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  Hello everyone,
  Storm confirmed today & Soviet T-54 Obr.1945 (Model 1945) first T-54 prototype tank will be the Soviet premium tier 8 medium tank instead of the LT-54 (which will become a tier 8 light tank).
  Storm在今天确认-苏联的T-54 1945年,也就是第一辆T-54的原型车将会代替轻型T-54(这货变8级LT了)成为S系8级金币车了。
  So, what IS this &Model 1945〃 then?
  Let&s have a look at some Russian sources on this. The history of the T-54 tank started in the Fall of 1944, when the Nizhny Tagil designers created as a &side project& a proposal for very strong modification of the T-44 medium tank, designed to further improve the protection and firepower of the T-44 while keeping the adequate level of mobility and terrain passability. The first documents and drawings were shown to the Tank Industry Comissariat in the last days of October 1944 and on 1st of November 1944, the comissar, V.A.Malyshev signed an order for the Plant No.183 to create a prototype.
  我们来看看一些俄罗斯的关于T-54 1945型的消息。T-54坦克的历史始于1944年秋季,
  This first project wariant still lacked many of the advanced features. It used the old transmission and old tracks, but despite that the first prototype went to trials in the beginning of 1945. In February 1945, first factory trials of the prototype took place. This new vehicle, in accordance with its purpose, was heavily armored. The frontal plate was 90mm thick (according to different source however, the frontal armor was 120mm thick), the sides were 75mm thick and the rear armor was from 35 to 45mm thick. The turret was sloped to the back somewhat and the driver&s hatch was in the sub-turret armor plate. This is the armor schematic from the alternative source:
  The 120mm armor is however mentioned more times, so it&s possible that that number is more likely. The frontal turret was either 160mm or 180mm thick (varied from prototype to prototype).


