取fastfile 求解决TAT
pting 22 kHz 16 bit [Windows default] sound----- R_Init -----Getting Direct3D 9 interface...Pixel shader version is 3.0Vertex shader version is 3.0Shader model 2.0 code path is available.Shader model 3.0 code path is available.Using Shader model 3.0 code path because it is the best available path on this hardware.Attempting 640 x 480 fullscreen with 32 bpp at 60 hzGame window successfully created.Creating Direct3D device...Com_TouchMemory: 0 msec. Using sum: 0Loading fastfile code_post_gfxLoading fastfile uiLoading fastfile commonInitializing render targets...Requested frame buffer to be 24-bit color with 8-bit alphaDirectX returned a frame buffer that is 24-bit color with 8-bit alphaInitializing static model cache...Initializing dynamic buffers...Initializing particle cloud buffer...Creating Direct3D queries...Setting initial state...Loaded zone 'code_post_gfx'DirectX reports 512 MB of video memory and 1222 MB of available texture memory.Using video memory size to cap used texture memory at 496 MB.Texture detail is set automatically.Using picmip 0 on most textures, 0 on normal maps, and 0 on specular maps------- sound system initialization -------------- sound system successfully initialized -------end $init 2214 ms--- Common Initialization Complete ---Waited 54 msec for asset 'ui/menus.txt' of type 'menufile'.Loaded zone 'ui'Working directory: G:\Call of Duty 4 - Modern WarfareFastfile for zone 'common' appears corrupt or unreadable (code 107.)


