《prisoner s dilemma's handboo...

As the Prisoners Literature Project powers through the rest of 2017, we wanted to highlight a couple of new pieces of art recently sent in to us.
As summer continues, the Prisoners Literature Project also continues to send out 200+ packages of books to needy U.S. prisoners weekly. Here’s some visual highlights.
We use your kindly donated money for postage for the 1000+ book packages we send to prisoners monthly. But the PLP has also been making strides in buying (discounted!) requested books.
The Prisoners Literature Project will have a table – selling remnant books & giving out bookmarks – at the San Francisco Zine Fest on September 3rd!
As the Prisoners Literature Project powers through the rest of 2017, we wanted to highlight a couple of new pieces of art recently sent in to us.
In case any of you were wondering – here’s what our space and volunteers look like on an average Sunday!
About the Prisoners Literature Project
The Prisoners Literature Project is an
that sends hundreds of free book packages to needy prisoners in the United States every month.
Please consider
(if you live in the Bay Area, CA!) to help our prison book program answer letters from prisoners who write us from all over the United States.
As the Prisoners Literature Project powers through the rest of 2017, we wanted to highlight a couple of new pieces of art recently sent in to us.
REMINDER: the Prisoners Literature Project is appearing at not one, not two, but THREE different Bay Area events over the next couple of weeks:
As summer continues, the Prisoners Literature Project also continues to send out 200+ packages of books to needy U.S. prisoners weekly. Here’s some visual highlights.
As the Prisoners Literature Project powers through the rest of 2017, we wanted to highlight a couple of new pieces of art recently sent in to us.
As the Prisoners Literature Project powers through the rest of 2017, we wanted to highlight a couple of new pieces of art recently sent in to us.
As the Prisoners Literature Project powers through the rest of 2017, we wanted to highlight a couple of new pieces of art recently sent in to us.
In case any of you were wondering – here’s what our space and volunteers look like on an average Sunday!
You can now support an independent book dealer — and the Prisoners Literature Project, too!《我是歌手》林志炫《Writing's On The Wall》|我是歌手_新浪视频
《我是歌手》林志炫《Writing's On The Wall》
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