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你可能感兴趣的内容?使命召唤6英文对白_牛宝宝文章网使命召唤6英文对白专题:All warfare is based on deception.所有的战争都是由欺骗和谎言引起的。For years, the West hypocrisy has made the world the battlefield.这几年,西方民主使全世界变成了战场。The corrupt talk... while our brothers and sons spill their own blood.腐败的官僚在纸上谈兵的时候,我们的兄弟,我们的孩子在抛头颅、洒热血。Deceit cuts both ways.但是欺骗是双向的。The bigger the lie, the more likely people are willing to believe it.谎言越大,人们就越容易相信它。And when the nation cries for vengeance, the lies spread like a wildfire.整个国家呼吁实施报复打击,一个谎言像野火一样开始蔓延。The fire builds, devouring everything in its path.凶猛的大火将沿途上的一切都吞噬。Ours enemies believe that they alone dictate the course of history.我们的敌人坚信他们凭一己之力就能掌控历史的轨迹。And all it takes is the will of a single man."但这一切的一切,都只掌握在一个人的手中!ACT I0. 一样的烂摊子,不一样的时代谢菲尔德:事物变得越快,它们就越跟以前一样。边界游移、不断有新的玩家加入,但是强权总能替自己找到扬威之地。我们过去曾经与俄国人一道浴血奋战,早该知道他们会因此而记恨我们。 历史是由胜利者写下的,所以我来到这里,并且坚信我们会胜利。然而每当你打败一个敌人,他们就找到一个更难缠的取而代之。地方在变,目标(也都一样)。昨天的敌人成了今天的新兵。(你要)训练他们,让他们与你并肩作战,然后祈祷他们最终不会因此而反目成仇。一样的烂摊子,不一样的年代。福利中士,你知道我在找甚?。记得睁大你的眼睛。 福利中士:长官,今天有一批新人参训。我会把我找到的最佳人选送到您那儿。0. S.S.D.DGeneral Shepherd:The more things change, the more they stay the same. Boundaries shift, new players step in, but power always finds a place to rest its head. We fought and bled alongside the Russians. We should known they`d hate us for it. History is written by the victors, and here I am, thinking we`d won.But you bring down one enemy and they find someone even worse to replace him.Locations change, the rationale, the objective. Yesterday`s enemy are today`s recruits. Train them to fight alongside you, and pray they don`t eventually decide to hate you for it, too. Same sxxt, different day. You know what I`m looking for, Sgt. Foley. Keep your eyes open.Sgt. Foley: Got a new batch hitting The Pit today, Sir. I`ll send you the best I find.1. 团队精神谢菲尔德:我们是人类历史上最强大的军事力量。每场仗都是我们打的仗,因为一地发生的事情会影响到另一地。我们不愿坐等它们发生。学著运用现代战争中的种种工具将意味著你的人民繁荣安定,或是遭到毁灭性的破坏。我们不能给你自由,但我们可以给你方法去获得它。我的朋友,那要比一整个钢铁军团还要有价值。谁有大棒这个问题很重要,但更为重要的是谁在挥舞著它。这是一个英雄的时代。一个传奇的时代。历史是由胜利者写下的。那?,就让我们去干吧。1. Team PlayerGeneral Shepherd:We are the most powerful military force in the history of men. Every fight is our fight. Because what happens over here, matters over there. We don`t get to sit one out.Learning to use the tools of modern warfare is the difference between the prospering of your people, and utter destruction. We can`t give you freedom, but we can give you know-how to acquire it. And that, my friends, is worth more than a whole army base of steel. Sure it matters who`s got the biggest stick, but it matters a helluva lot more who`s swinging it.This is a time for heroes. A time for legends. History is written by the victors. Let`s get to work. 2. 攀岩运动 一等兵阿伦:我看上去怎?样?谢菲尔德:就像那些坏家伙当中的一个。对你的卧底任务而言堪称完美。一等兵阿伦:那样的话,马卡洛夫就是奖品。谢菲尔德:马卡洛夫不是奖品。他是个混蛋,一条「价高者得」的杀人疯狗。记住你的新身份,它能保你一命。欢迎来到141特种部队,这个星球上百里挑一的顶尖部队。 一等兵阿伦:长官,这是一份荣耀。我甚?时候和队里其他人见面?谢菲尔德:他们现在正在敌后执行一项回收坠落卫星的ACS模组的任务。一等兵阿伦:他们的脚会湿么?谢菲尔德:想象一下他们现在快要冻僵的样子吧。2. CliffhangerPFC Allen: So how do I look?General Shepherd: Like one of the bad guys. Perfect for your undercover assignmentPFC Allen: So Makarov is the prize.General Shepherd: Makarov's no prize. He`s a whore. A mad-dog killer for the highest bidder. Just remember your new identity. It`ll keep you alive. Welcome to the 141. Best handpicked group of warriors on the planet.PFC Allen: It`s an honor, Sir. When do I meet the rest of the team?General Shepherd: They`re on a mission recovering a downed ACS module behind enemy lines. PFC Allen: Their feet wet?General Shepherd: Imaging they`re just about freezing right now.3. “不准说俄语”谢菲尔德: 阿伦,141特种部队里的人把ACS抢回来了。两个人端掉了整个基地。(现在)我要你做得更多。昨天你还是个前线的战士。不过如今所谓的「前线」已经成为历史,制服也成了文物。战火已经四起,伤亡也必将随之而来。这个叫马卡洛夫的人正打著一场属於他自己的仗。他不讲规则,也没有边界。他不惮於折磨人、拐卖人口或是种族灭绝。他不对任何旗帜、国家乃至任何一种意识形态忠诚。他只愿意用他人的鲜血换取金钱。而他,则是你新交上的好朋友。你不会想要知道(我们)为了把你安插在他身边所付出的代价有多大。同时你要做的也会让你失去一部分自我。(但)比起你将拯救的来,这些根本不值一提。3. “No Russian”General Shepherd: The rest of Taskforce 141 brought in the ACS, Allen. Two men took down an entire base. I ask much more from you now. Yesterday you were a soldier of the front lines. But today front lines are history. Uniforms are relics. The war rages everywhere. And there will be casualties. This man, Makarov, is fighting his own war and he has no rules. No boundaries. He doesn`t flinch at torture, human trafficking, or genocide. He`s not loyal to a flag or a country or any set of ideals. He trades blood for money. He`s your new best friend.You don`t want to know what it`s cost already to put you next to him. It will cost you a piece of yourself. It will cost nothing compared to everything you`ll save.4.Takedown 千里追凶Day 4 - 15:08:22中士 Gary "ROACH" Sanderson特别行动部队141里约热内卢 - 巴西Ghost: —俄国人不会对这场大屠杀坐视不管的,局面会变得很血腥。‖麦克塔维什上尉:—太对了,兄弟。现在对于全世界的旁观者来说,他们都是受害者。当俄国人拿着大棒把他们找到的每一个美国人都敲死的时候,不会有人说一句话的。‖谢菲尔德将军:—马卡洛夫棋先一步,现在他把几千具尸体丢在了一个美国人的脚下。‖ 麦克塔维什上尉:—只有我们知道这事是马卡洛夫做的,而我们的信用也随着艾伦的死一起玩完了,我们需要证据。‖谢菲尔德将军:—从那个弹壳入手。‖(简报画面:扫描打死艾伦的那发子弹的弹壳,发现产地是巴西)谢菲尔德将军:—Alejandro Rojas。‖麦克塔维什上尉:—没听说过这人。‖谢菲尔德将军:—你知道他,他外号是Alex the Red,是他为马卡洛夫提供了这次袭击的武器弹药。‖麦克塔维什上尉:—这一发子弹激怒了一整个民族,这意味着……‖谢菲尔德将军:—他就是我们通往马卡洛夫的门票。‖5. 赤色黎明北美防空司令部:Sand Bravo,我们检测到你防区内出现数量近70的不明飞行物,请核实。 Sand Bravo:真有意思,我这什么都没有。北美防空司令部:Sand Bravo,请检测系统错误。 Sand Bravo:天空很干净,我什么都没看到,你看到的是幻影吧.北美防空司令部:Zulu X-ray 6,我们在你防区内检测到60多个不明飞行物,请核实。 Zulu X-ray 6:望远镜里什么都没有,紫外线干扰吧,今天太阳黑子很活跃。 北美防空司令部:Sierra Delta,ACS模块可能有系统错误,你那看得到什么吗? 空中管制:他们到处都是!北美防空司令部:Sierra Delta!请重复!空中管制:我从I-95看到一堆喷气式战机!他们到底是怎么混进来的? 北美防空司令部:冷静!我在尝试联系离你们防区最近的部队。福利中士:我听到了。这里是75游骑兵团一营,我是猎人2-1小队指挥官福利中士,听到吗?完毕。北美防空司令部:所有作战单位注意,卫星监视系统已经失效,声纳***系统(SOSUS)和空中防御矩阵也已停止工作!5. WolverinesNORAD HQ: Sand Bravo. We are reading 70 bogeys in your sector. Please verify.Nome AFB: Very funny, Station. That‘s a big negative, over. NORAD HQ: Sand Bravo, be advised, running diagnostics to scan for malfunction.Nome AFB: The skies are clear, Station. You got yourself some phantom dots, over. NORAD HQ: Zulu X-ray 6. Signs in your sector of some 100 bogeys, please advise.Vandenberg AFB: Negatory, Station. Scope is clear. I dunno what to tell ya. Solar interference? Heavy sunspot activity today.NORAD HQ: Sierra Delta, uh…we may have a minor ACS fault here. Do you have anything on your scope?Air Traffic Controller: They‘re everywhere!NORAD HQ: Sierra Delta, repeat!Air Traffic Controller: I‘m looking‘ at fighter jets over I-95! How the hell did they get through? NORAD HQ: Standby! Attempting to contact the nearest unit in that sector.Sgt. Foley: I read you. This is First Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Sgt. Foley, acting commander of Hunter Two-One. Do you copy, over?NORAD HQ: All Stations, be advised - satellite surveillance has been disabled. SOSUS and Pave Paws arrays are inoperative at this time.ACT II6. 马蜂窝幽灵:我联络不上五角大楼。麦克塔维什上尉:俄国人肯定已经成功复制了ACS模组。(他们)得到了打开美国大门每一把锁的密匙。幽灵:然后他们将为每个命丧莫斯科的平民杀掉一千个美国人。看来我们(和他们)已不再是朋友了。 麦克塔维什上尉:我认识一个人。去找个公用***吧。现在还有这玩意吗?幽灵:我们从罗哈斯身上只套出了那个马卡洛夫恨之甚於恨美国人的家伙被关在俄罗斯的一个劳改营里。麦克塔维什上尉:我们就只知道这个。倘若这真的是抓到那个疯子的诱饵,就让我们把他挂到树上去吧。6. Hornet`s Nest Ghost: I can`t get anyone on the horn.Captain MacTavish: The Russians must have copied the ACS module. Got the key to every lock in America.Ghost: And they`re killing a thousand Americans for every dead civilian in Moscow. Looks like we`re all outta friends.Captain MacTavish: I know a guy. Let`s find a payphone. They still exist?Ghost: All we got outta Rojas is that the only guy Makarov hates worse than Americans is locked up in a gulag.Captain MacTavish: It`s all we got. If this con`s the bait to catch that psychopath, let`s hang him from a tree.Ghost:—长官,武装人员正在接近,几乎有两百人。‖麦克塔维什上尉:—我们必须突围,赶到着陆区域。‖Ghost: How to deal with Rojas? Ghost: —罗哈斯怎么处理?‖麦克塔维什上尉:Let's go, let him dead in the street.麦克塔维什上尉:—我们走,让他死在街上得了。‖Ghost:Well, I think the reliableGhost:—嗯,我觉得靠谱。‖Nikolai:—着陆地点火力太猛了!在这里降落会没命的!‖麦克塔维什上尉:—尼古莱,马上起飞,改在第二着陆点!我们走,GO GO GO!‖7. 大撤退谢菲尔德:来人,把那该死的电视关掉。福利中士,我的特种部队现在不在国内,我现在要指挥你的部队。福利中士:是,长官。所有作战单位均交给您指挥。谢菲尔德:我从第八装甲师那儿要了一辆Stryker装甲车。福利中士:长官,—蜜獾‖可是个脾气火爆的家伙。谢菲尔德:她会带著你们进去。俄国人正在突破我们的防御和情报网。不能再让他们攻破这道防线了。福利中士:长官,您只要在地图上指出这个地方就行了。他们突破不了的。7. ExodusGeneral Shepherd: Someone turn off that damn TV. My taskforce is out of the country. I‘m commandeering your unit, Sgt. Foley.Sgt. Foley: Yes, Sir. All yours, Sir.General Shepherd: I‘ve requisitioned a Stryker from the Eighth Armored.Sgt. Foley: Honey Badger‘s a mean bitch, Sir.General Shepherd: She‘ll walk you in. The Russians are burning through our defense and our Intel. Can‘t let ?em take this corner.Sgt. Foley: Just point it out on the map, Sir. They won‘t take it.8. 美好时光……只在昨日麦克塔维什上尉:看来我们正向着错误的方向前进,长官。我们不是应该回来作战呢? 谢菲尔德:麦克塔维什,要打的仗多的是。很高兴看见你从南美杀出了一条路回来。你将与第六舰队碰头,带领此次反击。第627号囚犯,我们相信他是能让马卡洛夫抓狂的人。但我们现在还不能直奔他而去。麦克塔维什上尉:长官,石油钻井平台?谢菲尔德:俄国人把它们用作萨姆导弹阵地。石油工人则成了他们的人肉盾牌,所以我们不能把油井平台整个炸掉。其中这一个的防备最弱。孩子们,我知道我正把你们送进一个绞肉机里。麦克塔维什上尉:他们要守卫它,就说明我们需要它,特别是它能让我们接近—627‖的时候。 8. The Only Easy Day......Was YesterdayCaptain MacTavish: Seems we`re headed the wrong direction, Sir. Shouldn`t we be coming back to the fight?General Shepherd: Plenty of fight to go around, MacTavish. Glad you made it outta South America. You`re meeting up with the 6th Fleet. Leadin`the counter-strike. Prisoner 627, we believe that's who Makarov got the mad-on for. But we can't get to him.Captain MacTavish: Oilrigs, Sir?General Shepherd: Russians are using them as SAM sites. Oil workers are human shields, so we can`t blow up the rigs wholesale. And this one is the least defended. Boys, I know I`m sending you into the meat grinder on this one.Captain MacTavish: They`re defending it, so it means we want it. Especially if it gets us to —627‖.9. 勇闯夺命岛麦克塔维什上尉:第6舰队正在进行扫荡,是时候前进了。这个建筑有很长的历史了,没多少是光辉的。一开始是一个城堡,实际上是个地牢,修建起来得目的就是防止围攻的。建筑渡过了每个严冬,那些关押者…就没那么幸运了。没有人在清洗中存活下来。在过去的一个世纪中,这里接待了那些政府不想见到,又不能杀的人。 这里关押着上次战争剩下的东西…那场我发誓我本以为已经赢得的战争。麦克塔维什上尉:但是我想这就像是***,要是押错了马,这里就是我们玩完的地方。如果囚犯627是马卡洛夫想要的诱饵,那我们就把它挂出来。10. 自讨苦吃应急播报系统乔治王子的市民请听从指挥直接前往147柯克伍德大街的医疗中心。接取位于大学城的社区学院校园内,每15分钟一次。///紧急撤离进行中///请立刻前往你最近的紧急避难所。士兵将会在那里接待你们。带上一张有相片的ID,每个人不能超过一件包裹。///请注意你的周围。保持警惕。ACT III10. 小小的意外麦克塔维什上尉:系统连线马上完成。谢菲尔德将军,你已经与普莱斯上尉连线了。 谢菲尔德:死里逃生啊,上尉。普莱斯上尉:用—跳出油锅‖来形容更恰当一点。这个世界比我离开的时候更像个地狱了。 谢菲尔德:我们以为我们赶在俄罗斯破解ACS以前回收了。我们错了。马卡洛夫让美国当了替罪羔羊。然后就是战火遍地。你正发送给我的图片是什么?普莱斯上尉:你想要扑灭一场火焰的话,长官,你就在旁边弄一个更大的爆炸。把氧气都消耗掉,灭掉火焰。 谢菲尔德:普莱斯,你被关的太久了。最好脑袋清醒点,孩子。普莱斯上尉:谢菲尔德,你会不惜一切代价取得胜利吗?谢菲尔德:从来都是。普莱斯上尉:我们现在有场大火,就得来场大爆炸。谢菲尔德:你在集中营太久了,普莱斯。集中精力解决掉马卡洛夫。普莱斯上尉:没时间了,长官。今天我们就得结束战争。谢菲尔德:我不是在征求你的意见,普莱斯,这是命令,你----普莱斯上尉:看来我们通信中断了。10 ContingencyCaptain MacTavish: Uplink nearly complete.General Shepherd, you are online with Captain Price. General Shepherd: Back from the brink, Captain.Captain Price: "Out of the frying pan"is more like it. The world looks more like hell than the one I just left.General Shepherd: We thought we'd recovered the ACS before the Russians can crack it. We were wrong. Makarov turned US into his Scapegoat. Next thing you know there's flames everywhere. What's this image you're sending me?Captain Price: You wanna put out an oil fire sir, you set off a bigger explosion right next to it. Sucks away the oxygen, snuffs the flame.General Shepherd: You been locked away too long, better get your mind right son.Captain Price: Shepherd, are you willing to do what's necessary to win?General Shepherd: Always.Captain Price: We got ourselves a pretty big fire. Gonna need a huge bang.General Shepherd: You're been in the gulag too long, Price, focus on taking out Makarov. Captain Price: No time, sir, we need to end this war today.General Shepherd: I am not asking you Price, this is an order. You're to.....Captain Price: Looks like we lose our connection.Captain MacTavish: Price,I can barely see what you are shooting into my satellite feed,too much interference.Do you see him,over.麦克塔维什上尉:普莱斯,我无法看到你们在卫星图像上的位置,干扰太强烈了,你看到小强了吗?完毕。Captain Price: Roger that Soap.I've found Roach.He appears to be intact.We're going to head northwest to the sub base,over. 普莱斯上尉:收到了,索普。我已经找到了小强,他看上去还算完整,我们将向潜艇基地的西北方向前进,完毕。Soap: Copy that.The rest of the team landed near Ghost,pretty far to the east.索普:收到。小队其他的队员都在幽灵附近着陆,离东侧比较远。Price:Tell them to proceed with the mission,we'll regroup if possible.Roach, follow me and see out of sight.Contact.Enemy patrol 30 meters to our front.Five men,automatic rifles,frap grenades.One German Shepherd.普莱斯上尉:告诉他们继续执行任务,我们尽可能汇合。小强,跟着我并观察周围情况。注意,前方三十米有敌军巡逻队。五个人,有自动武器,装备有手雷,一条德国牧羊犬。 Soap: Dogs.I hate dogs.索普:狗…我讨厌狗。Captain Price: These Russian dogs are like pussycats compared to the ones in Pripyat.普莱斯上尉:这些俄国小杂种跟普里皮亚季的那些家伙比起来简直就是小猫。Soap: It's good to have you back,old man.索普:你能回来真是太好了,老头。Captain Price: Roger that. Let's follow them quietly, and pick off any stragglers.普莱斯上尉:收到。我们悄悄跟上去,然后干掉那些落单的家伙。Captain Price: Patience...don't do anything stupid. We'll have to take'em out at the same time. 普莱斯上尉:耐心点……别做蠢事。我们要在同一时间干掉这些家伙。Captain Price: Convey coming, get out of sight. Let them pass. 普莱斯上尉:敌军车辆,先躲起来,让他们离开。Captain Price: Two of them have stopped for a smoke. Take one and I'll take out the other. Good. I'm ready. Let's take them all out at once.普莱斯上尉:有两个人停下来抽烟了。解决其中一个,我会处理另外一个。很好。我准备好了。一起同时解决掉他们。Captain Price: You take the handler and his dog on the left. Beautiful.普莱斯上尉:你解决掉左边的敌人和他的狗。漂亮。Captain Price: Soap, our Intel was off.The Russians have mobile SAMs.普莱斯上尉:索普,我们的情报有误。俄国人有移动的防空卫星监视系统。Soap: Roger that.索普:收到。Captain Price: Have you found us some transport?普莱斯上尉:能帮我们找到载具吗?Soap: I'm working on it.Out.索普:正在准备中,完毕。Captain Price: Incoming!Look out!Follow me!Into the woods! Let's go,let's go! Slow down. Theirvehicles can't follow us this far.普莱斯上尉:敌军运兵装甲车,小心,跟着我向树林奔跑,快!等一下,他们的车辆跟不上这么远。Captain Price: Let them pass. Looks like they're searching for us.普莱斯上尉:让他们过去,看起来应该是在搜捕我们。Captain Price: Dog patrol.普莱斯上尉:有狗的巡逻队。Captain Price: Three man patrol dead ahead. Take them out or leave them behind. Your call. Nicely done.普莱斯上尉:前方有三名敌军巡逻队,解决他们或者绕过去,看你。干得漂亮。Captain Price: Large patrol at 12o'clock. Use a suppressed weapon. We'll have to take them out at the same time. Take the two on the right. Well done.普莱斯上尉:十二点方向有大量敌军巡逻队,使用消音的武器。我们最好能够同时消灭他们。你解决掉右边的两个,做得好。Captain Price: We got another dog patrol. Take them out or try to slip past. Your call.普莱斯上尉:又是一队有狗的巡逻队,解决他们或者让他们过去,看你。Captain Price: Soap,what's the status of out air support,over?普莱斯上尉:索普,我们空中支援现在到了吗?完毕。Soap: A U*** loaded with AGMs is in route to your position.索普:一架载有空对地导弹的无人机已经到达指定位置了。Captain Price: Roger that.This ridge is perfect. Roach,take control of the Predator drone. 普莱斯上尉:收到。这个高处简直是太好了。小强,去控制捕食者无人机。Captain Price: Bullocks!普莱斯上尉:见鬼!Soap: What just happened?索普:发生了什么事?Captain Price: There's a mobile SAM site in the village. It just shot down our Predator. Soap,we need another Predator! Roach,let's go.普莱斯上尉:村子里有一个移动卫星防空系统,它刚刚击落了我们的捕食者无人机。索普,我们还需要一架捕食者!小强,我们走。Ghost: Stand back!幽灵:后退!Captain Price: Roach,they know we're here. You might want to grab a different weapon. 普莱斯上尉:小强,他们已经知道我们的位置了。你最好选择其他的武器。Ghost: Get back!Check your fire!Friendlies coming in at your 12!普莱斯上尉:退后,别开***,十二点钟方向是友军!Captain Price: Nice work on that SAM site.普莱斯上尉:你们解决了那个移动卫星防空系统。Ghost: Thanks,but we better get moving-those explosions are gonna attract a lot of attention. 幽灵:谢谢,但是我们最好赶快行动,这些巨大的爆炸将会吸引大量的注意。Captain Price: Contact,9o'clock!Check your fire!Frag out! Soap,we've linked up with Ghost and the rest of the team.普莱斯上尉:注意,九点钟方向,控制开***!扔手雷!索普,我们已经和幽灵以及其他的小队成员汇合。Soap: Roger that. The second Predator is almost in position. Make it count, these things don't grow on trees.索普:收到。第二架捕食者无人机马上到位。精确的打击敌军,这玩意不是凭空长出来的。 Captain Price: There's the submarine! Right below that crane! Roach,soften up their defenses with the Predator!Watch for the flashing strobes.That's us.普莱斯上尉:潜艇就在那里!在吊车右侧的后方!小强,使用捕食者削弱他们的防御力量!注意闪烁的目标,那是我们自己。Soap:That got their attention!The whole base is on alert!You've better hurry.You've only got a couple of minutes before that submarine dives.索普:引起他们的注意了!整座基地都拉响了警报!你们最好快一些行动。在潜艇潜入之前你们还有一些时间。Captain Price:We're moving!普莱斯上尉:正在路上!Soap: AGM Missile is online.AGM Missile is online.I repeat AGM Missile is online.索普:空对地导弹已经准备好了,导弹已经准备好。重复,导弹已经准备好了。Soap:Good kill.Truck destroyed.Arming AGM.Standby.You're halfway there.AGM Missile is online.索普:打得好。敌军车辆被摧毁了。正在准备导弹中,稍等。你们已经到了半路了。空对地导弹已经准备好。Captain Price:Use a Predator missile on that truck!普莱斯上尉:使用捕食者导弹攻击那辆敌军车辆!Soap:Direct Hit.AGM Missile is online.AGM Missile is online.I repeat AGM Missile is online.Multiple confirmed kills.Nice work.索普:直接命中。导弹已经准备好,导弹已经准备好了。重复,导弹已经准备好了。多名敌军被击毙,干得漂亮。Captain Price:I'm going for the sub!Cover me from that guardhouse by the west gate!普莱斯上尉:我马上进入潜艇!你们阻击西侧大门警卫室的敌军,掩护我! Ghost:Roger that!Roach,we have to get to that guardhouse by the west gate to cover Price!Follow me! 幽灵:收到!小强,我们去西侧警卫室的顶部掩护普莱斯!跟我走!Soap:AGM Missile is online.索普:空对地导弹已经准备好了。Captain Price:All right, I'm inside the sub!Cover me,I need a few minutes!普莱斯上尉:好了,我已经进入潜艇!掩护我,几分钟就行!Ghost:Incoming!Two trucks to the east!Contact 12o'clock!More vehicles to the east!Use the U***! 幽灵:注意!东侧出现敌军的两辆卡车!十二点方向东侧有更多敌军车辆!使用无人机进行攻击!Soap:Five plus KIAs.Good hit.Good hit.索普:五名以上的敌军被击毙。打得好。Ghost:Contact to the north,on the dock next to the sub!幽灵:北侧出现敌军,在潜艇旁边的码头!Ghost:Price,are you there?The silo doors are opening on the sub,I repeat,the silo doors are opening on the sub!幽灵:普莱斯,收到请回答?潜艇的导弹发射井打开了,重复,潜艇的导弹发射井打开了!Ghost:Price,come in!They're opening the silo doors on the sub!Come on!Hurry!幽灵:普莱斯,请回答!他们打开了潜艇的导弹发射井!快回答!Ghost:Price,do you copy?The silo doors are open,I repeat,the silo doors are open! 幽灵:普莱斯,收到了吗?发射井打开了,重复,发射井打开了!Price:Good.普莱斯上尉:好了,搞定!Ghost:What?Wait,wait,Price Nooooo!We have a nuclear missile launch.Missile in the air!Missile in the air!Code Black!Code Black!幽灵:什么?等…等等,普莱斯,见鬼!有一枚核导弹发射,导弹已升空,导弹已升空!警报!警报!11. 第二个太阳国防部长:先生们,导弹的线路显示正飞向东海岸。我们将会失去白宫。 谢菲尔德:我们重建过一次,我们也能再重建一次。国防部长:伤亡人数?谢菲尔德:大概3万到5万人。由具体的爆炸地点决定。所有的系统都会失效。 国防部长:谢菲尔德将军,你警告过我们,我们应该听的。谢菲尔德:当他们谈论起这个时刻的时候,我们却不是美国死去的时候守卫她的人。一个人应该对整件事负责。马卡洛夫必须被揪出来。 国防部长:不论你需要什么,将军,你获得了一张空白支票。11. The Second Sun SecDef: Gentlemen, the missile's vector put it en route to the East Coast. We will loss White House.General Shepherd: We've rebuilt it before, we'll rebuild it again.SecDef: Casualties?General Shepherd: Possibly 30,000. Depends on the exact location of detonation. All system go down.SecDef: General Shepherd, you warned us. We should've listened.General Shepherd: When they speak of this moment, we will not be the ones who stood guard while America died.General Shepherd: One man is responsible for all this. Makarov must brought to light. SecDef: Whatever you need, General, You've got a blank check.12. 白宫Ranger: so when are we going to Moscow?游骑兵:我们什么时候出发去莫斯科?Cpt. Dunn: not soon enough man. But I know we're gonna burn it down when we get there.邓恩下士:现在还不是时候兄弟。但是我保证等我们到达的时候,我们要把它夷为平地。 Sgt. Foley: When the time's right. Coporal. When the time's right.福利中士:不是不报,下士。时候未到。13. 收场谢菲尔德:先生们,你们刚经历了一个艰难的星期。我们失去的比我们预料的更多。但是我们会恢复的。我得到了一张空白支票,里面的每一分钱都要用来解决掉马卡洛夫。不论世界如何说,我们不是野蛮人,我们不杀平民,我们用的是精确打击。那里有一个邪恶的人躲在阴影之中,而我们将会把他拖到光明下。一旦揭露了他,历史就会由我们来书写了,先生们。这些就是地球上最后的供马卡洛夫和他的人躲藏的安全地了。普莱斯上尉:看起来我们得同时身处2地了。谢菲尔德:不可能吗?普莱斯上尉:没有什么在141不可行的。幽灵:50%的几率抓住马卡洛夫。普莱斯上尉,请求跟小强一起前往安全屋。普莱斯上尉:许可。我跟索普前往阿富汗的飞机墓场。谢菲尔德:非常好。我们会切断他的所有退路,结束一切。普莱斯上尉:奇怪,我明明发誓昨天就能结束这场战争的。13. Loose Ends General Shepherd: It's been a tough week, gentlemen. We've lost more than we ever dreamed. But we will recover.General Shepherd: I've got a blank check. And we're gonna use every cent of it killin' Makarov. Despite what the world may say, we are not savages, we don't kill civilians. We use precision. There's an evil man hiding in these shadows and we're gonna bring him into the light. Once his face is revealed, we will write history, gentlemen. There are the last safe havens left on earth for Makarov and his men.Captain Price: Sounds like we gotta be in two places at once.General Shepherd: Impossible?Captain Price: Not for the 141Ghost: Captain Price, request permission to take the safe house with Roach. Captain Price: Granted, Soap and I will take the boneyard in Afghanistan.General Shepherd: Very well. We will cut off all avenues of escape. This ends now.Captain Price: Strange, I could sworn we end this war yesterday.14. 敌人的敌人麦克塔维什:小强?幽灵?请回答,幽灵,收到了吗?有人收到了吗?普莱斯:他们都已经死了,索普。谢菲尔德正在清理门户,我正在赶回来找你。 麦克塔维什:谢菲尔德背叛了我们。普莱斯:相信一个背叛我们的人,我还从来没有过。尼克莱,请回答,你有我们的地址了吗? 尼克莱:收到,正在路上,普莱斯。不过不是只有我一个。你们现在有谢菲尔德的影子部队在一边,马卡洛夫的雇佣兵在另一边。普莱斯:那我们就把他们都解决掉。尼克莱:或者让他们互相解决掉对方。不论怎样,我在另一边与你们会合,我的朋友。14.enemy of the enemyCaptain MacTavish: Roach? Ghost? Come in, Ghost! Do you copy? Does anyone copy?Captain Price: They died, Soap, Shepherd is cleaning house, I'm working my way back to you.Captain MacTavish: Shepherd betrayed us! Captain Price: Has to trust someone to be betrayed, I never did. Nikolai, come in. Do you have our location? Nikolai: Da, inbound, price. But I am not the only one. You've got Shepherd's men on one side, Makarov's on the other. Captain Price: We'll have to take them all out then.Nikolai: Either way, I'll see you on the other side my friend.15. 一如往日 麦克塔维什:我们有一把好***,他们有一千把。我们甚至不知道马卡洛夫的消息是否正确。 …普莱斯…普莱斯?普莱斯:一个正常的人类不会早上起来思考这是地球上的最后一天。但我认为这是一件好事,而不是诅咒。当你知道你离完结很近的时候,其实是一种自由。是时候做出…清算了。超过我们的武器,超过我们的人数,超过我们的意识,这是一个自杀任务。但是那里的沙石,经历上千年的战争,他们会记住我们。因为在所有的噩梦中,这是我们做出的选择。我们如同岩浆喷涌而出般的前进。带着我们坚定的心和眼中的目标。我们…要…杀了他。 15.Just like Old TimesCaptain MacTavish: We've got one good UMP. They 've got a thousand. We don't even know Makarov's Intel is any good. ......Price?Price?Captain Price: The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury. Not a curse. I know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom. Good time to take...... Inventory. Outgunned, outnumbered, out of our minds, on a suicide mission. But the sand and rocks here, stained with thousands of years of warfare......They will remember us. For this. Because out all our vast array of nightmares, this is the one we choose for ourselves. We go forward like a breath exhaled from the Earth. With vigor in our hearts and one goal in sight:We ...will...kill him.16. 游戏结束普莱斯:这是一段录音。历史是由胜利者书写的。历史是充满谎言的。如果他活着而我们死了的话,他的真相会被记录下来。而我们的会被抹去。谢菲尔德将会成为英雄。因为你要改变世界所做的只是一个好的谎言和血流成河。 他马上就要完成历史上最厉害的谎言了。他的真相将会成为真理。但是只有当他活下来,而我们死去的时候。16.EndgameCaptain Price: This is for the record. History is written by the victors. History is filled with liars. If he lives and we die, his truth becomes written. And ours is lost. Shepherd will be hero.'Cause all you need to change the world is one good lie and a river of blood. He's about to complete thegreatest trick a liar ever played on history. His truth will be the truth. But only if he lives, and we die.Price: They are just around the corner come on. Soap get on the boat.Go!Go!Go!普莱斯:他们就在前面,跟上,索普,上船。走!Price: Through that cave. Focus on driving the boat, I'll keep them suppressed!普莱斯:穿过那个洞穴。注意驾驶橡皮艇,我来解决路上的家伙!Price: Stay clear of open areas! Soap,dodge that helicopter!普莱斯:清除空旷区域的敌军!索普,躲开那架直升飞机!Price: We got a chopper on our six! Take evasive maneuvers!普莱斯:我们的六点钟方向有敌军攻击直升机!想办法避开他们!Price: Rapids up ahead!It's going to get rough, hang on.普莱斯:前方是激流!水流会很不平稳,控制住。General Shepherd: Avatar One,gimme a sitrep,over!谢菲尔德将军:一号阿瓦达,告知你们的位置,完毕!U*** Operator: I have Warhorse 5-1 standing by. Pave Low's downriver sir.无人机操作员:战马5-1正在等待。在河流下游待命,长官。General Shepherd: Copy that! Warhorse 5-1,be advised,we're comin' in hot!谢菲尔德将军:收到!战马5-1,请注意,我们马上就要到了!Pave Low Pilot: Roger-dropping the hatch-keep it above 30 knots and watch the vertical clearance.战马5-1飞行员:收到,打开飞机舱门。保持在三十节的流速,并注意垂直的间隙。 Price:Soap!Hold it steady!Steady!Steady!Back up back up!普莱斯:索普,控制住船,稳住,稳住!往后退,往后退!General Shepherd: Five years ago, I lost 30000 men in the blink of an eye.And the world just fuckin' watched.谢菲尔德将军:五年前,我一瞬间就损失了三万名战士。而这个世界他妈的就在一旁看着。 General Shepherd: Tomorrow there will be no shortage of volunteers,no shortage of patriots.I know you understand.谢菲尔德将军:明天,这个世界上也不会缺少志愿者,也不会缺少爱国者。我想你应该理解的。Price: Soap!Soap!普莱斯:索普…索普!Price: It'll hold e on,get up!I thought I told you this was a one way trip!普莱斯:看起来还不算太糟。来,快起来!我想我告诉过你这是一次单程旅行! Nikolai:looks like it still is...they'll be looking for us you know.尼古莱:看起来这还是一次单程旅行…你知道的,他们还会来找我们。Price: Nikolai,we gotta get Soap outta here.普莱斯:尼古莱,我们要把索普送出去。Nikolai:Da-I know a place.尼古莱:好,我正好知道一个好地方。转载请保留本文连接:分享到:相关文章声明:《使命召唤6英文对白》由“???我”分享发布,如因用户分享而无意侵犯到您的合法权益,请联系我们删除。TA的分享