为什么英雄无敌2 亡灵族6中亡灵(墓园)族没有一...

发表: 11:16:27来源:99游戏编辑:
由Black Hole研发,育碧代理发行的《之6》讲诉的一个英雄之家刺激、史诗般的故事。
异星探险家是以太空探索玩法为主要内容的一款沙盒游戏,是由System Era Softworks开发制作完成。游戏中玩家将驾驶飞船深入太空探索冒险。· · · · · · · · · · · ·
> 骷髅矛手
作者: 责任编辑:董斌 【转载】
  3~5 物理攻击 4~7
  4 物理防御 6
  3 魔法防御 5
  19 生命血量 24
  20 出手速度 25
  4 移动距离 4
  5% 初始幸运 6%
  0% 初始士气 0%
  half 攻击距离 half
  09 初始产量 14
  骷髅兵仅仅是被亡灵巫师的意志驱动着腐烂的身驱的死者。盲目的服从,无视饥渴,不会害怕也不会怀疑,被认为是优秀的仆人。骸骨投手(Bone Guard)是骷髅的升级形态。
评分: 好玩
评分: 好玩
评分: 好玩
经典休闲小游戏& 英雄无敌六种族资料----墓园亡灵
查看: 47503|回复: 77
什长 三尖***
UID4781137主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分128金钱628 荣誉5 人气1 在线时间0 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 128, 距离下一级还需 72 积分
帖子精华0积分128金钱628 荣誉5 人气1 评议0
09:58:27 上传
Associatedcolours: black, white and fluorescent (toxic) green
Symbols:theDeath Spider,The number 8: vertical (Asha the master of Time - hourglass)
or horizontal (Asha the master of Space -infinity)
Worship:Necromancers worship Asha, the Primordial Dragon of Order in a twisted versionof her &Death& aspect.
Corephilosophy: “Embrace the Void. Enlightenment can be found only after thepassions of the flesh have been stripped away. Time is our ally, for all thingsthat live will someday
die…&Morbid fascinationfor death and fanatic devotion to the cause.
核心哲学:“拥抱空虚。剥去肉体的激情之后才可获得启迪。时间是我们的同盟,世上活着的所有东西总有一天会死的……”病态的迷恋死亡并偏执的投入其中。(KOMM,SUSSER TOD。。)
Country/ kingdom: The Silver cities
Capitalcity: None at the time of Heroes 6
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The recent events
Necropolis is at the beginning of their rise to power, and power they have. They are currently fighting for emancipation and acceptance from their brethren the Wizards of the Seven Cities. They do not seek to convert all the nations of Ashan to their morbid belief, nor to kill them all and raise them as undead, but rather to have a dominant place in the world as protectors of the equilibrium between the worlds of life and death. They see the upcoming Demon Invasion as an opportunity to sanctify their religious order and justify its existence to the other factions of Ashan.
Necropolis warfare : “A dead enemy is a good ally”
Necropolis troops are mainly composed of “puppet” undead units like skeletons and ghouls, controlled by necromancers, but also of more powerful entities like vampires and liches. They are slow but literally unstoppable, for killing what is already dead is not an easy matter and will often take time. Time that Necropolis will conscientiously exploit to slowly erode the body and dominate the spirit of their enemy.
Military strengths
Magics which can weaken and despair the enemy, units which have no notion of what fatigue and low morale actually are.
Military weaknesses
Limited mobility, slow troops, few support abilities.
“Lifeis change, chaos, filth and suffering. Death is peace, order, everlastingbeauty.”
生命无常,充斥着混乱、污秽与痛苦。死亡意味着宁静、秩序及永恒之美(这句话也就是英雄世界的题首,所以里面都是些什么人- -)
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Skeletons are nothing more than dead, decaying bodies animated by the will of a Necromancer. Combining blind loyalty, indifference to hunger and thirst, and a lack of any sense of fear or doubt, the Skeleton is considered to be an excellent servant.
骷髅兵仅仅是被亡灵巫师的意志驱动着腐烂的身驱的死者。盲目的服从,无视饥渴,不会害怕也不会怀疑,被认为是优秀的仆人。骸骨投手(Bone Guard)是骷髅的升级形态。 (他是远程兵,不升级也是远程兵,看来骷髅万年远程匮乏的问题终于得到重视了----喵的恶魔也远程贫乏啊!)
Hollow Bones (Basic & Upgrade): &Fools! Don't aim for their hearts! They don't have any!& Captain Gregor's legendary last order to his crossbowmen was immortalized by the only marksman to escape the encounter with unliving denizens of a tomb. The survivor recounted the incident to mad Emperor Laegaire himself, who was reportedly so upset not to have recovered the legendary bottomless flask of wine, that he appointed a goat to lead his armies that very same day. His reasoning was that a goat is better equipped to break bones than a band of bolt shooters.
Webbing Spears (Upgrade): The necromantic power used to animate the Skeletal Spearman is tremendous and has an extraordinary side effect. In the immediate area around the Spearman, all bones of any creature great and small that has fallen over the centuries, rise and form a sort of splintery and crackling garden that slows movement and commands respect.
骨矛之网(升级):操控骸骨投手的亡灵魔力极为庞大,引发了一种附加效果。在骸骨投手身边,数百年来死去的所有大小生物的骨头都会复生,组成一座充满着易碎的骨头的花园,降低行进速度。 (第一个技能参照H4骷髅兵的技能,第二个就是视频中的减速网,总体上说就是把H5里面矮人投矛兵的招式给学了过来,但是这可是大头骷髅兵啊,有了这么强悍的技能。)
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Ghouls are ravenous spirits of the dead, bound by magic in lifeless corpses. Ghouls are tormented beings, filled with hatred for the living. Powerful Necromancers can control them, but otherwise they are wild and destructive.
Transformation into a ghoul is used as the ultimate punishment in Heresh, and is a means of permanently removing a soul from the cycle of death and transformation. Ghouls feed on corpses and often carry diseases in their blood and saliva.
被转变成食尸鬼是赫莱士最极端的惩罚,这意味着将灵魂永久的从生死轮回中排除。食尸鬼以尸体为食,它们的血液和唾液中经常附带着疾病。墓地食尸鬼(Grave Ghoul)是食尸鬼的升级形态。 (各种僵尸游戏把僵尸杀的差不多了,就剩下食尸鬼了,别怨BH)
Dead Flesh (Basic & Upgrade): &This meat is as tough as ghoul's skin.& A famous line from a Naga comic play, recounting the story of a resourceful swordsmith's wife who during a famine feeds her husband leather armor for dinner, illustrates the principle characteristic of the ghoul. Both its flesh and skin are hardenened and tough and serve it as a natural armor that is extremely resistant to all forms of physical attack.
Rage Against the Living (Upgrade): &Unleash the ravenous ghoul, his hunger will lead us to the thief.& The guardian of treasure in Nar Heresh, Baron Deathlock, kept ravenous ghouls near the sect's greatest treasures as watchdogs. Their heightened senses, driven by an insatiable hunger for living flesh, discouraged not only thieves, but rats and curious crows. When they catch the scent of a living creature they are possessed by the odor and move visibly faster, gaining both strength and a raging fury in preparation of a feast.
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Upon their death, the children of the Dragon Gods rise as spirits to the moon, to pass into eternity under the guiding hand of Asha. However, traumatic events can cause the creation of a Ghost, a spirit bound to the material world by a powerful, negative emotion.
By performing a specific ritual, Necromancers can convert Ghosts into loyal servants, under their absolute control.
亡灵巫师可以通过特殊的仪式将幽灵转换为绝对忠诚的仆人。怨灵(Spectre)是幽魂的升级形态。 (一个问题,大家都挂了,为什么只有女的变成幽灵了)
Incorporeal (Basic): Ghosts are present both in the Spirit World and Ashan simultaneously, but never completely on either. This allows them to move through walls and trees without hindrance and when attacked physically, a part of the damage is lost to thin air. &My sword went right through him... and then it... went right through me!&
虚体(基础):幽灵能同时存在于灵界和亚山世界,但在两边都不完整。这让 他们得以无视树木或是墙壁等障碍物随意穿行,而当他们遭到物理攻击时,一部分伤害将变得子虚乌有。“我的剑直接刺穿了他 ……接着……竟然又刺穿了我自己!”
Wail of the Netherworld (Basic & Upgrade): Heals undead allies, possibly resurrecting creatures if the stack still exists. Living creatures around the healed target suffer minor damage that adds to the amount healed.
冥府哀嚎(基础及升级):治愈亡灵盟友,若部队仍存活时可能复活其已死去 的单位。 身处被治愈对象周围的生物也将受到微小伤害,这部分伤害也将计入治愈量。
Death Sceal (Upgrade): &It was as if the spectre had marked his soul for harvest.& In the diary of Priestess Jane, she explains the difficulty she had resurrecting soldiers who had been attacked by spectres. She claimed that the spectre had the power to seal its victim's rendez-vous with death, making it extremely difficult to bring them back to life during the heat of a battle.
死亡封印(升级):“这就好像怨灵已经将他的灵魂标上了收割的印记。”在珍妮女祭司的日记中,她阐述了想要复活被怨灵袭击过的战士有多么困难。 她指出怨灵拥有对死者进行死亡封印的能力,让战场 上的复活变得极为困难。
Immaterial (Upgrade): &Of all the children of Ashan, it's their dead I hate the most! I smashed that spectre seven times, before it finally gave up its ghost.& The Arch-Demon Zol-Moran is said to have been the first to encounter an army of spectres on the battlefield. His legion of Juggernauts was decimated and he swore that the next time he escaped Sheogh, he would bring magic users.
无形(升级):“在亚山所有的造物之中,我最为痛恨的就是那群死鬼!我把一个怨灵足足碾了七次才让他真真正正地见鬼去了。” 大恶魔佐-莫兰据说是第一个在战场上遭遇怨灵大军的将领,他的悍魔军团几乎全军覆没,为此他发誓下次逃离谢尔戈时,一定要带上能施展魔法的人。
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Skeletons are nothing more than dead, decaying bodies animated by the will of a Necromancer. Combining blind loyalty, indifference to hunger and thirst, and a lack of any sense of fear or doubt, the Skeleton is considered to be an excellent servant.
骷髅兵仅仅是被亡灵巫师的意志驱动着腐烂的身驱的死者。盲目的服从,无视饥渴,不会害怕也不会怀疑,被认为是优秀的仆人。骸骨投手(Bone Guard)是骷髅的升级形态。 (他是远程兵,不升级也是远程兵,看来骷髅万年远程匮乏的问题终于得到重视了----喵的恶魔也远程贫乏啊!)
Hollow Bones (Basic & Upgrade): &Fools! Don't aim for their hearts! They don't have any!& Captain Gregor's legendary last order to his crossbowmen was immortalized by the only marksman to escape the encounter with unliving denizens of a tomb. The survivor recounted the incident to mad Emperor Laegaire himself, who was reportedly so upset not to have recovered the legendary bottomless flask of wine, that he appointed a goat to lead his armies that very same day. His reasoning was that a goat is better equipped to break bones than a band of bolt shooters.
Webbing Spears (Upgrade): The necromantic power used to animate the Skeletal Spearman is tremendous and has an extraordinary side effect. In the immediate area around the Spearman, all bones of any creature great and small that has fallen over the centuries, rise and form a sort of splintery and crackling garden that slows movement and commands respect.
骨矛之网(升级):操控骸骨投手的亡灵魔力极为庞大,引发了一种附加效果。在骸骨投手身边,数百年来死去的所有大小生物的骨头都会复生,组成一座充满着易碎的骨头的花园,降低行进速度。 (第一个技能参照H4骷髅兵的技能,第二个就是视频中的减速网,总体上说就是把H5里面矮人投矛兵的招式给学了过来,但是这可是大头骷髅兵啊,有了这么强悍的技能。)
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As they grow in power, Liches may earn the right to be embraced by the Spider Goddess herself to die and be reborn as Akhkharus, or &Vampires&.
They undergo an excruciating ritual but gain a rejuvenated body, cleansed from all defects. Vampires don't need to eat, drink, sleep or breathe anymore as all their organs are &petrified,& and it is not blood, but the sacred spider's venom, that now flows in their veins.
However, they need to drink human blood on a regular basis to thin this venom down, and prevent it from dissolving their body from the inside.
不过它们需要经常饮用人类的血液用来稀释毒液的浓度,防止毒液把它从内部溶化。吸血鬼领主(Vampire Lord)是吸血鬼的升级形态。 (吸食血液来稀释体内的毒液----这个想法是创举啊!我还要说的是,很多人都说这一代的吸血鬼很丑,喜欢过去的吸血鬼----你们是被挤了还是思维混乱。。。过去过于写实的风格让吸血鬼的样子更加犀利啊!要我说,我喜欢过去的吸血鬼的实力。)
Vampiric Embrace (Basic): &They don't just drink blood to heal themselves, they need it to water down the venom flowing in their veins.& When the armies of the Holy Empire first observed vampires fighting beside them during the wars with the Demons of the 2nd Blood Moon Eclipse, they didn't know which of the two was the greater evil. It was the Great Inquisitrice Amanda who first wrote about their powers, reportedly having captured one and put it to the question. &If the Vampire cannot feed, its own blood, a venom of sorts, consumes it from within.
吸血鬼的拥抱(基础):“他们吸食鲜血不但是为了治愈自己,更是为了稀释血管内的毒液。” 第二次血月蚀期间,当神圣帝国的军队在与恶魔的战争中首次见到与他们共同对抗恶魔的吸血鬼时,他们不知道吸血鬼和恶魔谁更加邪恶。第一个记载他们的力量的是大圣裁官阿曼达,据说她曾俘虏过一个吸血鬼并对其进行了拷问,“一旦吸血鬼得不到进食,那他的血液----或者说是一种毒液,将从内部腐蚀他的躯体。”
Out of Time (Basic & Upgrade): &Smash twice. Only sure way to kill it.& These words of advice from a warworn Cyclops are particularly good to remember when fighting a Vampire. When concentrating only on defense, the vampire is capable of entering the Spirit World just long enough to avoid an attack. If one wants to be sure to damage it, one must strike it again before it has time to regain its composure.
Vampiric Grasp (Upgrade): &She stabbed him the belly, and he bit her in the back, the angels healed her everywhere and the Emperor drank to that.& In the tavern song that recounts the epic battle between Amanda and the Vampire Lord Miroul, the Holy Empire's Great Inquisitrice is bitten in a different part of her body with each verse. She keeps stabbing the Vampire in the belly to know apparently no avail. She is finally victorious, but few actually get to that fortieth verse in the song before succombing to the ritual of downing their glass along with the Emperor.
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The Lamasus were a failed experiment by the wizards to create a superior breed of beastmen, by the unnatural fusion of a human being (usually a slave or criminal) and a magical creature (in this particular case, a Manticore). The resulting creature was too unstable and was literally short-lived, but they still proved useful to the Necromancers. The Necromancers rose their dead bodies and infected them with pestilence. The Lamasus function as plague vector, coupled with the creature’s physical might, and its mobility make them perfect front-line troops in the Undead armies.
拉玛苏(拉玛苏是什么----拉玛苏是亚述/巴比伦神话中的人首半狮半牛怪,保卫着亚述人的神庙和宫殿。它们有**,可以飞翔,而且力量很大。与之相应的是舍杜(Shedu),也是人头牛身有**的怪物,同拉玛苏一起保卫着亚述人的寺庙和宫殿。)是法师制造高级兽型人的失败产物,由人类(通常是奴隶或罪犯)和魔法生物(这次是蝎狮)的非自然融合而产生。最终得到的生物过于不稳定因此寿命极短,但对于亡灵巫师却很实用。复生然后让他们染上瘟疫,拉玛苏被当作瘟疫的源头。这些生物身强力壮,机动性高,使他们成为亡灵中完美的前线部队。腐烂拉玛苏(Festering Lamasu)是腐化拉玛苏(Putrid Lamasu)的升级形态。(动态图里面还连肉带骨头!想不想过***了!)
Aura of Putrescence (Basic & Upgrade): &When the blood of manticore and men are mixed, it gives birth to a sickness that kills its host and everything around it.& The wizards of the Seven Cities considered the Lamasu a failed beastman experiment, until a humble embalmer discovered their true potential. They have become one of the most terrifying creatures of the Necromancer armies as walking dead. Their natural disease kills anything that stays too close to it for an extended period of time.
Breath of Vermin (Upgrade): &Wherever the Putrid Lamasu stalks, those who live off the dead stalk with it.& A host of small vermin often accompany the beast, living both within its body and its oily fur. These parasites can be directed into a swarm and used as a weapon against an enemy. Its effects are devastating, and as one naga poet wrote, &...like an ugly gutter cat salting and peppering its next meal.&
Contagion (Upgrade): The Putrid Lamasu carries a strain of a natural disease that is infectious. The only way to rid oneself of the deadly contagion is to sleep, something that is extremely difficult during a full-fledged battle. The discovery of the cure was immortalized by the Sun Crusader, Lord Kilburn, after a legendary victory over the Archlich Mironor. & Praise Elrath, we have won... and now all of you! Find a safe place to take a nap!&
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The Fate Spinner is an avatar of the Spider Goddess, a truly divine reflection of the Death aspect of Asha. She has left the goddess's side to materialize on the surface of Ashan. The Fate Spinner will often be present at the founding of a Necropolis, fortifying the foundations and encouraging its growth. Like the queen of a hive they nurtures the gr under her protection the undead comb the region for lost souls which they then recruit to swell their ranks. The Fate Spinner can either assume the form of a spider-woman hybrid or that of a human woman with two legs and six arms.
命运纺织女(Fate Spinner)是蜘蛛女神的化身,亚莎死亡一面的神性投影,她离开了蜘蛛女神具现化到了亚山的地表。纺命女经常在建造墓地时出现,她可以增强墓地的基础并促进其成长,像蜂巢里的女王一样,在她保护下亡灵们为迷失的灵魂搜寻栖身之所,从而收编游荡的亡魂以提升自身等级。纺命女可以半蜘蛛半人和双足六臂的女性两种形态中转换。命运编织女(Fate Weaver)是纺命女的升级形态。(这里我想说一下,老外特别喜欢把一个兵种的升级状态和未升级状态使用同义词,举例的话。。。背包,挎包都可以用BAG,这就容易歧义了。而他们Hit和 Strike咱们翻译都是打,我知道打的不同,一种是轻轻地打或者是打击点,一种是彻底的打,但是译文的时候你能翻译这么长么!)
Dual Forms (Basic & Upgrade): &Spinner and Weaver, human or spider, they're one and the same. Both will sever the thread that ties you to this world.& Hashima gave this warning to the armies of Eternal Empress before waging battle with the Necromancers of the Seven Cities. The Fates, have the power to change form, but both are extremely deadly.
Venomous Touch (Basic & Upgrade): &Kill the spiders quickly. Time is death's ally&. The Venomous Touch of the Fates favors them in a prolonged conflict on the battlefield. The Naga general Maturato devoted an entire chapter in his famous epic poem of war, encouraging his students to change their traditional tactical strategies when encountering the terrible spiders in combat.
Freezing Web (Upgrade): &Tricky Spider got away. My blade still sticky.& The Fate Weaver is a formidable foe and very difficult to kill if given the time to spin a web around itself. The Orcs hate their trapping ability in particular, as it counters their traditional charge and slash tactics, and requires a great deal of patience to defeat.
Baleful Gaze (Basic & Upgrade): &How amazing! It knows you're trying to kill it before even you do.& The Arch-Demon Kha-Beleth was reportedly so amazed by the Baleful Gaze of the Fate Spinner that he spent a century trying to convince one to become his succubus. The Arch-Demon claimed that they could see briefly into the future and divine the violent intentions of their enemy. &I want one of the those!&
Dance of Decay (Upgrade): &Life and Death is a sacred cycle! Growing older is just the proof that Asha still knows your name.& When a Fate Weaver starts to dance time seems to dance with her, and if you stand too close you will pass on to the Dragon-Goddess before your normally appointed time. The Dance of Decay accelerates the aging process, and is considered proof that the Fates do indeed draw their power from Asha, the Dragon of Order.
I may be better off dead. But that doesn’t mean I have to like it.
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10:00:20 上传
Anastasya is awoken by her Great Aunt Sveltana, and discovers that she has been brought back to life as an Unliving.
Apparently she had a hand in the assassination of her father Slava, the Duke of Griffin, and was executed by her own brother Anton.
Anastasya is convinced of her innocence and sets out to learn the dark arts of Necromancy in order to bring the true murderers of her father to justice.
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<< Je suis Sveltana, la tante de Slava. J’ai quitté notre foyer pour dédier ma vie au culte d’Asha, la Déesse de la mort. Jadis célébrée en tant que <>, je fais désormais l’objet d’une crainte justifiée, et suis appelée Paria, Hérétique, Nécromancienne… >>
Fille du duc du Griffon, qui espérait un fils, Sveltana a supporté le fardeau d’être un enfant unique - et pas celui désiré par ses parents.
A l’?ge de 15 ans, après la naissance de son frère Pavel, elle f?t rapidement mise à l’écart quand il f?t nommé héritier.
Parfaitement satisfaite de la tournure des évènements, elle partit étudier la nature du monde des Esprits, tout d’abord avec les Anges, puis avec les Magiciens des Sept Cités. Là-bas, elle excella dans ses recherches et f?t rapidement mise sous la tutelle du Nécromancien Aguirre.
Déjà distante de sa famille, Sveltana décida de rejoindre le culte naissant de la Déesse Araignée, puis devint l’assistante d’Aguirre ainsi que son bras droit.
Elle voyagea avec son ma?tre dans les ?les de la mer de Jade afin de libérer la Mère Namtaru, un puissant avatar de la Déesse Araignée.
Aguirre f?t tué lors de l’expédition et Sveltana ramena l’entité aux Sept Cités seule, devenant ainsi une légende parmi ses confrères Nécromanciens.
Elle n’eut pas beaucoup de temps pour profiter de son nouveau statut. En effet, peu de temps après son retour triomphal, elle dut rentrer chez elle en toute h?te pour aider Pavel à repousser une invasion de Démons.
Malheureusement, elle arriva trop tard pour sauver son frère. Au lieu de cela, elle devint la régente du Duché du Griffon, jusqu’à ce que son neveu Slava, le fils unique de Pavel, atteigne l’?ge nécessaire pour régner à son tour.(没关系,我也看不懂)
她和她的导师为了寻找Namtaru(也就是H6的那个蜘蛛兵种,蜘蛛女神强大的化身)走遍了绿玉海(Jade Sea)的群岛,阿吉雷在旅程中被杀死,Sveltana独自一人把那种生物带回了七城联盟,于是她成为了亡灵巫师中的传奇人物。不过她没有多少时间去享受她应得的名望,在她归来后不久,被家族召回帮助Pavel阻挡恶魔的入侵,只是她回的太迟了,无法拯救她弟弟的生命。于是她成为了狮鹫公国实际的执政者直到她的侄儿足矣继承一切。
10:00:20 上传
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[ 本帖最后由 MANIMEI 于
10:29 编辑 ]
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