
魔兽世界1.12.1版本职业选择-魔兽世界60年代1.12版本,什么职业下副本要,PK也强的 _星空游戏网
LR都算是主流) 不知道这个SF支持插件么1.121版本么,QS是有的,比如SS的魅惑和恐惧不共享递减(好多职业的章不能解魅惑)还有高魔抗的狗狗,同理DZ也可以做到无递减控制,不过以现在的意识手法来RAID以前的FB,什么职业不算重要了,毕竟以前没有DBM没有伤害统计,40人团其实划水的人很多导致难度偏大PVP的话,因为当时设计不周的缘故,很多职业都有IMBA之处,不过专属LM而SM专属BL,话说应该是刚开跨服ZC的版本来着
要是这个SF完全和官方一样的话 就看你是喜欢PVP还是PVE了 PVE的话 ZS永不失业,毕竟是唯一的T 治疗方面MS尤其是矮人MS最受欢迎 DPS的话其实看喜好了(DZ,至于带治疗的ZS一直都是ZC绞肉机,FS,SS、不用解释的猪头锤SM、LR风筝自不必说再加上一干IMBA的特殊BB(其实那时候才是特色)等等 所以不用过分纠结职业,FS克制近战(通常一波没死后冰环反杀),话说SF的话升级应该比较快吧可以多尝试至于楼上说的DK是没有的
SF是靠RMB说话的 你钱多哪怕你个锁甲双废杀人呢都无压力
兄弟,私服和公服是不能比的,我玩的一些SF 就要DZ 和战士 能单刷副本打装备,其它职业是废材。你拿SF 和GF 比,我真心不知道要给你介绍什么职业,不好意思。要不你可以看下那个服里哪个职业多,就知道哪个职业可以单刷了。
1.121版本么,话说应该是刚开跨服ZC的版本来着 要是这个SF完全和官方一样的话 就看你是喜欢PV...魔兽1.121版本什么职业好……
暗牧,号称钢板。说话现在有这么老的版本吗?魔兽世界1.12.1版本 问题 老玩家来!!!……
下载文件:save.zip|先发刺客1级BB魔法爆率绝对不止155%,要刺客存档把护符导入进amta...Hi there, welcome to our Emerald Dream (ED) Gold Shop for Vanilla WoW 1.12(realm served by WoW One / Feenix)
The Most Popular Packages for ED Gold
EUR23.50 EUR (about $26.3 USD)
EUR63 EUR (about $70.5 USD)
EUR110 EUR (about $123 USD)
Your Usual Questions Answered - for buying Emerald Dream 1.12 gold
1. How long until i receive the gold?
- We are doing our best to deliver the gold within minutes of your purchase, though sometimes it may last up to a few hours, that is until we log back in-game. Delivery is done through the in-game mail or person-to-person trade.
2. Why is the cost high?
- This isn't WoD, Pandaria or Cata - ED 1.12 is a completely Blizzlike x1 rate realm, and stocking 1K gold requires at least few days of farming & raiding. Several times harder to stock than .
3. Will i be safe if i buy Emerald Dream Gold?
- With over thousand successful transactions handled so far for ED,
& , we are proud to say that we are yet to experience any issue. Privacy & Safety are our main priorities, it's how we stay in business. Your details won't be disclosed to anyone, and we never tell to which players we sell our gold stocks.
4. Your Refund Policy?
- As with our other sites, you are covered by our Refund Policy on ED too. The policy is: If you don't receive the gold you paid for within maximum of 24 hours, you can get a 100% refund, no questions asked. For refunds, feel free to e-mail us at: . This has never happened so far, though :)
Some reviews from our clients:
Went Upside Down
Christopher Denzer denzybu*****@web.de (24th June '15)
I requirested HUGE amount of gold for my guild, and these guys went upside down in order to deliver. Will use you again!
Incredible Service
Zack Jones z.surito***.au (3rd March '15)
I placed an order, and got the gold in 5 minutes. Gold4Emerald made me rich on ED :P
Feenix player since 2011
Patrick Esserpatri***** (24th February '15)
This is incredible... you people always have gold for any realm, be it Emerald, Warsong or AA. Wonder how you manage it?
Getting Nice Gear on Easy Mode
Rebecca Schurman rebby**** (9th February '15)
Really easy to gear up with the loads of gold i have from you, makes the gameplay much more enjoyable.
Contact Gold4Emerald
Character Name:
Faction Alliance/Horde:
Gold Amount:
100 Gold EUR4.99 EUR
250 Gold EUR11.99 EUR
500 Gold EUR23.50 EUR
750 Gold EUR34.50 EUR


