
android - java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader - Stack Overflow
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Is there someone who had experience with this error?
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/org.swig.simple-2/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]]] couldn't find "liborg.swig.simple.example.so"
Error occurs when I load library by this way.
I'm sure 'example' class is exist in the current folder.
Please note that there's a naming convention. Your lib needs to be called libexample.so .
LoadLibrary("example") will look for libexample.so.
The .so library needs to be inside the apk under the lib folder (since you are developing for Android, it needs to be under the lib/armeabi and lib/armeabi-v7a folders - why both folders ? some versions of Android look under lib/armeabi and some look under lib/armeabi-v7a ... se what works for you ).
Other things to look for :
make sure you compile for the correct architecture (if you compile for armeabi v5 it won't work on armeabiv7 or armeabiv7s ).
make sure your exported prototypes are used in the correct class (check the hello jni example. Your exposed functions need to look something like Java_mypackagename_myjavabridgeclass_myfunction).
For example the function Java_com_example_sample_hello will translate in the java class com.example.sample , function hello.
What worked for me was to place the jniLibs folder under the "main" folder, just besides the "java" and "res" folders, for example project -> app -> src -> main -> jniLibs
I had all the libraries with the correct names and each one placed on their respective architecture subfolder, but I still ha even tried a lot of other SO answers like the accepted answer here, compiling a JAR with the .so libs, other placing of the jniLibs folder, etc.
For this project, I had to use Gradle 2.2 and Android Plugin 1.1.0 on Android Studio 1.5.1
Some old gradle tools cannot copy .so files into build folder by somehow, manually copying these files into build folder as below can solve the problem:
build/intermediates/rs/{build config}/{support architecture}/
build config: beta/production/sit/uat
support architecture: armeabi/armeabi-v7a/mips/x86
This helped me. Sharing it for someone who might come up with same issue.
defaultConfig {
abiFilters "armeabi", "armeabi-v7a", "x86", "mips"
loads a shared library from lib folder.
What do you mean when saying "I'm sure 'example' class is exist in the current folder"?
You should put your .so library to lib folder.
For me the problem was in NDK_ROOT not being set.
Check your console if:
[!] NDK_ROOT not defined. Please define NDK_ROOT in your environment or in local.properties
Check if you have set:
NDK_ROOT and SDK_ROOT in C/C++->Build->Environment
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→ 战地之王哪把狙击***最好?战地之王什么狙击***好?
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在战地之王中哪把狙击***最好呢?看到有很多朋友都在问这个问题。今天小编就为大家解读下战地之王里的狙击***。在***A中GP狙击***普及率最高的就是SV98。这把***性能稳定,无论你是新手、高手、还是老鸟都适合,威力也还不错,如果你追求威力的话,就改造一下***,加5威力,改造后就达到了100威力。但如果对手穿了二代甲,往往也是一***打不死,再补一手***,一般就死了。而且对于非RMB的玩家来说,SV98的确是不错的选择哦~GP狙击中,另外一把好***就是DSR-7。它的威力97,比未改造的SV98多两点威力,一***致死率也相当高,经过改造也可以达到100威力,但是连射精准度比SV98低,适合蹲守点用,高手一般用这***。 以上两个是半自动狙击。接下来要跟大家说的就是连狙了,在连狙中比较好的就是SNIPER HK417。这把***威力60,一般两***打哪都死,连射速度也是连狙中最快的。再有一把连狙就是IMI什么的,这把***威力是八十多,不过连射速度就比前者慢很多。A点***中,跟大家推荐下AWM(首选,改造后最高可达105威力)TPG-1、FR-F2(威力凑合,不如用DSR7)。另外有一个是已经绝版的,只能抽奖得到的***:英雄狙击 莫辛那甘(威力99,***A中精准度出奇的高,致死率也是一样)。AWM***改装也不超过十元,不开镜有准星,就是比较大而已,精准度也是非常的高,和SV98是两种感觉,如果你练过一两个月狙击的话,打长廊对狙几乎10发子弹能击中8***(最低)。AWM不改装威力是95,改造一个部位后,加10威力,也就达到了105威力。在ava中,除了巴雷特M82A3,AWM可谓是威力最高的一把狙击***了。其实狙的攻击数据都不真实,大家也没必要去看***的数据,以自己的感觉选择一把***。毕竟***只是一个工具,技术才是最重要的嘛~
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