思科二进制游戏Aspire beta 4这游戏怎...

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汇智教育 全面介绍网络技术必备的各种知识 包括技术和实战 多方面 多维度 网络视频Cisco vWLC: AIR_CTVM-K9_8_5_105_0.ova[付EVE中文导入教程]H3C 2017最新 根叔的种子 系列视频 第一季***42集+第二季18集 各种网络实用技巧视频HCNP无线视频HCNP-WLAN-POEW规划优化企业无线局域网络H12-322华为HCNP无线视频HCNP-WLAN-CEWA构建企业无线局域网络架构H12-321心得分享-脱产复习1周,905分已考过-历年真题~~计算机认证等级考试 三级网络技术视频学习+资料下载 综合题专项讲解,宝典细致无比~全国等级考试二级C语言考试视频教程226集 女老师全国认证等级考试编程认证1080p高清~2017年最新 雅图计算机二级视频课程 Excel函数视频5集 作业复习 邮件合并韩顺平j2ee视频教程.细说servlet视频教程 详细讲解 从新手变高手就差这个视频了2017年最新 韩老师教你学IT CCNA视频 综合案例设计+模拟器PacketTracer和GNS3想学真东西的戳我~泰克小美女 HCNP存储视频17集 认真讲解 夯实基础 最新华为视频
Cisco 模擬器 -- GNS3 Version 2.0.0 beta 4 has been released
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訊息來源:GUIUpdate pyqt5 from 5.7.1 to 5.8Drop from console view the show command not supported by 2.0Try to avoid segfault in some PyQT versionSupport for strike and underlineDo not use native font selector on mac it could crashUse a dedicated QNetwork manager for notificationFix a display error in console error messageUse signal for writting on console to avoid some potential segfaultFix a rare warningAdd more debug when we have an http errorDisable timeout on project openSupport for gvncviewerFix a rare crash in the file editor dialogFix a race condition when we display the errorFix an issue with invalid hostname detected as an IPV6When you update a a node from the node view send settings to controllerFix error when permission on the loaded image is brokenFix crash with invalid image file in appliance wizardFix error when loading an handmade appliance fileFix no error if your VNC client is not configuredAvoid high cpu usage when connection is lostSupport {name} in cloud templateFix text of the export dialogFix error message when a project is already openFix missing info in tooltip of ethernet switchThe server manage the vmname when we update the linked virtual box VMFix z value for textAvoid a segfault when display an errorAdd sata options in the appliance schemaFix a rare crash when exporting IOU configurationsAllow additionnal properties in registry filesFix a potential crash when a symbol is not foundStrip unused code for OVA support in the registryIncrease the timeout for killing local serverFix error when changing the layer of a drawing itemFix double click for open file on OSXAdd debug to see the arguments use to start the applicationPut the selected engine in the first position of the listboxFix rare crash with dynamipsFix rare crash in the progress dialogFix a rare crash in console viewFix crash when you drag a file inside GNS3
ServerLock aiohttp to 1.2.0 because 1.3 create bug with QtAvoid a crash in some conditions when reading the serial consoleDisallow export of project with VirtualBox linked cloneFix linked_clone property lost during topology convertCatch permission error when restoring a snapshotFix a rare crash when closing a projectFix error when you have error on your filesystem during project convertionCatch error when we can't access to a unix socketIf we can't resolve compute name return an error if you put an invalid key in node nameImprove a lot project loading speedFix a potential crashFix the server don't start if a remote is unavailableDo not crash if you pass {name} in nameFix import/export of dynamips configurationSimplify conversion process from 1.3 to 2.0Prevent corruption of VM in VirtualBox when using linked cloneFix creation of qemu imgFix rare race condition when stopping ubridgePrevent renaming of a running VirtualBox linked VMAvoid crash when you broke your system permissionsDo not crash when you broke permission on your file system during executionFix a crash when you broke permission on your file systemFix a rare race condition when exporting debug informationsDo not try to start the GNS3 VM if the name is noneFix version check for VPCSFix pcap for PPP link with IOUCorrect link are not connected to the correct ethernet switch port after conversionFix an error if you don't have permissions on your symbols directoryFix an error when converting some topologies from 1.3
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